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Associations between personality and health may be influenced by contextual factors varying across studied cohorts. Moreover, measurement bias related to contextual factors could also influence these associations. Gender and age have been discussed as important contextual factors when studying personality and health outcomes. An examination of measurement invariance across gender and age may therefore be warranted. In the present study, measurement invariance across age and gender was examined for a five-factor model of personality traits in which scales have been included to operationalise lower-order traits related to health-behaviour or health outcomes. Using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis on a population based cohort (n= 5700), all important parameters of the measurement model were found to be invariant. On the basis of this invariant model, hypotheses of mean differences across age and gender in personality traits were tested. These results were discussed in relation to meta-analyses on personality change and gender differences in personality.  相似文献   

Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses using different personality measures in three samples confirmed the existence of general factor of personality (The Big One) within the five-factor model. The Big One is characterized by high versus low Emotional Stability, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Openness, and by high versus low higher-order factors of personality, Stability, and Plasticity. A comprehensive theoretical model of personality structure was therefore proposed with the Big One at the highest level of the hierarchy. The Big One was interpreted as a basic personality disposition that integrates the most general non-cognitive dimensions of personality. It is associated with social desirability, emotionality, motivation, well-being, satisfaction with life, and self-esteem. It also may have deep biological roots, evolutionary, genetic, and neurophysiological.  相似文献   

There has been a recent push to extend the construct of psychopathy into adolescence, primarily as a result of the impressive reliability, validity, and utility of this construct in samples of adults. The value of this work rests, however, on creating an equally reliable and valid assessment tool for adolescents. One promising measure is the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (A. E. Forth, D. S. Kosson, & R. D. Hare, 2003). The current study uses a large, diverse sample of serious adolescent offenders to assess the overall fit of various underlying factor structures of this measure and to test the equivalence of these models across sex and race/ethnicity. The results suggest that either a 3- or 4-factor model provides the best overall fit and that these models are invariant across sex and race/ethnicity. The decision to use the 3- or 4-factor model will likely hinge on researchers' underlying conceptualization of psychopathy, specifically whether antisocial behavior is viewed as a core feature of this construct.  相似文献   

Confirmatory factor analysis was used to model a multitrait-multisource design to evaluate the construct validity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) rating scales. The 2 trait factors were the ADHD inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity dimensions. The 2 source factors were parents and teachers. In Study 1, parents and teachers rated 1,475 Australian elementary school children on the ADHD symptoms. In Study 2, parents and teachers rated 285 Brazilian elementary school children on the ADHD symptoms. Similar results occurred in both studies with most of the ADHD symptoms containing more source than trait variance, thus providing weak evidence for the convergent and discriminant validity of the symptoms as measured by rating scales. The study outlines the implications of such strong source effects for understanding ADHD.  相似文献   

To examine the psychopathology of anorexia nervosa, behavioral assessment measures sampling a wide range of relevant constructs were collected on 150 women diagnosed as having anorexia nervosa. The data were subjected to an exploratory factor analysis using maximum-likelihood estimation and oblique rotation. Five factors were extracted, which were titled Fasting and Restrictive Eating, Depression, Anxiety, and Negative Self-image, Bulimic Behaviors, Fear of Fatness/Body Image Disturbance, and Impulsive Behavior/Post-Traumatic Response. Discriminate function analysis suggested that, other than the bulimic behaviors factor, the Impulsive Behavior/Post-Traumatic Response factor best discriminated between bulimic and restrictor subtypes of anorexics. These data suggest that the underlying dimensions of anorexia nervosa are very similar to those of bulimia nervosa. The findings also have implications for the multidimensional assessment and treatment of anorexia nervosa as well as conceptual models of the disorder.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the factorial structure of the Manifest Anxiety Scale (MAS) among American, counseling graduate students (N = 227). The MAS was administered across transsituational and transtemporal conditions. The following four factors were yielded following orthogonal rotation: General Worries, Physiological Correlates of Anxiety, Distractibility, and Embarrassment. These four factors, however, explained less than one quarter of the common variance extracted. Following a comparison with previous factor analytic studies of the MAS, we discuss factors possibly contributing to the discrepant findings, with particular attention to the MAS's item content and psychometric properties and the nature of the population used.  相似文献   

Dimensions of children's classroom social behavior were investigated using the Social Behavior Assessment (SBA), a 136-item teacher rating scale (Stephens, T. M.Social Behavior Assessment. Columbus, Ohio: Cedars Press, 1979). Six relatively independent factors were identified as dimensions of children's classroom social behavior: Academic Responsibility, Social Responsibility, Cooperation, Compliance, Adaptive Behavior, and Participation. These six factors accounted for over two-thirds of the variance in teacher ratings and do not correspond with Stephens' (1979) original categorization. Consistent with past research, teachers appeared to consider those academic-related social skills associated with classroom order and control particularly salient. Directions for future research and recommendations concerning multifactored assessment of children's social skills are discussed.  相似文献   

The Illness Attitudes Scale (IAS) assesses fears, beliefs and attitudes associated with hypochondriasis [Kellner, R. (1986). Somatization and hypochondriasis. New York: Praeger Publishers.]. Recent factor analytic investigations of the IAS in non-clinical samples have suggested a number of different factor solutions. In study 1, we used principal components analysis with both orthogonal and oblique rotation to better explore the structure of this measure. Using a random selection of 390 participants from a larger pool of 780, a five-factor solution was identified: (1) fear of illness, death, disease and pain, (2) effects of symptoms, (3) treatment experiences, (4) disease conviction and (5) health habits. In study 2, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of responses from the remaining 390 students evaluated: (a) a single-factor model, (b) Kellner's original nine-factor model, (c) a four-factor model proposed by Ferguson and Daniel [Ferguson, E. & Daniel, E. (1995). The Illness Attitudes Scale (IAS): a psychometric evaluation on a nonclinical population. Personality and Individual Differences, 18, 463-469.], (d) a different four-factor model proposed by Stewart and Watt [Stewart, S. H. & Watt, M. C. (1998). A psychometric investigation of the Illness Attitudes Scale (IAS) in a nonclinical young adult sample. Submitted for publication.] and (e) the five-factor model derived in study 1. Of these models, greatest support was obtained for our five-factor model. However, it was also clear that this model could be improved. Based on the results of the CFA, as well as previous research and theoretical considerations, we tested a revised model in which the health habits factor was deleted. Analysis of the revised model showed that it received the greatest support and could be conceptualized as either four distinct factors or as hierarchical in nature, with four lower-order factors loading on a single higher-order factor. Future directions for research as well as suggestions for scoring and using the IAS with nonclinical samples are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the cross-validation of the factor pattern of the Perceptions of Knowledge and Skills in Teaching (PKST) survey, which was used to assess the self-perceived pedagogical knowledge and skills of pre-service and beginning teachers. The sample comprised 323 pre-service teachers enrolled in a 1-yr. post-graduate teacher education program in Singapore. The survey had 37 items distributed across six scales: student learning, lesson planning, instructional support, accommodating diversity, classroom management, and care and concern. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to cross-validate the survey's factor pattern. The results showed that the model was an acceptable fit to the data. The PKST survey can thus be adapted by different teacher education programs to assess pre-service and beginning teachers' progress in developing their pedagogical knowledge and skills.  相似文献   

Checklists of children's nighttime fears and nighttime coping responses, completed by 178 8- to 13-year-old children and one of their parents, were factor analyzed. The resulting factors from each checklist were comparable for children and parents. The nighttime fear categories consisted of content around security either for one's personal life, loss, or safety or for others' safety and continued presence; imaginal-numinous concerns; and characteristics inherent in a nighttime situation. The coping categories consisted of responses related to internal self-control, social support, support from inanimate objects, prayer, and avoidance or escape either by controlling the inanimate environment or by controlling others.  相似文献   


This study set out to examine the properties of the revised version of the Francis Burnout Inventory (FBI) among Catholic priests and religious sisters in Italy. The psychometric properties of the FBI were examined in two phases. Phase 1 demonstrated the instrument's factorial validity and internal consistency of two derived dimensions (the Scale of Emotional Exhaustion in Ministry and the Satisfaction in Ministry Scale), with a sample of Catholic priests and religious sisters coming from Lazio, a region around Rome in Italy (N?=?156). In Phase 2, the FBI dimensionality was cross-validated using confirmatory factor analysis with Catholic priests and religious sisters coming from all over Italy (N?=?287). Alpha and stability coefficients computed with this sample provided further evidence for the FBI's reliability. Implications for work-related health are included.  相似文献   

Music is a cross-cultural universal, a ubiquitous activity found in every known human culture. Individuals demonstrate manifestly different preferences in music, and yet relatively little is known about the underlying structure of those preferences. Here, we introduce a model of musical preferences based on listeners' affective reactions to excerpts of music from a wide variety of musical genres. The findings from 3 independent studies converged to suggest that there exists a latent 5-factor structure underlying music preferences that is genre free and reflects primarily emotional/affective responses to music. We have interpreted and labeled these factors as (a) a Mellow factor comprising smooth and relaxing styles; (b) an Unpretentious factor comprising a variety of different styles of sincere and rootsy music such as is often found in country and singer-songwriter genres; (c) a Sophisticated factor that includes classical, operatic, world, and jazz; (d) an Intense factor defined by loud, forceful, and energetic music; and (e) a Contemporary factor defined largely by rhythmic and percussive music, such as is found in rap, funk, and acid jazz. The findings from a fourth study suggest that preferences for the MUSIC factors are affected by both the social and the auditory characteristics of the music.  相似文献   

We examined the psychometric properties and factor structure of a Cambodian translation of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI) and an Augmented ASI (the ASI supplemented with a 9-item addendum that assesses additional Cambodian concerns about anxiety-related sensations). Both the ASI and the Augmented ASI distinguished among three diagnostic groups: highest score, PTSD with panic disorder (PP group); next, panic disorder without PTSD (P group); and then, other disorders than PTSD or panic disorder (O group). In the discriminant function analysis using the Augmented ASI, the best classificatory predictor (PP vs. P vs. O) was an Addendum item (“It scares me when I stand up and feel dizzy”). The principal component analysis (oblimin rotation) of the ASI yielded a 3-factor solution (I, Weak Heart Concerns; II, Control Concerns; III, Social Concerns) and of the Augmented ASI, a 4-factor solution (I, Weak Heart Concerns; II, Control Concerns; III, Wind Attack Concerns; IV, Social Concerns). The item clustering within the factor solution of both the ASI and Augmented ASI illustrates the role of cultural syndromes in generating fear of mental and bodily events.  相似文献   

Rice KG  Ashby JS  Slaney RB 《Assessment》2007,14(4):385-398
In this study of the discriminant, convergent, and incremental validity of the Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (APS-R), university students completed the APS-R, additional measures of perfectionism, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory-Form S, and measures of self-esteem and depression. The results revealed expected significant, but not completely overlapping, associations between the APS-R Discrepancy subscale scores and the Five-Factor Model of Personality (FFM) dimension of Neuroticism, and between the APS-R High Standards and Order subscales and the FFM dimension of Conscientiousness. The incremental validity of APS-R scores over FFM dimensions was supported in analyses of self-esteem but not depression. The implications of these findings for further psychometric and clinical studies of perfectionism and facets of FFM dimensions are discussed.  相似文献   

Emerging self-regulation skills were assessed in 407 low-income African American and Latino (primarily Mexican-origin) preschoolers. A battery of self-regulation tasks was administered when children were 2½ years old and again approximately 1 year later. Confirmatory factor analyses supported four components of self-regulation: inhibitory control, complex response inhibition, set shifting, and working memory. Complex response inhibition was too rare a skill in this sample to be detected reliably from measures collected at 2½ years of age, but it emerged from measures collected at 3½ years. In addition, significant ethnic differences were found in that African American children scored better on measures of complex response inhibition and set shifting, whereas Latino children scored better on measures of inhibitory control and working memory. Implications of study findings for measuring self-regulation in low-income ethnic diverse populations of young children, as well as for developing interventions to enhance self-regulation development, are discussed.  相似文献   

The factor structure of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) remains a contentious issue. Although designed to measure three underlying attitude clusters, aggression, submission and conventionalism, many items are deliberately double- or triple-barrelled, to capture the covariation of the three clusters in a unidimensional scale. Additionally, although the scale is balanced, there is an item wording direction bias in the clusters; aggression items are pro-trait, and conventionalism items are con-trait. Sub-scale structure is therefore potentially confounded with acquiescence bias. Although RWA as a unitary construct has been an effective tool for exploring prejudice, it would be useful in many cases to measure its underlying components directly. Proposed solutions to this problem include creating short-form scales as subsets of the original scale, or modifying items to simplify and un-confound the structure. We present convergent evidence of an underlying factor structure by considering one-, two- and three-factor solutions to the uncorrected scale and then using an indirect method to correct for acquiescence bias. Before and after correction, factor analysis supported a three-factor solution. Confirmatory factor analyses also support a three-factor solution compared to a one-factor solution.  相似文献   

The procedures recently developed by Jöreskog for studying similarities and differences in factor structures between different groups were applied to data from a study designed by Thurstone to investigate the sampling stability of a hypothesized isolated configuration. The hypothesis of an isolated configuration was rejected but not by much. The results represent a restricted and unique simple structure solution with the factor loadings and uniqueness values invariant over the two samples.  相似文献   

The relation between alexithymia and both the domain and the facet level of the five-factor model (FFM) of personality was examined in a sample of 101 university students by using the Twenty-Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20; Bagby, Taylor, & Parker, 1994) and the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992c). Consistent with the alexithymia construct, the TAS-20 was positively correlated with Neuroticism (N) and negatively correlated with Extraversion (E) and Openness (O), whereas no significant relations were found with Agreeableness (A) and Conscientiousness (C). Analysis of the lower order traits (i.e., facets) of the FFM revealed that depression for N; positive emotions and assertiveness for E; feelings and actions for O; altruism, tender-mindedness, and modesty for A; and competence for C predicted alexithymia. These results support the uniqueness of the alexithymia construct, which is represented by a cluster of traits across the dimensions and facets of the FFM.  相似文献   

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