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With successive free recall lists primacy items are usually among the first to be reported on the initial list. Recency items will then take over and be first reported on later lists. This retrieval shift was studied under varied list conditions designed to counteract ordinary position effects, and proved to be a stable and resistent effect. One experiment had subjects practice on five different free recall lists over three trials, and the results agreed with the hypothesis that primacy reduction is caused by proactive interference rather than by the primacy to recency report shift. Experiments of the usual one-session laboratory type have consistently failed to show practice effects on serial lists with incompatible spatial and temporal order cues. In a case study of five subjects examined over a period of three months only slight improvement on single-trial lists was observed. However, when naive subjects were given four successive trials with the same type of cue-conflict list, prominent practice effects were easily demonstrated. Observations confirmed the assumption that repeated presentations of items located in middle list positions may counteract the privilege of primacy and recency positions. When repetitions were made within contracting and expanding lists, the results proved that active anchoring, making itself visible as primacy effects, is feasible with contracting lists but difficult with expanding lists. Active performance of list learning strategies generally results in primacy effects; whereas passive shortcut procedures, in learning and retrieval of information, produce recency effects. Predominant recency effects are symptoms of difficult task situations only partially mastered by the learner; primacy effects point to more successful elaboration. Overall, serial position effects do not seem to be due to structural memory stores so much as to the working of cognitive strategy factors. A problem-solving theory was presented as an alternative to information-processing models of serial learning and memory.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the effects of list postion, and retention-interval in recognition for two distinct stimulus categories in young adults. Stimulus categories were spatial abstract patterns and words presented on a computer screen. At short delay intervals recency effects predominates and at longer delay intervals a primacy effect predominates in both experiments, indicating similar basic memory processes producing the serial position functions for the two different categories of visual stimuli, but as length of retention-interval increases, memory for first list items improves for words and remains constant for abstract patterns. Recency functions are similar for both stimulus categories tested.  相似文献   

Seven experiments, all focused on serial position phenomena, showed the usual primacyrecency pattern to be easily disrupted. The theoretical assumption that learning operations lose power as a function of continuous use was refuted on empirical grounds. Repeated observations revealed how difficult it is to represent spatial series on the basis of randomized temporal inputs. A two-stage interpretation of serial learning was claimed to be compatible with the experimental findings: Stage I involves item differentiation, Stage II integration of the differentiated items.  相似文献   

Memory for lists of items was tested in rats (N = 18) in an 8-arm radial maze. In Experiment 1 trials consisted of a study phase, in which the rat could freely choose five arms to obtain a food reward, and a test phase in which the animal was presented with a choice between a novel and a previously visited arm. The rat received additional food reinforcement only when visiting the novel arm. The two phases of a trial were separated by a retention interval of 30 sec or of 4, 16 or 60 min. It was found that recall of the five free arm choices was related to the serial position of the previously visited arm. There was a significant recency effect at the 30-sec delay. With longer retention intervals this disappeared, and a significant primacy effect could be observed. In Experiment 2 the same animals were given forced arm entries during the study phase and delays of 30 sec or 4 or 16 min before the test phase. Again, there was a trend towards a recency effect after the shorter delays and a significant primacy effect after the 16-min interval. These results show that, in the recall of lists of spatial items, rats have serial position curves with primacy and recency effects, depending on the length of the retention interval.  相似文献   

Memory for the position of an object is biased. When asked to judge whether an object has changed its position with respect to a position shown a few milliseconds before, observers tend to detect the displacement more often when the displacement is not in the expected direction (downward for a falling object). The hypothesis proposed by Freyd (1983, 1987) states that the internal representation of an object is intrinsically dynamic. Therefore, the forces perceived as acting on the object affect the representation. Quantitative predictions of this model were tested in three experiments by measuring memory distortion for the position of an object on an inclined plane. Angle of inclination and retention interval were varied. The results for different inclinations support the physical model. The time course of the memory distortion suggests a new view about the relation between this phenomenon and very short-term memory.  相似文献   

Previous experiments in this laboratory employing a search paradigm have found highly significant differences in the detectability of a briefly exposed target pattern as a function of the spatial location of the target when it is presented simultaneously with a number of discriminably different nontarget patterns. These detectability differences, at loci equidistant from the fovea, could not be accounted for by any known variation in retinal spatial resolution or by differential lateral masking effects of the target by nearby nontarget patterns. These observations led to the hypothesis that the target in these experiments was detected by a serial mechanism which "scanned" a persisting but rapidly degrading neural representation of the visual scene with increasing detection failures the later in time the scan processed the location occupied by the target. If this hypothesis is correct, then target detectability should vary inversely with the number of stimuli which must be examined. The present experiment confirmed this expectation. A mathematical model of such a serial scanning process also predicts other, less obvious, effects on target detectability which were observed when the number of nontarget patterns was changed.  相似文献   

Serial position effects for tones were studied in a recognition memory experiment The S was given a stimulus list consisting of several tone bursts followed by a number of test tones. Accuracy of recognition of stimulus items as a function of input position followed the classical bowed serial position curve. Memory strength was a monotonically decreasing function of position in the test list. The data were fitted with a strength theory model of memory. The fit yielded decay parameters corresponding to stimulus- and response-induced interference, which were comparable to the parameters reported for meaningful verbal material.  相似文献   

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - Despite the long history and pervasiveness of cognitive offloading as a memory strategy, the memorial fate of offloaded information is not well understood....  相似文献   

Part I of this two-part article outlines the history of serial killing and describes the varying patterns and motives for this type of crime. It reviews the assorted typologies of serial killers that have been elaborated by different researchers and offers an integrative classification of primary serial killer subtypes. In addition to the commonly cited male, heterosexual, solitary sadistic sexual homicide offender, this article describes a number of subpopulations of serial killers, including sadist–masochist, female, couple, homosexual, and professional serial killers. Part II will examine the developmental factors, neuropsychodynamics, and forensic applications of serial killing.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the processes mediating rat serial pattern learning for rule-consistent versus rule-violating pattern elements (“violation elements”). In all three experiments, rats were trained to press retractable levers in a circular array in a specific sequence for brain-stimulation reward (BSR). Experiment 1 examined the role of lever location (L) and element serial position (SP) cues in rats’ ability to learn to anticipate a violation element positioned at the end of a 24-element serial pattern. Rats with L cues either alone or in combination with SP cues learned to anticipate the violation element, whereas those with SP cues alone did not. Rats in groups L and L + SP underwent a series of transfers designed to remove various cues that might have controlled their performance on the violation element. Results indicated that intra-chamber lever location cues mediated performance on the violation element whereas performance on rule-consistent elements within pattern chunks was mediated by an internal mnemonic representation that was insensitive to changes in lever location cues. Experiment 2 examined whether rats could learn to use SP cues alone to anticipate a violation element if it was positioned earlier in a serial pattern. Rats learned to anticipate the violation element based on SP cues alone when it was located in SP6 in a 24-element pattern, but not when it was in SP12. Experiment 3 examined whether or not rats spontaneously encode information about chunk length and the serial position of phrasing cues in serial patterns. Rats were trained to a high criterion on the serial pattern used in Experiment 1, then were challenged with three probe patterns that manipulated both chunk length and overall pattern length. Results indicated that rats spontaneously encoded information regarding the serial position of phrasing cues in relation to chunk length. Thus, rats appear to use at least three cognitive processes concurrently in serial pattern learning tasks, namely, item memory involving external discriminative cues, counting- or timing-like processes for encoding serial position, and rule abstraction for encoding an internal representation of pattern structure.  相似文献   

In two studies we presented pictures of unfamiliar faces one at a time, then presented the complete set at test and asked for serial reconstruction of the order of presentation. Serial position functions were similar to those found with verbal materials, with considerable primacy and one item recency, position errors that were mainly to the adjacent serial position, a visual similarity effect, and effects of articulatory suppression that did not interact with the serial position effect or with the similarity effect. Serial position effects were found when faces had been seen for as little as 300 ms and after a 6-s retention interval filled with articulatory suppression. Serial position effects found with unfamiliar faces are not based on verbal encoding strategies, and important elements of serial memory may be general across modalities.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the susceptibility of common and unusual action events to memory distortion under incidental learning and delayed testing conditions. Experiment 1 tested the influence of imaginal and enactment instructions at testing on memory discrimination for self-performed and imagined acts. The influence of hypnotic procedures at testing on memory discrimination for action events was tested in Experiment 2. The results of both experiments suggest that the likelihood of confusing details associated with separate, previously experienced unusual action events is greater than the likelihood of confusing details associated with separate, previously experienced common action events. Based on the results of both experiments, it is concluded that bizarreness has both memory-facilitating and memory-inhibiting qualities.  相似文献   

Helmholtz (1867) described as “irradiation” the apparently greater size of a white compared with a dark square, or disc or whatever of the same physical size. The illusory size difference is reversed at low contrasts (Weale, 1974). It is also known that rapid increases in brightness gives apparent movement (gamma movement), though there is no agreed explanation for either phenomenon.

When narrow bordering stripes are added, further systematic phenomena occur. With intensity modulation of an edge-striped grey rectangle, which has a dark stripe on the left side and a light stripe on the right (which is similar to figures used by Stuart Anstis and Brian Rogers), the entire figure shifts, with reversed motion when the background luminance is modulated. By presenting a pair of such figures, mirror reversed one to each eye and fused stereoscopically, the question may be asked: Do these illusory shifts produce stereo depth? The answer is surprising: stereo is produced-but at the cross-over with luminance of the central grey rectangle with the background the depth change is opposite to that given by normal, non-illusory, opposed lateral shifts. We interpret this anomalous stereo depth as a switch of which edges of the stripes are fused, with the change of relative contrast of the edges of the dark and light stripes as the figure-background contrast is changed.

Measures of static shift, lateral movement, and stereo depth, give somewhat different functions. These are considered in terms of different signalled positions, stereo depth, and movement. This study brings out the importance, for explaining such perceptual anomalies, of distinguishing between neural signal channel characteristics and which stimulus features from the display are selected and accepted for perception. Although conceptually clearly distinct these are all too easily confused in psycho-physical experiments.  相似文献   

Miles C  Hodder K 《Memory & cognition》2005,33(7):1303-1314
Seven experiments examined recognition memory for sequentially presented odors. Following Reed (2000), participants were presented with a sequence of odors and then required to identify an odor from the sequence in a test probe comprising 2 odors. The pattern of results obtained by Reed (2000, although statistically marginal) demonstrated enhanced recognition for odors presented at the start (primacy) and end (recency) of the sequence: a result that we failed to replicate in any of the experiments reported here. Experiments 1 and 3 were designed to replicate Reed (2000), employing five-item and seven-item sequences, respectively, and each demonstrated significant recency, with evidence of primacy in Experiment 3 only. Experiment 2 replicated Experiment 1, with reduced interstimulus intervals, and produced a null effect of serial position. The ease with which the odors could be verbally labeled was manipulated in Experiments 4 and 5. Nameable odors produced a null effect of serial position (Experiment 4), and hard-to-name odors produced a pronounced recency effect (Experiment 5); nevertheless, overall rates of recognition were remarkably similar for the two experiments at around 70%. Articulatory suppression reduced recognition accuracy (Experiment 6), but recency was again present in the absence of primacy. Odor recognition performance was immune to the effects of an interleaved odor (Experiment 7), and, again, both primacy and recency effects were absent. There was no evidence of olfactory fatigue: Recognition accuracy improved across trials (Experiment 1). It is argued that the results of the experiments reported here are generally consistent with that body of work employing hard-to-name visual stimuli, where recency is obtained in the absence of primacy when the retention interval is short.  相似文献   

Five experiments examined recognition memory for sequentially presented odors. Participants were presented with a sequence of odors and then had to identify an odor from the list in a test probe containing 2 odors. All experiments demonstrated enhanced recognition of odors presented at the start and end of a series, compared with those presented in the middle of the series when a 3-s retention interval between list termination and test was used. In Experiments 2 and 3, when a 30-s or 60-s retention interval was used, participants performed at slightly lower levels, although the serial position function was similar to that obtained with the 3-s retention interval. These results were noted with a 5-item (Experiments 1 and 4), 7-item (Experiment 2), 6-item (Experiment 3), and 4-item (Experiment 5) list of odors. As the number of test trials increased, recognition performance decreased, indicating a strong role for olfactory fatigue or interference in these procedures. A verbal suppression task, used in Experiments 4 and 5, had little influence on serial-position-based performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined item recognition memory for sequentially presented odours. Following a sequence of six odours participants were immediately presented with a series of two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) test odours. The test pairs were presented in either the same order as learning or the reverse order of learning. Method of testing was either blocked (Experiment 1) or mixed (Experiment 2). Both experiments demonstrated extended recency, with an absence of primacy, for the reverse testing procedure. In contrast, the forward testing procedure revealed a null effect of serial position. The finding of extended recency is inconsistent with the single-item recency predicted by the two-component duplex theory (Phillips & Christie, 1977 Phillips, W. A. and Christie, D. F. M. 1977. Components of visual memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 29: 117133. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We offer an alternative account of the data in which recognition accuracy is better accommodated by the cumulative number of items presented between item learning and item test.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined item recognition memory for sequentially presented odours. Following a sequence of six odours participants were immediately presented with a series of two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) test odours. The test pairs were presented in either the same order as learning or the reverse order of learning. Method of testing was either blocked (Experiment 1) or mixed (Experiment 2). Both experiments demonstrated extended recency, with an absence of primacy, for the reverse testing procedure. In contrast, the forward testing procedure revealed a null effect of serial position. The finding of extended recency is inconsistent with the single-item recency predicted by the two-component duplex theory (Phillips & Christie, 1977). We offer an alternative account of the data in which recognition accuracy is better accommodated by the cumulative number of items presented between item learning and item test.  相似文献   

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