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由中国逻辑学会因明专业委员会与西南民族大学联合主办的第七届全国因明学术研讨会,于2011年10月14日至15日在成都召开,来自北京、上海等13个省市自治区的80余名代表参加了会议。会议收到论文、报告近60篇。  相似文献   

由中国逻辑学会因明专业委员会主办,洛阳师范学院和宜阳县人民政府共同承办的第六届全国因明学术研讨会于2010年4月24至25日在河南洛阳和宜阳召开.来自北京、上海、天津、河北、河南、浙江、内蒙古等20多个省、市、自治区,以及香港、台湾等地区的70余位专家、学者参会,其中还包括外籍访问学者,本次大会交流论文、报告60余篇.  相似文献   

2009年10月23日至26日,由中国逻辑学会主办的“纪念中国逻辑学会成立30周年大会”在四川成都隆重举行。本次会议由四川省逻辑学会、四川大学成人教育学院、四川大学公共管理学院、西南财经大学人文学院以及绵阳师范学院文学与传播学院等5家单位承办,北京大学、清华大学等17家单位参与协办。本次会议盛况空前,来自全国的近200余位逻辑学界的专家、学者相聚蓉城,畅谈中国逻辑学研究30年发展的历程。  相似文献   

张晓翔 《哲学动态》2012,(2):111-112
由中国逻辑学会因明专业委员会与西南民族大学联合主办的"第七届全国因明学术研讨会"于2011年10月14-15日在成都召开。来自全国各地80余名代表与会。会议收到论文、报告近60篇。1.因明教学与研究概况  相似文献   

沈榆平 《逻辑学研究》2009,2(4):114-119
由中山大学逻辑与认知研究所主办的逻辑与认知国际研讨会自2001年开始每年举办一次,内容涉及逻辑学、计算机科学、数学、认知科学和哲学,共同的目的在于发展中国的逻辑学研究及促进中国与国外逻辑学家的交流与合作。第八届逻辑与认知国际研讨会于2009年11月2日至4日在广州举行,由中山大学逻辑与认知研究所与澳大利亚墨尔本大学哲学系联合主办。本次会议邀请了来自澳大利亚、新西兰、日本、印度、中国香港、中国台湾和中国大陆的学者。会议录用了13篇论文作为发言稿,其中5篇特邀发言分别来自Edwin Mares、Greg Restall、Hiroakira Ono、Mark Reynoldsand、Mihir Chakraborty。会议内容涵盖了证明论、逻辑与代数、博弈论、语言学和哲学逻辑。例如Greg Restall的论文从确证与否证的角度来理解证明,并且考察这样的观点如何影响对证明结构及证明论的理解。在逻辑与代数的主题上,Hiroakira Ono教授着眼于在保持无穷交并下的代数完全性。哲学逻辑方面的论文有时态逻辑、信念逻辑、动态逻辑、条件句逻辑、模糊逻辑等。博弈论方面有对偏逻辑的博弈语义的考察。另外还有对论证理论的形式模型探讨。会议受到了与会者的高度肯定,为加强亚太地区逻辑学的交流与合作提供了一个很好的平台。会议主委会包括鞠实儿教授、Greg Restall、Hiroakira Ono和Mihir Chakraborty教授一致认为这样的合作与交流应该继续深入下去。期待在不久的将来可以建立起所谓的亚太逻辑研究圈,从而更好地推进逻辑学在亚太地区的发展。  相似文献   

曹政 《中国宗教》2022,(10):65-67
2022年9月17至18日,由中国社会科学院学部主席团主办,中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所和中国宗教学会联合承办的“宗教学研究与人类命运共同体构建”——中国社会科学论坛(2022·宗教学)以线上会议的方式在北京召开。本次论坛计有来自国内外学界约80余人参会,收到论文近60篇,取得了丰厚的成果。开幕式上,中国社会科学院副院长、党组成员高培勇,中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所所长、中国宗教学会会长郑筱筠分别致辞。  相似文献   

2007年12月14日至16日,由中国社会科学院基督教研究中心主办,加拿火维真学院、香港中文大学崇基学院神学院、香港中文大学天主教研究中心、香港浸会大学中华基督宗教研究中心、香港汉语基督教文化研究所,以及德国汉堡NMZ等赞助合办的"基督宗教与公共价值"学术研讨会在北京江西大酒店召开.来自全国各高校、科研机构以及海外的近180位专家学者参加或旁听了此次研讨会.会议共收到学者们提交的学术论文60余篇,50多位学者作了大会发言.  相似文献   

近20年~30年来,胃癌临床一基础研究中关于其临床一病理分期与治疗策略颇受重视、十分活跃,而且发生了很大变化。对“胃癌临床分期是决定治疗方法的基础,病理分期是评价预后的基础”已形成共识。2010年日本胃癌学会修订的第14版《胃癌处理规约》与第3版《胃癌治疗指南》均主动废止了15本学者坚持多年的胃癌解剖学分期法,同国际T...  相似文献   

1708年,法国传教士白日昇与其中国助手徐若翰共同写作了汉语《圣经》,这是汉语史上首次出现大规模的译经工作,该《圣经》包括四福音书单列本及合参本两种版本,有关两种版本的内容、关联及其与二马译本之间的关系,已有学者做了相关研究,遗留的问题是:合参本是白、徐共同书写亦或徐若翰一人而成?合参本内容为自行杂糅还是翻译自现成的西文福音书合参本?白、徐译本直接为二马译经所参考,对后世汉语译经产生了不言而喻的影响,然而白、徐译本与前人成果有何关系?是否参考过其之前的中文《圣经》?本文将对这些问题做一说明,并梳理出早期汉语《圣经》译经的历史脉络。  相似文献   

1990年7月15日至20日,第五次全国伦理学讨论会在长春市长春机车工厂召开,会议由中国伦理学会和吉林省社联共同主办。大会的中心议题是“十年来伦理学研究和道德建设的回顾与展望”。1980年6月,中国伦理学会诞生于江苏无锡,这次讨论会亦是中国伦理学会成立十周年纪念大会。来自全国22个省、市、自治区的伦理学工作者、实际部门工作者和部分新闻单位的同志共计113人出席了会议,提交论文近60篇(将由吉林人民出版社结集出版)。中宣部常务副部长徐惟诚同志代表中宣部莅会并做了专题报告,吉林省委副书记谷长春同志到会祝贺。国家教委副主  相似文献   

This bibliometric review covers the scientific production with or about the repertory grid technique (RGT; Kelly, 1955/1991) between 1998 and 2007. An analysis of previous reviews suggests the need for a more careful and broad process of bibliographic research. With this aim, 24 bibliographic sources were used to cover a wide range of specialties. We began by drawing up an explicit protocol in which the research terms were detailed. Then we consulted the bibliographic sources, taking into account a specification of inclusion and exclusion criteria. As a result of this process, 973 references were obtained: 468 journal papers, 335 book chapters, 108 doctoral theses, and 62 books. The review also evaluates the types of documents found, the evolution of the number of works published, the repertory grid's fields of application, and the degree of openness to other disciplines. The most relevant authors, their affiliations, countries, and the publication language are also revealed in this article, as well as the major journals contributing to dissemination of the work done with this technique.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A meta-analysis was conducted on 17 studies (27 separate samples and 73 effect sizes) examining the effects of interventions in the note-taking procedures on learning from lectures or texts. The overall mean weighted effect size ( d ) for the intervention groups versus the no intervention groups was 0.02. To explore what factors influence the intervention effects, moderator analyses were conducted separately for intervention type, schooling level, presentation method, publication source, and publication year. The results indicated that students at a lower schooling level gained some benefits from the interventions, whereas students at a higher schooling level did not. Also, the intervention effects were greater for journal articles than for doctoral dissertations and Education Resources Information Center reports. Other variables did not significantly account for the variance in effect sizes.  相似文献   

One of the books submitted for review to this journal was B.–A. Scharfstein's The philosophers: their lives and the nature of their thought (1980, Oxford). Although not explicitly concerned with logic, it raised various questions for history and historiography (possibilities for psycho-history, for example). Thus I sought a review, which was written by P. Loptson and published in volume 3 (1982), 105–107. The ensuing correspondence has been edited for publication by me, with the authors’ approval.  相似文献   

Lore Zeller, long-time friend and proofreader of Psychological Perspectives, is a first-time contributor to our journal—or any journal. Lore is also something of an icon at the bookstore of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, where she has worked, dispensing books and wisdom, for over twenty years. She is eighty-seven years old. Over the past few years she has translated all of the correspondence from her German-Jewish parents and in-laws after she, her husband, and their two-year-old son fled their hometown of Berlin to seek safety in the United States via England. Within a few years of their escape, both sets of parents had perished in death camps. As survivors in Los Angeles, her husband and she helped found the Jung Institute here.

When she mentioned that she had been working on this paper, it was suggested she send it to us for review. After giving the idea some consideration, she eventually overcame her innate shyness — the results of which can be seen in the riveting story that follows.

Lore Haber Zeller is honoring the memory of her parents by using her maiden name with her married name for this publication. —Gilda Frantz  相似文献   

“第八次中国逻辑大会”于2008年10月31日至11月3日在大津召开,全国逻辑学界200余位代表出席了会议。中国逻辑大会由中国逻辑学会土办,每四年召开一次。本次人会听取和审议了中国逻辑学会第7届常务理事会工作报告;  相似文献   

This paper considers the assignment of scores to research output items, such as articles, books, contributions to conference proceedings, doctoral dissertations, etc., under four distribution criteria: the advancement of pure and applied scientific research, the advancement of innovative problem solving, the dissemination of scientific knowledge, and the coverage of the cost of the research. These scores are to be used in the allocation of research funds to the faculties of a university. The present paper describes the experiments carried out within the framework of the Decision Analysis and Support Project of the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria. It summarizes the vivid discussions triggered by the experiment, and it also presents the results of an additional experiment. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

清代中末期的经世致用思潮对近代(1840-1949)中医方书的影响主要表现在,近代方书的出版在数量上已达到历史的顶峰;大型医方书注重实用性;单验方类书籍大量出版;方书以传单形式广泛流传。近代各类型方书的编写重视实用性,突出了简、便、廉、验的特点。  相似文献   

Donald H. Blocher has been a major contributor and advocate in the field of counseling psychology for more than 30 years. He has written six books, more than 60 book chapters and journal articles, and has had several publications translated into international journals. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, a recipient of the Distinguished Achievement Award from Harvard University, and a Fulbright Lecturer in the United Kingdom. Donald Blocher was interviewed on the occasion of his retirement after a distinguished career. In this conversation he discusses a wide range of provocative ideas as he looks back at his life as a developmental psychologist.  相似文献   

Behavioral assessment: review and prospect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article I review the history and publication trends of the behavioral assessment (BA) section of the journal, outline future directions for the BA section and suggest avenues for future assessment research. BA began as a stand-alone journal in 1978 and was incorporated as a regular section of Behaviour Research and Therapy (BRT) in 1992. Throughout this article I will use 'BA' to refer to both the stand-alone assessment journal and the assessment section of BRT. Since its inception, the scope of BA has been broad, with behavioral assessment defined to include the assessment of motoric, cognitive, emotional and physiological responses. Several publication trends are identified, including a declining frequency in the number of submitted and published articles on behavioural assessment. This parallels the declining number of assessment articles published elsewhere. Despite these trends, assessment research continues to form a vital foundation for other types of psychological research (e.g. treatment outcome studies), and there is a continued need for assessment-related research. A number of potentially fruitful directions for assessment research are suggested.  相似文献   

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