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Individuals speak incrementally when they interleave planning and articulation. Eyetracking, along with the measurement of speech onset latencies, can be used to gain more insight into the degree of incrementality adopted by speakers. In the current article, two eyetracking experiments are reported in which pairs of complex numerals were named (arabic format, Experiment 1) or read aloud (alphabetic format, Experiment 2) as house numbers and as clock times. We examined whether the degree of incrementality is differentially influenced by the production task (naming vs. reading) and mode (house numbers vs. clock time expressions), by comparing gaze durations and speech onset latencies. In both tasks and modes, dissociations were obtained between speech onset latencies (reflecting articulation) and gaze durations (reflecting planning), indicating incrementality. Furthermore, whereas none of the factors that determined gaze durations were reflected in the reading and naming latencies for the house numbers, the dissociation between gaze durations and response latencies for the clock times concerned mainly numeral length in both tasks. These results suggest that the degree of incrementality is influenced by the type of utterance (house number vs. clock time) rather than by task (reading vs. naming). The results highlight the importance of the utterance structure in determining the degree of incrementality.  相似文献   

Individuals speak incrementally when they interleave planning and articulation. Eyetracking, along with the measurement of speech onset latencies, can be used to gain more insight into the degree of incrementality adopted by speakers. In the current article, two eyetracking experiments are reported in which pairs of complex numerals were named (arabic format, Experiment 1) or read aloud (alphabetic format, Experiment 2) as house numbers and as clock times. We examined whether the degree of incrementality is differentially influenced by the production task (naming vs. reading) and mode (house numbers vs. clock time expressions), by comparing gaze durations and speech onset latencies. In both tasks and modes, dissociations were obtained between speech onset latencies (reflecting articulation) and gaze durations (reflecting planning), indicating incrementality. Furthermore, whereas none of the factors that determined gaze durations were reflected in the reading and naming latencies for the house numbers, the dissociation between gaze durations and response latencies for the clock times concerned mainly numeral length in both tasks. These results suggest that the degree of incrementality is influenced by the type of utterance (house number vs. clock time) rather than by task (reading vs. naming). The results highlight the importance of the utterance structure in determining the degree of incrementality.  相似文献   

Results from two separate norming studies of lexical access in Italian were merged, permitting a comparison of word-reading and picture-naming latencies and the factors that predict each one for an overlapping subsample of 128 common nouns. Factor analysis of shared lexical predictors yielded four latent variables: a frequency factor, a semantic factor, a length factor, and a final factor dominated by frication on the initial phoneme. Age of acquisition (AoA) loaded highly on the first two factors, suggesting that it can be split into separate sources of variance. Regression analyses using factor scores as predictors showed that word reading and picture naming are both influenced by the frequency/AoA factor. The semantics/AoA factor influenced only picture naming, whereas the length and frication factors influenced only word reading. Generalizability of these results to other languages is discussed, including potential effects of cross-language differences in orthographic transparency.  相似文献   

采用两个实验探讨同音字密度对于汉字识别的影响。实验一采用命名任务,结果发现高同音字密度的汉字的加工时间短于低同音字密度的汉字,说明在汉字识别中,同音字密度起促进作用;实验二运用眼动分析的方法,考察在句子阅读中的同音字密度效应。结果发现,读者对高、低同音字密度汉字的加工在各眼动指标上均没有显著差异,说明在正常句子阅读中,同音字密度的效应消失。  相似文献   

Bimorphemic compound words (e.g.,blueberry), bimorphemic suffixed words (e.g.,ceaseless), and monomorphemic controls (e.g.,arthritis) were read in neutral sentence contexts in Experiment 1. The main result revealed longer first fixation durations on compound words than on control and suffixed words. Different effects emerged when naming tasks were used. An on-line naming task revealed substantially shorter naming latencies for compound words than for control and suffixed words. Naming latencies for compound and control words were equivalent in a delayed naming task. These results indicate that on-line naming latencies and word-viewing durations may yield diverging results. They also suggest that activation of constituent words of compound words occurs independently from the specification of conventional word meanings.  相似文献   

Serial rapid automatized naming (RAN) is more strongly related to reading fluency than naming of isolated words, suggesting that the implementation of serial processing may underlie the RAN–reading relationship. In this study, 107 Greek children from Grade 2 and 107 from Grade 6 were tested with discrete and serial naming of digits, objects, and words in 50-item arrays. The correlation between discrete and serial word reading was very high in Grade 2 but only moderate in Grade 6. In confirmatory factor analysis, a reading–naming latent structure fit the Grade 2 data best; in contrast, a serial–discrete structure fit the Grade 6 data. Thus, the superficial longitudinal stability of RAN–reading correlations belies vastly different patterns of interrelations, indicative of changes in the developing cognitive processes underlying both naming and reading. Word fluency tasks in Grade 2 are apparently accomplished largely as a series of isolated individual word naming trials even though multiple individual letters in each word may be processed in parallel. In contrast, specifically serial procedures are applied in Grade 6, presumably via simultaneous processing of multiple individual words at successive levels. It is proposed that this feat requires endogenous control of cognitive cascades.  相似文献   

We examined how rapid automatized naming (RAN) components-articulation time and pause time-predict word and text reading fluency in a consistent orthography (Greek). In total, 68 children were followed from Grade 2 to Grade 6 and were assessed three times on RAN (Digits and Objects), phonological awareness, orthographic processing, speed of processing, and reading fluency. Both RAN components were strongly related to reading fluency and, with few exceptions, accounted for unique variance over and above the contribution of speed of processing, phonological awareness, and orthographic processing. The amount of predictive variance shared between the components and the cognitive processing skills varied across time. The implications of these findings for the RAN-reading relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

There is a remarkable lack of research bringing together the literatures on oral reading and speaking. As concerns phonological encoding, both models of reading and speaking assume a process of segmental spellout for words, which is followed by serial prosodification in models of speaking (e.g., Levelt, Roelofs, & Meyer, 1999). Thus, a natural place to merge models of reading and speaking would be at the level of segmental spellout. This view predicts similar seriality effects in reading and object naming. Experiment 1 showed that the seriality of encoding inside a syllable revealed in previous studies of speaking is observed for both naming objects and reading their names. Experiment 2 showed that both object naming and reading exhibit the seriality of the encoding of successive syllables previously observed for speaking. Experiment 3 showed that the seriality is also observed when object naming and reading trials are mixed rather than tested separately, as in the first two experiments. These results suggest that a serial phonological encoding mechanism is shared between naming objects and reading their names.  相似文献   

Numbers can be represented as number words or as digits, but are the two notations processed differently? Two experiments in which a flanker paradigm with a naming task was used were conducted, with digits and number words as targets and flankers. Reaction times were shortest when the flanker denoted the same numerical value as the target. The numerical distance between the target and a numerically different flanker modulated reaction times in all conditions, except for number word targets with digit flankers. The direction of this effect—targets were named faster when the flanker was numerically close than when it was far—indicates that the numerical magnitude representations of numbers are associatively connected. When the target and the flanker were presented in the same format, no difference was observed in the distance effects for the two formats. This indicates that number words activate the abstract representation of their numerical value in a way that is very similar to that for digits.  相似文献   

The present research examined directional scanning effects (DSE) as a function of reading habit strength among right handers. A picture array naming and recall task was administered to three groups of child readers--unidirectional right-to-left readers of Arabic, unidirectional left-to-right readers of Kannada, and bidirectional readers of Urdu and English--and one group of Urdu illiterate adults. The results showed a right-to-left DSE in the Arabic and Urdu readers. In the latter group the strength of the scanning effect decreased with greater schooling in English. No R-L effect was observed in the Kannada readers or in the Urdu illiterates. These results extend prior research in documenting an "invasion" of culturally acquired reading scan habits onto a nonlinguistic domain. It is suggested that directional scanning effects be controlled or else directly examined in future laterality research involving nonlinguistic stimuli.  相似文献   

In this study, verbal memory and naming abilities were investigated in reading disabled (RD) and control children who were characterized according to the presence or absence of attention deficit disorder (ADD). Results indicate that deficits in learning and memory for recently acquired information occur as a function of ADD rather than RD while deficits in naming are specific to RD rather than ADD. We conclude that ADD is a major source of additional and separate cognitive morbidity in RD children.  相似文献   

In two 6-month longitudinal studies of intellectually advanced preschool children, letter naming time and backward digit span were moderately good predictors of concurrent reading achievement (PIAT Reading Recognition Score). None of the remaining measures in a battery of standard cognitive indices, including Stanford-Binet MA, was associated with reading achievement. The results of cross-lagged correlation analysis of data from one of the two samples suggested that individual differences in time to access name codes for visual stimuli predict, but are not a consequence of, individual differences in reading achievement. The results of the cross-lagged analysis for the second sample were inconclusive. As a whole, the results are consistent with findings from other populations indicating that both short term memory span and efficiency of retrieval from long term memory are related to reading ability. The results also indicate, however, that the relationship between retrieval efficiency and reading achievement in precocious readers cannot be described by extrapolation of threshold estimates from the performance of older, unselected groups of readers.  相似文献   

The priming effect of pseudohomophones was assessed in reading and naming tasks. In two experiments using the fast priming paradigm in reading, there were no pseudohomophone priming effects when the prime duration was 32, 44, or 56 ms from the beginning of a fixation. In a third experiment, using a naming task with isolated words, there were also no pseudohomophone priming effects with prime durations of 32, 44, and 56 ms, but there was with a 200-ms prime duration. The results suggest that pseudohomophone priming doesn't occur at an early stage of reading (in the first 60 ms from the beginning of fixation), but occurs at a later stage (within the first 200 ms).  相似文献   

During oral reading we hypothesized that lexical representations are activated and selected for output by the simultaneous activation of the semantic, the direct lexical orthography to phonology, and the sublexical grapheme-to-phoneme conversion (GPC) routes (Southwood & Chatterjee, 1999). Serial models of reading argue that the semantic route governs oral reading with minimal influence from the nonlexical direct route and the sublexical GPC route. These models predict that semantic errors should occur in reading when the semantic route and GPC are both impaired. The Simultaneous Activation Hypothesis predicts few semantic errors in oral reading but many during picture naming. Semantic errors are infrequent in reading because information from all three reading routes constrains activation of a phonological entry. By contrast phonological selection in picture naming is constrained primarily by the semantic route and if damaged additional information is unavailable to select the appropriate phonological code. In agreement with the Simultaneous Activation Hypothesis five phonological dyslexics produced semantic errors during picture naming but not when reading aloud. Phonological errors were present during oral reading and minimal during picture naming.  相似文献   

Processing in various skilled domains is often described as automatic, in the sense that functional stimulus processing is triggered by stimulus onset and cannot be interrupted. One problem is that subjects typically know what task they have to perform prior to stimulus presentation. Various effects attributed to automatic processing may, therefore, arise instead from the mental set that is already in place. In the present study, we investigated skilled subjects’ ability to engage in processing prior to knowing what the task is. A numeral was presented, and subjects either named it or added 1 and named the result. Which task was to be performed on a trial was signaled by a tone that appeared before or at the same time as the target. If functional target processing is triggered by its presentation, the effect of low contrast should be absorbed into the time taken to decode the task cue, regardless of the task (the effect of contrast should be absent at the 0-msec stimulus onset asynchrony [SOA] and present when task information is given in advance of the target). An underadditive interaction between contrast and SOA was seen for one task, but these factors had additive effects in the other task. This pattern can be understood in terms of the hypothesis that although encoding can be thought of as a stage common to both tasks, it is not, in the present context, functionally independent of a subsequent stage unique to a task.  相似文献   

Seventy-one children in three groups (reading disabilities, ADHD without reading disabilities, and normal controls) were compared on their ability to rapidly name colors, letters, numbers, and objects (RAN Tasks) and alternating letters/numbers and letters/numbers/colors (RAS tasks). Children with reading disabilities were found to be slower on letter- and number-naming tasks and made more errors on all tasks than controls or children with ADHD. There was an age effect for the RAN/RAS tasks, with younger children with reading disabilities performing more poorly on all tasks, while the older children with reading disabilities showed poorer performance only on the letter- and number-naming tasks.  相似文献   

Two picture-word experiments are reported in which a delay of 7 to 10 was introduced between distractor and picture. Distractor words were either derived words (Experiment 1) or compounds (Experiment 2), morphologically related to the picture name. In both experiments, the position of morphological overlap between distractor (e.g., rosebud vs tea-rose) and picture name (rose) was manipulated. Clear facilitation of picture naming latencies was obtained when pictures were paired with morphological distractors, and effects were independent of distractor type and position of overlap. The results are evaluated against "full listing" and "decomposition" approaches of morphological representation.  相似文献   

In Experiments 1 and 2 first-, third-, and seventh-grade children and college subjects circled the letter a while reading passages constructed of words familiar to first graders. First graders made more errors on the letter a embedded in a word than on the word a, whereas the converse was true of the other age groups. In Experiments 3 and 4 first-, second-, fourth-, and seventh-grade children and college students read passages and circled the letter t, making more errors on the common word the than on other words and on correctly spelled than on misspelled words. The effect of misspelling the other words increased with age and reading skill. Our combined results suggest that reading unit size increases with age and reading ability and that, whereas younger children, like adults, unitize common words, the unitization of less common words increases as word configurations become more familiar.  相似文献   

Previous dual-task studies examining the locus of semantic interference of distractor words in picture naming have obtained diverging results. In these studies, participants manually responded to tones and named pictures while ignoring distractor words (picture–word interference, PWI) with varying stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between tone and PWI stimulus. Whereas some studies observed no semantic interference at short SOAs, other studies observed effects of similar magnitude at short and long SOAs. The absence of semantic interference in some studies may perhaps be due to better reading skill of participants in these than in the other studies. According to such a reading-ability account, participants’ reading skill should be predictive of the magnitude of their interference effect at short SOAs. To test this account, we conducted a dual-task study with tone discrimination and PWI tasks and measured participants’ reading ability. The semantic interference effect was of similar magnitude at both short and long SOAs. Participants’ reading ability was predictive of their naming speed but not of their semantic interference effect, contrary to the reading ability account. We conclude that the magnitude of semantic interference in picture naming during dual-task performance does not depend on reading skill.  相似文献   

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