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The Civil Rights Act of 1964, under Title VI, requires that institutions of higher education submit enrollment figures according to ethnic breakdown for federal monies to be allocated. Such requirements are indicative of efforts to diversify student populations. The Higher Education Act of 1965 also incorporates a number of related programs—Supplemental Opportunity Grants, College Work Study, Talent Search, Upward-Bound—which are designed to provide direct or indirect assistance to disadvantaged students. (Gordon, 1975)  相似文献   

This brief report presents a Multicultural Competency Checklist that can be used by counseling training programs as a pragmatic guide in multicultural program development. The Checklist includes 22 items organized along six major themes: minority representation, curriculum issues, counseling practice and supervision, research considerations, student and faculty competency evaluation, and physical environment. Guidelines for using the Checklist are provided.  相似文献   

Program evaluation offers several benefits to addictions counselors, including identifying best practices, providing accountability to stakeholders, and advocating for minority client populations. This article reviews the benefits of addictions counseling program evaluation and outlines main steps in the evaluation process.  相似文献   

This study involved the content analysis of tape-recorded interviews in an attempt to validate criteria used for evaluating outcomes of counseling. A reputation (sociometric) inventory was used to select three types of students: socially effective, aggressive, and withdrawn. Each student was interviewed by a trained interviewer, and the content of interviews was analyzed according to topics discussed and affect associated with the topics. In general, socially effective students discussed a significantly greater number of topics than either the aggressive or withdrawn students. Few significant differences were found in positive- to negative-affect ratios but the socially effective did generally display more positive affect than the other groups. Though this study failed to validate this technique for appraising outcomes of counseling, the investigators believe that it has promise sufficient for further research.  相似文献   

This article describes components of effective school counseling programs that have emerged from 30 years of empirical research and professional standards. Results are summarized in seven sections: core principles of school counseling programs, program resources, program interventions, program evaluation, program renewal, written policies, and program climate.  相似文献   

Much interest is being expressed in schools across the nation about the use of microcomputers to improve the delivery of special and regular education services. With this interest has come the need to evaluate educational programs utilizing microcomputers so that decisions about program improvement and expansion can be made. This paper discusses the evaluation of special education programs that incorporate microcomputers as a major instructional tool.  相似文献   

Schools and agencies are under increasing pressure to demonstrate program effectiveness and be accountable in terms of cost to the consumer. Systems methodology, developed for use in other fields, may have the potential for program development in counseling. This article discusses some of the ways in which systems technology may be directly employed in a counseling setting.  相似文献   

Spence EH 《Nanoethics》2011,5(3):335-343
The title refers to the question addressed in this paper, namely, to what degree if any technology, including nanotechnologies, in the form of products and processes, is capable of contributing to a good life. To answer that question, the paper will develop a meta-normative model whose primary purpose is to determine the essential conditions that any normative theory of the Good Life and Technology (T-GLAT) must adequately address in order to be able to account for, explain and evaluate the Contributive Capability of Technology for a Good Life (CCT-GL). By CCT-GL understand the capability of any technological product or process in its design and/or its use to contribute in some way, if any, to the good life of individuals and society at large. In this paper, the all-embracing term “technology” will be used to refer to both the products and processes of different technologies.  相似文献   

Although education in the responsible conduct of research is considered necessary, evidence bearing on the effectiveness of these programs in improving research ethics has indicated that, although some programs are successful, many fail. Accordingly, there is a need for systematic evaluation of ethics education programs. In the present effort, we examine procedures for evaluation of ethics education programs from a multilevel perspective: examining both within-program evaluation and cross-program evaluation. With regard to within-program evaluation, we note requisite designs and measures for conducting systematic program evaluation have been developed and multiple measures should be applied in program evaluation. With regard to cross-program evaluation, we argue that a meta-analytic framework should be employed where analyses are used to identify best practices in ethics education. The implications of this multilevel approach for improving responsible conduct of research educational programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This article makes the case that Christian school counselors should be more directly engaged in student spiritual formation. To accomplish this aim, the historical context for the discussion is first explored, followed by a review of contemporary medical and psychological research associating a positive spirituality with healthy functioning across a variety of developmental domains. The argument is then situated within developmental theory and systems thinking as well as the Christian theological—philosophical writings of John Macmurray. Recommendations for improving Christian school counseling practice as they relate to student spiritual formation are included.  相似文献   

Although data about personality assessment training in clinical psychology programs have often been gathered, little comparable data have been collected about assessment training in counseling psychology programs. To collect such information, we conducted a survey of all programs identified as part of the Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs. A two-page questionnaire was sent out to the 64 program directors, with 56 (88%) of the questionnaires being returned. Information about availability of required personality assessment courses, availability of elective assessment courses, and types of personality tests covered in the counseling curriculum is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The authors surveyed the research training practices of doctoral-level, APA-approved counseling psychology programs, non-APA-approved counseling psychology programs, and counselor education programs to identify ways to improve such training. Some differences were found according to program type. No differences were found in percentage of students' publishing or presenting research during 1983–84. Suggestions for improving future research training were assessed; highest ratings were given to required participation in research teams; 1st-year, “hands-on” research experience; and greater emphasis on design rather than statistics training. Programs characterized by high and low student research productivity differed in the areas of required research training, research emphases and research climate, required presentation or submission of research for publication, and material support for student research. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of published and private opinions of mental health professionals revealed a previously hidden consensus concerning certain values that enhance mental health. These values concern Freedom, Love, Identity, Truth, Universals, Symptom Management, and Work. There was disagreement about the effect of many other values on mental health. It is my contention that values permeate counseling and psychotherapy, that the values of conselors and therapists should be more explicit, and that values should be openly used to guide and evaluate treatment.  相似文献   

This article reviews major recent studies supporting the effectiveness of professional counseling, Alcoholics Anonymous, and specialty programs for treating alcohol and drug problems. The American Society of Addiction Medicine's guidelines for referral to substance abuse services are described along with examples of integrated treatment approaches.  相似文献   

Kolb's experiential learning theory offers the career counselor a meta-model with which to structure career exploration exercises and ensure a thorough investigation of self and the world of work in a manner that provides the client with an optimal amount of learning and personal development.  相似文献   

The authors agree that the multicultural counseling movement represents a powerful force with the potential of radically modifying the perspective of the entire counseling profession. To realize its full potential, however, much more research needs to be done within professional training programs to determine the types of instructional strategies that are most effective in terms of developing counselors who are sensitive and effective in working with persons from diverse cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. This article reports on the results of a series of investigations designed to assess the impact of a comprehensive multicultural training model among different groups of graduate students. Implications for future research and training are also discussed. Los autores están de acuerdeo en que el Movimiento de Consejería Multicultural representa una fuerza con la potencia de modificar radicalmente la perspectiva de la profesión entera de consejería. Sin embargo, para cristalizar esta potencia, hay que hacer más investigaciones dentro de programas profesionales de entrenamiento para determinar los tipos de estrategiás instruccionales más eficaces con respecto a consejeros que trabajan sensiblemente y eficazmente con personas culturalmente, raciálmente, y étnicamente diversas. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una serie de investigaciones hechas para estimar el impacto de un modelo comprensivo de entrenamiento de consejería multicultural entre grupos diferentes de estudiantes graduados. También se discuten las implicaciones en las investigaciones y entrenamientos en el futuro.  相似文献   

Research indicates that graduate programs in counseling and clinical psychology are beginning to include more courses on multicultural issues. Little data is available, however, concerning the inclusion of training in multicultural issues in predoctoral psychology internship training programs. This study examined the amount and type of such training actually occurring at predoctoral psychology internship training programs in university counseling centers.  相似文献   

Program evaluation methods capitalizing on quasi-experimental designs are introduced as useful alternatives for evaluating human resources (HR) programs such as selection systems, training courses, performance measurement systems, and 360 degree feedback. A case study is presented to illustrate the benefits of program evaluation methods for evaluating HR programs. In addition, several post-hoc considerations that often moderate results from HR evaluations are described. It is suggested that when these considerations are addressed, quasi-experimental program evaluation methods provide a promising tool for demonstrating bottom line impact of HR initiatives.  相似文献   

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