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以往关于职场排斥形成机制的研究, 主要是基于冲突-报复的视角, 验证了人际冲突对职场排斥具有稳定的预测作用, 而这个解释逻辑很可能对新员工并不适用。本文基于角色认同理论, 考察新员工的角色社会化程度对其职场排斥行为的作用机制。通过对多阶段收集的249对新员工上下级匹配问卷分析发现, 在控制了经典的冲突报复机制之后, 角色认同机制能够解释新员工的职场排斥行为。具体来说, 结果显示:(1)新员工的角色社会化程度负向影响其职场排斥行为; (2)工作疏离感在新员工的角色社会化程度与职场排斥行为之间起中介作用; (3)发展性反馈在新员工的角色社会化程度与工作疏离感的关系中起调节作用; 进一步, (4)发展性反馈调节了工作疏离感对角色社会化程度-职场排斥行为关系的中介作用。本研究结果不仅从理论上拓展了职场排斥行为的研究视角, 为以后的进一步研究提供新的理论框架, 而且从角色认同的视角为组织管理新员工的职场排斥行为提供新思路。  相似文献   

马力  焦捷  陈爱华  姜翰 《心理学报》2011,43(3):322-337
员工对组织的认同与反认同有相关的心理机制(如员工对自尊的追求)与社会基础(如组织身分的多样性), 但它们是相互独立的两个构念。在个人建立自己的社会身分时, 认同体现了“求同”、而反认同则体现“存异”。基于理论分析所构建的法则关系中, 二者具有不同的前因变量和结果变量。对5家企业250名员工的问卷研究发现, 对组织认同的员工会更倾向于主动维护组织利益, 而对组织反认同的员工在工作中敷衍了事。嵌套的系列结构方程结果表明二者分离的模型对数据的拟合, 好于将二者合并的模型, 验证了这两个构念不同的基本论点。  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察团队领导组织公民行为对团队员工角色内绩效的影响及其以团队员工的共享团队认同和领导认同为中介的作用机制。采用团队领导—团队员工匹配问卷的调查方法,使用29个团队的样本数据对相应的多层次模型进行检验。结果显示:团队领导组织公民行为对团队员工角色内绩效有显著的正向影响;团队员工的共享团队认同和领导认同分别和同时在团队领导组织公民行为与团队员工角色内绩效之间起到完全的跨层次中介作用。  相似文献   

企业员工的组织支持感   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
采用实证研究的方法探讨了企业员工组织支持感的结构维度及其与相关行为变量的关系。研究表明,我国员工组织支持感的因素结构不同于西方的单维结构,而是包括工作支持、员工价值认同和关心利益的三维度结构模型。组织支持感对感情承诺和利他行为具有积极的影响作用。程序公平影响组织支持感的形成  相似文献   

以社会认同理论为基础,通过对制造业22个团队的331名员工进行问卷调查,探讨一线员工在团队内的社会身份差异(性别差异和地域差异)对其职场欺负感知的影响,以及团队认同在这一影响中的中介作用。结果表明,员工的社会身份差异对其职场欺负感知的五个维度均有显著性影响,团队认同在社会身份差异对权利剥夺型欺负的影响中未起到中介作用;而在性别差异对社会排斥型欺负的影响中,团队认同起到完全中介作用。。  相似文献   

近年来国内民族认同研究的内容主要集中在民族认同的内涵、民族认同与国家认同的关系、民族认同与文化适应、心理健康的关系等方面。研究存在的主要问题是理论探讨多于实证研究, 研究取样和方法单一, 缺乏比较性、过程性和机制性的研究, 未能注重本土化研究。未来研究需要以多学科视角, 结合多种研究方法, 使用高级统计方法进行数据分析, 揭示我国民族认同的本质和特征, 形成本土化的民族认同理论。  相似文献   

中国背景下建言行为研究:结构、形成机制及影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
建言行为研究伴随角色外行为研究而兴起, 对其研究顺应了知识管理等管理新理念的要求, 也与弘扬自主创新的时代主题一致。相比国外的盛行, 国内对该主题的本土化实证研究尚待加强。经对以往研究的总结分析, 结合本土化研究取向, 本研究拟采用半结构化访谈、配对成组问卷的现场研究和实验室模拟研究等方法, 以特质激活理论、社会认同理论和经济理性观为基础, 探索中国背景下企业员工建言行为的构思、形成机制及其对组织创新的影响。具体包括以下三个方面:(1)中国背景下建言行为结构研究; (2)建言行为多层次动态形成机制研究, 包括基于特质激活的个体特征对建言行为的影响研究, 基于个人认同的领导行为对建言行为的影响研究, 基于社会认同的组织因素对建言行为的影响研究, 及基于经济理性的个体与情境因素对建言行为交互影响的实验模拟研究; (3)建言行为对组织创新的影响研究。  相似文献   

刘艳  邹希  舒心 《心理科学进展》2019,27(7):1153-1166
企业稳定发展的关键之一是员工对组织的高认同感。员工创新是企业创新发展的基石。然而关于组织认同对创新行为影响的研究发现并不一致。规范冲突模型为深入理解二者之间的关系提供了理论视角。根据此模型, 员工组织认同通过不满现状和遵守现状两个相反的路径对创新行为产生促进和抑制的双重影响; 员工规范冲突感知是引发不满现状和遵守现状产生的重要条件; 领导创新期待与创新支持在组织认同对员工创新行为的促进和抑制过程中起到调节作用。  相似文献   

基于情绪社会建构理论,运用问卷调查法,通过分析708组配对数据,探讨情绪创造力对员工创新行为的影响机制。结果表明:情绪创造力对员工创新行为有显著的正向影响,创造性角色认同在其中具有部分中介作用;员工情绪创造力与领导激励创造性的交互作用通过员工创造性角色认同为中介,影响员工的创新行为,从而表现出有中介的调节作用。  相似文献   

对自我的研究是宗教心理学研究的重要领域。宗教是青少年自我认同发展的重要源泉。文章对宗教在自我认同发展过程中的作用进行了深入的分析后认为,从宏观角度上看,宗教是青少年认同发展的意识形态基础;宗教为青少年提供社会化的社会环境;宗教还是青少年认同发展的重要精神背景。文章还以仪式和祈祷为例,从微观角度分析了宗教崇拜对青少年认同发展的作用和意义。  相似文献   


In response to increased calls for research that can provide greater understanding of the relational and contextual issues surrounding leader identity construction processes, this qualitative study aims to provide insights into the subjective experience of constructing a leader identity within the context of organizations. Drawing on data from 50 semi-structured interviews, this paper focuses on significant sub-themes, which were grouped into two categories, namely identity catalysts (e.g. issues that participants identified as positively aiding in their leader identity construction process) and identity barriers (e.g. issues that participants identified as negatively impacting their leader identity construction process). These catalysts and barriers will be elaborated upon and their relationship to leader identity explained. This paper provides new insights into the leader identity construction process by using Leadership Identity Construction Theory as a lens for interpretation, and offers notable implications for theory, research and practice.  相似文献   

作为“以下属为中心”的领导力理论,领导力的社会认同理论是社会心理学与领导力研究结合的代表.该理论采用社会认同解释领导力产生和发挥作用的过程,主要命题为:(1)群体成员通过社会认同选择有效的领导,具有高群体原型代表性的领导者最具有效性;(2)领导者可以通过塑造下属成员的社会认同来实施领导.除了以上内容外,还对该理论的实验证据及优缺点也进行了系统阐述,同时与其它领导力理论进行了整合,最后提出了未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

In order to investigate identity maintenance strategies used by a low status group, a covert participant observation study was conducted in a shelter for the homeless. From Social Identity Theory and previous research on the homeless, it was hypothesized that the identity maintenance strategies used would differ as a function of longevity of homelessness: the short‐term homeless (<2 years) would be less likely to identify themselves as homeless (social mobility), while the longer‐term homeless (>2 years) would identify themselves as homeless but engage in various types of social creativity to mitigate their situation. In addition to the strategies described in SIT, it was conjectured that some of the longest‐term homeless would have given up making any intergroup or other social comparisons. Of the various strategies found, some were beyond SIT. The pattern of strategy use was best interpreted mainly as a function of longevity of homelessness, but this was moderated by both experience and personality. A trajectory of change in identity strategies with longevity of homelessness was offered as a plausible frame of reference for further research. Methodological limitations, implications for Social Identity Theory and recommendations for improving the situation of the homeless were discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

群体卷入模型:理论背景、内容介绍与未来展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田晓明  段锦云  傅强 《心理科学进展》2010,18(10):1628-1635
群体卷入模型借鉴社会认同的思想,在群体价值模型、关系模型的基础上发展而来。该模型认为程序公平通过社会认同影响人的心理和行为,模型还概括了程序公平的四个成分,区分了尊敬感和自豪感,以及资源判断和认同判断对行为卷入的不同影响方式。群体卷入模型的提出为解释群体内行为提供了理论依据,拓展了社会认同理论的视角;另一方面,它也需要考虑个体差异的因素,在更加复杂的群体情境和更加广泛的文化背景中进一步验证和完善。  相似文献   

绿色消费具有道德属性, 消费者既有可能是为了建构道德身份, 实现自我保护或自我提升(自我导向), 也有可能是源于内在的道德信念, 实现对环境的关心(环境导向)。基于身份建构的绿色消费会导致行为不稳定、甚至撒谎和盗窃等, 其心理机制是道德自我调节; 基于环境关心的绿色消费则与之相反, 它植根于更广泛的道德联想网络, 与节俭、自我控制等紧密相关, 道德认同机制在其中发挥作用。那么, 究竟是身份建构还是环境关心呢?在阐述调节因素基础上, 我们构建了基于个体生活方式的绿色消费模型, 从个体差异的视角回答了该问题。未来研究需要从理论和实践上进一步展开。  相似文献   

In this review of Thomas W. Polger and Lawrence A. Shapiro’s The Multiple Realization Book I look at the positive account, Modest Identity Theory, that Polger and Shapiro advance. In §2 of this review, I outline P&S’s arguments against multiple realization and summarize the view they defend, Modest Identity Theory. In §3, I consider what consequences the adoption of Modest Identity Theory might have on the ontology of psychological or mental kinds. In particular, I highlight the ontological pluralism and anti-reductionism that Polger and Shapiro endorse. Modest Identity Theory tolerates multiple taxonomies of psychological kinds, which represents an important departure from earlier versions of Identity Theory. I conclude in §4 by arguing that the way Modest Identity Theory individuates psychological kinds very closely resembles the way that those kinds are individuated by functionalism. I argue that the causal properties individuative of psychological kinds can be used to group together distinct neuroanatomical characteristics. I illustrate this by describing research into the functional connectivity of the reading network. I conclude by emphasizing the value of using empirical evidence from neuroscience and cognitive science to inform the new pluralistic ontology of psychological and mental kinds with which Modest Identity Theory is compatible.  相似文献   

Grounded in Motivated Identity Construction Theory and Self-Determination Theory, two studies examined the consequences of identity enactment and concealment for motive fulfillment and explored how these mediate the negative effects of stigmatized identities on felt authenticity. Participants (Ns = 343 and 344) reported the extent to which they had enacted and/or concealed 8 to 12 of their identities in the past 3 days and evaluated their motive fulfillment and felt authenticity. Using multilevel modeling, we found that identity enactment positively predicted felt authenticity via motive satisfaction, while concealment negatively predicted authenticity via thwarted motive satisfaction. Identities were coded with respect to stigmatization in Study 2 and stigmatized identities felt relatively less authentic, with effects mediated through suppressed enactment, heightened concealment, and thwarted motives. Thus, stigmatized identities do not inherently feel less authentic, rather it is individuals’ self-distancing behaviors that impair feelings of authenticity for a stigmatized identity.  相似文献   

This paper is based on interviews with users of a drop‐in centre run by a voluntary group. Using a grounded theory approach the paper argues that individuals' use of the drop‐in is linked to the discursive strategies that they have developed to cope with stigma. Tajfel's Social Identity Theory is employed as a framework to examine how users manage the threat to their identity posed by the diagnosis and experience of mental illness. The implications of this research are examined within the context of the empowerment paradigm of mental health. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical review of Social Identity Theory. Its major contributions to the study of intergroup relations are discussed, focusing on its powerful explanations of such phenomena as ingroup bias, responses of subordinate groups to their unequal status position, and intragroup homogeneity and stereotyping. In addition, its stimulative role for theoretical elaborations of the Contact Hypothesis as a strategy for improving intergroup attitudes is noted. Then five issues which have proved problematic for Social Identity Theory are identified: the relationship between group identification and ingroup bias; the self‐esteem hypothesis; positive – negative asymmetry in intergroup discrimination; the effects of intergroup similarity; and the choice of identity strategies by low‐status groups. In a third section a future research agenda for the theory is sketched out, with five lines of enquiry noted as being particularly promising: expanding the concept of social identity; predicting comparison choice in intergroup settings; incorporating affect into the theory; managing social identities in multicultural settings; and integrating implicit and explicit processes. The article concludes with some remarks on the potential applications of social identity principles. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents the Circumplex of Identity Formation Modes, which is designed to integrate the various concepts describing identity formation in the Erikson–Marcia tradition. The theoretical foundations of the model were formulated based on (1) analysis of the definitions of constructs currently used in the literature on identity development, (2) redefinition of exploration and commitment (basic constructs proposed by Marcia to describe identity formation), and (3) the relationship between identity constructs and personality metatraits. The new model incorporates circumplex structure from other personality models and distinguishes eight modes of identity formation: Exploration, Consolidation, Socialization, Normativity, Petrification, Diffusion, Defiance, and Moratorivity. In this way, our proposal resolves problems inherent in the theory of identity formation offering a synthesis of models developed in the Erikson–Marcia tradition.  相似文献   

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