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Two experiments were performed on rats with hippocampal brain damage and on a control group with neocortical lesions. In the first experiment the hippocampal group learned a difficult visual discrimination as promptly as the controls, and neither group was subsequently impaired by adding relevant or irrelevant background cues to the original stimuli. In the second experiment the animals learned a simultaneous visual discrimination in which the stimuli differed in both brightness and orientation. The hippocampal group was impaired relative to the controls on acquisition, and showed poorer transfer to stimuli differing only in brightness or orientation. The results are incompatible with the hypothesis which attempts to explain the effects of hippocampal damage by a widespread reduction in sensory gating, but they are consistent with a more restricted version of the same hypothesis.  相似文献   

Retrograde and anterograde amnesic effects of excitotoxic lesions of the rat retrosplenial cortex (RS) and hippocampus (HPC) were investigated. To test retrograde amnesia, rats were trained with two-arm place discrimination in a radial maze 4 wk and 1 d before surgery with a different arm pair, respectively. In the retention test 1 wk after surgery, both lesion groups showed temporally ungraded retrograde amnesia. To test anterograde amnesia, animals were trained after surgery to discriminate three arm pairs successively within a day, and then after interposition of 1- to 4-wk intervals, one of these pairs, respectively, was tested for retention. RS-lesioned rats could acquire these pairs of place discriminations rapidly but showed a retention interval-dependent impairment in the retention test. Conversely, HPC-lesioned rats took more sessions to acquire these pairs than did the control group, and their retention was approximately 70% of correct performance regardless of retention interval. Results suggest that RS and HPC have different roles in spatial memory and that RS is important for remote memory process.  相似文献   

Microdialysis for measurement of serotonin in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) and the dorsal hippocampus was performed under both basal and stimulated conditions, known to elicit differential behavioral and neuroendocrine responses in rats with inborn high (HAB) or low (LAB) anxiety-related behavior. We studied the release of hypothalamic and hippocampal serotonin in response to elevated platform exposure and forced swim stress, a mild emotional and a combined emotional and physical stressor, respectively. The data suggest that serotonin release patterns may depend on the inborn level of anxiety, the brain area dialyzed, and the stressor the animals were exposed to. Under basal conditions, no differences in serotonin release in either the PVN or dorsal hippocampus were observed between HAB and LAB rats. While in the PVN open platform exposure failed to change the release of serotonin, forced swim stress induced an increase in both HAB (p = 0.0001) and LAB (p = 0.01) rats with a significantly greater effect in the former (p = 0.027). In the dorsal hippocampus, only LABs, but not HABs, responded to the elevated platform exposure by enhancing the release of serotonin (p = 0.01). Also, forced swim stress increased hippocampal serotonin only in LAB (p = 0.002), but not HAB, rats probably indicating an involvement of hippocampal serotonin in locomotion and active stress coping. It remains to be shown to what extent the differences in serotonin release contribute to neuroendocrine and behavioral differences between HAB and LAB rats.  相似文献   

An inexpensive and automated method for presentation of olfactory or tactile stimuli in a two-choice task for rats was implemented with the use of a computer-controlled bidirectional motor. The motor rotated a disk that presented two stimuli of different texture for tactile discrimination, or different odor for olfactory discrimination. Because the solid olfactory stimuli were placed outside the chamber in metal pods with a mesh at front for odor sampling, "washout" of odors between trials was not necessary. To avoid differential auditory cues from motor rotation, the stimuli were arranged such that on each trial the motor always rotated exactly one quarter revolution (in 1 s), left or right, to present the next stimulus at trial start. To illustrate the use of the equipment, 2 rats were trained on tactile discrimination and 2 rats on olfactory discrimination. The rats sampled the stimulus on the disk through a port on the back wall by sniffing at it (olfactory) or touching it (tactile). The task was a go-left/go-right discrimination with the stimulus on the disk being discriminative for which lever provided reinforcement. The rats reached a stable level above 90% correct after 21 and 32 training sessions for tactile and olfactory discrimination, respectively. The article outlines how the equipment was constructed from low-cost components. Inputs from and outputs to the equipment were implemented through the parallel port of a personal computer without the use of a commercial interface board. The method of automated and low-cost presentation of olfactory or tactile stimuli should be of use for a variety of experimental situations such as matching-to-sample and cross-modal discrimination.  相似文献   

A new visual shape discrimination apparatus for use with rats is described. Rats were trained on a simultaneous discrimination using stereometric shapes, and the reward was milk which was delivered through the middle of the shapes. Animals were trained to discriminate vertical and horizontal rectangles on the apparatus, and it was found that they took as many trials to learn as on a Lashley jumping stand. Because of the speed at which individual trials may be conducted, less actual time is spent on training in this apparatus than in a Lashley jumping stand. Some transfer tests were conducted and indicated that: (1) although the bottom halves of the shapes were more important for rats than the top halves, animals had learned something about the shapes as a whole; (2) animals transferred to discontinuous shapes; (3) they transferred better to larger shapes than to smaller; (4) they had learned both to approach the positive shape, and to avoid the negative shape.  相似文献   

Memory persistence needs a new event of consolidation 12h after the acquisition. We investigated the role of the cholinergic activity on the persistence of memory. For this purpose, we performed the treatments 9 or 12h after acquisition and the memory tested 2 or 7 days after inhibitory avoidance (IA) training. Here we report that activity of medial septum, by transitorily inactivating this structure with lidocaine 12h after IA training, is essential for memory persistence at the 7th day, but not for the formation at the 2nd day. We also report that muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors of CA1 area are engaged on memory persistence. Since scopolamine (mAChRs antagonist) and mecamylamine (nAChRs blocker) infusions, 12h post-training, demonstrated impairment on long term memory (LTM), persistence on the 7th day but no effect on LTM formation was found on the 2nd day in the IA test. The same effects were found with pirenzepine, an M1 antagonist. No effects on the formation and persistence of memory on the 2nd and 7th days were demonstrated after DHβE infusions (nAChRs subtype antagonist α4β2, α3β2). These findings suggest that mAChR and nAChR at the CA1 area, and also MS activation, are required for the persistence of memory.  相似文献   

Sham-operated and nonoperated animals or animals with hippocampal lesions were presented with sets of trials to test both expectancy-based and data-based memory within the same task. During the study phase of each trial the animals were presented with a constant sequence of five arms on an eight-arm radial maze followed by a test phase in which a recognition test requiring a win-stay rule was used. Expectancy-based memory was measured during the study phase of the trials as a pattern of correct or incorrect orienting responses in anticipation of the ensuing doors in the constant sequence. Both groups of animals acquired correct orienting responses at the same rate, emitted the same pattern of correct orienting responses, and made the same number and pattern of intralist and extralist intrusion errors. Data-based memory was measured during the test phase of the trial as correct recognition test performance. During the test phase the animals with hippocampal lesions were impaired relative to controls on both immediate and 24-h recognition tests. These results suggest that the hippocampus might mediate only data-based, but not expectancy-based, memory and imply a possible dissociation between expectancy-based and data-based memory systems.  相似文献   

A considerable literature has shown deficits in memory resulting from the administration of protein synthesis inhibitors; however, most of the past literature in this field has focused on acquisition of new memory using aversively-motivated tasks. The effect of protein synthesis inhibition on appetitive learning and memory as well as extinction is less clear. The present study employed an appetitive odor discrimination paradigm to examine the effects of acute cycloheximide administration (1 mg/kg) on reconsolidation and extinction.Male, Long-Evans adult rats were trained to discriminate between two odors (i.e., cocoa and cinnamon) and then received extinction trials following an intraperitoneal injection of cycloheximide or vehicle. Twenty-four hours later, rats were tested via one non-reinforced test trial. Results showed amnesia for extinction as well as original training (i.e., correct odor choice) in cycloheximide-injected rats in this appetitive task, while vehicle-injected controls showed good memory for extinction. These data add to a growing literature showing the importance of protein synthesis inhibition for extinction and reconsolidation in appetitive learning and memory.  相似文献   

Learning in male Sprague-Dawley rats was assessed in two types of positively reinforced complex spatial discrimination tasks (Stone 14-unit T-maze and eight-arm radial-arm maze) following cytotoxic lesions of central serotonergic terminal projection fields with p-chloroamphetamine (PCA). Learning, as expressed as mean number of errors per day and mean number of trails required to reach criterion, was significantly enhanced in the PCA-lesioned animals trained in the Stone maze. On the other hand, the performance of the PCA-lesioned animals trained in the eight-arm radial-arm maze was not found to differ significantly from that of saline-injected animals. The improved acquisition of the PCA-lesioned rats trained in the Stone maze was completely abolished following pretreatment with the selective serotonergic reuptake inhibitor norzimeldine. Neurochemical analyses of the brains of representative animals revealed that the levels of serotonin and its major metabolite, 5-hydroxy-3-indoleacetic acid, were both significantly reduced by PCA in all regions examined. While it is clear from these and other studies that the serotonergic nervous system plays an important role in the processes underlying learning and memory, these results further underscore the selective role of this neurotransmitter system in the way information is processed by the brain.  相似文献   

College students, healthy elderly subjects, patients diagnosed with mild or moderate dementia of the Alzheimer's type, as well as rats with small or large lesions of the medial septum (MS), dorsal hippocampal formation (DHF) or nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) were tested on an item memory task for a five- or six-item list of varying spatial locations. Equivalent patterns of item memory deficits as a function of serial order position were observed in rats with small or large MS or DHF lesions and patients with mild or moderate dementia of the Alzheimer's type. No deficits were found for NBM-lesioned rats. The results provide support for the possibility that rats with MS and DHF lesions mimic the mnemonic symptomatology of patients with Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

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