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Summary The present experiment assessed a traditional assumption regarding the informational role of knowledge of results (KR) in motor learning. The assumption is that learning is facilitated to the degree that KR is used to reduce goal-directed error. To test the assumption we examined two specific predictions that have been made with respect to post-KR interval effects: that the interval should be long enough for action-planning operations to occur and that the interval be free from interpolated activities that might prevent action-planning operations. The present study used a factorial arrangement of post-KR interval durations and interpolated activities during the post-KR interval to test these predictions. Using a movement timing task, we found that, contrary to predictions, learning was not facilitated by lengthening the post-KR interval. Also, in opposition to existing theory, the data revealed that interpolated activities, when combined with longer post-KR durations, were not detrimental to learning and actually improved learning in some instances. These findings are discussed together with recent evidence regarding various KR effects that suggest that many theoretical assumptions about the role of KR need revision. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to assess effects of an audience on learning a novel motor skill. Subjects (N=64) were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions and administered 15 30-sec. trials with 30 sec. intertrial periods on a pursuit rotor task on two different days. Comparison of Time-on Target performance between conditions indicated that the No Audience condition had significantly higher performance than the Audience condition in Session 1. Comparison of Absolute Retention and Final Retention scores among the four experimental conditions in Session 2 after 48 hr. yielded no significant differences attributable to the presence of an audience, thus supporting the hypothesis that an audience would have no effect on learning. 相似文献
Metacognition in motor learning 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Simon DA Bjork RA 《Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition》2001,27(4):907-912
Research on judgments of verbal learning has demonstrated that participants' judgments are unreliable and often overconfident. The authors studied judgments of perceptual-motor learning. Participants learned 3 keystroke patterns on the number pad of a computer, each requiring that a different sequence of keys be struck in a different total movement time. Practice trials on each pattern were either blocked or randomly interleaved with trials on the other patterns, and each participant was asked, periodically, to predict his or her performance on a 24-hr test. Consistent with earlier findings, blocked practice enhanced acquisition but harmed retention. Participants, though, predicted better performance given blocked practice. These results augment research on judgments of verbal learning and suggest that humans, at their peril, interpret current ease of access to a perceptual-motor skill as a valid index of learning. 相似文献
In two experiments, the effects of learning on both the accuracy and bias of duration judgments were examined. In Experiment 1, subjects learned one of two tasks (i.e., using a computer software package, building a model car), containing a varying number of action steps, over a one-, three-, or five-trial period. Retrospective judgments of a task’s total duration revealed that accuracy was high at intermediate stages of learning but was low at early stages due to an overestimation bias and low at later stages due to an underestimation bias. The number of action steps within a task influenced behavior only at early learning stages where more action steps led to significantly longer duration estimates. Experiment 2 acted as a converging operation in which novice and experienced pianists were asked to estimate, in advance, how long they thought it would take them to play melodies that varied in their degree of familiarity (i.e. recently learned, well learned, extremely well learned). When these estimates were compared with the melodies’ actual playing times, results revealed a similar pattern of accuracy and bias as found in Experiment 1. These findings are discussed in terms of a “structural remembering model” that emphasizes the role of event predictability in time estimation behavior. 相似文献
In this study we sought to determine whether testing promotes the generalization of motor skills during the process of encoding and/or consolidation. We used a dynamic arm movement task that required participants to reproduce a spatial-temporal pattern of elbow extensions and flexions with their dominant right arm. Generalization of motor learning was tested by the ability to transfer the original pattern (extrinsic transformation) or the mirrored pattern (intrinsic transformation) to the unpractised left arm. To investigate the testing effects during both encoding and consolidation processing, participants were administered an initial testing session during early practice before being evaluated on a post-practice testing session administered either 10 min (Testing-Encoding group) or 24 hr apart (Testing-Consolidation group), respectively. Control groups were required to perform a post-practice testing session administered after either a 10-min (Control-Encoding group) or 24-hr delay (Control-Consolidation group). The findings revealed that testing produced rapid, within-practice skill improvements, yielding better effector transfer at the 10-min testing for the Testing-Encoding group on both extrinsic and intrinsic transformation tests when compared with the Control-Encoding group. Furthermore, we found better performance for the Testing-Consolidation group at the 24-hr testing for extrinsic and intrinsic transformations of the movement pattern when compared with the Control-Consolidation group. However, our results did not indicate any significant testing advantage on the latent, between-session development of the motor skill representation (i.e., from the 10-min to the 24-hr testing). The testing benefits expressed at the 10-min testing were stabilised but did not extend during the period of consolidation. This indicates that testing contributes to the generalisation of motor skills during encoding but not consolidation. 相似文献
Rastle K Croot KP Harrington JM Coltheart M 《Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance》2005,31(5):1083-1095
The research described in this article had 2 aims: to permit greater precision in the conduct of naming experiments and to contribute to a characterization of the motor execution stage of speech production. The authors report an exhaustive inventory of consonantal and postconsonantal influences on delayed naming latency and onset acoustic duration, derived from a hand-labeled corpus of single-syllable consonant-vowel utterances. Five talkers produced 6 repetitions each of a set of 168 prepared monosyllables, a set that comprised each of the consonantal onsets of English in 3 vowel contexts. Strong and significant effects associated with phonetic characteristics of initial and noninitial phonemes were observed on both delayed naming latency and onset acoustic duration. Results are discussed in terms of the biomechanical properties of the articulatory system that may give rise to these effects and in terms of their methodological implications for naming experiments. 相似文献
Effects of varying force production in practice schedules of children learning a discrete motor task
The variability of practice prediction from Schmidt's Schema Theory involving transfer and retention was tested when manipulating only the performance parameter of over-all force. Children (n = 120) of two age groups performed a 15-in (39.1 cm) arm movement on a linear slide modified to allow manipulating the force required to move the car on the slide. No significant differences between the variable group and the constant practice group were found for either the 10 transfer or 5 retention trials. Mean absolute errors were ordered in favor of the constant practice group for both transfer and retention. For the first transfer trial a significant difference was found; constant practice groups performed better. This finding is contrary to predictions of schema theory as well as evidence from children as subjects. 相似文献
Challenge point: a framework for conceptualizing the effects of various practice conditions in motor learning 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The authors describe the effects of practice conditions in motor learning (e.g., contextual interference, knowledge of results) within the constraints of 2 experimental variables: skill level and task difficulty. They use a research framework to conceptualize the interaction of those variables on the basis of concepts from information theory and information processing. The fundamental idea is that motor tasks represent different challenges for performers of different abilities. The authors propose that learning is related to the information arising from performance, which should be optimized along functions relating the difficulty of the task to the skill level of the performer. Specific testable hypotheses arising from the framework are also described. 相似文献
《Trends in cognitive sciences》2001,5(11):487-494
Movement provides the only means we have to interact with both the world and other people. Such interactions can be hard-wired or learned through experience with the environment. Learning allows us to adapt to a changing physical environment as well as to novel conventions developed by society. Here we review motor learning from a computational perspective, exploring the need for motor learning, what is learned and how it is represented, and the mechanisms of learning. We relate these computational issues to empirical studies on motor learning in humans. 相似文献
Three different speech production paradigms assessed C. T. Kello, D. C. Plaut, and B. MacWhinney's (2000) claim that the characteristics of speech production flexibly vary between staged and cascaded modes depending on task demand. All experiments measured response latencies and durations of single words without and with a response deadline. Experiment 1 used a picture-word interference task; Experiment 2 blocked pictures either by semantic category or by word-initial overlap; and Experiment 3 used a Stroop paradigm. In all cases, systematic effects of semantic and form relatedness were obtained on latencies but not on response durations. These results support the assumption that articulation, as assessed by response duration, is never influenced by central cognitive processes once a response has been initiated. 相似文献
Arnaud Badets Charles H. Shea 《Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)》2013,66(2):377-386
The purpose of this experiment was to assess whether learning an action through observation is enhanced by the intention to reproduce the observed behaviour. Two groups of participants observed a model practise a timing task and performed a 24-hour delayed retention test. Participants in the first group of observers were explicitly instructed that they would be required to execute the timing task that they had observed as accurately as possible during the delayed retention test. Observers in the second group were instructed that they would be required to describe as accurately as possible the behaviour that they had observed. A control group of participants, who did not observe the model, was also administered the delayed retention test. The results of the retention test indicated that absolute timing (parameterization) was learned by the observers to the same extent with or without intention to reproduce the task. Indeed, on the retention test absolute timing for the two groups of observers was as effective as that for the models. However, observing with an intention to reproduce the task was beneficial for learning the movement's relative timing structure. Results are discussed with respect to a potential mechanism by which intention enhances observation. 相似文献
The present study investigated the role of temperature as a contextual condition for motor skill learning. Precision grip task training occurred while forearm cutaneous temperature was either heated (40-45 °C) or cooled (10-15 °C). At test, temperature was either reinstated or changed. Performance was comparable between training conditions while at test, temperature changes decreased accuracy, especially after hot training conditions. After cold training, temperature change deficits were only evident when concurrent force feedback was presented. These findings are the first evidence of localized temperature dependency in motor skill learning in humans. Results are not entirely accounted for by a context-dependent memory explanation and appear to represent an interaction of neuromuscular and sensory processes with the temperature present during training and test. 相似文献
The purpose of this experiment was to assess whether learning an action through observation is enhanced by the intention to reproduce the observed behaviour. Two groups of participants observed a model practise a timing task and performed a 24-hour delayed retention test. Participants in the first group of observers were explicitly instructed that they would be required to execute the timing task that they had observed as accurately as possible during the delayed retention test. Observers in the second group were instructed that they would be required to describe as accurately as possible the behaviour that they had observed. A control group of participants, who did not observe the model, was also administered the delayed retention test. The results of the retention test indicated that absolute timing (parameterization) was learned by the observers to the same extent with or without intention to reproduce the task. Indeed, on the retention test absolute timing for the two groups of observers was as effective as that for the models. However, observing with an intention to reproduce the task was beneficial for learning the movement's relative timing structure. Results are discussed with respect to a potential mechanism by which intention enhances observation. 相似文献
Bernstein (The Co-ordination and Regulation of Movements, Pergamon, London, 1967) outlined a theoretical framework for the degrees of freedom problem in motor control that included a 3-stage approach to the reorganization of the peripheral biomechanical degrees of freedom in motor learning and development. We propose that Bernstein's conception of change through the stages of learning is too narrow in its consideration of the degrees of freedom problem and the actual pathways of change evident in motor learning. It is shown that change in both the organization of the mechanical degrees of freedom and the dimension of the attractor dynamic organizing motor output can either increase or decrease, according to the confluence of constraints imposed on action. The central issue determining directional change in dimension is whether the dimensionality of the task relevant intrinsic dynamic needs to be increased or decreased to realize new task demands. 相似文献
Michael Zießler 《Psychological research》1994,57(1):30-41
Subjects are able to learn even very complex serial patterns in serial-reaction-time tasks. The investigation of the learning processes behind this phenomenon has yielded contradictory results. Some studies have come to the conclusion the subjects had learned the sequence of stimuli. Other studies have assumed that the sequence of responses had been learned or a combination of both stimuli and responses. The present experiments stress the impact of motor responses on serial-pattern learning. The subjects had to respond to serial targets that were presented within a matrix of distractors. The position of each target could be predicted from the identity and position of the previous target. If the subjects were to learn this pattern, they would be able to speed up the search for the target and give faster responses. The results indicated that the relation between the target identity and the position of the next target was acquired much better by those subjects who had to respond to each target with a special motor response. If the same response was required for the relevant targets, knowledge of the rule was somewhat fragmentary. To explain these results, mechanisms of motor learning and motor planning are discussed. It is assumed that learning of the rules occurs if the position changes appear to be effects of different motor responses. 相似文献