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The debate over social acceptability of intrusive procedures has led some school districts to adopt policies allowing punishment for only the most extreme forms of destructive behavior. We investigated the effectiveness of selectively implementing punishment for only the most severe topographies of aggression and property destruction, while less extreme behaviors were ignored. Results indicated that severe behaviors were reduced to near-zero levels only when both severe and less severe behaviors were similarly punished.  相似文献   

J. W. Bowker 《Zygon》1986,21(4):415-438
Abstract. For pragmatic reasons more attention should be devoted to the serious study of religion. Although religions inspire great achievements of human creativity, it is important to understand them because they also promote violence and warfare. One can understand the unacceptable face of religion when one sees why religions matter to those who belong to them; why they are bound to be conservative, especially in times of stress; and why, therefore, believers become very passionate about defending the boundaries of their particular religious systems. Such understanding provides a realistic basis for working toward the peaceful coexistence of conflicting religious systems.  相似文献   

The acceptability of alternative treatments for deviant child behavior was evaluated in two experiments. In each experiment, clinical cases were described to undergraduate students along with four different treatments in a Replicated Latin Square Design. The treatments included reinforcement of incompatible behavior, time out from reinforcement, drug therapy, and electric shock and the treatments were described as they were applied to children with problem behaviors. Experiment 1 developed an assessment device to evaluate treatment acceptability and examined whether treatments were rated as differentially acceptable. Experiment 2 replicated the first experiment and examined whether the severity of the presenting clinical problem influenced ratings of acceptability. The results indicated that treatments were sharply distinguished in overall acceptability. Reinforcement of incompatible behavior was more acceptable than other treatments which followed, in order, time out from reinforcement, drug therapy, and electric shock. Case severity influenced acceptability of alternative treatments with all treatments being rated as more acceptable with more severe cases. However, the strength of case severity was relatively small in relation to the different treatment conditions themselves which accounted for large portions of variance.  相似文献   

The effects of a video vignette on the treatment acceptability ratings of four behavioral interventions were evaluated. Two interventions involved positive reinforcement (DRO and DRI) and two negative consequences (contingent physical restraint and contingent electric shock). Seventy-four undergraduate psychology students were randomly assigned into two groups. The experimental group (n=36) viewed a video vignette of a self-abusive individual whereas the control group (n=38) did not. Acceptability ratings prior to the video showed no differences between the experimental and control groups. The post video ratings indicated significant acceptability increases for physical restraint for the experimental group. There also was a significant group by testing effect because the means for the experimental group rose whereas the control group's means were stable. These results replicated and extended Foxx, McHenry and Bremer (in press) who showed that treatment acceptability is alterable through video.  相似文献   

匡培梓 《心理学报》1962,7(1):20-29
巴甫洛夫始終把条件性皮貭抑制看为积极的神經过程,它不断地調节着兴奋过程,致使有机体的活动能更正确地适应于外界环境。因而,抑制問題的研究不仅具有理論上的意义。而且具有实践上的意义。 如所周知,作为內抑制形式之一的延緩抑制是构成人与动物的一系列行为的基础。例如,对教育工作来說,具有重要意义的是培养儿童的坚靱性,发展善于在某个特定时間內制止自己的活动,或者在需要的时刻准时地进行活动等等的能力。这些正是以延緩抑制的发展为基础的。  相似文献   

Nancey C. Murphy 《Zygon》1987,22(3):279-298
Abstract. The philosophy of science of Imre Lakatos suggests criteria for acceptability of work in the interdisciplinary area of theology and science: proposals must contribute to scientific (or theological) research programs that lead to prediction and discovery of novel facts. Lakatos's methodology also suggests four legitimate types of theology–and–science interaction: (1) heuristic use of theology in science; (2) incorporation of a theological assertion as an auxiliary hypothesis in a scientific research program, or (3) as the central theory of a research program; and (4) hybrid theology–and–science programs with empirical data. Three recent Zygon articles illustrate these four types.  相似文献   

Summary . School refusal is a debilitating condition that may be treated in various ways. This study examined the acceptability and perceived effectiveness of alternative treatments for school refusal. A total of 376 people comprising students, parents, and professionals, were required to evaluate several treatment options in relation to a vignette. Despite its potential aversiveness, behavioural management was the most acceptable treatment approach followed, in order, by home tuition with psychotherapy, hospitalisation, and medication. A strong positive relationship was found between acceptability and perceived effectiveness.  相似文献   

在扼要评述社会心理学几种研究定向后,作者提出了在社会行为学的旗帜下,一种综合种种理论定向的有关社会行为研究的可能的逻辑及历史的框架。文章最后仔细界定了社会行为学的逻辑起点:社会行为具有三重历史:种系演化,个体发生及动作发生。  相似文献   

Despite the growing popularity of upward feedback programs, there has been very little research on the effects of upward feedback on changes in managerial performance over time. We examined the effects of implementing an upward feedback program in which subordinates' ratings were collected for 238 first-through fifth-level managers in a large corporation at two points in time about 6 months apart. Research questions drawn from goal-setting, control, and social cognition theories guided our investigation of the effects of (a) receiving feedback, (b) completing self-ratings, (c) managers' initial level of performance, and (d) subordinate's familiarity with the manager on changes over time in the level of ratings and reported opportunity to observe managerial behaviors. Ratings were provided on a 33-item behavioral observation scale that focused on areas such as the manager's commitment to quality, communications, support of subordinates (encouraging participation, coaching), and fairness. Based on subordinates' ratings, managers whose initial level of performance was moderate or low improved over the 6-month period, and this improvement could not be attributed solely to regression to the mean. Also, both managers and their subordinates became more likely over time to indicate that the managers had an opportunity to demonstrate behaviors measured by the upward feedback instrument.  相似文献   

Holmes Rolston  III 《Zygon》1992,27(1):65-87
Abstract. Ian Barbour's Religion in an Age of Science is a welcome systematic, theoretical overview of the relations between science and religion, culminating his long career with a balanced and insightful appraisal. The hallmarks of his synthesis are critical realism, holism, and process thought. Barbour makes even more investment in process philosophy and theology than in his previous works. This invites further inquiry about the adequacy of a highly general process metaphysics in dealing with our particular, deeply historical world; also further inquiry about the adequacy of its panexperientialism and incrementalism.  相似文献   

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