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As a personologist who utilized both the Freudian, psychoanalytic account of psychological development and functioning and the Jewish mystical and Kabbalistic understanding of the soul's redemption from evil, David Bakan offers to Christian theologians a rich perspective from which to re-think the soteriology of the cross.  相似文献   

This study examines the process of unifying consciousness as described in the Christian mystical tradition and in the psychological treatment of dissociative identity disorder (DID). A comparison of the experience of the self in the contemplative and the DID patient is also undertaken to emphasize points of continuity. The present analysis proposes that differentiating first-order dissociation (separation from a divine being or source) from second-order dissociation (separation from parts of one's own self and experiences) can preserve the insights gathered from both spiritual and psychological perspectives.  相似文献   

The article explores the relationship between mysticism and creativity from a psychoanalytic perspective. First, it first surveys prominent psychoanalytic perspectives on mysticism and creativity, situating British psychoanalyst Marion Milner among them. Milner suggests that the same psychological processes are involved in both creative expression and mystical experiences. A state of paradox, affirming both I and not-I, self and no-self, is at the core of mysticism. Similarly, for Milner the paradox of creativity is to break down the barrier of space between self and other while maintaining it. Second, the idea that mystics and artists share a common basic experience is investigated. In both mystical and creative states one finds elements of joy, union, ecstasy, absorption, loss of self-consciousness, and loss of sense of time. Milner's discussion in turn revolves around the I-not-I distinction. She posits that mysticism is one dimension of the creative process-in contrast to the pure oceanic feeling of the mystic, the creative process is constituted by the oceanic state in cyclic oscillation with the surface mind, actively used with the intent to produce something. Third, the relevance of mysticism and creativity for mental health is explored. For Milner, both creativity and mystical experiences are psychologically beneficial in that they undo the overfixed separation self and other caused by the tyranny of the conscious mind. Yet neither mysticism nor creative expression alone, in her view, can heal an underlying lack of sense of self.  相似文献   

Kohut’s theory of the nuclear self and of the two poles of the grandiose self and the idealizing parental imago show clearly the psychological motivations that molded Lee Yong Do’s life and mysticism. Lee’s grandiose and exhibitionistic personality was created by his disturbed family background and reflected the fragmentation in his nuclear self that he attempted to cure by depending on the archaic symbols of power and grandiosity. However, his religious experiences—in particular, his mystical experiences—functioned as a selfobject providing narcissistic balance and altering the structure of his nuclear self. This was possible because of his redefinition of the concepts of strength and power through religious experiences that made him give up a false sense of self-sufficiency.  相似文献   

Kabbalah long has been appreciated for its mystical aspects. What has been less valued are its psychological implications. Almost alone in its formulation of a Jewish theology, Kabbalah has concerned itself with an exploration of the human Self. The Kabbalists claimed that their teachings could provide people with the power to overcome their earthly fears and desires and to summon the inner strength with which to free their souls from those alien forces inherited from nature. The Kabbalistic reality model would supply them with the power to transcend the pull of their earthly natures. In this paper, I explain the Kabbalistic teachings of the Four Worlds, the Five Souls and the Sefirot, and through the use of an original Meta Model Diagram and its Universal Themes I explore the psychological implications of Kabbalah.  相似文献   

Moshe Idel 《Jewish History》2004,18(2-3):197-226
Medieval Jewish mysticism was a multiform project in which Maimonides played different roles, for different mystical streams, and at different times. Maimonides' impact on Kabbalah was such that understanding the histories of both medieval Jewish philosophy and mysticism requires a more integrative approach than is usually adopted. The investigation into the activities of Abraham Abulafia as Maimonidean commentator and publicist undertaken here illustrates this point.  相似文献   

刘精忠 《世界宗教研究》2011,(2):127-137,194
马丁·布伯的宗教哲学建构深受犹太教哈西德主义神秘范式的影响。后者近代从被动的律法主义向积极的信仰主义倾向创新与转换意义重大。通过脱胎于哈西德主义神秘范式之上的"我—你"对话哲学,布伯的宗教存在主义哲学不仅从信仰向度上实现了对传统西方哲学认识论的超越,同时也在对人之"生活世界"的强调中,实现了积极行动意义上的宗教普世主义关怀。与此同时,这一哲学建构本身的内在理路亦体现了现代犹太思想哲学化重构过程中与生俱来的悖论性。  相似文献   

Vingiano's (1992) challenge concerning the relationship between right hemisphericity, low self-esteem, mystical experiences, and religiosity can be clarified by the concept of vectorial hemisphericity. Ontogenetic intrusions of right-hemispheric processes into the left hemispheric sense of self should be experienced most frequently as an apprehensive "presence" that results in lower self-esteem. Because transient above-normal left-hemispheric activity enhances positive affect and the sense of self, concurrent right-hemispheric intrusions are experienced as mystical experiences. Religiosity would be the consequence of persistent above-normal left-temporofrontal activation that encourages the delusion. Hence, extreme conditions, such as left lateralized temporal-lobe epileptic foci, encourage both mystical and religious experiences.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that while women experience unique challenges with self‐esteem and self‐acceptance, Jewish professional women in Israel face additional challenges in balancing majority culture values, ethnic traditions, and the socio‐historical‐political context of the country. The present study investigated differences in masculinity, femininity, locus of control, self‐esteem, and self‐acceptance among Israeli Jewish and other professional women, including professional women scientists. Masculinity scores were significantly lower for Israeli Jewish women, and self‐acceptance scores were significantly lower for Israeli Jewish women than for the group of professional women.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a peace education program facilitated by the ‘parents circle family forum.’ The program aims to expose Jewish and Palestinian-Arab adolescents to personal stories of bereavement as a result of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. One hundred and sixty-four Jewish twelfth-grade adolescents from schools throughout Israel filled out questionnaires before the start of the educational program, and 135 Jewish adolescents filled out the same questionnaire up to a week after it ended. Questionnaires included empathy, anger, and legitimacy toward ‘self’ and ‘others’ narratives. Results indicate that, overall, there were not any significant differences before and after the educational program with regard to adolescents’ attitudes toward ‘self’ and ‘others’ narratives. However, when examining differences between subgroups in Israeli society, significant differences between ‘secular’ and ‘traditional’ adolescents emerged. The attitudes of secular adolescents favored narratives of the ‘others,’ while the attitudes of the traditional adolescents favored the ‘self’ narratives. After the program, these differences diminished, meaning that the program had a different impact on each subgroup. The traditional adolescents became more favorable to the ‘others’ narratives, while the secular adolescents became more favorable to their own narratives. Results are discussed on the basis of the theoretical foundation of psychological impacts of intractable conflicts.  相似文献   

Byron L. Sherwin 《Zygon》2007,42(1):133-144
The legend of the golem, the creation of life through mystical and magical means, is the most famous postbiblical Jewish legend. After noting recent references to the golem legend in fiction, film, art, and scientific literature, I outline three stages of the development of the legend, including its relationship to the story of Frankenstein. I apply teachings about the golem in classical Jewish religious literature to implications of the legend for ethical issues relating to bioengineering, reproductive biotechnology, robotics, artificial intelligence, artificial life, and corporate ethics. The golem legend emerges as a source of prudent guidance through the minefield of ethical and spiritual problems emerging from current and expected developments in biotechnology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the contributions of attachment, separation, and Jewish identity to psychological well-being in a sample of 115 late adolescent Jewish women. Results from multiple regression analyses demonstrated that attachment to parents, separation from parents, and Jewish identity collectively accounted for variance in psychological distress, as measured by anxiety, depression, self-esteem problems, and interpersonal problems. Thus, late adolescent Jewish women's psychological functioning may be fostered by therapeutic interventions addressing their relationships with parents and Jewish identity.  相似文献   

To test whether emotional empathy is linked to altered perceptions of self in relation to other and/or context, participants read one of two tragic news stories and then completed a self-report empathy measure, as well as an abridged version of Hood's (1975) Mysticism scale either before or after the article. Exposure to a needy other in the story tended to result in greater self-reported mystical experience. Men with a history of mystical experience reported more empathy, but the latter was disconnected from on-line reports of mystical experience. Women's history of mystical experience did not predict empathic responding overall, but their reported empathy was linked to on-line experiences of oneness, absorption into something larger, and space-time distortion with imputed religious significance. Directions for future research, including the possible facilitative role of oxytocin, are discussed.  相似文献   

《Psychoanalytic Inquiry》2012,32(3):246-256
This article posits distinction–union tendencies as parts of one structure, a kind of DNA/RNA of psychic life, co-tendencies that play organizing roles in culture and in individuals. The work of these tendencies are traced in clinical experience, psychoanalytic theory (Matte-Blanco, Bion, Balint, and Winnicott), physics (David Bohm), culture, and mystical experience (Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist). Further explorations are suggested.  相似文献   

Mysticism is a heightened awareness facilitating intuitive knowledge of group realities. In contrast to logical positivism, in which scientific knowledge consists of logic applied to a set of observations, the author holds that mystical awareness is pertinent to the conduct of therapy groups. The work of Bion, and also so-called "structuralist" theories, postulate pre-given templates that inform experience. The application of mystical thought to group consultation, leadership, and transformation of the self is discussed. The group context which allows for mystical experience is called the "sacred space." To emphasize the sacredness of the group, a kabbalist parallel to early development and projective identification is used to show how sacred metaphor and myth can enrich interpretation in groups.  相似文献   

Associations between mysticism and madness have been made since earliest recorded history, and the striking resemblance between self-reports of both mystical and psychotic experience suggests that similar psychological processes may be involved in their occurrence. By exploring the similarities, and proposing a common element to mystical and psychotic experience (referred to here as the experience of “oneness”), this paper aims to place mysticism and madness onto the same experiential continuum. However, in contrast to much of the previous literature, the intention is not to pathologize mystical experience, but rather to normalize psychotic experience. The paper argues not only that the experience of oneness is entirely genuine and available to all humans, but also that it has an important psychological (and evolutionary) function. Using cognitive terminology, it then attempts to explain the processes determining whether an individual enjoys a fulfilling mystical experience, or suffers a debilitating psychotic breakdown (i.e., how “oneness” is experienced). Finally, this paper turns to look at some of the important implications such an approach might have for clinical practice and for the mental health of people in general.  相似文献   

Spirituality and the Self explores how a mystical experience playing basketball led to a metamorphosis that transformed, expanded and unbound the author's sense of self.  相似文献   

The Swedish sociologist Tornstam perceives old age as the peak of human maturation whose favorable culmination is gerotranscendence. The latter is characterized by breaking out of one's finite existence and uniting with a greater world with respect to past, present, and future. Tornstam relates to gerotranscendent roots in Eastern cultures; this study will examine how gerotranscendence finds expression in Jewish sources. Varied Jewish texts speak to how the wisdom that accrues from life experience enables one to rise above physical decline and enrich relationships via self, fellow man, and cosmos. Three major biblical exemplars of gerotranscendors are depicted: Abraham, focusing on limitless giving to fellow man; Isaac, overcoming psychological barriers of past paternal disappointments; and Jacob uniting with his children and grandchildren through the blessing that becomes a legacy for perpetuating the future of the nation. Practical applications of the study for more meaningful aging are discussed.  相似文献   

Jung's use of Kabbalistic symbols and ideas as well as his personal Kabbalistic vision are critically examined. It is argued that as great as Jung's acknowledged affinity is to the Kabbalah, his unacknowledged relationship was even greater. Jung has been accused of being a contemporary Gnostic; however, the interpretations Jung placed on Gnosticism and the texts Jung referred to on alchemy were profoundly Kabbalistic, so much so that one would be more justified in calling the Jung of the Mysterium Coniunctionis and other late works a Kabbalist in contemporary guise. Although Jung, at least during the 1930s, appears to have had powerful motives that limited his receptivity to Jewish ideas, his highly ambivalent and at times reproachable attitude toward Judaism should not prevent one from appreciating the affinities between Jungian psychology and Jewish mystical thought.  相似文献   

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