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科学家预测:新一轮流感大流行不可避免。通过总结历史教训,分析目前可能引起流感大流行的原因,展开预防流感大流行与共建和谐社会关系的讨论。  相似文献   

科学家预测:新一轮流感大流行不可避免.通过总结历史教训,分析目前可能引起流感大流行的原因,展开预防流感大流行与共建和谐社会关系的讨论.  相似文献   

甲型H1N1流感大流行虽然已经过去,但却留下许多问题值得深思,如流行的严重程度远低于以往大流行,大流行的定义发生了变更、世界卫生组织与药厂是否存在利益关联。在流感大流行过程中,仍存在着资源分配不合理、疫情监测侵犯个人隐私、强制隔离剥夺人身自由等尚未解决的公共卫生伦理学问题,信息共享也尚需进一步加强。  相似文献   

甲型H1N1流感大流行虽然已经过去,但却留下许多问题值得深思,如流行的严重程度远低于以往大流行,大流行的定义发生了变更、世界卫生组织与药厂是否存在利益关联.在流感大流行过程中,仍存在着资源分配不合理、疫情监测侵犯个人隐私、强制隔离剥夺人身自由等尚未解决的公共卫生伦理学问题,信息共享也尚需进一步加强.  相似文献   

大流行性流感:古老的疾病,人类的灾难   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
300年来,有10次全球性流感大流行.流感大流行有一定的周期性、不可预见性、灾害性、持久性,至今人类依然没有找到准确预见、避免一场新的流感大流行的良策.2003年末以来,高致病性H5N1禽流感呈现前所未有的暴发,席卷整个亚洲、部分欧洲国家,尽管人类采取积极的控制措施,但H5N1在亚洲已经顽固地存在下来,成为地方病,并且病毒不断进化(宿主范围扩大、病毒致病性增强、环境中耐受力增强)、人类病例不断出现,已使世界比1968年以来任何时刻都更加靠近一场流感大流行.因此,人类紧迫地需要通力合作、全力准备、从容应对,延缓、减弱或避免这场大浩劫.  相似文献   

2009年4月,墨西哥暴发甲型H1N1流感疫情,并迅速蔓延至全球。2009年6月11日,世界卫生组织宣布进入流感大流行,直到2010年8月10日世卫组织宣布世界步入流感大流行后期。自流感暴发已经2年过去了,回顾整个过程我们从中可以学到许多经验和教训,并随时准备应对将来可能发生的新的流感疫情。  相似文献   

300年来,有10次全球性流感大流行。流感大流行有一定的周期性、不可预见性、灾害性、持久性,至今人类依然没有找到准确预见、避免一场新的流感大流行的良策。2003年末以来,高致病性H5N1禽流感呈现前所未有的暴发,席卷整个亚洲、部分欧洲国家,尽管人类采取积极的控制措施,但H5N1在亚洲已经顽固地存在下来,成为地方病,并且病毒不断进化(宿主范围扩大、病毒致病性增强、环境中耐受力增强)、人类病例不断出现,已使世界比1968年以来任何时刻都更加靠近一场流感大流行。因此,人类紧迫地需要通力合作、全力准备、从容应对,延缓、减弱或避免这场大浩劫。  相似文献   

关于流行性感冒大流行的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流行性感冒(流感)大流行的发生是有其生物学和社会学基础的,从现在至未来很长的时间内,流感大流行的再现是不可避免的。但是人类在疫灾面前没有必要恐慌,主动、积极、科学的应对,可以把流感大流行对人类和人类生活的危害程度减至最低。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic will inevitably change the evolutionary process of human civilization. It not only affects everyone’s understanding of globalization, but also makes people reflect on many cultural values and on the institutional arrangements of society. The underlying problems are ultimately men’s survival and life’s meaning. The outbreak, which was so sudden, has forced people to reconsider the possible forms of a reasonable lifestyle, the relationship between individual and collective rights, the boundaries of men’s right to freedom, the relationship between man and nature, the relationship between man and other creatures, and so on.  相似文献   

Globalization has been going on for a long process, although controversial, never stopping the pace of development. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 which profoundly changed human society and human life, globalization has been facing unprecedented resistance and challenges. Returning to various debates on globalization ethics, analyzing various problems that occur in the process of globalization development, this article starts from relational ethics, aiming to demonstrate the rationality of the sustainable development of globalization in the post-pandemic era. It will argue that although globalization will have new forms and contents under the new situation, the overall trend will not be reversed. It stresses the significance and urgency to explore the discourse construction of the human community with a shared future and the relational ethics of globalization in the post-pandemic era from the perspectives of history, reality, and methodology.  相似文献   

科学家的社会责任问题存在“科学价值中立说”与“科学家的普遍社会责任说”之争。新冠肺炎疫情下的风险社会中,科学家不能持有“事不关己”的“价值中立”态度,而应担负“普遍责任”,他们是疫情防治中的重要行动者。但是,在一些国家出现了科学研究不严谨、科学研究政治化等科学家社会责任缺失现象。需加强科学理性与价值理性的统一、建立重大疫情科学决策咨询制度、改革科技评价方式、精英决策与民主决策相结合、保持科学研究与政治之间的合理张力。  相似文献   





One of the starting points of Derrida’s deconstruction is the idea that metaphysics is dominated by an ontological primacy of the present. It is well known that Derrida took up this thesis of the ‘privilege of the present’ in metaphysics from Heidegger. However, this thesis is mentioned without being developed by Heidegger. What is the meaning of this ontological position? How did it originate? Should we try to go beyond it? And if so, how? In this paper, I would like to start out from Heidegger’s view that the understanding of Being, in the metaphysical tradition, is dominated by the ontological primacy of the present: according to this approach, which goes back to Aristotle’s theory of substance (ousia), Being means constant presence; only that which is constantly present really exists. I will then show that Heidegger himself, in his conception of the past, has renewed the privilege of the present, favoring the ‘having been’ (Gewesenheit) over the past as ‘by-gone-ness’ (Vergangenheit). Finally, I will show how Derrida’s concept of trace may help us to go beyond the privilege of the present.  相似文献   

Voters are continuously bombarded with information during political campaigns, yet a consistent conclusion from research on voter learning is that individuals remember far less information about political candidates than one might expect. What remains unclear is why memory for campaign information is so poor. The present study examines two explanations for memory failure. Using an experimental design, the present study explores whether campaign information fades from memory (trace decay) or whether extraneous information impedes an individual's subsequent ability to recall campaign information (interference). The results suggest that examining the ways in which the larger information environment influences recall of campaign information has important implications for the importance we attribute to campaign information in models of voter decision making.  相似文献   

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