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本研究提出一个有调节的中介模型,揭示了心理资本"怎样"影响大学生职业决策困难及这种影响在不同个体中是否存在差异。采用心理资本量表、职业决策自我效能感量表、社会技能量表和职业决策困难量表对730名大学生进行研究。研究显示:(1)职业决策自我效能感部分中介了心理资本与大学生职业决策困难的关系;(2)社会技能调节了心理资本通过职业决策自我效能感影响大学生职业决策困难的中介过程的前半路径和后半路径。研究结论对促进大学生成功就业具有重要的理论与实证价值。  相似文献   

研究旨在了解大学生社会支持、乐观倾向、心理弹性和心理一致感的基本情况及其相互关系,探讨心理弹性和心理一致感在社会支持与乐观倾向之间的中介作用,并对大学生乐观倾向的影响机制进行深入分析。研究使用大学生社会支持量表、心理一致感量表、心理弹性量表和乐观倾向量表对上海市某高校2979名大学生进行调查。研究结果表明:(1)大学生社会支持、心理弹性与心理一致感和乐观倾向的总体状况良好,处于正向积极水平。社会支持、心理弹性与心理一致感和乐观倾向均存在显著的性别差异,女生情况好于男生。(2)大学生乐观倾向与社会支持、心理弹性、心理一致感之间均存在显著正相关(r=.31-.50)。(3)社会支持对乐观倾向有直接预测作用,心理弹性和心理一致感的中介效应显著,模型拟合程度良好(χ2/df=36.80,p.001,NFI=.98,CFI=.98,IFI=.98)。研究为揭示社会支持与乐观倾向背后可能的原因与作用机制提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

为了解中小学、幼儿园教师职业倦怠的现状,探讨主观幸福感和人生意义在职业倦怠对心理生活质量影响的中介作用机制,采用“中小学教师职业倦怠问卷”“心理生活质量评价问卷”“主观幸福感量表”和“人生意义感量表”对广东省581名中小学和幼儿园教师实施调查。结果表明:(1)中小幼教师职业倦怠、主观幸福感、人生意义和心理生活质量两两间存在显著的相关关系;(2)中小幼教师职业倦怠能显著负向预测心理生活质量和主观幸福感; 主观幸福感能显著正向预测心理生活质量、人生意义; 人生意义能显著正向预测心理生活质量;(3)主观幸福感与人生意义在职业倦怠对中小幼教师心理生活质量影响间的链式中介作用成立。  相似文献   

心理干预在化疗患者中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究针对化疗患者常见的恶心呕吐、烦躁不安等副作用.运用心理行为技术.采用病例对照研究方法,对129名化疗患者进行了比较研究。结果为:各项情绪指标和总的情绪状况以及恶心呕吐反应。干预组患者比对照组改善明显;生活质量各指标在组问和组内比较中,有不同程度的改善,角色、社会、认知功能和疼痛症状在两组比较中改善不明显。由此认为,对化疗患者实施恰当的心理行为技术.干预效果是明显的  相似文献   

癌症病人的生活质量及心理干预研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究在前期研究的基础上进一步探讨癌症病人的生活质量状况和心理干预的效果。运用病例对照实验设计 ,选用生活质量问卷 (QLQ C3 0 )作为主要测查工具 ,采用两因素混合实验方差分析统计方法 ,对 1 2 0名住院化疗病人进行了比较分析。结果显示 :躯体功能 (PF)、角色功能 (RF)、情绪功能(EF)、认知功能 (CF)和整体生活质量 (QL)得分在治疗前后和实验与对照组之间的交互作用均显著和非常显著 ;症状量表和单项症状中交互作用显著和非常显著的有 :疲乏 (FA)、呼吸困难 (DY)、失眠 (SL)、食欲丧失 (AP)。因此 ,化疗对病人的生活质量有明显的影响 ,经心理干预后癌症病人的各种功能状况和症状得到不同程度的改善。  相似文献   

基于心理控制源视角的女公务员婚姻质量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究女公务员心理控制源和婚姻质量的关系。方法:采用《Olson婚姻质量问卷》和《控制圈量表》对551名女公务员进行调查。结果:不同职级的女公务员心理控制源差异显著,其婚姻质量差异不显著;不同年龄的女公务员心理控制源和婚姻质量差异不显著;影响女公务员婚姻满意度的主要因素是性生活、与亲友的关系、子女和婚姻、业余活动、信仰一致性、经济安排、夫妻交流、人际控制。结论:不同职级的女公务员心理控制源差异显著,其婚姻质量差异不显著;影响女公务员婚姻满意感的主要因素是婚际因素和外界因素,个人因素贡献不显著;基于控制源的视角,人际控制对女公务员婚姻满意度贡献显著,个人实力和社会政治控制对其婚姻满意度贡献不显著。  相似文献   

心理控制源、成就动机和生活满意感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究考察了成就动机、心理控制源和生活满意感三者之间的关系。结果表明:(1)成就动机、心理控制源和生活满意感三者之间存在明确的关系,成就动机与生活满意感都与控制源呈显著的正相关。(2)成就动机和心理控制源特征对生活满意感有较强的预测作用。(3)成就动机高的人,内控倾向较强,对生活的满意感也高。(4)追求成功的动机对生活满意感的影响是间接的,避免失败的动机对生活满意感的影响是直接的。  相似文献   

青少年心理一致感水平及其与应付方式的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘俊升  周颖  包蕾萍  桑标 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1107-1110
本研究以265名高中生为被试,探讨青少年心理一致感发展的特点以及与应付方式的关系。研究结果表明,(1)被试在心理一致感发展水平上存在显著的年级差异;(2)三个年级被试的应付方式存在显著的差异;(3)被试心理一致感水平与问题解决、求助两种应付方式存在显著的正相关;(4)被试心理一致感水平与自责、幻想、退避、合理化四种应付方式存在显著的负相关。高心理一致感个体在压力调节上倾向于采用成熟而积极的应付方式。本研究从压力应对的过程角度分析心理一致感与应付方式之间的关系。  相似文献   

为探讨自我同情的“利他”心理机制,研究1采用自我同情量表、生命意义感量表、心理弹性量表和亲社会行为量表对538名大学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)自我同情、生命意义感、心理弹性与亲社会行为之间两两显著正相关,自我同情正向显著预测亲社会行为;(2)生命意义感在自我同情与亲社会行为间起独立中介作用;(3)心理弹性在自我同情与亲社会行为间起独立中介作用;(4)自我同情可以通过生命意义感与心理弹性的链式中介作用对亲社会行为产生影响。研究2采用干预法对被试的自我同情进行为期7天的干预,结果发现:随着自我同情水平的提升,被试的亲社会行为也显著提升。该研究揭示了自我同情影响亲社会行为的潜在心理机制,对自我同情的社会效益有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

潘颖秋 《心理科学》2018,(3):653-659
本研究考察了集体主义文化价值观(集体主义倾向和权力距离感)与当前社会信任危机引发的各类受骗事件对农民工心理契约违背感知的影响及作用机制。来自长三角和东南沿海地区的12家制造企业的676名农民工参加了调研。研究结果显示,权力距离感和受骗事件对农民工心理契约违背的感知分别有直接的抑制和促进作用;集体主义倾向、权力距离感和受骗事件通过组织公正感的中介作用,对农民工心理契约违背的感知有着间接的抑制或促进作用。  相似文献   

Harm minimization approaches have been recommended to reduce the risks of transmission of HIV for injecting drug users by the elimination of sharing injecting equipment. The risks associated with the sexual behaviours of these individuals have been given less emphasis, and where considered have been in terms of the threat to non-drug partners and potential penetration of HIV infection into the general population. Data are presented from four survey studies conducted between 1985 and 1990 focusing on both drug-taking behaviours and sexual activities. These provide evidence for larger shifts, over this period, in injecting practices than in sexual behaviours. The risks associated with sexual activities for injecting drug users and their sexual partners are considered. It is concluded that counsellors have an important role to play in introducing a second phase of harm minimization that involves interventions to modify sexual behaviours and offers integrated services for injecting drug users and their families.  相似文献   

李梦姣  陈杰  李新影 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1623-1632
非药物成瘾又称“非物质相关性成瘾”或“行为成瘾”。特征性表现包括对成瘾对象的渴望、受损的冲动控制、对成瘾对象的耐受、撤退反应和高复发率等。目前发现的非药物成瘾类型包括病理性赌博、网络成瘾、购物成瘾、游戏成瘾、性瘾以及贪食等。非药物成瘾与药物成瘾在症状学上表现出很高的相似性且具有较高的共病率, 提示二者之间可能存在着共同的发病机制。从遗传学和神经生物学的角度探讨非药物成瘾的机制具有重要的理论价值和临床应用价值。家庭研究和双生子研究发现, 男性的病理性赌博和贪食障碍具有中度以上的遗传度。分子遗传学研究发现, 单胺能神经递质相关基因, 如5-羟色胺转运体基因、多巴胺受体基因和单胺氧化酶A基因等, 与非药物成瘾有关。神经影像学研究发现, 非药物成瘾者脑内负责奖赏,线索加工和冲动控制的神经通路活动性异于正常对照。未来研究需要进一步从多个角度入手, 探讨非药物成瘾与药物成瘾的共性和特性。  相似文献   

B Reardon  P Griffing 《Adolescence》1983,18(69):29-41
The main purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between selected drug-related, familial, and demographic variables and the self-concepts of institutionalized, white, male, adolescent drug abusers in a large midwestern city. In addition, the self-concepts of the subjects in the study were compared with the self-concepts of Pulliam et al.'s (1971) non-drug using adolescent sample. The TSCS, a family questionnaire, an index of socioeconomic status, and an interview were used to collect data from 140 subjects. The mean self-concept score of this sample was significantly lower than the mean self-concept score of Pulliam et al.'s sample. Results of a stepwise multiple regression yielded four statistically significant predictors of the subjects' self-concepts: both mother/adolescent relationship and father/adolescent relationship when the adolescent was between age thirteen and his present age; the number of the subject's prior status offenses and the subject's preference for non-depressant drugs. These variables were positively correlated with the subjects' self-concepts. This study demonstrated the importance of differentiating among institutionalized adolescents' self-concepts based on type of drug abused, prior criminal record, and parent/adolescent relationships.  相似文献   

The aim was to examine the degree to which people's personal drug use affects how they perceive other drug users, with a view to investigating the possibility that drug use attributions are a function of self-image bias. University students (n = 60), categorized post hoc as drug users or nonusers, completed questionnaires assessing locus, control, and stability attributions about their own personal drug use or imagined drug use. Attributions pertaining to presented vignettes of light and heavy drug use by others were also assessed. Heavy drug use elicited the most "addicted" attributions (dispositional locus, low control, and high stability) and drug-using participants made more addicted attributions about their own personal drug use than did nonusing participants about their imagined use. Additionally, attributions made by non-drug users regarding their imagined personal drug use were similar to those they made for the light drug use described in presented vignettes. Conversely, drug users made attributions which were similar for their personal drug use and for the heavy drug-use vignette. These data lend support to conceptualizing addiction as a product of the functional attribution process-"addict" attributions being applied mainly where drug use is more problematic (heavy) and thus in need of explanation. The data also lend support to the notion that a self-image bias is operating in drug use attributions when people can identify with the behavior of others.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the interplay between religiosity and drug use in a sample of 250 adult women from the Atlanta, Georgia metropolitan area who were interviewed between August 1997 and August 2000. The research addresses two principal questions: (1) Is there a relationship between the level of religiosity and the amount of illegal drug use reported? (2) If so, is this relationship maintained in multivariate analysis when the effects of other potentially relevant factors like demographic characteristics, childhood maltreatment experiences, psychosocial traits, and substance user-related measures are taken into account? We found that religiosity is related to the amount of drugs women used. Four variables were retained in the final multivariate drug use prediction model: religiosity, coping with everyday stresses, number of family members who are substance abusers, and amount of oral sex. Greater amounts of drugs were used by women who were less religious, less capable of coping with stress, had more drug-abusing family members, and reported having more oral sex. Together, these items explained nearly one-fifth of the variance in the dependent variable. The implications for substance abuse prevention and intervention efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

J F Simonds  J Kashani 《Adolescence》1979,14(56):721-725
Delinquent males committed to a training school were interviewed to determine the extent and the effects of phencyclidine use. Nine of 109 (8%) drug using subjects knowingly had used phencyclidine in the past. These nine subjects were multiple drug abusers of other substances and had started taking drugs at an average age of 9.38 years which was significantly younger than non PCP users. Six of the nine PCP users had committed proven offenses against persons and in four cases violent actions were directly attributed to PCP use. Suicide attempts were made by five (55%) of the PCP users which was significantly more frequent than suicide attempts made by non PCP users.  相似文献   

L S Wright 《Adolescence》1985,20(80):853-861
Among 433 high school seniors, 12% were determined to be either polydrug users or abusers. In comparison to the non-polydrug users, polydrug users and abusers were significantly more likely to indicate: (1) physical abuse by and many conflicts with parents; (2) self-ratings of lazy, bored, rejected, and unhealthy, (3) serious suicidal thoughts, delinquent behavior, early use of marijuana and alcohol, and the tendency to drink more than six alcoholic drinks at a sitting; and (4) agreement with the following statements: "If something feels good, I usually do it and don't worry about the consequences" and "I try to play as much as possible and work as little as possible." These findings suggest that many polydrug users and abusers are either seeking pleasure or trying to escape pain. Because of the different reasons behind polydrug use, a variety of treatment and prevention strategies will be necessary to curb the polydrug problem among adolescents.  相似文献   

抑制控制障碍是海洛因依赖者认知功能受损的核心问题, 是影响复吸的关键因素。大量研究证实了海洛因依赖者抑制控制功能的受损, 并且发现长期药物滥用者额叶、前扣带回皮层、中脑腹侧被盖区、伏隔核、脑岛等相关脑区活动存在异常。以往研究表明海洛因依赖者抑制控制功能受损是一种持久性的、不可逆的脑损伤, 但最近一些研究却提供了毒品戒断者抑制控制功能生物性恢复的证据。未来的研究应该更加关注多重冲突条件下海洛因依赖者抑制控制功能的研究, 并且在戒毒实践中根据海洛因戒断者自身特点进行区分性治疗。  相似文献   

A survey of the self-reported sexual behaviors of 1239 intravenous drug users recruited off the streets in Sydney, Australia, highlighted the impact of both sexual orientation and gender on the risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in this population. The sample included 908 men (mean age, 27.9 years) and 331 women (mean age, 26.3 years), the majority of whom were unemployed or receiving social security benefits. Among male respondents, 50 were homosexual, 117 were bisexual, and 719 were heterosexual; for females these numbers were 10, 95, and 220, respectively. Oral and vaginal sex were the most commonly reported practices among heterosexuals, while homosexuals primarily reported manual stimulation and oro-genital contact. The regular sexual partners of male intravenous drug users tended not to be addicts, while female drug users were primarily involved with male partners who also abused drugs. Among male respondents, condom use was highest among homosexuals, followed by bisexuals, and lowest among heterosexuals; there were no significant differences by sexual orientation in female respondents' condom use. Overall, condoms were most likely to be utilized in anal sex and least likely in the case of oral sex. Condom use was about 5% lower when a regular as opposed to casual sexual partner was involved. Most of the 64 HIV-positive respondents were homosexuals, suggesting that sexual orientation rather than drug abuse was the primary risk factor. Given the finding that there is substantial variation in condom use among subgroups of intravenous drug abusers, it is recommended that HIV prevention programs adopt a diversified rather than uniform approach.  相似文献   

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