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The main purpose of the interview was to explore Alvin Mahrer’s views on an uncommon issue, namely the possibility of a paradigm shift in the field of psychotherapy. The interview covers (a) a way to help bring about a revolutionary paradigm shift, and (b) preview possibilities for an across-the-board, comprehensive paradigm shift in the field of psychotherapy. Grateful appreciation is extended to the reviewers whose comments were helpful and constructive in enabling a substantial improvement in the earlier draft of the interview.  相似文献   


This study1 explores the experience of the body for contemporary female mystics. It is an exploration in how women mystics of today—those who have devoted most of their lifetime to prayer, meditation, and spiritual service—make sense of the body. What is the relationship between spirit and body, God and flesh, for such women? Is it a relationship of tension or even opposition, and how does it evolve over time? These are some of the questions that guided my investigation. The impulse to understand how the body is experienced and understood by such women was felt by me as both a longing to challenge, deepen, and refine my awareness and understanding of spirit and the body, specifically for women mystics. I also felt this as a burning in the heart, an urgent desire to connect and bridge the larger world of matter and that of spirit, to inquire into that dimension where flesh and spirit are not two, but one. I believe that this impulse to understand the relationship between body and spirit is both personal and quite possibly collective. My hope is that this research will serve as one step to further our collective understanding of human embodiment.  相似文献   

The case is that, with regard to revolutionary new ideas, the field of psychotherapy (a) has a glaring absence of indicators of open-mindedness; (b) is distinctly and conspicuously closed-minded; (c) this closed-mindedness is extreme, and differentiates the field from many other fields; and (d) the field is essentially barricaded against knowing that it is so conspicuously closed-minded. The fanciful and unrealistic revolution would be for the field to become open-minded. Invitations are extended to any psychotherapists with a spark of open-minded possibilities.  相似文献   

R.D.莱因受存在主义-现象学影响,把人看作独特的存在,反对传统的经验式分类手册进行精神病诊断的模式,主张人性地看待精神分裂症患者,从患者整个前后关系之中来理解其特殊经验;莱因注重治疗关系,反对生硬的技巧性治疗,认为治疗是陪伴患者进行一次特殊的心灵探险旅行.他在精神分裂症的诊断及治疗方面作出了重要贡献,对后来的心理治疗流派产生了较大影响.  相似文献   

我国传统心理治疗思想有自己独具的文化特色,它以“中和”为核心,即通过对事物协调,使之达到和谐有序,具有形神合一、天人合一的特点。我国传统心理治疗主张利用和谐的人际关系。提出集修心、修体、修德与修行于一体进行心理调适的方案,即以养神促进调养整个形体;心理治疗与德行修养相统一。这些思想与理念是对当前哀伤辅导工作的有益补充,对建构本土化的哀伤辅导理论和实践具有重大的指导意义。  相似文献   

The homogeneous group has been the most common form of group therapy for chronically physically ill children and adolescents. The goals of these groups have included the provision of peer support, adaptation to the realities of physical illness, and acceptance of and cooperation with the medical management of the disease. The refinement of the theory of developmental ego psychology suggests that the heterogeneous group has potential for aiding the emotional maturation of the chronically physically ill. This paper presents examples of groups of latency-age children, early adolescents, and middle adolescents that included chronically physically ill with physically healthy peers. The groups were planned under the assumption that despite external differences, children and adolescents of a similar age identify with peers in terms of normal age-specific developmental needs and conflicts.  相似文献   


A model of inpatient group psychotherapy that focuses on two frequently observed patient subgroups reflecting contrasting attitudes toward authority is presented. The counterdependent subgroup overly values autonomy, opposes unit restrictions, and rejects treatment. The dependent subgroup tends to accept the unit’s treatment and structure but is overly passive. In this model these attitudes are addressed in order to help patients adapt to the unit and to facilitate discharge. The author describes a three–stage group designed to help patients achieve these goals.  相似文献   

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