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Alternating treatments designs were used to compare the effects of trial repetition (one response within five trials per word) versus response repetition (five response repetitions within one trial per word) on sight-word acquisition for 3 elementary students diagnosed with specific learning disabilities in reading. Although both interventions occasioned the same number of accurate responses per word during training, the trial-repetition condition, which involved complete antecedent-response-feedback sequences, resulted in more words mastered for all 3 students.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of monitoring responses on the acquisition of sight words with 3 children with autism. In the training condition, we taught participants a vocal imitation and matching response related to a peer's reading response. In another condition, participants were exposed only to a peer's reading responses. Participants read the words more accurately during test sessions when the monitoring response was required. Results and discussion highlight the importance of identifying component responses of observational learning and the need for additional research in this area.  相似文献   

Multiple baseline designs were used to examine the effects of an instructional package on accuracy of performance in solving multiplication facts by 3 students with learning disabilities. The instructional package included the following components: (a) a modified instructional sequence in which multiplication facts were grouped into the zeros, ones, doubles, fives, and nines categories, and those remaining; (b) identification of the category in which each fact belonged; (c) mnemonic strategies associated with solving facts in each category; and (d) steps to be completed for solving facts in each category. Results indicated that the instructional package produced substantial and immediate effects. After receiving instruction, a participant's accuracy was often 100%, and this was maintained throughout the evaluation even as other strategies were introduced. Comparable results occurred across students, demonstrating replication of the effects of the instructional package.  相似文献   

采用比较研究的实验范式,从偏离校准、优于常人、控制错觉和过分乐观三个效应上比较学习困难初中生和一般初中生的过度自信特点。结果显示:(1)在"偏离校准"效应上,学习困难初中生在困难任务中和学习一般初中生同样存在过度自信的认知偏差,但在简单任务中则存在不自信。(2)在"优于常人"效应上,学习困难初中生和学习一般初中生都存在过度自信的认知偏差。简单任务中,他们认为自己"优于常人",而困难任务中,他们认为自己"差于常人"。(3)在"控制错觉和过分乐观"效应上,学习困难初中生和学习一般初中生都存在过度自信的认知偏差。男生比女生的过度自信程度更大。  相似文献   

We studied the academic effects on peers without disabilities of serving as peer supports for students with disabilities in general education classrooms. Three peers were studied using a range of indicators, including academic engagement, coursework performance, and social validity assessments. Peers assisting a student with disabilities via curricular adaptation, assignment completion, and social facilitation constituted the multicomponent independent variable. We used withdrawal or multiple baseline designs to demonstrate positive benefits for peers for all measures used. In addition, follow-up data for 2 peers indicated that the positive changes associated with serving as a peer support were maintained for up to 2 months. Our results are discussed in relation to the possible academic and social effects of providing peer supports in general education classrooms for students with and without disabilities.  相似文献   

The effects of assisted reading on 3 elementary students with learning disabilities were evaluated using a multiple baseline design. Data were collected from the students' oral reading from their basal texts. The results indicated an increase in number of words read correctly as well as a decrease in the number of words read incorrectly when assisted reading was used in the classroom.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the conditions that contribute to observational learning of generalized language in children with severe mental retardation. Matrix-training strategies were used to teach 6 children with mental retardation to combine known words into two- or three-word utterances consistent with syntactic rules. Subsequently, the children learned two or more unknown words concurrently, inducing word-referent relations consistent with these word order rules. Generalized learning of responses not taught directly was shown to be under experimental control using a multiple baseline design across submatrices. Expressive modeling of only four or five responses was sufficient to promote recombinative generalization in the expressive and receptive modalities. Thus, 95% to 98% of subjects' learning was attributed to generalization processes. This study demonstrates how the efficiency of language training with children with mental retardation might be enhanced by coupling observational learning and matrix-training strategies.  相似文献   

Peer tutoring—academic instruction given by a student to a same-aged classmate—can be a cost-effective way of providing needed instruction in the typical classroom where one teacher must deal with many students of varying ability levels. This study evaluated an instructional package as a training method for increasing the use of selected tutoring behaviors by peer tutors. Nine male students, aged 7 to 9 years, from a learning disabilities resource room served as subjects; four subjects served as tutors, four as students, and one as a generalization student who was assigned to all tutors during generalization testing. Subjects were assigned to tutor-student pairs based on their performances on a pretest of the 220 Dolch Basic Sight Words, with the subjects scoring highest on the pretest serving as tutors. Each tutor worked with his assigned student throughout the study, except for pre- and posttest sessions with the generalization student. During daily sessions, tutors trained their students to recognize sight words using 10 flash cards, each with 1 of the Dolch words printed on it. Training was conducted with all four tutors in a group and was evaluated using a multiple baseline design across three classes of tutoring behaviors: Preparation Behaviors, Prompting Behaviors, and Praising Behaviors. Training consisted of: (a) verbal instructions on how to perform the tutoring behaviors; (b) charts illustrating the appropriate tutoring behaviors with stick figures; (c) role playing with each tutor with the experimenter playing the part of the student and giving feedback and verbal reinforcement to the tutor for performance of the appropriate tutoring behaviors; and (d) verbal testing of each tutor by asking him to state orally the behaviors he was to perform. Training sessions took approximately 30 minutes for each of the 3 classes of tutoring behaviors. Results showed an increased use of tutoring behaviors by tutors as a function of the instructional package. Increases in tutoring behaviors were also observed during postintervention generalization testing of tutors instructing their regular student in new subject matter (math). Data taken from pre-, mid-, and postintervention testing of the 220 Dolch Words showed an increase of identifiable sight words by both students and tutors after completing the peer tutoring program. This study demonstrates that a simple tutor training package can be employed to teach young, special education students to serve as effective tutors for their peers. In addition, the academic gains evidenced by the subjects lend positive support to the effectiveness of peer tutoring programs and specifically to the research of Dineen, Clark, and Risley (Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1977, 10 , 231–238) which demonstrated the educational benefits of tutoring incurred by the tutor as well as by the student.  相似文献   

学习困难学生阅读理解监视的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以62名学习困难学生和63名优生为被试,采用错误觉察技术对优差生的阅读理解监视进行了实验研究。结果表明:(1)对内部不一致与外部不一致的觉察能力,学习困难学生显著弱于优生;(2)外部不一致觉察水平与基于理解自信度评价的理解监控水平之间有显著的相关,但方向不一致;内部不一致觉察水平与基于理解自信度评价的理解监控水平之间相关显著,且方向一致。  相似文献   

A peer-delivered incidental-teaching procedure was used to instruct appropriate requesting in adults with moderate to severe mental retardation or autism. Three pairs of group-home residents participated in an incidental-teaching procedure to increase appropriate requesting, prompting, and responding of residents during lunch-preparation sessions. An increase in the number of incidental-teaching episodes during dinner was obtained, and remained high when lunch-making training sessions were withdrawn. In addition, during the incidental-teaching phase, an increase in appropriate requests and overall verbalizations occurred for the peer learners. Changes in appropriate requesting and overall verbalizations also remained higher than baseline when training was withdrawn.  相似文献   

Present research and legislation regarding mainstreaming autistic children into normal classrooms have raised the importance of studying whether autistic children can benefit from observing normal peer models. The present investigation systematically assessed whether autistic children's learning of discrimination tasks could be improved if they observed normal children perform the tasks correctly. In the context of a multiple baseline design, four autistic children worked on five discrimination tasks that their teachers reported were posing difficulty. Throughout the baseline condition the children evidenced very low levels of correct responding on all five tasks. In the subsequent treatment condition, when normal peers modeled correct responses, the autistic children's correct responding increased dramatically. In each case, the peer modeling procedure produced rapid achievement of the acquisition criterion which was maintained after the peer models were removed. These results are discussed in relation to issues concerning observational learning and in relation to the implications for mainstreaming autistic children into normal classrooms.  相似文献   

In this investigation, we evaluated the effectiveness of a self-monitoring package with 3 learning disabled students whose responding to subtraction problems had been highly inconsistent and unsuccessful. Following a two-phase baseline of didactic instruction and special incentives, an error analysis was used to develop individualized self-monitoring checklists that the students then responded to as they completed their subtraction assignments. In the context of a multiple baseline design, the self-monitoring procedures produced immediate gains in correct responding, with more stable levels of successful performance occurring across sessions. In a subsequent maintenance phase, the checklists were removed and the previous incentives condition was reinstated, resulting in continued levels of successful responding. The results are compared to the literature on self-monitoring and learning disabilities and discussed in terms of the continuing need for effective and efficient instructional strategies.  相似文献   

论班图拉观察学习理论的特征及其历史地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶浩生 《心理学报》1994,27(2):201-207
该文从以下三个方面分析了班图拉观察学习理论的特征:(1)强化与认知的结合,(2)行为主义的建构论,(3)交互决定论。作者认为,班图拉对心理学的杰出贡献是他发掘了观察学习这一前人所忽视的学习形式,给了观察学习以应有的地位。作者认为,班图拉在其观察学习的研究中,注重社会因素的影响。以认知的术语阐述观察学习的过程与作用,且注重以人为被试的实验,因而对学习心理学的发展产生重要影响。  相似文献   

选取小学生47名,其中23名为数学不良,24名为一般儿童,使用数码写字板,测试二者在自然和双任务条件下,书写一条横线的速度、加速度。结果发现:(1)自然条件下书写,MD儿童的速度、加速度与一般儿童相一致,两者的差异均不显著。(2)双任务条件下书写,MD儿童的总体平均速度、加速度明显慢于一般儿童的,两者的差异均显著。  相似文献   

论班图拉观察学习理论的特征及其历史地位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文从以下三个方面分析了班图拉观察学习理论的特征:(1)强化与认知的结合,(2)行为主义的建构论,(3)交互决定论。作者认为,班图拉对心理学的杰出贡献是他发掘了观察学习这一前人所忽视的学习形式,给了观察学习以应有的地位。作者认为,班图拉在其观察学习的研究中,注重社会因素的影响。以认知的术语阐述观察学习的过程与作用,且注重以人为被试的实验,因而对学习心理学的发展产生重要影响。  相似文献   

We used an alternating treatments design to compare the effects of active student response error correction and no-response error correction during sight word instruction. Six students with developmental disabilities were provided one-to-one daily sight word instruction on eight sets of 20 unknown words. Each set of 20 words was divided randomly into two equal groups. Student errors during instruction on one group of words were immediately followed by the teacher modeling the word and the student repeating it (active student response instruction). Errors on the other group of words were immediately followed by the teacher modeling the word while the student attended to the word card (no-response instruction). For all 6 students, the active student response error-correction procedure resulted in more words read correctly during instruction, same-day tests, next-day tests, 2-week maintenance tests, and generality tests (words read in sentences).  相似文献   

Two studies analyzed the effects of preceding setting events on the problem behavior of students with severe disabilities. Using ABAB withdrawal designs, the occurrence versus nonoccurrence of preceding setting events was analyzed in relation to the frequency of problem behavior. Data were collected throughout a student's school day, with interventions focusing upon the elimination of setting events that occurred before school. The results indicate that (a) the occurrence of preceding setting events was related to higher frequencies of problem behavior and (b) interventions designed to eliminate preceding setting events were consistently associated with low frequencies of problem behavior.  相似文献   

This research examined whether constant time delay would be effective in teaching students with moderate mental retardation in triads to perform chained tasks and whether observational learning would occur. Three chained snack preparation tasks were identified, and each student was directly taught one task. The other 2 students observed the instruction. The instructed student told the observers to watch and to turn pages of a pictorial recipe book. The teacher provided frequent praise to the instructed student based on performance and to the observers for watching the instruction and turning pages. A multiple probe design across students and tasks was used to evaluate the instruction. The results indicated that each student learned the skill he or she was taught directly, and the observers learned nearly all of the steps of the chains they observed. The implications for classroom instruction and future research in observational learning are discussed.  相似文献   

学习不良儿童社会性发展特点的研究   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
对211名10—15岁学习不良儿童社会性发展特点的研究表明,学习不良儿童在本研究确定的社会交往、自我概念和行为问题诸维度上具有独特的年龄和性别特点。学习不良女孩的社会性发展水平略高于学习不良男孩;随年龄递增.学习不良儿童的社会性发展水平不断得到提高,但其在不同年龄阶段的特点则有所不同。同时.学习不良儿童社会性发展诸方面存在着交互作用。  相似文献   

俞国良 《心理科学》1999,22(5):389-393
从2308名10—15岁儿童中选取429名被试的研究结果表明.一般儿童的家庭心理环境、父母教养方式大大优于学习不良儿童,这些家庭资源与学习不良儿童的社会交往、自我概念和社会行为等有着密切的联系,说明家庭心理环境、父母教养方式对学习不良儿童社会性发展产生着重要作用。  相似文献   

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