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20世纪, 许多心理学家从“厄运与苦难”视角研究人晚年遭遇的身体、认知和情绪衰老, 但是近年的理论与实证研究从“老化悖论”——老年人情绪加工的积极效应——视角挑战这一“定论”。积极效应指老年人认知加工过程中比年轻人更偏好正性而非负性材料的现象。第二代社会情绪选择理论包括积极效应理论、认知控制假说和强弱整合模型3个关于认知和情绪功能年龄差异的理论模型, 特别强调了认知控制在老年人积极情绪加工中的潜在作用, 而自动化加工与控制性加工的区分则取决于注意资源配置。因此, 认知控制在老年人对积极情绪的注意加工中起重要作用。此外, 注意偏向的时间进程也是影响老年人情绪注意中积极效应的关键因素。最后, 综合以往研究构建出认知控制对老年人积极效应发生作用的注意阶段模型。未来研究可从中国老年人情绪注意加工模式、不同认知控制子成分的作用机制、提高研究生态学效度和注意的治疗品质几个方面继续探索。  相似文献   

一系列研究结果被认为反映了积极情绪促进投入注意至积极刺激的偏向。然而,由于所使用的范式不能分离对积极刺激的注意投入偏向和抽离偏向,这些研究结果也可能反映了积极情绪促进从积极刺激抽离注意更少的偏向。本研究采用音乐聆听和事件回忆唤起被试的积极或中性情绪,随后要求被试完成点探测范式的变式任务,通过中性-中性条件与一致条件的反应时之差测量投入偏向,以及不一致条件与中性-中性条件的反应时之差测量抽离偏向,探讨积极情绪究竟促进投入偏向,还是促进抽离偏向。结果表明:(1)相比中性组,积极情绪组并没有表现出更大的中性-中性条件和一致条件的反应时之差。这说明,积极情绪没有促进投入注意至积极刺激的偏向;(2)相比中性情绪组,积极情绪组的不一致条件与中性-中性条件的反应时之差更大。这说明,积极情绪促进从积极刺激抽离注意更少的偏向。由此,积极情绪并不促进投入注意至积极刺激的偏向,而是促进对积极刺激的抽离偏向。  相似文献   

目的:研究采用“学习-测试”范式,通过3个实验探讨积极社会情绪反馈对注意捕获的影响。方法:实验1,在学习阶段做出反应后,分别给予积极情绪和中性情绪反馈,探讨积极情绪和中性情绪捕获注意的情况;实验2,学习阶段做出反应后,没有任何情绪反馈;实验3,改变学习阶段积极情绪和中性情绪反馈图片出现的频率,探讨图片出现频率对注意捕获的影响。结果:(1)与中性情绪相比,积极情绪捕获了较多注意(实验1);(2)无情绪反馈时,经过多次练习的刺激作为干扰刺激也捕获到了注意(实验2);(3)积极情绪影响刺激注意优先性的过程还受到积极情绪图片出现频率的影响(实验3)。结论:积极情绪捕获注意的机制中,也有自上而下目标驱动的机制在起作用;情绪图片出现的频率也会影响社社会情绪对注意的捕获。  相似文献   

研究采用线索-靶子任务,考察高、低心理一致感个体对情绪信息的注意偏向特点。结果显示:(1)在有效提示下,高心理一致感个体对积极情绪表现出稳定的注意警觉,对消极情绪的注意偏向不稳定,低心理一致感个体对积极和消极情绪的注意偏向均不稳定;(2)在无效提示下,高心理一致感个体对积极和消极情绪的注意回避均不稳定,而低心理一致感个体对积极情绪表现出注意回避,对消极情绪表现出注意解除困难,这些注意偏向均具有中等程度的稳定性。  相似文献   

该研究通过两个实验探讨不同趋近动机强度的积极情绪对注意灵活性的影响。实验一中40名大学生被试分别在高趋近和低趋近动机积极情绪条件下完成隐性注意朝向任务;实验二以35名大学生为被试,考察高趋近动机积极情绪和中性情绪条件下的注意灵活性。两项实验结果表明,与低趋近动机积极情绪和中性情绪条件相比,高趋近动机积极情绪下个体的注意灵活性降低,实验结果支持情绪的动机维度模型。  相似文献   

利用眼动追踪技术,考察了老年人与青年人加工情绪图片过程中的注意偏向及再认成绩。给被试同时呈现积极、中性及消极情绪图片,分为注意和记忆两部分任务。基于线性混合模型的分析发现,与青年人相比,老年人表现出对积极图片更大的注意偏向,且在随后的再认过程中对积极情绪图片的再认正确率更高。结果支持了社会情绪选择理论,说明中国老年人同样存在“积极效应”,情绪加工过程中能够通过选择偏爱的积极情绪信息来适应老化。  相似文献   

赵银 《四川心理科学》2014,(16):224-224
本文总结了情绪对归因影响研究的历史、理论发展及最新研究进展三个方面。探讨不同情绪状态下认知加工方式和注意范围的差异对归因的影响。结果说明,注意和因素显著性可以调节情绪对归因的影响,对当前归因理论的发展必须考虑情绪因素、注意资源和信息显著性因素。  相似文献   

大量研究表明情绪状态会影响认知灵活性。本研究运用情绪影片片段作为情绪诱发的手段,以68名女大学生为被试,采用线索-提示任务范式考察了不同情绪效价(积极、消极)对认知灵活性重要成分之一注意定向转换的影响。结果发现,对于有效提示,积极情绪和消极情绪两种条件下的反应时差异不显著;对于无效提示,积极情绪下的反应时显著快于消极情绪;而且,积极情绪下的线索有效性效应不显著,但消极情绪下表现出显著的线索有效性效应。实验结果说明,积极情绪有助于注意定向的转换,消极情绪延缓了注意定向的转换。这一结果进一步支持了积极情绪扩展认知范围,而消极情绪缩窄认知范围的观点。  相似文献   

心理复原的机制:来自特质性复原力个体的证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
心理复原(力)是指个体在经历对生命具有威胁的事件或严重的创伤后仍然能回复到良好适应状况的心理发展现象。基于能力取向的文献表明, 积极情绪性、情绪调节是特质性复原力机制研究的重要内容; 脑岛和前额叶(特别是vmPFC和OFC)是其敏感的脑区; 作用于杏仁核脑区的5-羟色胺转运蛋白与特质性复原力密切相关。基于这些研究结果, 提出积极情绪与(自动、有意)情绪调节交互作用的双重加工理论和根据实际需要调节情绪的情绪灵活性理论。未来的研究应该就情绪记忆、人格特质等在心理复原中的作用进行探讨。  相似文献   

不安全依恋者的注意偏向是指依恋焦虑和回避个体对依恋信息产生或趋近或回避的注意偏好, 这一注意偏好使得个体形成了处理与依恋对象关系的特殊认知机制:依恋回避个体偏好采用防御性机制, 倾向于回避对依恋信息的注意; 依恋焦虑个体偏好采用夸大性机制, 倾向于夸大威胁性信息, 因而会积极寻求与依恋对象的亲近。不安全依恋者注意偏向的差异主要体现在情绪信息、痛觉感受和工作记忆三个方面; 加工阶段特征主要涉及P1、N1波等代表的注意自动加工和LPP波代表的注意控制加工; 脑网络上主要包括两个子网络, 即负责情绪评估的边缘系统和负责情绪调节的以前额叶为代表的神经网络。未来研究中更应该关注刺激物的生态效度, 检验依恋系统是否激活, 不安全依恋者注意偏向的自动加工和控制加工阶段的关系, 不安全依恋者注意偏向产生的分子遗传机制以及注意偏向的跨文化研究。  相似文献   

Attention network theory suggests that there are three separate neural networks that execute the discrete functions of alerting, orienting, and executive attention. Previous research on the influence of mood on attention has shown subtle and inconsistent results. The attention network theory may aid in clarifying the influence of mood on attention. The present study investigated the influence of mood on attentional networks in a normal population. Participants performed the Attention Network Test (ANT), which provides functional measures of alerting, orienting, and executive attention. Positive or negative mood was induced by listening to music with a positive or negative valence, respectively; neutral mood was induced by reading a collection of basic facts about China. The results revealed that negative mood led to a significantly higher alerting efficiency relative to other moods, while there were no significant mood effects on orienting or executive attention efficiency. According to the algorithm underlying the ANT, the higher alerting efficiency in the negative mood condition can be attributed to relatively greater benefits of cueing effects. The findings are discussed in the context of the noradrenergic system and of evolutionary significance. Specifically, the increase in the alerting function during negative mood states may be due to the modulation effect of negative mood on the noradrenergic system, and/or to the survival benefit resulting from an increase in automatic vigilance towards negative information. The current results suggest that as the influence of negative mood on attention appears to specifically consist in an enhanced alerting function, it may not be found in studies where the three attentional networks are not dissociated.  相似文献   

Positive mood broadens visual attention to positive stimuli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an attempt to investigate the impact of positive emotions on visual attention within the context of Fredrickson’s (1998) broaden-and-build model, eye tracking was used in two studies to measure visual attentional preferences of college students (n=58, n=26) to emotional pictures. Half of each sample experienced induced positive mood immediately before viewing slides of three similarly-valenced images, in varying central-peripheral arrays. Attentional breadth was determined by measuring the percentage viewing time to peripheral images as well as by the number of visual saccades participants made per slide. Consistent with Fredrickson’s theory, the first study showed that individuals induced into positive mood fixated more on peripheral stimuli than did control participants; however, this only held true for highly-valenced positive stimuli. Participants under induced positive mood also made more frequent saccades for slides of neutral and positive valence. A second study showed that these effects were not simply due to differences in emotional arousal between stimuli. Selective attentional broadening to positive stimuli may act both to facilitate later building of resources as well as to maintain current positive affective states.  相似文献   

A great number of studies have shown that different motivational and mood states can influence human attentional processes in a variety of ways. Yet, none of these studies have reliably quantified the exact changes of the attentional focus in order to be able to compare attentional performances based on different motivational and mood influences and, beyond that, to evaluate their effectivity. In two studies, we explored subjects' differences in the breadth and distribution of attention as a function of motivational and mood manipulations. In Study 1, motivational orientation was classified in terms of regulatory focus (promotion vs. prevention) and in Study 2, mood was classified in terms of valence (positive vs. negative). Study 1 found a 10% wider distribution of the visual attention in promotion-oriented subjects compared to prevention-oriented ones. The results in Study 2 reveal a widening of the subjects' visual attentional breadth when listening to happy music by 22% and a narrowing by 36% when listening to melancholic music. In total, the findings show that systematic differences and casual changes in the shape and scope of focused attention may be associated with different motivational and mood states.  相似文献   

赵欣  袁杰  徐依宁  傅世敏 《心理科学进展》2014,22(11):1708-1722
视觉选择性注意的研究是认知心理学领域的热点之一。注意选择的表征不仅可以基于空间, 也可以基于物体。基于物体的注意(object-based attention, OBA)的研究范式主要有双矩形提示范式和侧干扰范式, 有关基于物体的注意的机制的理论有感觉增强理论、注意优先理论和注意转换理论。影响基于物体的注意效应的因素主要有刺激本身的特征(如刺激呈现时间)、其它知觉过程和经验因素等。视觉物体的概念既包括格式塔知觉组织原则定义的物体, 也包括无意识下的物体、变化之后的物体和自上而下的物体。  相似文献   

蒋军  张庆林  王力  陈安涛 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1333-1337
本研究采用双长方形框范式的变式将注意分离为基于空间和基于物体的注意后,探讨了注意对Simon效应的调节是否由基于物体的注意引起。结果发现,在长方形框水平排列时在基于物体的注意条件下Simon效应增大,而在长方形框垂直排列时在基于物体的注意条件下Simon效应没有显著变化。这表明,在长方形框水平排列时基于物体的注意可以对Simon 效应进行调节。实验结果部分支持了动态版的参照编码假设和物体文件整合假设。  相似文献   

Spatial attention can operate like a spotlight whose scope can vary depending on task demands. Emotional states contribute to the spatial extent of attentional selection, with the spotlight focused more narrowly during anxious moods and more broadly during happy moods. In addition to visual space, attention can also operate over features, and we show here that mood states may also influence attentional scope in feature space. After anxious or happy mood inductions, participants focused their attention to identify a central target while ignoring flanking items. Flankers were sometimes coloured differently than targets, so focusing attention on target colour should lead to relatively less interference. Compared to happy and neutral moods, when anxious, participants showed reduced interference when colour isolated targets from flankers, but showed more interference when flankers and targets were the same colour. This pattern reveals that the anxious mood caused these individuals to attend to the irrelevant feature in both cases, regardless of its benefit or detriment. In contrast, participants showed no effect of colour on interference when happy, suggesting that positive mood did not influence attention in feature space. These mood effects on feature-based attention provide a theoretical bridge between previous findings concerning spatial and conceptual attention.  相似文献   

We examined whether the broadened attentional scope would affect people's sad or depressed mood with two experiments, enlightened by the meaning of “seeing the big picture” and the broaden‐and‐build model. Experiment 1 (n = 164) is a laboratory‐based experiment, in which we manipulated the attentional scope by showing participants zoomed‐out or zoomed‐in scenes. In Experiment 2 (n = 44), we studied how depressed mood and positive and negative emotions were affected when participants watched distant versus proximal scenes for eight weeks in real life. Healthy participants in Experiment 1, who were induced to feel sad, could return to the baseline mood after having the broadened attention task but not after having the narrowed attention task, which indicated that immediate attention broadening manipulation could function as antidotes for the lingering effects of induced negative emotions. Participants with depressed mood in Experiment 2 showed reduced depressed mood, increased positive affect, and decreased negative affect after receiving attention broadening training compared to those receiving attention narrowing training. Our findings suggest a robust role of broadened attentional scope in relieving negative emotions and even mildly depressed mood in the long run.  相似文献   

The theories of reasoned action and planned behaviour continue to receive considerable research attention, despite criticisms of their ‘asocial’ conceptualisation and the rational decision‐making approach. Two studies were designed to assess the impact of induced mood on condom use (Study 1) and food choice (Study 2). Both studies provided support for application of the theory of reasoned action to health‐related behaviour, and for differential effects of mood on information processing. Study 1 provided support for problem‐focus theory, with attitudes (but not subjective norm) predicting intention in the negative mood condition. The opposite pattern of findings held for the positive mood condition (i.e. only subjective norm predicted intention). The results of Study 2 provided further support for the problem‐focus approach and for the inclusion of self‐identity in the theory of planned behaviour. The findings are discussed with implications for future work on mood and behavioural decision making. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined age differences in the effect of a sad mood induction (MI) on attention to emotional images. Younger and older adults viewed sets of four images while their eye gaze was tracked throughout an 8-s presentation. Images were viewed before and after a sad MI to assess the effect of a sad mood on attention to positive and negative scenes. Younger and older adults exhibited positively biased attention after the sad MI, significantly increasing their attention to positive images, with no evidence of an age difference in either experiment. A test of participants’ recognition memory for the images indicated that the sad MI reduced memory accuracy for sad images for younger and older adults. The results suggest that heightened attention to positive images following a sad MI reflects an affect regulation strategy related to mood repair. The implications for theories of the positivity effect are discussed.  相似文献   

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