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The authors interviewed older women in Alcoholics Anonymous to explore the participants' most beneficial and meaningful experiences in the program. Findings suggested that these women obtained unexpected social benefits from their participation. These benefits are examined through the framework of Carstensen's ( 1993 ) socioemotional selectivity theory.  相似文献   

The authors examined the subjective experience of well-being (WB) among abstinent Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) members and social perceptions of an abstinent alcoholic's WB among 3 nonalcoholic French-Canadian samples: male police officers, Catholic nuns, and university women. The short-term abstinent AA members, along with the university women, reported the lowest self-ratings of WB, whereas the Catholic nuns reported the highest. However, among the abstinent AA members, the level of WB was positively related to the length of abstention. The 3 nonalcoholic groups evaluated an abstinent AA member more positively than a nonabstinent alcoholic. These evaluations of an abstinent AA member converged with the AA members' self-evaluations on the measure of WB.  相似文献   

The bottoming‐out experience (BOE) is commonly considered the catalyst to sobriety. A phenomenological study was conducted to gain an understanding about this occurrence for alcoholics. Results indicated two distinct experiences: the BOE and the turning point.  相似文献   

The authors suggest that the mental health system of the nation could benefit by more fully embracing the idea of mutual-help (i.e., self-help), and this collaboration could be facilitated by the utilization of a well-established clinical theory to elucidate the psychological processes at work within mutual-help organizations. The processes of change of the transtheoretical model is offered as one potential framework. This well-established model has been used to help psychologists better understand clinical and professional phenemonena, but, to date, has been used less frequently with non-professional interventions. This article applies the ten processes of change of the transtheoretical model to mutual-help organizations, focusing on four groups, including Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Oxford House, GROW, and Schizophrenics Anonymous. The advantages of the transtheoretical model and its potential ability to act as a common language across clinical professionals and mutual-help organizations are discussed. In addition, advantages of bolstering the present mental health system using combinations of both forms of care along the recovery continuum are described.  相似文献   


The authors examined the subjective experience of well-being (WB) among abstinent Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) members and social perceptions of an abstinent alcoholic's WB among 3 nonalcoholic French-Canadian samples: male police officers, Catholic nuns, and university women. The short-term abstinent AA members, along with the university women, reported the lowest self-ratings of WB, whereas the Catholic nuns reported the highest. However, among the abstinent AA members, the level of WB was positively related to the length of abstention. The 3 nonalcoholic groups evaluated an abstinent AA member more positively than a nonabstinent alcoholic. These evaluations of an abstinent AA member converged with the AA members' self-evaluations on the measure of WB.  相似文献   

The first section of this article will provide the rationale for all occupational therapists to learn extensively about the isease of alcoholism regardless of area of practice or type of agency where employed. It will offer su estions on how this learning can take place. The second section will take an historic look at occupational therapy literature documenting the use of occupational therapy in alcoholism rehabilitation from 1941 to the present. It will describe modalities currently being used by occupational therapists in alcoholism rehabilitation and discuss expansion of occupational therapy in this practice area.  相似文献   

长期以来,在心理障碍治疗领域存在着心理治疗师与精神科医生的相互斗争,从协作的角度对心理治疗百年史进行回顾,认为百年心理治疗史实际上是心理医生与临床医生相互斗争走向协作的历史。这一过程可大致区分为自发、附属、斗争到整合四大阶段。就长远来看,在心理障碍的治疗中,这两类专业人员的相互配合是不可避免的。  相似文献   

Background: Attachment has increasingly received attention in psychotherapy and has been used as a predictor of process and outcome. Studies investigating changes of attachment styles during psychotherapy are very rare. Method: Forty women with either borderline (BPD) or avoidant personality disorders (AVPD), treated as inpatients, were investigated using an attachment interview (interpersonal relations assessment (IRA)), and questionnaires to determine therapy outcome at the beginning and after seven weeks of therapy. The IRA uses similar questions as the adult attachment interview (AAI) and is used as the basis for the adult attachment prototype rating (AAPR), a procedure to assign individuals to prototypical categories of attachment. Results: The study showed that the therapy in general was effective. In contrast to other studies, we did not find many women classified as secure at the end of their therapy. Comparisons of pre‐post‐ratings revealed instead that clients within both subgroups received higher ratings for the avoidant prototypes at the end of therapy, indicating deactivation of attachment. Changes from ambivalent to avoidant attachment were linked with better outcome among women with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Conclusions: This study adds further evidence to the result that attachment styles do not change dramatically during a time‐limited psychological treatment of personality disorder. Instead, the study showed that features of preoccupied/ambivalent attachment were less significant after seven weeks of therapy. For women with BPD, these changes were linked with a more favourable outcome which might reflect a more structured and deactivated attachment status as a result of inpatient therapy.  相似文献   


Cocaine addiction is associated with different cognitive functions. Error monitoring and inhibition of behaviour are of great significance, they are specifically relevant because of their connection with problems in decision making and relapse. The aim of this work is to not only study the deficits but also to see if recovery is possible after treatment and abstinence. We evaluated 23 participants with cocaine dependence and 23 control subject with a modification of the Eriksen Flanker Task. Participants with addiction showed lower scores than control subjects in congruent and incongruent conditions. As treatment time increased the number of correct responses improved, especially in post-error hits. We conclude that the processes of rehabilitation and detoxification could improve the ability to monitor errors and inhibiting behaviour.  相似文献   

Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) is characterized by negative beliefs and reactions to uncertainty. IU is present in emotional disorders and may be a mechanism of change in treatment . There are two components of IU, prospective and inhibitory IU, that may be differentially associated with outcome. The current study tested associations between pre- and post-treatment changes in the components of IU, symptoms of anxiety and depression, and treatment outcome in a large diagnostically heterogeneous partial hospital sample. Results suggested that social anxiety disorder was associated with greater pre-treatment prospective and inhibitory IU scores than those without the diagnosis. Results also showed that inhibitory IU predicted change in anxiety and depression symptoms and prospective IU and depression reductions predicted improvements in overall psychological health and psychological inflexibility. Only change in depression predicted improvement in interpersonal relationships throughout treatment. Clinical and theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This report presents the results of a 7-year prospective outcome study designed to examine the psychosocial changes during and after therapy among 25 outpatients suffering from personality disorders and psychoses. The therapeutic approach was based mainly on object relations theory and psychodynamic self-psychology, and focused in particular on affect consciousness, parental images, self-image and interpersonal relations. Twenty patients completed the form which measured psychosocial changes during therapy, and 21 persons participated at follow-up. The data show statistically significant changes in the capacity to tolerate intimate relationships and actually establish such relationships, improved quality of contact in relationships with friends, a general raising of socioeconomic status and reduced use of ordinary health and social services. Both the global psychosocial outcome at follow-up as measured by HSRS and the general level of symptoms measured by SCL-90 suggest that 76% of the sample had reached a level of psychosocial functioning and adaptation that can be defined as “no-caseness”.  相似文献   

The aim was to study whether patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia and co-occurring Cluster C traits would respond differently regarding change in interpersonal problems as part of their personality functioning when receiving two different treatment modalities. Two cohorts of patients were followed through three months' in-patient treatment programs and assessed at follow-up one year after end of treatment. The one cohort comprised 18 patients treated with "treatment as usual" according to psychodynamic principles, the second comprised 24 patients treated in a cognitive agoraphobia and schema-focused therapy program. Patients in the cognitive condition showed greater improvement in interpersonal problems than patients in the treatment as usual condition. Although this quasi-experimental study has serious limitations, the results may indicate that agoraphobic patients with Cluster C traits should be treated in cognitive agoraphobia and schema-focused programs rather than in psychodynamic treatment as usual programs in order to reduce their level of interpersonal problems.  相似文献   

Objective: This paper concerned the perceived suffering/side effects caused by various well-known treatments for personal problems. It looked at whether people understood whether potentially painful treatments that confront negative aversive affect were effective or not.

Method: In total, 106 participants completed a long questionnaire assessing the ‘psychological pain’ ratings of 30 psychotherapy treatments, varying in fear exposure, for four relatively common anxiety disorders: social phobia, agoraphobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive compulsive disorder.

Results: Factor analytic results revealed four clear factors underlying lay efficacy beliefs of psychotherapy interventions, varying in fear exposure: talking therapies, fear confrontation, fear avoidance, and alternative therapies. Talking therapies were rated the most effective across all disorders, but also the most painful. Fear avoidance therapies were rated the least effective and, along with alternative medicine, the least painful. Treatments involving fear exposure were rated the most painful. Regression analysis revealed talking therapies to be rated more efficacious by younger subjects than older subjects.

Conclusion: Most people seem able to differentiate between the efficacies of interventions for different anxiety disorders and hold consensually held optimistic conceptions about the usefulness of psychotherapy treatments and counseling that involve fear exposure, despite knowledge of the psychophysical side effects that these therapies often entail. They favored talking cures over others, but that may have been due to misleading items in the questionnaire.  相似文献   

Systemic therapy (ST) is one of the most widely applied psychotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of children and adolescents, yet few systematic reviews exist on the efficacy of ST with this age group. Parallel to a similar study on adults, a systematic review was performed to analyze the efficacy of ST in the treatment of children and adolescents. All randomized or matched controlled trials (RCT) evaluating ST in any setting with child and adolescent index patients were identified by database searches and cross‐references, as well as in existing meta‐analyses and reviews. Inclusion criteria were: index patient diagnosed with a DSM‐IV or ICD‐10 listed psychological disorder, or suffering from other clinically relevant conditions, and trial published by December 2011. Studies were analyzed according to their sample, research methodology, interventions applied, and results at end‐of‐treatment and at follow‐up. This article presents findings for internalizing and mixed disorders. Thirty‐eight trials were identified, with 33 showing ST to be efficacious for the treatment of internalizing disorders (including mood disorders, eating disorders, and psychological factors in somatic illness). There is some evidence for ST being also efficacious in mixed disorders, anxiety disorders, Asperger disorder, and in cases of child neglect. Results were stable across follow‐up periods of up to 5 years. Trials on the efficacy of ST for externalizing disorders are presented in a second article. There is a sound evidence base for the efficacy of ST as a treatment for internalizing disorders of child and adolescent patients.  相似文献   

This research compares the way in which various group structural models affect self-understanding, interpersonal relationships and catharsis in hospitalized patients with borderline personality disorders. Each of the models is characterized by a different combination of group focus and leadership style. Three psychotherapy groups were chosen as paradigms: the dynamic psychotherapy group; the therapeutic games group, and psychodrama group. Sixty three inpatients with borderline personality disorders participated in the study. The one-way ANOVA yielded significant differences between the group models. Results of the post-hoc t-test showed that the dynamic and the games groups were perceived by the patients as more beneficial than psychodrama.  相似文献   

Being a child of an alcoholic (COA) is neither a diagnosis nor a psychosocial death sentence. Neither alcoholic families nor COAs are monolithic. A variety of factors converge in developmental trajectories resulting in diverse individual outcomes. Supportive relationships with non-substance using parents and siblings and appropriate levels of parentification all may enable a significant proportion of COAs to enjoy high self-esteem, lack of problematic substance use, and good adaptive capability. Therapists and clients should refrain from looking at COAs through a deficit framework and instead should look for evidence of relational resilience in alcoholic families of origin. Such strengths-based assessments will increase therapeutic leverage with COAs seeking treatment for a range of presenting problems.  相似文献   

K. Helmut Reich 《Zygon》1998,33(1):113-120
This essay is an introduction to systematic nonsectarian psychology of religion—its nature and scope, and its history. Among major issues, the study of motivation for being religious and stages of religious development are discussed, as well as counseling and psychotherapy. I summarize current trends.  相似文献   

In this paper I ask whether there might be any one particular psychopathology likely to be linked specifically with the physical illness known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), and whether CFS/ME aids and abets and 'fits' an original mental state. I think the question cannot yet be answered. However it is my hypothesis that in some personality structures the onset of CFS/ME following a physical illness exacerbates negativity and is an aspect of ordinary depression where there is a lowering of energy levels and a loss of zest for life, or it may reveal the pathological aspect of unresolved rage.
Depending on the degree of pathological disturbance, working with and through the rage may or may not result in a resolution of the symptoms of ME. In this paper I consider some of the problems in the transference and countertransference relationship, which make it extremely difficult to separate out reality from phantasy. There is then the further problem of the denial of the psyche by the patient as part of the violence inherent in the illness.
One case is presented, an example of ME in a borderline male patient in whom resolution could not be achieved.  相似文献   

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