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The present study examined the knowledge of uppercase letters in 160 children aged from three to six. Three tasks were administrated: letter saying, letter naming, letter recognition. Children's responses were analyzed according to several variables: school level, gender, task, letter type, letter frequency, etc. Letter knowledge improved from three to six years, but with huge differences among children, namely the superiority of girls over boys. Letter by letter analyses showed that scores were highly consistent between tasks and school levels. They also revealed that letter knowledge was affected by letter type, letter frequency, alphabetic rank and the presence of letters in the child's first name. The findings are discussed for their contribution to the understanding of letter learning.  相似文献   

In arithmetic problems solving, the representation of the problem spontaneously induced by the content of the statement is not always compatible with the solving strategy. This study evaluates a learning approach designed to lead pupils to build an alternative representation to the one spontaneously induced. In this paper, we evaluate the efficiency of this learning approach with children with learning difficulties enrolled in a priority education network. This learning by semantic recoding is a process based on an analogy between the problems and a comparison of strategies. The results show that after learning, the pupils built alternative representations.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize single letters, an important step in reading, is traditionally assumed to depend only on visual processes. However, as many of the objects surrounding us, letters are learnt through a matching between a visual configuration and movements. We review arguments suggesting that the characteristics of writing movements impact visual recognition of letters, at both a behavioral and neural levels. This impact might be especially strong when the orientation of letters has to be processed.  相似文献   

The first purpose of the article is to take advantage of observations made on the status of criticism in sociology. This involves a diagnosis on the state of work psychology. The aim is to alter the trend of criticism and support a clinical approach to activity derived from Vygotski's research. The idea of critical psychology as a self-sufficient line of study is invalidated. An example is developed in order to describe the operating method. The last part of the article is devoted to a brief discussion of Beauvois's recent theories.  相似文献   

This paper aims at analysing different theories about text content elaboration. In the literature, the conceptual processing is considered through its relationships with long-term memory and the retrieving process during planning. It has been shown that knowledge availability and organisation influenced the writing progress. The task environment, which contains both the text that is currently written and documentary sources, equally plays an important role during text content elaboration. In this framework, the question concerning the double influence of knowledge from long-term memory and information from environment on the dynamics of writing processing is raised. The working memory, the activation theories and the analysis of the writer's eye movements are studied to answer this crucial question.  相似文献   

Interpreting appropriately face expressions and analyzing social relations between people, according to their actions are useful competence for treating pragmatic aspects of communication. We do research on these competences by presenting a recognition emotion task, and a task in which movements of geometrical figures simulate social interaction, to 98 children (children aged 8, 10, 12 and 14 years, children with autism and mental retardation). Results show that answers qualitatively increase with age, even after 12 years. Children with autism encounter more difficulties to recognize emotional expression than to attribute intentional actions. Emotion recognition is related to simple intention attribution but not with complex one, which develops later.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the links between spatial attention and reaching movement's motor preparation. During a visual search task, participants prepare to manually reach a button of the numeric keypad and execute it when they find an intruder on the screen. The experimental devices allowed us to control two directions: on the one hand, the direction of the response button's manual reach (on the horizontal plane) and on the other hand, the direction of the intruder's direct attentional reach, starting from the fixation point (on the vertical plane). The results show that: (a) reaction times are shorter when there is a directional congruence between these two directions than when there is incongruence; (b) this effect is significant when attention is voluntarily shifted, whereas it is no longer significant when attention is automatically captured by an intruder. These results suggest that visual search's initial direction is determined by the prepared manual reach. These data are discussed in the premotor theory of attention's framework.  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study is to examine the appropriateness of the dimensional model of pathological narcissism developed by Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard and Conroy (2013). The exploration was essentially focused on decompensatory segment (failure of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) of this model. By using a longitudinal research design, the results, although fragmentary, isolated a positive relationship between the two dimensions – grandiosity and vulnerability – of pathological narcissism. This positive relationship exists both in compensatory segment (use of maladaptive self-enhancement strategies) and in decompensatory segment of the model.  相似文献   

Previous investigations of the relations between the Big Five personality traits and cognitive abilities have consistently supported that higher levels of openness to experience are associated with higher levels of crystallized abilities or knowledge. However, consistent with the idea that crystallized abilities are the product of the exercise of fluid abilities in the past, a moderately strong correlation between both types of abilities is generally found. Then, the first purpose of the current project was to examine the role of fluid abilities in the relation between openness to experience and crystallized abilities. It aimed at determining whether the relation of openness to crystallized abilities was still significant after controlling for the specific contribution of fluid intelligence to crystallized abilities; or conversely, whether this relation was explained by the relation of openness to fluid intelligence. The second purpose was to determine if the relation of openness to experience to both fluid and crystallized abilities varied as a function of age. The possibility that openness to experience differentially contributes to the variance in fluid and crystallized abilities as a function of age was examined. One hundred and sixty-four participants, aged 18 to 96, completed the openness to experience scale (French version of the IPIP, Goldberg, 1999. Personality psychology in Europe), in addition to several tests of fluid and crystallized abilities. After controlling for the variance associated with fluid abilities in crystallized abilities, Openness to experience was not related to crystallized abilities anymore. Moreover, the contribution of the personality trait of Openness to the variation in fluid and crystallized intelligences was similar at different ages in adulthood. Several possible interpretations and their respective implications are discussed. First, people more open may exercise fluid abilities more than people who are less open, and then increase the efficiency of these abilities. Second, fluid abilities may influence the development of the personality trait of openness to experience, that is people's tendency to seek out for novelty and curiosity. And third, the openness to experience scale may only reflect people's self-assessments of their abilities, such as a self-assessed intelligence construct. In any case, our results strongly suggest that the openness-cognition relation reflects something different from a relation between activity and knowledge acquisition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between working memory capacity (WMC) and reading comprehension in children by testing the processing of pronouns. Two groups of nine- to ten-year-old children classified as high span and low span were administered a pronoun processing task. In this task, the computation of the antecedent referent for pronouns was varied by manipulating the distance between the pronoun and its antecedent and the availability of a gender cue. The results showed that compared to high-span children, low-span children experienced more difficulties in computing a pronoun's referent. High-span children spent longer reading sentences containing anaphoric pronouns when pronouns could not be resolved on the basis of the gender alone, suggesting that the pronouns were resolved as they were read. Low-span children tended to delay resolution until it was required by the task. In the question-answering times, low-span children were more adversely affected by distance than high-span children. Altogether these findings support the view that working memory capacity constrains resolution of anaphoric pronouns in children.  相似文献   

This article aims at scientifically investigating the anticipatory grief/mourning phenomenon, which is referred to the psychic processes before the death of a loved one, using the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). The IPA is grounded on a phenomenological hermeneutic: the indepth study of the meaning-process of a subjective experience by a person. This analysis is applied to the case of a woman caring for her spouse suffering from a cancer, in end-of-life. The findings give an insight of the psychological functioning of a person facing the impending death of a relative, and offer reflection-tools concerning prevention of psychic distress in the bereavement field.  相似文献   

Estimating the duration of an event often requires that we reference our own knowledge about the duration of similar events stored in long-term memory. The ability to preserve these durations in long-term memory therefore seems to serve an important function in time estimation. However, relatively few studies on this topic appear in the psychology literature. In the present article, we describe how time estimation models have treated long-term memory, and discuss relevant empirical data obtained from adults. Then, we present the results of recent experiments that examine 3- to 8-year-old children’s ability to maintain durations in memory, depending on the kind of previous experience the children have had with these durations.  相似文献   

The authors adopt a historical perspective and exhibit the debates held within Health Psychology in the Anglo-Saxon universe since the 1980s. They show how the development of the North-American mainstream approach has aroused several objections. These objections were firstly methodological (qualitative methods) then, theoretical and epistemological. This evolution has allowed the creation of two main approaches: Qualitative Health Psychology and Critical Health Psychology. While this course is not yet well-known in France, it illustrates, however, the present developments and the richness of the discussion within Anglo-Saxon Psychology. The conclusion shows that these debates should be known and accepted if we intend to improve our models in Psychology, so that they take into account the situated nature of the human being, its dynamics, its temporality as well and its complexity. Hence, Health Psychology perspectives as a whole will gain in pertinence in the fields of research and intervention.  相似文献   

The present research investigated motivational profiles of high school students following general, technological or vocational education. The French educational system is defined by an implicit hierarchy: the general education is considered as the most prestigious one, while specific education such as technological or vocational education is perceived as more appropriated for students with learning difficulties. Those representations could induce differences in academic engagements’ reasons. Nine hundred and forty-seven French students (552 following general, 222 following technological and 173 vocational education) completed the French version of the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS, Vallerand, Blais, Brière, & Pelletier, 1989). The AMS assesses various types of motivation defined by self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2002). Cluster analysis revealed three distinctive motivational profiles present in all three types of education. In the first cluster, students’ scores were moderate in autonomous and controlled motivation and low in amotivation (moderate autonomous – controlled profile). The second cluster was characterized by high levels of autonomous and controlled motivation and a low amotivation (high autonomous – controlled profile). Finally, the third cluster was defined by a low autonomous motivation, a moderate controlled motivation and high level of amotivation (controlled profile). In addition, we found an impact of secondary education's type on academic motivation. Technological education was associated with the controlled profile, whereas adolescents involved in vocational education were more numerous in the high autonomous-controlled profile. Students following the general education were over-represented in moderate autonomous-controlled profile. The results presented above might be of a great interest to career counseling professionals and professors, especially if discussed in line with self-determination theory, in terms of motivational remediation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the deficit in phonological skills of pre-reader and beginning reader children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). We compared their performances in different metaphonological tasks (a common unit detection task (syllable vs phoneme) and a phoneme deletion task) with those of children with Normal Language Development (NLD) of the same school level. Phoneme detection task is very difficult for all children in kindergarten. The performances of SLI children are poorer than those of NLD children for syllables and phonemes in first grade. The forced choice phoneme deletion tasks point out a specific difficulty for children with SLI to focus on the phonological properties of words when their attention must shift from content to form.  相似文献   

This Action Research was ordered by the Energy Department's head of a southern France local authority who wanted to reduce civil servant's overconsumption behaviors in public swimming pools. The aim was to compare two methods coming from psychosocial theories: cognitive dissonance implemented by induced hypocrisy paradigm, and commitment implemented by submission without pressure paradigm. Both methods and a “classical” condition, were assigned to three independent groups of swimming pool employees (n = 21). The processes targeted the level of behavioral intentions and the effective behavioral change, as dependant variables. These elements were measured through the type of behavioral intention, and the swimming-pools’ consumption bills. Results show that induced hypocrisy reveals a higher behavioral intention's level than a classical condition, whereas the effective behavioral change is higher in the commitment condition. Moreover, we can see a decisive role of context's organizational characteristics beyond the experimental variables induction. Theoretical and managerial consequences of the results are discussed relatively to the methodological limits enforced by the characteristics of the field.  相似文献   

EMOVAL: automatic evaluation the emotional valence and arousal of texts using a 5656 root-words metanorm. EMOVAL is an emotional valence and arousal analysis model of texts. EMOVAL draws from linguistic tradition the hypothesis that every word has a denotative aspect (“meaning”) and a connotative aspect (“affective halo”). It uses a meta-analysis of seven French norms and one English norm with the objective to characterize the emotional valence of texts, paragraphs, or sentences in a pleasant or unpleasant way. The meta-analysis indicates that the seven French norms data are highly correlated in between (0.82 to 0.99), and highly correlated with the Affectiv Norm for English Words (Bradley et Lang, 1999) (0.81 to 0.97). Arousal values taken from Affective Norm for English Words (ANEW) (Bradley et Lang, 1999) and the Leleu (1987) norm are significately correlated (0.55). The metanorm has 5656 words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) characterized in valence (−1 to +1), and 3265 words characterized in arousal. These items are used by EMOVAL for valence judgments of texts. Two types of texts are proposed: the evaluation of the whole (702) or of extracts (110) of a corpus of sentences judged in a seven-point scale (−3 very unpleasant to +3 very pleasant) (Bestgen et al., 2004), and of 12 texts positively valenced (happiness and good surprise) and negatively valenced (fear, anger, disgust, sadness, and bad surprise). These two types of tests confirm the psychological pertinence of EMOVAL. Limits regarding the arousal dimension are discussed. The metanorm presented in this article can be obtained from the authors.  相似文献   

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