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This paper outlines an unconventional treatment for mental illness, the exorcism or deliverance ritual used by Pentecostals and some other charismatic Christians. Deliverance beliefs and practices are based on the assumption that both mental and physical ills result from possession of the sufferer by demons, and are to be treated by the expulsion of those demons. Deliverance practitioners claim to treat schizophrenia, ADHD, and Reactive Attachment Disorder, and believe that these problems are related to sins either of the person in treatment or of an ancestor. Clinicians and counsellors dealing with clients who partially or completely espouse deliverance beliefs may need to understand their worldviews and to discuss their belief system before managing to engage them in conventional mental health treatments. Unusual ethical problems may also be met in the course of such work.  相似文献   

The present studies sought to investigate the mapping relations between language and cognition by focusing on how Mandarin-speaking children acquire the mapping between their conceptual knowledge of possession and their linguistic expressions of possession. Two experiments were conducted. Experiment 1 used a comprehension task to explore whether young children are able to map their knowledge of possessive constructions onto their interpretation of possessive relations. Experiment 2 employed a production task to examine whether they are able to map their knowledge of possessive relations onto their linguistic expressions of possession. The findings were that 4-year-olds exhibited correct comprehension and production of possessive DE constructions, indicating that by age 4, Mandarin-speaking children have already established the mapping between their conceptual knowledge of possession and their linguistic expressions of possession. By contrast, 3-year-olds exhibited response patterns that suggest a developmental stage where they use noun–noun compounds to represent possessive relations before they map possessive relations onto possessive constructions.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is typically a life-long condition characterized by acute symptom exacerbations and widely varying degrees of functional disability. Some of its symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations, produce great subjective psychological pain. The most common delusion types are as follows: “My feelings and movements are controlled by others in a certain way” and “They put thoughts in my head that are not mine.” Hallucinatory experiences are generally voices talking to the patient or among themselves. Hallucinations are a cardinal positive symptom of schizophrenia which deserves careful study in the hope it will give information about the pathophysiology of the disorder. We thought that many so-called hallucinations in schizophrenia are really illusions related to a real environmental stimulus. One approach to this hallucination problem is to consider the possibility of a demonic world. Demons are unseen creatures that are believed to exist in all major religions and have the power to possess humans and control their body. Demonic possession can manifest with a range of bizarre behaviors which could be interpreted as a number of different psychotic disorders with delusions and hallucinations. The hallucination in schizophrenia may therefore be an illusion—a false interpretation of a real sensory image formed by demons. A local faith healer in our region helps the patients with schizophrenia. His method of treatment seems to be successful because his patients become symptom free after 3 months. Therefore, it would be useful for medical professions to work together with faith healers to define better treatment pathways for schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The endowment effect suggests that people become attached to objects that are in their possession, and they demand a higher price to sell an object they own than they would be willing to pay to buy the same object. The results of four experiments support the suggestion that “possession attachment” is related to adult attachment styles in close relationships. Measures of attachment style in close relationships significantly predicted both actual and hypothetical selling prices moderating the endowment effect (Study 1), and significantly correlate with ratings of possession attachment (Study 2). Specifically, attachment anxiety is positively correlated with the selling prices of objects, while attachment avoidance shows no significant relation with object evaluation. The third and fourth experimental studies further demonstrated that attachment anxiety enhances possession evaluation and inhibits trades. The studies used real commodities and real money, and therefore, they have implications for everyday decisions as well as for the development of theories to better understand decisions about trades, negotiations, and choice of goods. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Little is known about the actions supporting exploration and their relation to subsequent actions in situations when participants are surrounded by opportunities for action. Here, the movements that support visual exploration were related to performance in an enveloping football (soccer) passing task. Head movements of experienced football players were quantified with inertial measurement units. In a simulated football scenario, participants completed a receiving–passing task that required them to indicate pass direction to one of four surrounding targets, as quickly as they could after they gained simulated ball possession. The frequency of head movements before and after gaining ball possession and the pass response times were recorded. We controlled exploration time—the time before gaining simulated ball possession—to be 1, 2, or 3?seconds. Exploration time significantly influenced the frequency of head movements, and a higher frequency of head turns before gaining ball possession resulted in faster pass responses. Exploratory action influenced subsequent performatory action. That is, higher frequencies of head movements resulted in faster decisions. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The archetype is not evoked by will; it appears in a situation which demands compensation (spontaneous archetypal intervention). Religion calls such happenings “God's will.” A situation may present one with illness or endanger one's life. Consciousness finds this state overwhelming. Even people who boast no particular religious belief find themselves forced involuntarily to give way to prayer: that is, the archetype of a helpful being is constellated producing at the last moment a turn which is felt to be miraculous

C. G. Jung A letter (modified), written February 1960, in Spring, 1961.

It appears almost incredible to us that late into the 18th century it should have been possible that emotional confusions and erotic abberations of phantasy were brought in relation to demons and witchcraft. States of “ possession,” “obsession” or certain types of “imagination,” but above all “anaestesia,” the stigma diaboli par excellence, mutism, sleep-walking and convulsive states. were all condemned as the work of demons

Liliane Frey-Rohn from The Beginning of Depth Psychology  相似文献   


One hundred subjects were asked to rate themselves and others whom they had known for at least six months on the possession of four traits: Stinginess, Stubborness, Messiness, and Bashfulness. From these ratings it was determined whether or not the subjects possessed insight into their own personalities, with regard to these four traits. Information was then given to the subjects indicating to them their “true” possession of the traits. For those without insight, this information was dissonant. A second rating showed that those subjects receiving dissonant information responded to the dissonance by increasing their projection of that trait to others. These results supported the hypotheses that projection was due to a lack of insight, and that dissonance is reduced by increases in projection.  相似文献   

Children can identify owners either by seeing a person in possession of an object (a visual cue) and inferring that they are the owner or by hearing testimony about a claim of ownership (a verbal cue). A total of 391 children between 2.5 and 6years of age were tested in three experiments assessing how children identify owners when these two cues are in conflict. Children were presented with stories using two dolls and a toy. One doll possessed the toy, and children were told that the toy was either the possessor's or the nonpossessor's. Two forms of ownership statement were used: a third-person statement, "That is Billy's ball", and a first-person statement by one of the dolls, "That is my ball". The results show that by 4years of age, children prioritize the verbal statements as a more reliable cue to ownership than physical possession. Younger children did not prioritize possession over the verbal cue to ownership but rather gave mixed responses. These results are discussed in terms of children's social experience outside of the home and their acceptance of testimony in other domains.  相似文献   

This paper explores women’s experiences of marriage, stress, and spirit possession in the context of healing shrines. It is based on ethnographic fieldwork in three Mahanubhav temples in Maharashtra (western India). Women’s narratives emphasized the tensions and conflicts they experience in relation to marriage. These accounts about family stress were not just empirical accounts of stress but narrative devices that legitimize women’s stay in the temple. Thus, in referring to the temple as the “natal home”, women seek to access their privilege to periodically visit the temple “just as” they would visit the natal home. By making available to women alternative spaces and subject positions, these narratives of spirit possession and marriage emerge as powerful expressions of women’s agency.  相似文献   

Research suggests that older consumers hope to transfer their cherished possessions, bundled with their carefully edited personal history, to younger family members. Further, researchers have found that older consumers worry that their younger loved ones will not care about these cherished, transferred possessions. Using a random, national US sample, this research investigates these findings, examining the pervasiveness of some of the most common themes emanating from previous naturalistic investigations, thus broadening our understanding of intergenerational possession transfers. Findings indicate that many of the key themes in intergenerational possession transfers conducted in naturalistic investigations can be generalized to a majority of the adult population in the US. That is, in this random, national US sample, a majority of respondents report: that they hope their loved ones will care about their cherished possessions, that they plan to pass their family possessions on to subsequent generations, and that their familial possessions reflect their family identity. Findings also indicate that this was significant among all adult age groups, and that females value cherished possessions more than males. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Imagine I hold up a Granny Smith apple for all to see. You would thereby gain justified beliefs that it was green, that it was apple, and that it is a Granny Smith apple. Under classical foundationalism, such simple visual beliefs are mediately justified on the basis of reasons concerning your experience. Under dogmatism, some or all of these beliefs are justified immediately by your experience and not by reasons you possess. This paper argues for what I call the looks view of the justification of simple visual beliefs. According to the looks view, such beliefs are mediately justified on the basis of reasons concerning how the relevant things look. Unlike under classical foundationalism, under the looks view as I develop it, these reasons are public. They are public with respect to both their content and possession: with respect to content, they are not about ourselves and our experiences, and with respect to their possession, many people can have the very same looks‐related reasons.  相似文献   

Seventeen pre-delinquent, 17 mixed psychiatric, and 17 normal adolescents and their parents were compared for the possession of certain personality traits traditionally classified as masculine or feminine. The parents were also compared in regard to the characteristics they expected their sons to possess. The main findings centered around three personality traits that differentiated the adolescents, and also between the expectations of both the mothers and fathers. In general, the parents of the normal adolescents expected their sons to be more achieving, dominating, and enduring than the parents of the other adolescents, which is consistent in regard to the personality traits that differentiated the adolescents from each other. The results suggest that the possession of certain traits, such as dominance and endurance, appear to be important for adequate functioning in adolescent males.  相似文献   

This research examines the long‐term ability of the consumers’ need for uniqueness measure to predict consumers’ valued possessions, shopping behaviors, and experiences. Consumers’ need for uniqueness reflects individual differences in counterconformity motivation (i.e., the pursuit of differentness relative to others) that is manifest in consumer responses. This research reports on 2 longitudinal assessments of the scale's predictive validity using data collected at 4 stages from a consumer mail‐survey sample. One year following initial responses to the trait measure, respondents participated in a second survey in which they photographed and rank ordered their valued possessions. In a third survey, the photographs served as cues to obtain responses to ratings of possession benefits and to questions regarding acquisition of the possession. Overall, the results support a number of hypotheses regarding the relation of consumers’ need for uniqueness to salient possession benefits, types of goods comprising consumers’ valued possessions, and shopping behaviors associated with acquiring valued possessions. Two years following initial responses to the trait measure, members of the consumer mail panel completed a fourth survey, indicating their participation in various uniqueness‐enhancing consumer activities. Results support the stability and predictive validity of the measure over the 2‐year period. Because the design of possessions and endorsed uniqueness‐enhancing activities considered in the consumer mail panel studies varied across individuals, an additional study was conducted that demonstrated the scale's ability to predict individuals’ counterconformity responses to the same choice situation.  相似文献   

This naturalistic study examined the relationships between possession episodes and other social behaviors. Twenty children were observed in 240 social interactions that occurred during free play in their preschool classroom. The interactions were analyzed for behaviors related to possession, affiliation, prosociability, and aggression. The findings suggest that possession episodes are positively associated with agonistic behaviors and negatively related to positive social responses both situationally and dispositionally. First, disputes following possession claims frequently resulted in the termination or disruption of the social interaction. Moreover, a comparison between children's behaviors in interactions that contained a possession episode and in those that did not revealed that more aggression and fewer prosocial and affiliative behaviors occurred in the possession interactions. Second, in an analysis of individual social patterns, children who frequently engaged in possession disputes engaged in more aggressive actions and fewer affiliative ones than did their less possession-oriented classmates.  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders academic representations of religious phenomena that have been called New Age through contextualised comparison of social practice and discourse. This challenges both the replication of emic models of a New Age in terms that are abstract, classed and racialised, and the way in which the New Age is represented as a social phenomenon unrelated to other contemporary religious forms throughout the world. By identifying spirit possession as a central practice within what is called ‘non-formative religion’, comparisons are drawn with Pentecostalism and Shamanism, documenting their growth under common conditions of neoliberal globalisation across the world. To examine reasons for such resurgence, attention is drawn to what is called the ‘means of possession’: the social contexts in which possession occurs and is controlled. The ambiguity by which control of the means of possession is exercised is explored in terms of a broader social context in which self-authority is both denied and demanded.  相似文献   

The impact of Veracity, Suspicion (weak or strong) and Strategy (making up a story or using past experiences) on Reality Monitoring (RM) scores was examined. A total of 158 undergraduate students were interviewed twice about the possession of an object. In one interview they were asked to lie, and in the other to tell the truth (Veracity factor). In both conditions, suspicion was raised in the second half of the interview: Participants were accused of lying by the interviewer and asked to repeat their account (Raised Suspicion factor). At the end of the interview participants were asked whether their lies were totally made up or whether they described an event that they had experienced previously (Strategy factor). Results revealed that truth tellers and liars' speech differed from each other in accordance with RM theory, even when the interviewer was suspicious and even when liars fabricated a story by describing events that they had previously experienced. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Possession is a powerful and surprisingly prevalent belief system in many parts of the developing world. In India it is common for many reasons—isolation, illiteracy, polyglotism, lack of an adequate medical infrastructure, a need for hope. Possession, and the practice of exorcism, is more than just an explanatory system based on superstition and folk lore. It is also an important social structure and force that allows the integration of the sick into the community of the well, and facilitates a first albeit tentative step from the local community to the medical community. In many parts of India, health care delivery as well as social organization is through the practice of possession. Thus, the role and power of possession needs to be appreciated if one seeks to affect health care delivery in India, and further possession should be appreciated if one seeks to better understand how some of its forces might in fact be curative.  相似文献   

本研究分别在中国和日本对一岁半到二岁半的婴儿进行自然观察,分析了婴儿之间围绕着某些资源而发生的交涉行为和交换性行为的发生过程及其发展上特点。主要结果有①中日婴儿到2岁左右时开始出现交涉行为和交换性行为,但在该年龄阶段并不占有主导地位。②该年龄阶段婴儿的交换性行为还不能说是完整意义上的交换,属于“前交换行为”。③对于获得对方的东西来说,该年龄阶段婴儿的交涉行为和交换性行为并不是很有效的方式。④我们进行观察的中国幼儿园托儿班的婴儿其交涉行为和交换性行为的出现早于日本保育园的婴儿,但从交涉行为出现的比例来看,日本婴儿采用交涉行为的倾向比中国婴儿更明显。  相似文献   

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