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Ohne ZusammenfassungDie vorliegende Arbeit wurde auf The first international Meeting for Husserl Studies in Japan (Shizuoka University, November 23–24, 2002) vorgetragen. Zum Zweck der Veröffentlichung wurden einigeÄnderungen vorgenommen. Für die wertvollen Anregungen in der Korrespondenz und Diskussion bedanke ich mich herzlich bei Ichiro Yamaguchi, Nam-In Lee, Anthony Steinbock, Tetsuya Sakakibara und Elmar Holenstein!  相似文献   

The relationship between schizophrenia and violence with its substantial implications for the care of the severely mentally ill is one major reason for the special position of psychiatry. Due to the unique complexity of the human brain psychiatry was able to catch up with all other medical disciplines as late as the second half of the twentieth century only by means of the progress in biological brain research and psychopharmacology. At the same time the position of psychopathology has substantially changed. Being one of the core research issues until the introduction of antipsychotic drugs, it is nowadays primarily understood as a mere auxiliary tool for communication, for the collection of administrative data and for the recruitment of patients for various research projects. After a short overview of the current knowledge concerning the association between schizophrenia and violence the authors demonstrate by means of two psychopathological models, the differentiated classification according to Leonhard and the concept of structural dynamics by Janzarik, that many of the findings of current brain research are compatible with these models, exclusively based on detailed psychopathological observations. Differentiated psychopathology plays an indispensable mediator role between biological brain research methods and the complex reality of human behaviour, which is of major importance especially in forensic psychiatric issues. By neglecting this fact psychiatry is in danger of abandoning the possibility to generate relevant questions and hypotheses for future research.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung K?rperorientierte Psychotherapie wird heute station?r und ambulant, einzeln oder in Gruppen, alleine oder in Kombination mit anderen Methoden angewandt. Besondere Bedeutung haben diese Methoden bei den Patienten, deren K?rpergefühl vermindert, die in ihrer Emotionalit?t eingeschr?nkt oder, aufgrund von Charakterwiderst?nden, in einer verbalen Psychotherapie schwer zu erreichen sind. Die heute am h?ufigsten angewandten Methoden werden mit kurzen Beispielen angeführt, auf andere Verfahren wird hingewiesen. Als wirkende Faktoren werden u.a. die Verbindung der Affekte zum vegetativen und willkürlichen Nervensystem genannt sowie die besonders am Beginn des Lebens bestehende enge Verbindung psychischer und k?rperlicher Vorg?nge, die sich mit der jeweilig erlebten Form der Interaktion verbindet und psychobiologische Auswirkungen hat. In der weiteren Entwicklung erhalten der K?rper und bestimmte K?rperregionen auch eine symbolische und für die Therapie wichtige Bedeutung. Die Beziehung der k?rperorientierten Verfahren zur verbalen Psychotherapie, besonders zur Psychoanalyse, wird diskutiert. Auf Ans?tze zur empirischen Forschung wird hingewiesen.   相似文献   

Disturbances of body-images in women with anorexia and bulimia nervosa are described at the behavioral, perceptional and affective-cognitive level. The disturbances of body image, which are often accompanied by personality-structural deficits and have a decisive influence on the course of disease, can be reached only in part by verbal forms of therapy. Considering these facts, we present an integrative clinical procedure in which the application of body-related therapy modules play a central role in supplement to cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic forms of therapy. Process-oriented body-perception therapy in an individual setting and a communicative movement group therapy are used and their relevance to the in-patient therapy process examined from the patient’s point of view. The study reveals a high value of body-psychotherapy, wherebydifferences were observed between anorexia (15) and bulimia (27) patients in the course of the process. The results suggest an indication for the application of combined individual and group body-psychotherapy for hospitalized anorexia patients. A communicative body therapy in group form is also very important in the in-patient treatment of bulimia patients, but there is a differential indication with regard to individual body therapy.  相似文献   

Trauma in childhood, which is considered to be the “prototype” of complex traumatization, is associated with numerous physical diseases, in particular with coronary artery disease (CAD). In this review we present the current state of research on this issue. Despite inconsistencies in details between reported findings, numerous studies consistently show a clear relationship between childhood maltreatment and CAD. This association holds not only for clinical endpoints, e.?g. myocardial infarct and angina pectoris but also for subclinical markers of CAD. In this article three distinct etiopathogenetic pathways are defined linking childhood maltreatment to CAD, namely mental alterations, behavioral alterations, such as harmful health behavior and pathophysiological changes including somatic comorbidities. Methodology critical aspects and future research issues as well as the clinical implications of these findings are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The pre-discoursive agreement. Theory of scientific truth and procedural justification. — On basis of the constructive philosophy of science, the attention is focussed to the pre-discoursive elements of discoursive theories of truth. By using a pragmatic approach it is shown that foundation of those pre-discoursive elements, like discourse rules or the basic terminology, is possible though the discourse rules are not available at this level. Propositions which can be shown in the presented theory to be true, always describe a know-how instead of a knowledge about the world. As a result, the relevance of the presented analysis for prototheories of scientific disciplines is investigated. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sensationalistic Phenomenalism and Economy of Thought. On Ernst Mach's Concept of Science. Ernst Mach, natural scientist and major precursor of the Vienna Circle, never wants to be a philosopher. Nevertheless his writings are full of valuable hints for a modern theory of human knowledge – with respect to economical, historical and evolutionary aspects. His kind of phenomenalism is sensationalistic, monistic and instrumentalistic. This article deals with some contributions of his approach to actual debates in the general philosophy of science. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden Beziehungen untersucht zwischen einem Persönlichkeitsmerkmal, der Interferenzneigung, wie sie im Stroop-Test gemessen wird, und der psychologischen Refraktärphase, welche die Geschwindigkeit der Informationsverarbeitung im Human Operator entscheidend bestimmt. 24 Vpn, von denen 12 eine hohe und 12 eine niedrige Interferenzneigung hatten, wurden in 8 verschiedenen Versuchsvariationen Refraktärzeitmessungen unterzogen. Es zeigte sich, daß Vpn mit hoher Interferenzneigung signifikant längere Refraktärzeiten aufwiesen als Vpn mit niedriger Interferenzneigung. Die Differenzen zwischen den Interferenzgruppen nahmen zu mit ansteigender Komplexität der Versuchssituation und waren am deutlichsten ausgeprägt in den Versuchssituationen, welche der im Stroop-Test gegebenen Situation am ähnlichsten waren. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen unsere Hypothese, daß das Ausmaß der Interferenzneigung in Zusammenhang steht mit der Länge der Refraktärphase. Das Interferenzphänomen kann somit verstanden werden als Ausdruck persönlichkeitsspezifischer Differenzen in der Geschwindigkeit der Informationsverarbeitung.
On the relation between interference proneness and psychological refractory period
Summary The described experiment investigated relations between a personality trait, the interference as measured by the Stroop-Test, and the psychological refractory period, a determining factor in the speed of information processing by humans. Of 24 Ss, half of which had a high half a low interference tendency, measurements of psychological refractory periods in 8 different experimental situations were made. Ss witha high interference tendency had significantly longer psychological refractory periods than Ss with a low interference tendency. The differences between the two experimental groups increased with rising complexity of the experimental situation and were most clearly outlined in those variations, which were most similar to the situation given in the Stroop-Test. These experimental data proove our hypothesis: that the amount of interference is correlated with the length of the psychological refractory period. Thus the phenomenon of interference may be interpreted as an expression of personality differences in the speed of information processing.

Von der Philosophischen Fakultät der Freien Universität Berlin 1966 angenommene Dissertation.  相似文献   

This paper reports on research on the question of how a dialog system can recognize and adapt to the resource limitations of its user: specifically, limitations of time and working memory. The results of an exploratory study, together with other empirical research, yield a number of probabilistic causal relationships among relevant variables. It is shown how these relationships can be represented in dynamic Bayesian networks and used as a basis for inferences and decisions of a dialog system.  相似文献   

On the relation between experiment and thought experiment in the natural sciences. To understand the reciprocal autonomy and complementarity of thought and real experiment, it is necessary to distinguish between a ‘positive’ (empirical or formal) and a transcendental perspective. Empirically and formally, real and thought experiments are indistinguishable. However, from a reflexive-transcendental viewpoint thought experiment is at the same time irreducible and complementary to real experiment. This is due to the fact that the hypothetical-anticipatory moment is in principle irreducible to physical reality—even though it refers to physical reality and is bound with the empirical use of our understanding. The presence of counterfactuals is the condition of the possibility for thought experiments to become in principle real ones, by means of a series of technical realisations that gradually approximate the idealisations that they contain.  相似文献   

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