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Understanding how to control how the brain's functioning mediates mental experience and the brain's processing to alter cognition or disease are central projects of cognitive and neural science. The advent of real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI) now makes it possible to observe the biology of one's own brain while thinking, feeling and acting. Recent evidence suggests that people can learn to control brain activation in localized regions, with corresponding changes in their mental operations, by observing information from their brain while inside an MRI scanner. For example, subjects can learn to deliberately control activation in brain regions involved in pain processing with corresponding changes in experienced pain. This may provide a novel, non-invasive means of observing and controlling brain function, potentially altering cognitive processes or disease.  相似文献   

Recent findings in brain imaging, particularly in fMRI, are beginning to reveal some of the fundamental properties of the organization of the cortical systems that underpin complex cognition. We propose an emerging set of operating principles that govern this organization, characterizing the system as a set of collaborating cortical centers that operate as a large-scale cortical network. Two of the network’s critical features are that it is resource constrained and dynamically configured, with resource constraints and demands dynamically shaping the network topology. The operating principles are embodied in a cognitive neuroarchitecture, 4CAPS, consisting of a number of interacting computational centers that correspond to activating cortical areas. Each 4CAPS center is a hybrid production system, possessing both symbolic and connectionist attributes. We describe 4CAPS models of sentence comprehension, spatial problem solving, and complex multitasking and compare the accounts of these models with brain activation and behavioral results. Finally, we compare 4CAPS with other proposed neuroarchitectures.  相似文献   

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we neuroimaged deaf adults as they performed two linguistic tasks with sentences in American Sign Language, grammatical judgment and phonemic-hand judgment. Participants’ age-onset of sign language acquisition ranged from birth to 14 years; length of sign language experience was substantial and did not vary in relation to age of acquisition. For both tasks, a more left lateralized pattern of activation was observed, with activity for grammatical judgment being more anterior than that observed for phonemic-hand judgment, which was more posterior by comparison. Age of acquisition was linearly and negatively related to activation levels in anterior language regions and positively related to activation levels in posterior visual regions for both tasks.  相似文献   

While a mother watches her infant or toddler during everyday life, there is a moment-by-moment triggering of thoughts, feelings, memories, and trajectories into the future. To access this inner experience as it emerges, a micro-analytic interview technique was devised. Through a series of probes this interview repeatedly guides the mother between the concrete details of her child's behavior and the subjective responses evoked by these observations. This window to the mother's subjective world allows a rich scrutiny of its architecture and dynamic process, permits cross-fertilization with recent developments in cognitive science, and serves as an entry point for therapeutic efforts.  相似文献   

The richness and complexity of data sets acquired from PET or fMRI studies of human cognition have not been exploited until recently by computational neural-modeling methods. In this article, two neural-modeling approaches for use with functional brain imaging data are described. One, which uses structural equation modeling, estimates the functional strengths of the anatomical connections between various brain regions during specific cognitive tasks. The second employs large-scale neural modeling to relate functional neuroimaging signals in multiple, interconnected brain regions to the underlying neurobiological time-varying activities in each region. Delayed match-to-sample (visual working memory for form) tasks are used to illustrate these models.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews two central assumptions of the levels-of-processing framework in the light of findings from recent PET and fMRI studies: First, to address the suggestion that memory traces can be seen as records of analyses carried out for the purposes of perception and comprehension, studies on encoding-retrieval overlap in brain activation patterns are considered. Second, to address the suggestion that deeper, more semantic, processing results in more durable traces, studies of how encoding activity relates to processing depth and subsequent memory performance are examined. The results show that some of the sensory regions that are activated during initial perception are subsequently reactivated during retrieval, and activity in frontal and medial-temporal brain regions is related to depth of processing and level of memory performance. Collectively, these results provide support for central components of the levels framework.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews two central assumptions of the levels-of-processing framework in the light of findings from recent PET and fMRI studies: First, to address the suggestion that memory traces can be seen as records of analyses carried out for the purposes of perception and comprehension, studies on encoding-retrieval overlap in brain activation patterns are considered. Second, to address the suggestion that deeper, more semantic, processing results in more durable traces, studies of how encoding activity relates to processing depth and subsequent memory performance are examined. The results show that some of the sensory regions that are activated during initial perception are subsequently reactivated during retrieval, and activity in frontal and medial-temporal brain regions is related to depth of processing and level of memory performance. Collectively, these results provide support for central components of the levels framework.  相似文献   

Automatic activation of task-related representations in task shifting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stimulus displays consisting of a target and a distractor can produce task conflicts when target and distractor are associated with different tasks. The present study examined whether these stimulus-induced task conflicts are affected by priming the irrelevant task or by increasing the salience of the distractor. In a series of three experiments, we employed a task-shifting paradigm in which subjects had to apply one of two judgments to either the global or the local level of a hierarchical stimulus. In each block, the target level and the judgment were either constant or mixed. Stimulus-induced judgment conflicts were measured by comparing performance for stimuli associated with two judgments and stimuli associated with only one. It turned out that only mixing the target level and not mixing the judgment increased the conflicts. These findings indicate that only the salience of the distractor modulates stimulus-induced conflicts.  相似文献   

The present study applied the Simon effect task to examine the pattern of functional brain reorganization in individuals with Friedreich ataxia (FRDA), using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Thirteen individuals with FRDA and 14 age and sex matched controls participated, and were required to respond to either congruent or incongruent arrow stimuli, presented either to the left or right of a screen, via laterally-located button press responses. Although the Simon effect (incongruent minus congruent stimuli) showed common regions of activation in both groups, including the superior and middle prefrontal cortices, insulae, superior and inferior parietal lobules (LPs, LPi), occipital cortex and cerebellum, there was reduced functional activation across a range of brain regions (cortical, subcortical and cerebellar) in individuals with FRDA. The greater Simon effect behaviourally in individuals with FRDA, compared with controls, together with concomitant reductions in functional brain activation and reduced functional connectivity between cortical and sub-cortical regions, implies a likely disruption of cortico-cerebellar loops and ineffective engagement of cognitive/attention regions required for response suppression.  相似文献   

Functional MRI was used to investigate sex differences in brain activation during a paradigm similar to a lexical-decision task. Six males and 6 females performed two runs of the lexical visual field task (i.e., deciding which visual field a word compared with a pseudoword was presented to). A sex difference was noted behaviorally: The reaction time data showed males had a marginal right visual field advantage and women a left visual field advantage. Imaging results showed that men had a strongly left-lateralized pattern of activation, e.g., inferior frontal and fusiform gyrus, while women showed a more symmetrical pattern in language related areas with greater right-frontal and right-middle-temporal activation. The data show evidence of task-specific sex differences in the cerebral organization of language processing.  相似文献   

The neural efficiency hypothesis of intelligence suggests a more efficient use of the cortex (or even the brain) in brighter as compared to less intelligent individuals. This has been shown in a series of studies employing different neurophysiological measurement methods and a broad range of different cognitive task demands. However, most of the studies dealing with the brain–IQ relationship used parameters of absolute or relative brain activation such as the event-related (de-)synchronization of EEG alpha activity, allowing for interpretations in terms of more or less brain activation when individuals are confronted with cognitively demanding tasks. In order to investigate the neural efficiency hypothesis more thoroughly, we also used measures that inform us about functional connectivity between different brain areas (or functional coupling, respectively) when engaged in cognitive task performance. Analyses reveal evidence that higher intelligence is associated with a lower brain activation (or a lower ERD, respectively) and a stronger phase locking between short-distant regions of the frontal cortex.  相似文献   

A key goal for cognitive neuroscience is to understand the neurocognitive systems that support semantic memory. Recent multivariate analyses of neuroimaging data have contributed greatly to this effort, but the rapid development of these novel approaches has made it difficult to track the diversity of findings and to understand how and why they sometimes lead to contradictory conclusions. We address this challenge by reviewing cognitive theories of semantic representation and their neural instantiation. We then consider contemporary approaches to neural decoding and assess which types of representation each can possibly detect. The analysis suggests why the results are heterogeneous and identifies crucial links between cognitive theory, data collection, and analysis that can help to better connect neuroimaging to mechanistic theories of semantic cognition.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the organization in memory of expectancy-congruent and expectancy-incongruent information pertaining to multiple trait concepts in an impression-formation task. In Experiment 1, when multiple trait concepts were represented in the information describing the target person, both congruent and incongruent items reflecting the same trait concept were stored together and were directly associated in memory, and both types of items were recalled equally well. In Experiment 2, when only one trait concept was represented in the information, incongruent items were recalled with higher probability than congruent items, and the latter were not directly associated in memory. Results suggest that with increasing categorical complexity of stimulus information, processes are invoked that do not occur in simpler impression-formation contexts. Implications for theoretical models of person memory are discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies addressed people’s knowledge about the movements underlying functional interactions with objects, when the interactions were described by simple verbal labels expressing environmental goals. In Experiment 1, subjects rated each action with respect to six dimensions: which portion of the limb moved, distance moved, forcefulness, effectors involved, size of the contact surface, and resemblance to grasp. Ratings were systematic and fell on two distinct underlying factors related to limb movement and effector (usually the hand) configuration. In Experiment 2, subjects sorted a subset of the actions by similarity of movement. Clustering and multidimensional scaling solutions indicated that the six initial dimensions contributed to similarity judgments, along with additional parameters. The results support the existence of cognitively accessible, but still relatively specific, representations of functional actions, with potential implications for motor and memory performance.  相似文献   

Suppose we have a number representation of a semiorder 〈A, P〉 such that aPb iff f(a)+δ(a) < f(b), for all a, bA, where δ is a nonnegative function describing the variable jnd. Such an f (here called a closed representation) may not preserve the simple order relation R1 generated by 〈A, P〉, i.e., aR1b but f(a) > f(b) for some f, δ and a, bA. We show that this “paradox” can be eliminated for closed and closed interval representations. For interval representations it appears to be impossible. That is why we introduce a new type of representation (an R-representation) which is of the most general form for number representations that preserve the linear structure of the represented semiorders. The necessary and sufficient condition for an R-representation is given. We also give some independent results on the semiorder structure. Theorems are proved for semiorders of arbitrary cardinality. The Axiom of Choice is used in the proofs.  相似文献   

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