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The relationships between the tendency of subjects to perceive temporal zones as interrelated or discrete and other temporal behaviors and personality factors were explored in two studies, one using 115 college students and the other 60 college students, employing the Personal Orientation Inventory, the Temporal Orientation Inventory, and the Circles Test. Subjects who obtained higher time-relatedness scores were found to demonstrate greater self-actualization, evaluate the present time mode more positively, over-estimate time intervals in an estimation task, and to perform less accurately in time estimation than low time relaters.  相似文献   

Drawing on participant observation data this article examines the social and sexual dynamics of gay bathhouses. Focusing on the setting as an erotic oasis, this research addresses one of the least studied forms of social settings, and presents a unique opportunity for insight into the sexualized aspects of gender and deviance. This article explores the pervasiveness and range of sexual activity among bathhouse patrons, the environmental features of bathhouses that facilitate sexual activities, and the ways that men construct and negotiate (usually anonymous) sexual interactions.  相似文献   

Examined homesickness in 117 girls ages 8 to 16 during a 2-week stay at summer camp. (Homesickness is the distress or impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation from home. It is characterized by acute longing and preoccupying thoughts of home and attachment objects.) Elevated preseparation levels of homesickness, high expectations of homesickness, negative separation attitudes, low decision control, and little previous separation experience predicted in-camp levels of homesickness. During the separation, homesickness was associated with insecure interpersonal attitudes, negative initial impressions of the novel environment, high perceived distance from home, and low perceived control. Female surrogate caregivers rated homesick girls as having lower social status and more somatic complaints, social problems, and externalizing behavior than less homesick girls. Although the prevalence, intensity, and longitudinal course of homesickness in girls did not differ from analogous samples of boys, girls' profile of risk factors, correlates, and sequelae is unique in its mixed behavioral presentation and small correlations with age and experience.  相似文献   

Exercise self-schemata: cognitive and behavioral correlates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper reports a study that investigated the effects of gender, Internet anxiety, and Internet identification on use of the Internet. The study involved 608 undergraduate students (490 females and 118 males). We surveyed the students' experience with the Internet, as well as their levels of Internet anxiety and Internet identification. We found a number of gender differences in participants' use of the Internet. Males were proportionally more likely to have their own web page than were females. They used the Internet more than females; in particular, they were more likely to use game websites, to use other specialist websites, and to download material from the Internet. However, females did not use the Internet for communication more than males. There was a significant positive relationship between Internet identification and total use of the Internet, and a significant negative relationship between Internet anxiety and total use of the Internet. Controlling for Internet identification and Internet anxiety, we found a significant and negative correlation between gender and use of the Internet. In total, all three of our predictors accounted for 40% of the variance in general Internet use: with Internet identification accounting for 26%, Internet anxiety accounting for 11%, and gender accounting for 3%.  相似文献   

The overall aim of this study was to examine the relationship between offender status (violent vs. nonviolent) and selected predictor variables from personality, behavioral, and intellectual domains. The two main sub goals were (a) to determine which variables from these domains were most closely associated with offender status, and (b) to construct a stepwise logistic regression model that could help identify which juveniles were more likely to be incarcerated for violent vs. nonviolent offenses. The participants for this investigation were juvenile offenders referred to the Juvenile Court Assessment Center by the Juvenile Justice Division of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit. The court-ordered assessment included the following measures: (a) The Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI), (b) the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC), (c) the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Third Edition (PPVT-III), (d) the Wide Range Achievement Test-Third Edition (WRAT-III), (e) the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT), and (f) records of school achievement. The ten variables that had the strongest association with offender status were entered into the stepwise logistic regression analysis; five of these strategically chosen predictor variables accurately differentiated violent from nonviolent offenders 86.3% of the time. Reading Percentile (β=-.051), PPVT-III (β=-.059), MACI-Inhibition (β=-.033), MACI-Eating Dysfunction (β=.051), and BASC-Sense of Inadequacy (β=-.072). Gender differences were explored.  相似文献   

Identification of gene-environment and gene-gene interactions has become increasingly important in understanding psychiatric disorders. Dysfunction of central serotonergic neurotransmission has been implicated in alcoholism, depression, and anxiety. We review the literature on nonhuman primates that assesses the interaction between the genetic constitution of the regulatory region of the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and environmental factors. Prospective studies in nonhuman primates that underwent social stress found a reduction of the serotonin turnover rate among carriers of one or two short alleles in a functional polymorphism of the 5-HTT promoter. In these primates, brain imaging studies showed a relative increase in the availability of raphe serotonin transporters. A low serotonin turnover rate and a high availability of serotonin transporters were associated with reduced response to excessive alcohol intake, anxiety, and impulsive aggression. Animal experiments point to a relationship between serotonergic dysfunction, negative mood states, and excessive alcohol intake, which may in part be mediated by reduced alcohol-induced sedation.  相似文献   

Behar and Stringfield (1974) have suggested that the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire (PBQ) is a reliable index of young children's social competence. However, there are few extant data in which teacher ratings of children on the PBQ have been correlated with independent assessments of social competence. In this study PBQ ratings of 123 preschoolers were correlated with observations of in-class social and cognitive play behaviors, sociometric status, and social problem-solving skills. Analyses indicated that children rated highly on the PBQ's Anxious-Fearful, Hostile-Aggressive, and Hyperactive-Distractible factors (a) displayed less mature and more aggressive in-class behaviors, (b) were less popular among their peers, and (c) were more likely to suggest negative affect strategies on the social problem-solving measure. Thus, the PBQ appears to be a useful instrument for identifying children with social problems.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence of goal-directed motivational change in the form of apathy in patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), particularly those with behavioral variant social and executive deficits (bvFTD). Standardized behavioral inventory was employed to survey and compare apathy ratings from patients and caregivers. In cases of bvFTD, apathy ratings were further related to measures of social cognition, executive function, and atrophy on brain MRI. Results indicated that caregivers rated bvFTD patients as having significantly elevated apathy scores though patient self-ratings were normal. Caregiver and self-ratings of FTD samples with progressive nonfluent aphasia and semantic dementia did not differ from healthy controls and their informants. In the bvFTD sample, caregiver apathy scores were not correlated with general cognitive screening or depression scores, but were significantly correlated with social cognition and executive function measures. Voxel-based morphometry revealed that apathy ratings in bvFTD were related to prominent atrophy in the right caudate (including the ventral striatum), the right temporo-parietal junction, right posterior inferior and middle temporal gyri, and left frontal operculum- anterior insula region. Findings suggest that bvFTD is associated with a significant breakdown in goal-directed motivated behavior involving disruption of cortical-basal ganglia circuits that is also related to social and executive function deficits.  相似文献   

A theoretical base consisting of 17 hypotheses was constructed to identify attitudinal, behavioral, and biosocial characteristics of families successful in fertility control. A multiple-choice instrument entitled Rating of Self Status International (ROSSI) was devised to measure attitudinal and behavioral characteristics postulated by the hypotheses. Factor analysis of ROSSI, based on the responses of 297 undergraduates (192 women and 105 men) at a Midwestern university, identified 12 factors that corresponded with one or more of the nondemographic constructs embodying the hypotheses. A quasi-experimental design was outlined that could be used to conduct a crucial test of both the theory and the instrument offered for measuring the theoretical constructs pertinent to fertility control and regulation.  相似文献   

A theoretical base consisting of 17 hypotheses was constructed to identify attitudinal, behavioral, and biosocial characteristics of families successful in fertility control. A multiple-choice instrument entitled Rating of Self Status International (ROSSI) was devised to measure attitudinal and behavioral characteristics postulated by the hypotheses. Factor analysis of ROSSI, based on the responses of 297 undergraduates (192 women and 105 men) at a Midwestern university, identified 12 factors that corresponded with one or more of the nondemographic constructs embodying the hypotheses. A quasi-experimental design was outlined that could be used to conduct a crucial test of both the theory and the instrument offered for measuring the theoretical constructs pertinent to fertility control and regulation.  相似文献   

Much recent psycho- and neuro-linguistic work has aimed to elucidate the mechanisms by which sentence meanings are composed by investigating the processing of semantic mismatch. One controversial case for theories of semantic composition is expressions such as the clown jumped for ten minutes, in which the aspectual properties of a punctual verb clash with those of a durative modifier. Such sentences have been proposed to involve a coercion operation which shifts the punctual meaning of the verb to an iterative one. However, processing studies addressing this hypothesis have yielded mixed results. In this study, we tested four hypotheses of how aspectual mismatch is resolved with self-paced reading and magnetoencephalography. Using a set of verbs normed for punctuality, we identified an immediate behavioral cost of mismatch. The neural correlates of this processing were found to match effects in midline prefrontal regions previously implicated in the resolution of complement coercion. We also identified earlier effects in right-lateral frontal and temporal sites. We suggest that of the representational hypotheses currently in the literature, these data are most consistent with an account where aspectual mismatch initially involves the composition of an anomalous meaning that is later repaired via coercion.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the relationships among measures of behavioral inhibition, physiological reactivity, and caregiver attitudes. Measures comprised of heart rate; survey assessments of caregiver empathy with the child, appropriateness of caregiver developmental expectations of the child, and use of positive discipline techniques; and observational measures of behavioral inhibition were gathered in a laboratory setting on 72, 5–6‐year old children. It was found that heart rate and behavioral inhibition were positively correlated (0.595), whereas behavioral inhibition was negatively correlated with caregiver attitudes of empathy (?0.356), appropriate expectations (?0.366), and use of positive discipline techniques (?0.275). However, there was no correlation between heart rate and caregiver attitudes. These data suggest that physiological reactivity to novel stimuli and caregiver attitudes of empathy, appropriate expectations, and use of positive discipline techniques conjointly influence behavioral inhibition in early childhood. Further, these three caregiver variables accounted for significant variance in children who had high reactive physiological profiles associated with inhibited behavior patterns, but did not display such patterns. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Consistent and stable individual differences were observed in the renal responses of water-loaded dogs during the development of Pavlovian conditional motor defense reflexes by electrocutaneous reinforcement. Some dogs developed persistent and intense conditional antidiuretic responses (with a high urine osmolality) to the entire Pavlovian conditioning room complex, whereas other dogs failed to exhibit conditional antidiuresis. In contradistinction to the conditional motor defense reflexes, the conditional antidiuretic responses showed poor differentiation, thus demonstrating the phenomenon of schizokinesis discovered by Gantt. In addition to conditional water retention, the antidiuretic dogs also exhibited persistent hyperpnea, copious salivation and tachycardia. The physiologic responses of the antidiuretic dogs to the Pavlovian conditioning room resemble those described by Walter B. Cannon for a “fight or flight” response,i.e., physiologic reactions of animals engaged in intense muscular effort. The antidiuresis serves the function of conserving body water so that it may be available for evaporative cooling in order to maintain thermal homeostasis. Since our experimental dogs cannot engage in a consummatory “fight or flight” response, their physiologic reaction to a stressful psychologic environment can be considered maladaptive. Pharmacologic analysis suggested that the antidiuretic responses may involve cholinergic transmitters.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs), accuracy scores, and reaction times were used to examine the recognition of emotional expressions. Adults and 7-year-old children saw upright and inverted chromatic slides of the facial expressions of happiness, fear, surprise, and anger, and were asked to press a button for either "happy" or "angry" faces. A positive-going waveform (P300) was apparent at parietal scalp (Pz) and at left and right temporal scalp. Although the behavioral data were similar for both children and adults (e.g., both had more difficulty recognizing angry expressions than happy ones, and angry expressions were more difficult to recognize upside-down than were happy faces), the ERPs indicated that children responded differently than adults did to happy and angry expressions. Adults showed greater P300 amplitude to happy faces, while children showed greater P300 amplitude to angry faces. In addition, for adults, but not children, there were greater P300 amplitude responses at right vs. left temporal scalp.  相似文献   

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