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美德伦理学通常被指责为不能提供正确行动的独立标准。面对这一责难,美德伦理学产生了两种回应。一些美德伦理学家认为,伦理学应当用美德概念替代正确行动的概念;另一些美德伦理学家主张,正确行动的概念可以还原为美德概念,并提供了正确行动的美德伦理学解释。前者的回应是不合理的,后者提供的解释是不成功的。美德伦理学的结构决定了它不能提供正确行动的独立解释。其根源就在于美德伦理学与规则伦理学是伦理学的不同组成部分。美德伦理学主要是一种道德修养理论,不适合于论说对行动的道德评价。  相似文献   

Conceived of as a contender to other theories in substantive ethics, virtue ethics is often associated with, in essence, the following account or criterion of right action: VR: An action A is right for S in circumstances C if and only if a fully virtuous agent would characteristically do A in C. There are serious objections to VR, which take the form of counter-examples. They present us with different scenarios in which less than fully virtuous persons would be acting rightly in doing what no fully virtuous agent would characteristically do in the circumstances. In this paper, various proposals for how to revise VR in order to avoid these counter-examples are considered. I will argue that in so far as the revised accounts really do manage to steer clear of the counter-examples to VR, something which it turns out is not quite true for all of them, they instead fall prey to other damaging objections. I end by discussing the future of virtue ethics, given what has come to light in the previous sections of the paper. In particular, I sketch the outlines of a virtue ethical account of rightness that is structurally different from VR. This account also faces important problems. Still, I suggest that further scrutiny is required before we are in a position to make a definitive decision about its fate.  相似文献   

It is very apparent that a discussion on virtue ethics—perhaps even a hot debate,the origin of which can be traced back to the late 1950s,has been going on during the past two decades,and has marked the philosophical domain we call ethics.Three authors' views on this topic will be seriously examined in this special theme. Chen Lai treats the topic in the context of Confucianism.He carefully explores Mencius' theory of virtue,and sees two main contrasts between the ideas of Mencius and those of Confucius,as well as three main features they both share.  相似文献   

This paper represents two polemics. One is against suggestions (made by Harman and others) that recent psychological research counts against any claim that there is such a thing as genuine virtue (Cf. Harman, in: Byrne, Stalnaker, Wedgwood (eds.) Fact and value, pp 117–127, 2001). The other is against the view that virtue ethics should be seen as competing against such theories as Kantian ethics or consequentialism, particularly in the specification of decision procedures.  相似文献   

情感主义德性伦理学:一种当代的进路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当代德性伦理学的哲学思潮中,较之于学者们普遍重视的亚里士多德的理性主义传统,相对受到忽视的休谟的情感主义传统反倒更有可能为我们提供一种德性伦理学在当代复兴的思想源泉,在与儒家德性论会通的语境之下尤其如此.当代道德发展心理学的研究印证了休谟的移情观念,而这一移情观念又可以用来对道义论进行一种情感主义的辩护,即一种建基于移情观念的当代情感主义德性伦理学.  相似文献   

Lai Chen 《Dao》2010,9(3):275-287
This essay focuses on the unity of several virtues in pre-Qin Confucians. Confucius maintains the proper application and coherence of such virtues as benevolence, wisdom, trustworthiness, straightforwardness, courage, and firmness. Further, Confucius takes benevolence and nobility as characteristic of human being. Particular attention is paid to the distinction and relationship between virtuous characters and virtuous actions.  相似文献   

Virtue Ethics     
I discuss a puzzle that shows there is a need to develop a new metaphysical interpretation of mathematical theories, because all well-known interpretations conflict with important aspects of mathematical activities. The new interpretation, I argue, must authenticate the ontological commitments of mathematical theories without curtailing mathematicians' freedom and authority to creatively introduce mathematical ontology during mathematical problem-solving. Further, I argue that these two constraints are best met by a metaphysical interpretation of mathematics that takes mathematical entities to be constitutively constructed by human activity in a manner similar to the constitutive construction of the US Supreme Court by certain legal and political activities. Finally, I outline some of the philosophical merits of metaphysical interpretations of mathematical theories of this type.  相似文献   

《Philosophical Papers》2012,41(1):131-155

Because of its reliance on a basically Aristotelian conception of virtue, contemporary virtue ethics is often criticised for being inherently elitist. I argue that this objection is mistaken. The core of my argument is that we need to take seriously that virtue, according to Aristotle, is something that we acquire gradually, via a developmental process. People are not just stuck with their characters once and for all, but can always aspire to become better (more virtuous). And that is plausibly the basic normative requirement of virtue ethics.  相似文献   

The paper argues that the two dominant approaches towards the moral issues surrounding outing are too weak to handle the latter's complexity and would benefit from being made part of a broader and richer framework, namely, that of virtue ethics. One dominant approach begins by arguing that people do not have the right to privacy in matters of sexual orientation (not behaviour), and so outing gay people does not violate such a right. It continues by arguing that living a dignified life requires the agent to refuse to keep secret the gay sexual orientation of others. The second dominant approach, opposed to the first, argues that gay people have a right to the privacy of sexual orientation, and so outing them is prima facie wrong. Both approaches, the paper argues, are too weak to handle the complexity of outing: the first suffers from emphasizing only one subset of the virtues (dignity, pride, and so on), while the second is too weak to explain fully why in some cases outing is permissible. Virtue ethics is a much richer framework from which to address the complexity of outing.  相似文献   

伦理学中有价值论、规范论或义务论,但没有专门研究德性问题的德性论.德性问题是一个重要的人生问题,也是一个重要的社会问题,尤其是当代社会的严重问题,而且只有伦理学才能从理论和实践的结合上给予系统的回答.因此,应该建立德性论专门研究德性问题.德性论研究什么是德性以及如何形成德性的问题,其主要任务是确立伦理学的德性原则.德性论与价值论、规范论一起分别从人的品质、目的、行为方面解释和回答人生问题,它们是相对独立、相互补充的,共同给人生提供伦理学原则并研究回答人生的伦理学问题.德性伦理学属于德性论的研究,但德性伦理学是西方伦理学的一个流派,而不是伦理学的一个相对独立的分支.  相似文献   

近年来,德性伦理的复兴为伦理界注入了很多有价值的思想资源。致力于这个主题的人主要在关注亚里士多德以及新亚里士多德主义思想。米歇尔.斯洛特教授则认为,某种形式的以行为者为基础的德性伦理也已经有了真正的希望和可能性。因此,在这篇文章中,斯洛特教授详细阐释了以行为者为基础的德性伦理的可能性。作者详细分析了以行为者为基础的德性伦理的基本内涵、分析并反驳了各种可能的对这一思想的反对意见,论证了以行为者为基础的德性伦理的建构方法以及具体的应用性。  相似文献   

德性伦理论要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德性伦理强调以人类自身的内在品质作为人的一切生活的出发点,这不仅使德性伦理在人类伦理思想的起源处规避着人类伦理生活的方向,而且在现代人类遭遇道德困境的形势下,又指示着人类伦理生活所应该采取的态度。德性伦理最终的理论指向便是将成就德性与明其规范统一起来,从而真正实现人自身的价值。在现代社会价值多元化的背景下,对传统德性伦理资源的挖掘,显得尤为重要。无论是亚里士多德的德性传统,还是原始儒家的德性传统,都可以为现代伦理理论的建设提供丰富的智性资源。  相似文献   

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