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亲子互动研究及其进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
亲子互动研究是从父母与儿童互动的角度来研究父母与儿童的交往行为,在近几十年来越来越受到国内外研究者的关注。该文从亲子互动影响因素和亲子互动与儿童心理、行为发展的关系两个方面介绍了亲子互动的有关研究,同时又从有缺陷儿童的亲子互动和父亲在亲子互动中的作用介绍了亲子互动研究的进展。  相似文献   

Research on the reinforcing effects of providing choice-making opportunities to individuals with developmental disabilities (i.e., allowing them to choose reinforcers or tasks) has produced inconsistent results, perhaps because the mechanisms underlying such effects remain unclear. Choice may produce a reinforcement effect because it is correlated with differential consequences (i.e., choice may increase one's access to higher preference stimuli), or it may have reinforcement value independent of (or in addition to) the chosen stimulus. In Experiment 1, we used a concurrent-operants arrangement to assess preference for a choice condition (in which participants selected one of two available reinforcers) relative to a no-choice condition (in which the therapist selected the same reinforcers on a yoked schedule). All 3 participants preferred the choice option. In Experiment 2, we altered the schedules so that the participant selected one of two lower preference reinforcers in the choice condition, whereas the therapist selected a higher preference stimulus for the participant either half or all of the time in the no-choice condition. Participants typically allowed the therapist to select reinforcers for them (i.e., they allocated responding to the no-choice condition) when it resulted in greater access to higher preference stimuli.  相似文献   

Jackson and Pettit argue that expressivism in metaethics collapses into subjectivism. A sincere utterer of a moral claim must believe that she has certain attitudes to be expressed. The truth-conditions of that belief then allegedly provide truth-conditions also for the moral utterance. Thus, the expressivist cannot deny that moral claims have subjectivist truth-conditions. Critics have argued that this argument fails as stated. I try to show that expressivism does have subjectivist repercussions in a way that avoids the problems of the Jackson-Pettit argument. My argument, based on the norms for asserting moral sentences, attempts to tie expressivists to a more modest form of subjectivism than the previous arguments.  相似文献   

We conducted a series of assessments to determine the differential effects of common antecedents and consequences that can influence the occurrence of bizarre speech in three women with moderate to severe dementia. First, a traditional functional analysis was conducted to assess the function of bizarre speech. After results revealed differentially higher levels of bizarre speech during control sessions, an antecedent analysis was conducted. During this second assessment, all consequences were held constant, and only the antecedents (i.e., open‐ended questions, yes/no questions, and comments) were altered. Bizarre speech was differentially higher when open‐ended questions were presented, replicating previous studies. The final assessment conducted was a modified functional analysis to further assess the effects of consequences on bizarre speech. More typical consequences were assessed, including two tests for a positive function (attention in the form of correction and attention in the form of following along) and two tests for a negative function (a break from one question and a break from all questions). Results consistently revealed that antecedents produced greater differentiation in responding than social consequences. These findings provide evidence that behavioral assessments may need to be modified to better capture the relevant environmental variables that influence problem behavior in individuals with dementia. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A 24-item scale was developed to measure Beliefs about the Consequences of Maternal Employment for Children (BACMEC), including beliefs about both benefits (13 items) and costs (11 items). Studies of five samples ( n = 375) demonstrate that the total BACMEC scale and its subscales are highly reliable and have good convergent, divergent, and con-current validity. Scores on the Costs Subscale predicted greater sex-role traditionalism, women's employment status (not employed), and an older age of child at which mother's employment was deemed acceptable. Benefits scores predicted women's employment status (employed) and work hours (longer), younger age of child when maternal work is accept-able, and greater support for policies to aid working parents. The scales were not susceptible to a social desirability bias. Suggestions are provided for the use of the BACMEC scale in future research concerning employment and families.  相似文献   

This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Beliefs About the Consequences of Maternal Employment (BACMEC) scale in a sample of 570 pregnant women and 550 of their husbands/partners. Both the costs and benefits subscales showed excellent internal consistency reliability. The two subscales emerged as two separate factors in factor analyses, both for the mothers'data and for the fathers'data. Construct validity was indicated by moderate correlations with a scale assessing traditional versus egalitarian sex-role attitudes. The two subscales significantly differentiated a group of mothers who favored early entry into childcare from a group who favored later entry. Fathers'scores were quite close to those of mothers, indicating that they have similar beliefs about the consequences of maternal employment for children.  相似文献   

心理应激的免疫抑制作用及其与神经内分泌反应的相关性   总被引:44,自引:4,他引:44  
以给予经定时喂水训练大鼠空瓶刺激为情绪性心理应激源,研究了此情绪应激对大鼠特异性原发体液免疫反应的影响及其可能的作用机制。结果表明每次10分钟,共14次的情绪应激显著降低大鼠抗特异性抗原OVA的抗体水平及脾脏指数,而显著增高血肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素和皮质酮水平。研究还发现去甲肾上腺素与抗特异性抗原OVA的抗体水平呈显著负相关。该研究证实了情绪性心理应激对大鼠体液免疫功能的抑制作用,并提示交感神经系统可能参与了此免疫调节作用。  相似文献   

We propose that women regularly anticipate and receive messages from others that trivialize the severity of their body image concerns. Moreover, we suggest that these minimizing messages can heighten women's negative affective reactions to body image threats, particularly if they internalize them. Two studies provided support for these ideas. In Study 1, women and men estimated the likelihood that others would minimize the feelings of a woman who felt badly about her body. As expected, women estimated a high likelihood of minimization. In Study 2, women internalized or rejected a message that either minimized or validated the severity of body image concerns before undergoing a body image threat themselves. Women felt heightened negative affect following the threat if they internalized the minimizing message, but they maintained their prethreat affective state if they rejected the minimizing message or internalized the validating message. The discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for research on effective social support and clinical interventions.  相似文献   

Previous investigations of the social behavior of handicapped preschool children (Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1974, 7 , 583–590; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1976, 9 , 31–40; Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1977, 10 , 289–298) demonstrated that introduction of adult or peer confederate intervention agents produced substantial increases in levels of positive social behavior emitted by the subjects. In addition, it was observed that changes in rates of positive social behavior emitted by recipients of intervention tactics were accompanied by parallel changes in rates of positive social behavior emitted by interacting peers. However, with one limited exception, sudden removals of arranged intervention procedures were followed by immediate reductions in the levels of positive social behavior emitted by subjects and peers in each study. The current investigation was designed to examine the effects of response-dependent removal of intervention procedures on the positive behavior of three socially withdrawn preschool boys. Interactive effects on the social behavior of classroom peers who did not receive adult prompts and contingent attention events were also examined. A combination of withdrawal of treatment and multiple baseline procedures was employed. The three target subjects received fixed numbers of prompts and contingent attention events during Intervention I and Intervention II, Phase 1 conditions. During Intervention II, Phase 2 conditions, prompts and contingent attention events were reduced on a response-dependent basis for two subjects and on a response-independent basis for the third subject. The results suggest that: (a) the intervention procedures produced marked increases in positive social behavior emitted by each subject; (b) response-dependent fading and thinning, contrasted with response-independent tactics, maintained levels of positive social behavior equivalent to those observed during Intervention I and Intervention II, Phase 1 conditions; (c) changes in positive and negative behaviors emitted by peers paralleled changes in positive and negative behaviors emitted by each subject; and (d) no “spillover” of treatment effects was noted for subjects during periods in which they were not direct recipients of intervention procedures.  相似文献   

Sexual harassment (SH) has been identified as one of the most damaging and ubiquitous barriers to career success and satisfaction for women. This study meta-analyzed data from 41 studies, with a total sample size of nearly 70,000 respondents, to examine several negative consequences of workplace SH as well as how situational factors may play a role in facilitating these occurrences. SH experiences are associated with negative outcomes such as decreased job satisfaction, lower organizational commitment, withdrawing from work, ill physical and mental health, and even symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. In addition, organizational climate for SH figured prominently in facilitating these occurrences.  相似文献   

In this study, independent samples from the same population responded to three simulated situations in which sex and other independent variables were manipulated. In the first two cases, discriminatory decisions against women managers by male respondents were clearly discerned. However, in the third case where sex as an independent variable interacted with developmental potential, the pattern of evaluative decisions changed. A high-potential female was treated as favourably as a high-potential male while the low-potential male received the lowest selection rate from the male respondents. While the finding is not altogether surprising in a meritocratic society like Singapore, the study points to the need to explore the interactive effects which sex bias may have with other attitudes in a specific social context.  相似文献   

Individualized treatment packages were developed for 3 children with high-rate severe pica using a discrimination training paradigm and a behavioral assessment-based procedure known as empirically derived consequences. Children received empirically derived reinforcers for eating under appropriate stimulus conditions (i.e., eating food only from a plate and placemat that served as a discriminative stimulus) and empirically derived punishers for attempts to engage in pica. This treatment package resulted in marked reductions in pica and an increase in appropriate eating for all 3 children in a “baited” analogue condition. In addition, low rates of pica were maintained for 9 months for all 3 children. These results suggest that treatment effectiveness may be enhanced when behavioral assessment data are used to identify potent consequences.  相似文献   

Eighteen mother-child dyads were referred for psychological help because of the children's oppositional behaviors and the mothers' aversive reactions to the children. All dyads were from low income families in which the mothers reported themselves to be relatively isolated from social contact in their communities. Following a baseline phase, the mothers were trained to modify their children's oppositional behaviors through time out and a point system. Fourteen of the dyads were observed in three phases of the study: baseline, parent training or treatment, and a 1-year follow-up period. In Phases one and two, child opposition and mother aversive reactions to the children were measured twice weekly by professional observers in the home settings. During Phase three (follow-up), these observations occurred twice per month. In addition, the mothers' self-reported contacts with people in their communities were obtained immediately after each observation. Results showed significant improvement in the mother-child problems during the parent training or treatment phase. However, the problems returned to baseline levels of occurrence during the follow-up phase. The self-report findings indicated that number of mother contacts with friends was an inverse predictor of these problems. On days marked by high proportions of friend contacts, mother-child problems were lower in frequency than on days marked by low proportions of friend contacts. These correlational findings were taken to suggest that a mother's extra-family social contacts may influence her child interaction patterns at home. This possibility was discussed as a factor in the long-term success of parent training as a treatment strategy.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of assigning a classroom manager's role on the frequency of social interactions and the sociometric standing of three withdrawn kindergarten students. Results showed that when the three socially withdrawn students were placed in the manager's role they substantially increased the frequency of their positive social initiations during free-play time, were the recipients of many more positive and significantly fewer negative social bids from their peers, were rated more favorably by their classmates on a sociometric rating scale, and were selected more frequently as best friends by their peers. In addition, follow-up data suggested partial maintenance of treatment effects when students no longer occupied manager positions.  相似文献   

John Polkinghorne 《Zygon》2005,40(1):43-49
Abstract. Stephen I Gould's notion of non‐overlapping magisteria (NOMA) is neither experientially supported nor rationally justifiable. Influence flows between science and religion, as when evolutionary thinking encouraged theology to adopt a kenotic view of the Creator's act of allowing creatures to be and to make themselves. Alleged simplistic dichotomies between science and religion, such as motivated belief contrasted with fideistic assertion, are seen to be false. Promising topics in the currently vigorous dialogue between science and religion include relational ontology, eschatological credibility, and ethical issues relating to advances in human genetics.  相似文献   

青少年亲子关系与攻击性行为的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以670名小学生和初、高中学生为被试,采用问卷法考察青少年攻击性行为的特点,以及亲子关系(亲子依恋、父母教养方式)对于攻击性行为的影响。结果表明:(1)母依恋与父依恋均与攻击性行为及其各个维度有显著的负相关。(2)父母教养方式除了F4(父亲偏爱被试)、M5(母亲偏爱被试)与攻击性行为及其各个维度没有相关外,其他各个维度与攻击性行为及其各个维度均有显著的正相关或负相关。(3)亲子关系对于攻击性行为的预测上,M3(母亲拒绝、否认)、F1(父情感温暖理解)、M2(母过分干涉保护)、M4(母亲惩罚、严厉)这4个维度能预测攻击性行为23%的变异量。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between interaction behavior in a small group setting and the resulting perceptions group members have of one another. Trained raters coded the interaction behavior of subjects, who discussed a task-oriented topic in small groups. Results indicate that interaction behavior can account for a substantial percentage of the variance in group members’ perceptions of one another. Apparently, the same interaction behavior may simultaneously result in both more positive and more negative perceptions on the part of other group members, suggesting that different interaction strategies are appropriate for varying desired personal outcomes.  相似文献   

家庭亲子沟通与儿童发展关系   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
该文在回顾亲子沟通研究的发展历史的基础上,综述了亲子沟通对儿童的社会性发展、性行为以及其他行为问题如饮酒、药物滥用、反社会行为等的影响以及亲子沟通与儿童自尊、自主性、自我效能感等之间的相关关系;此外,阐述了家庭结构、家庭满意度对亲子沟通的影响和亲子沟通的跨文化差异。  相似文献   

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