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Objections to Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) seem to exceed the mere rational preference for one approach over another. Ziegler suggested that James’s dichotomy between Tough- and Tender-Mindedness might explain REBT’s appeal to some and its failure to attract others. REBT is a predominantly Tough-Minded therapy, but the counseling profession is largely Tender Minded. In this article, the author examines why Tender-Minded counselors may not accept REBT, what common misperceptions of REBT may contribute to this rejection, and how the two might be reconciled. Intervention strategies for Tender-Minded counselors are suggested. Reprinted from Journal of Counseling & Development, January/February 1995, Volume 73. ACA. Reprinted with permission. No further reproduction authorized without written permission from the American Counseling Association. Stephen G. Weinrach, who maintained a private practice in Havertown, Pennsylvania, was a professor of counseling and human relations at Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania, and a Fellow of the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy in New York. He died in 2004. This article was based in part upon a presentation entitled, “Obstacles to a Wider Acceptance of RET,” given at the World Congress on Mental Health Counseling/35th Anniversary Conference on Rational-Emotive Therapy, Keystone, Colorado, June, 1990. The author extended his appreciation to his copresenters, Albert Ellis, Janet L. Wolfe, and Daniel J. Ziegler, as well as Michael E. Bernard, Joanne Christopher, Windy Dryden, Gerald L. Gandy, Martin Gerstein, and Allen Ivey.  相似文献   

While Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) highlights the norm of people's dogmatic, fanatical, and rigid religious beliefs, it has always favoured several aspects of Zen-Buddhism as a modus vivendi. Scientifically-based REBT and wisdom-oriented Zen have more in common than one might think at first sight. In this chapter, I, Albert Ellis and Maurits Kwee show how REBT and Zen have significant commonalities as well as differences. “What are these commonalities?”, and “What are the issues of mutual interest for REBT and Zen?” are the main questions that we deal with here. It is submitted that most of REBT theory and practice are in keeping with the spirit of Zen. We note that East and West may in some ways cross-fertilise each other in the interface between these two proposed ways of living. The narrative techniques of Zen by means of koans (e.g., analogies, metaphors, parables) and of REBT (its many cognitive, emotive, and behavioural methods derived from its phenomenological view of human neurosis) are somewhat complementary to each other. Zen practice, if stripped of its mystical and Utopian aspects, particularly by omitting the non-verifiable concepts of the ostensible “higher” (non-thinking) state of consciousness, can often even be merged with REBT. One main (cultural) difference is that Zen attempts to go beyond rationality/relativity by striving for a certain kind of self-realisation (the irrational experience of satari) through paradoxically abolishing the self. The end result of this is not that the Zen adept becomes a “better” human being, but often becomes more aware of the hassles of life and how to cope with them from day to day. Something like the REBT practitioner, who practices what she or he preaches, the Zen practitioner remains the ordinary (though unique) imperfect human being as she or he was before, sadder but a little wiser. REBT had better be integrated with the most useful of other therapies, including Zen, so that it becomes and remains effective with many (not all) people much (not all) of the time. Due to cultural differences, the practice of Zen is not always compatible with the practice of Zen. However, the practice of REBT does fit with (post)modern Zen as an open living system. This chapter is laced with two dozen classic and modern koans that are to be used readily in therapy by the reader.  相似文献   

Eight experts in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) provided personal examples of their own successes and failures in applying REBT to themselves. The experts actively talked to themselves both rationally and irrationally. Understandably, there were far more shoulds, oughts, musts, and have to's in the narratives in which the experts described when they failed to use REBT than when they succeeded in using REBT. Rational self‐talk was more prevalent in the examples of how REBT was successfully used by the experts.  相似文献   

Rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) depends on the implications A ? B and B ? C where A is an activating event, B is a belief and C is an emotional consequence. We use this idea to present a logical theory for REBT, and show how it can be used to create a computer program that can be used as a therapist’s aid.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to determine whether two distinct modes of cognitive-behaviour therapy—Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) and Multimodal Therapy (MMT)—can be reconciled. This quest in the spirit of integrationism is pursued along three lines of inquiry: Do we talk about schools, approaches, or techniques? A reconciliation between MMT and REBT as systems seems not to be feasible, just because of the simple fact that MMT is not a new school with an idiosyncratic theory, whereas REBT is. However, REBT is also a congenial approach consisting of various eclectic techniques, as is MMT. It is explained how the A-B-C format and firing orders of the BASICI.D. modalities stem from an S-O-R model. Furthermore, the circular character of the various modalities (thinking, feeling, and behaving) is recognised both in MMT and in REBT. The techniques used in REBT and MMT overlap for 65–80%, according to a comparative perusal of Ellis's and Lazarus's presentations of preferred techniques. This means that MMT and REBT, as an approach with distinct techniques, “must” be very similar in practice. The conclusion is that philosophically Ellis and Lazarus see eye-to-eye and that MMT and REBT overlap a great deal. But a fusion is not yet at hand. At best the two can be described as two sides of one coin. “When you wake up in the morning, Pooh,” said Piglet at last, “what's the first thing you say to yourself?” “What's for breakfast?” said Pooh. “What do you say, Piglet?” “I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?” said Piglet. Pooh nodded thoughtfully. “It's the same thing,” he said. “What's that?” the Unbeliever asked. “Wisdom from a Western Taoist,” I said. “It sounds like something from Winnie-the Pooh,” he said. “It is,” I said. From The Tao of Pooh Benjamin Hoff (1982)  相似文献   

In a critique of Ellis' Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) theory of personality, it has been argued that, among other strategies, REBT personality theory could be significantly advanced by attempting to incorporate within it already established theoretical constructs compatible with the cognitive-behavioral movement. Richard Lazarus' prominent, well-articulated, and extensively studied theoretical construct of cognitive appraisal seems ideal in this regard. In the present article, the relevant and salient aspects of Lazarus' construct are described. An attempt is then made to delineate the possible place of cognitive appraisal in the ABC model underlying REBT. Finally, the clinical implications of this proposed ABC model refinement are then explored, and an additional REBT therapeutic strategy based upon the cognitive appraisal construct, reappraisal training, is suggested and briefly described.  相似文献   

The article presents a synopsis on rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT), its fundamental theoretical framework, its applications, and future directions. The paper is organized according to the following structure: in part one, REBT fundamental/basic research is discussed; in the second part clinical/applied research in REBT is presented, including aspects of efficacy and effectiveness, discrimination of disorders for which REBT works most effectively, and its relations to other therapies. Uses and misuses of REBT and their impact on research and future developments are presented as well. While it is true that REBT research has many shortcomings, the overgeneralization and/or magnification of the negative, and the minimization of the positive are dysfunctional beliefs that maintain the false idea in the field that REBT has few empirical studies and that REBT research is in serious trouble. A balanced approach, analyzing both the strengths and weakness, suggest that REBT has hundreds of research articles and that high-quality studies tend to support REBT’s basic theory and efficacy. However, to strengthen this conclusion and to fully explore the potential of REBT, shortcomings of REBT research need to be corrected, and high-quality studies promoted. This is particularly important since, although effective, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies have not yet reached “the desired standard” of efficacy and effectiveness, as about 30–40% of people are still nonresponsive to these interventions Thus, REBT could be a platform of reinvigorating empirical studies on the efficacy/effectiveness and theory of cognitive-behavioral models of psychopathology and human functioning. Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Biobehavioral and Integrative Medicine Programs, New York, USA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was for selected Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) cognoscenti to examine the impact of the events of September 11th, 2001, on their beliefs about religion, spirituality, and their personal philosophy—including the role of evil in the universe and the implications of these issues on their use of REBT. The degree of consistency of the authors' views with classical REBT theory and philosophy was examined. The authors are current or former members of the Albert Ellis Institute's International Training Standards and Policy Review Committee, of which Albert Ellis, REBT's founder, is also a member.  相似文献   

The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire was administered to 41 counselors and 41 administrators enrolled in graduate courses at Auburn University. The scores were compared in terms of individual factors and profiles. A discriminate analysis of scores correctly identified counselors in 31 out of 40 cases while principals were classified correctly in 34 out of 41 cases. Five factors found to be significantly different (P < .05) between counselors and administrators were: Factor C (Emotional vs Mature, Calm), Factor G (Expedient vs Conscientious), Factor I (Tough-Minded vs Tender-Minded), Factor L (Trusting vs Suspicious), and Factor N (Forthright vs Shrewd).  相似文献   

Although rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) has been the pioneering cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) of the twentieth century, and although its main methods are very popular among practicing clinicians as well as members of the public, it has been relatively neglected in the professional and scientific literature. Reasons for this neglect are discussed and some steps are suggested to make REBT more effective and more scientifically accepted.  相似文献   

Although rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) has been the pioneering cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) of the twentieth century, and although its main methods are very popular among practicing clinicians as well as members of the public, it has been relatively neglected in the professional and scientific literature. Reasons for this neglect are discussed and some steps are suggested to make REBT more effective and more scientifically accepted.  相似文献   

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: The Past,Present, and Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The intent of this article is to describe the significant contributions Albert Ellis made to rational emotive education and to a preventative approach to psychotherapy, which represents a major shift from many other counseling theories. The author notes that REBT as a preventative mental health approach was very important to Albert Ellis because he believed that it would extend the influence of REBT, but unfortunately he and other REBT practitioners have not put enough systematic emphasis on training teachers to implement rational concepts into the curriculum. Given the number of children and adolescents needing mental health services, this is an area that should be emphasized and would extend Al’s legacy. The article also addresses Dr. Ellis’ contributions in the area of parenting, where once again he was a pioneer in teaching parents how to deal with their irrational beliefs that interfere with effective parenting. The author concludes with a discussion about “where we go from here,” focusing on training at the university level, developing a standardized REE program that includes a train the trainer component, becoming more of a presence in the field of health care, and putting more emphasis on the therapeutic relationship which may attract more people to the theory.  相似文献   

In this literature review, the author focuses on several ethical considerations in case conceptualization and diagnosis, including diagnostic training and competence. Meeting the American Counseling Association's (1995) ethical standard for diagnostic training has several ethical implications for counselors, counselor educators, and supervisors. For counselors who might struggle with how to meet their ethical responsibilities in diagnosis but who want to remain true to their developmental counseling emphases, the author discusses some of their concerns, the implications of and possible approaches to this aspect of their work. Conclusion Yalom (2002) asked a poignant question of counselors in his book, The Gift of Therapy: “If you were in personal psychotherapy or are considering it, what DSM‐IV diagnosis do you think your therapist could justifiably use to describe someone as complicated as you?” (p. 5). This question and continued dialogue about the ethics and implications of diagnosis are essential aspects of diagnostic training. Yalom's poignant and deeply personal question seems especially appropriate for increasing a counselor's empathy toward the client's sensitivity and vulnerability during the diagnostic process. Counselor educators might ask how one remains true to a developmental model of counseling while adhering to the ethical and accreditation standards of teaching the DSM's medical model of diagnosis. Counselors may also question how to use diagnosis ethically and empathically. Seligman (1999) recommended that clinicians view the DSM as one of many important sources of information about a person. Furthermore, counselors should seek to incorporate diagnostic information into a holistic context, recognizing that a diagnosis does not reflect the totality of the client. Some counselor educators have advised students to integrate the DSM model into their work with clients rather than abandoning their developmental roots (Waldo et al., 1993). Some counselors may not actually put their diagnoses in writing; Seligman believed, however, that thinking diagnostically may assist counselors in determining the best approaches to help clients and to help clients help themselves. This clinical and ethical debate about how, and in fact, whether, to integrate the medical model of the DSM and the developmental origins and distinctiveness of counseling continues. However, the CACREP (2001) standards, managed care systems, and other forces have pushed counseling professionals toward a medical model by mandating counselor knowledge and use of the DSM. Whatever a counselor's stance and behavior on client assessment and diagnosis may be, the literature presented in this review and discussion seems to suggest a need for heightened sensitivity to, preparation for, and accuracy in all facets of client assessment, especially diagnosis.  相似文献   

Through his development of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), Albert Ellis was a major contributor to the development of cognitive behaviour therapy. This article reviews key aspects of REBT, the distinction between unhealthy and healthy emotions, and the role irrational and rational beliefs play in relation to these emotions. As with other areas of psychology, the focus of REBT over the years has been dominated by negative emotional experiences. In an attempt to address this and further develop REBT, the present article reviews recent claims from the realm of social psychology that positive illusions promote mental health. Consequently, it is proposed that a similar dichotomy of healthy and unhealthy positive emotions also exists, and a basic framework for working with this positive dichotomy is introduced.  相似文献   

The demand made by black students that administrators employ more black counselors reveals not only students' needs to proclaim black identity and pride but also their grievances against guidance that have deeper roots than just the current social revolution. This article examines the black student's view of guidance in order that counselors might develop a role for the profession that will serve this student more effectively.  相似文献   

A serious problem facing counselors in today's schools is the increasing number of youth who are alienated from their schools. In dealing with this situation, counselors frequently regard it as one which stems from a dysfunction within the individual student; although this may be true in some cases, it is the thesis of this article that the problem often stems from the structure of the school. The theoretical background and causes of alienation in today's youth are discussed. Implications for counselors and the schools are presented along with recommendations for possible courses of action.  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that all major theories of personality, including the currently developing REBT personality theory, rest upon certain basic philosophic assumptions concerning human nature made by the theorist. If REBT theory preferably is to develop into a more comprehensive theory of personality, then it would be helpful in that effort to identify the basic philosophic assumptions underlying it. For that purpose Ellis' basic assumptions in this regard are here identified, articulated, and documented. Theoretical and treatment implications are also explored. In the case of each philosophic assumption it is briefly indicated how Ellis' position on that assumption may translate into the theory and practice of REBT.  相似文献   

A systematic review of the published literature from 1995 to 2007 considers the published evidence on the use of interventions employing Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in criminal justice efforts to reduce re-offending. Thirty-six studies are briefly described, summarised and appraised for research quality using a six point scale. Twenty-four studies were excluded from further analysis due to insufficiently rigorous or weak research design and method. Twelve studies were appraised as sufficiently robust to reliably inform the research interest. Further analysis of the studies indicated an association between negative emotional states and offending behaviour, some evidence of REBT effectiveness in treating emotional disturbance in offender populations, and mixed evidence of REBT effectiveness in reducing re-offending. It is concluded that interventions using REBT might be a promising approach for aiding criminal justice aims to reduce re-offending.  相似文献   

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