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浅谈内隐社会认知的研究与现状   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
解春玲 《心理科学》2005,28(1):146-148
内隐社会认知是无意识思想、认知理论和社会心理研究日渐整合的结果。作为认知心理学研究的一个组成部分,内隐社会认知的研究从方法论上,得益于内隐记忆研究中逐步完善的间接测量方法;从内容上,尽管内隐社会认知的研究还比较初浅,但却已经涵盖了社会认知、社会态度以及归因评价的多个方面。  相似文献   

应用内隐联想测验的内隐社会认知研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内隐联想测验是一种新的社会认知研究方法,在内隐社会认知研究中得到广泛应用。近年来,国内外研究者应用内隐联想测验在对内隐刻板印象、内隐态度、内隐自尊以及内隐攻击性的研究中取得了新的进展。对内隐联想测验本身存在问题的研究推动了它在内隐社会认知研究领域内的进一步发展及应用。  相似文献   

IAT测验对攻击性内隐社会认知的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用内隐联想测验(IAT)对攻击性内隐社会认知进行了研究。结果显示:1.IAT测验中,攻击性信息和积极性词汇之间的平均反应时小于其和消极性词汇之间的平均反应时,且差异显著;2.攻击性IAT测验与攻击性自陈式量表所测结果之间无显著性相关;3.攻击性IAT测验中,男女被试之间无显著性差异。研究表明IAT测验可以应用于攻击性内隐社会认知的研究。  相似文献   

内隐社会认知:社会性决策的个人背景效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樊晓红  周爱保 《心理科学》2002,25(6):694-696,690
通过两个实验研究了个人背景对其社会性决策的影响。实验一采用 2× 2混合设计 ,其中被试性别为组间因素 ,策略类型为组内因素 ;结果发现不同性别的被试在选择决策策略时表现出了差异 ,其中男性更倾向于选择“综合比较”的策略 ,但女性却没有表现出对策略的偏向。实验二则选择 14项个人背景资料作为自变量 ,以“才—情”决策倾向为因变量 ,进行多元逐步回归分析 ,结果发现被试的家庭所在地、性别差异以及对自己容貌的评价等变量显著地影响了决策倾向。  相似文献   

Research suggests that the striatum plays an important role in implicit learning (IL). The striatum exhibits marked age-related morphological and neurochemical losses. Yet, behavioral studies suggest that IL is generally well preserved in old age, and that age-related differences emerge only when highly complex IL tasks are used. In this review, we integrate behavioral and neuroimaging evidence on IL in aging. We suggest that relative stability of IL in old age may reflect neural reorganization that compensates for age-related losses in striatal functions. Specifically, there may be an age-related increase in reliance on extrastriatal regions (e.g., medial-temporal, frontal) during IL. This reorganization of function may be beneficial under less taxing performance conditions, but not when task demands become more challenging.  相似文献   

There has been significant growth in critical approaches to social psychology in recent years. Phenomenological, discursive and psychoanalytically informed perspectives, amongst others, have become increasingly popular alternatives to ‘mainstream’ cognitive social psychology. This paper describes the fundamental philosophy and methodology underpinning phenomenological psychology along with discussion of a number of key issues in qualitative research in social psychology. In particular, I discuss the role of interpretation, the turn to language and need for political engagement within critical social psychology. More recently, there has been a growth in phenomenologically informed narrative theories and methodologies and in this paper I introduce my own development of a critical narrative analysis. In the process I discuss some of the most pressing debates about research within the phenomenological tradition and provide rebuttals, solutions and possible future directions for phenomenological theory and research that may lead to yet greater recognition for this social psychological perspective.  相似文献   

基于反应时范式的内隐社会认知研究方法   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
三种新的内隐社会认知研究方法--IAT、GNAT和EAST,这些方法采用反应竞争任务,考察概念间的联结强度。IAT通过对个体在不同任务上的操作,考察不同目标与属性间的联系、GNAT考察某一特定对象和评价间的联系;EAST考察被试在一个任务上的操作来推断个体对目标的评价。  相似文献   

内隐社会认知视野中的攻击性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从内隐社会认知的角度对人类的攻击性进行了探讨,认为人类的攻击性更具内隐性,对人们的影响是以一种自动化的方式进行的,而且认为欲求对攻击性进行量化研究最佳方式是间接测量。本文还对研究攻击性的内隐社会认知方法进行了简单介绍,并指出了从内隐社会认知角度研究攻击性的重要意义。  相似文献   

黄伟东 《社会心理科学》2006,21(6):26-29,79
内隐社会认知是指在社会认知过程中虽然个体不能回忆某一过去经验,但这一经验潜在地对个体的行为和判断产生影响,其中启动测量方法是进行内隐社会认知研究最常用的一种方法。本文介绍了语义启动任务与评价启动任务这两种启动测量的方法及其内在机制,并从发展性、融合性、有效性、应用性四个方面总结与展望了在内隐社会认知领域中启动测量方法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

For over half a century now, the profession of social work has ignored calls to develop critical infrastructures for strengthening and expanding historical research in schools of social work. Since World War II, for example, doctoral dissertations involving significant historical research in schools of social work have become virtually extinct. The vanishing of these dissertations represents a simultaneous vanishing of social work's capacity to detect historical figures who are indigenous to and yet have remained undetected in social work history. As a result, and unintentionally, social work scholars have been seemingly unable to detect Louise de Marillac as the patron saint of social workers or Ellen Gates Starr as a popular folk saint among social workers in Catholic religious orders. The study includes the rare, post-mortem photograph of Ellen Gates Starr, dressed in the full habit of a Catholic Benedictine nun.  相似文献   

What happens when our automatic evaluations conflict with our attitudes that we can reflect on and articulate? In this paper, we review some processes by which explicit implicit evaluative discrepancies (EIEDs) arise and can impact our thoughts, feelings, and behavior, using a dual‐systems perspective on attitudes to explain the psychological processes underlying these evaluative inconsistencies. EIEDs emerge when differential positive and negative evaluations toward attitude objects reside in systems of knowledge governed by language and reasoning (i.e., explicit evaluations) and systems of knowledge that are association‐based (i.e., implicit evaluations). We discuss factors that produce EIEDs, including the influence of extrapersonal associations on attitudes, temporal, and qualitative differences in encountering attitude‐relevant information, and the differential influence of processing goals. Finally, we discuss consequences of holding EIEDs, including their impact on behaviors toward attitude objects, enhanced elaboration and scrutiny of social information, motivated reasoning, errant affective forecasting, and self‐regulatory success and failure.  相似文献   

自我的内隐社会认知研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我的内隐社会认知研究具备坚实的理论基础,又有严格的实证研究方法,可以促进自我理论的深入发展。目前,内隐社会认知的自我研究已经成为自我研究的新生力量。文章最后对该取向的意义和趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Extensive recent research has begun to unravel the more implicit or automatic cognitive mechanisms in addiction. This effort has increased our understanding of some of the perplexing characteristics of addictive behaviors. The problem, often, is not that substance abusers do not understand that the disadvantages of continued use outweigh the advantages; rather, they have difficulty resisting their automatically triggered impulses to use their substance of abuse. Existing interventions may help to moderate these impulses. In addition, new techniques aimed at directly modifying implicit cognitive processes in substance abuse are being developed.  相似文献   

New Directions in Goal-Setting Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Goal-setting theory is summarized regarding the effectiveness of specific, difficult goals; the relationship of goals to affect; the mediators of goal effects; the relation of goals to self-efficacy; the moderators of goal effects; and the generality of goal effects across people, tasks, countries, time spans, experimental designs, goal sources (i.e., self-set, set jointly with others, or assigned), and dependent variables. Recent studies concerned with goal choice and the factors that influence it, the function of learning goals, the effect of goal framing, goals and affect (well-being), group goal setting, goals and traits, macro-level goal setting, and conscious versus subconscious goals are described. Suggestions are given for future research.  相似文献   

利用基因检测结果来对员工进行差别待遇并不必然构成歧视,只有不合理、不公平的差别待遇才属于歧视,世界各国相关立法均普遍禁止在就业中进行基因歧视,但并未禁止雇主根据受雇人基因特征从事差别待遇.在我国,因就业而导致的基因歧视较为少见,对此研究也比较滞后,各国就业中基因歧视的实践和经验对我国具有积极的借鉴意义.禁止不公正、不合理的差别待遇,进一步防范因基因检测所导致的歧视问题,促进就业中基因歧视合理规制制度的构建.  相似文献   

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