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Lightness constancy in complex scenes requires that the visual system take account of information concerning variations of illumination falling on visible surfaces. Three experiments on the perception of lightness for three-dimensional (3-D) curved objects show that human observers are better able to perform this accounting for certain scenes than for others. The experiments investigate the effect of object curvature, illumination direction, and object shape on lightness perception. Lightness constancy was quite good when a rich local gray-level context was provided. Deviations occurred when both illumination and reflectance changed along the surface of the objects. Does the perception of a 3-D surface and illuminant layout help calibrate lightness judgments? Our results showed a small but consistent improvement between lightness matches on ellipsoid shapes, relative to flat rectangle shapes, under illumination conditions that produce similar image gradients. Illumination change over 3-D forms is therefore taken into account in lightness perception.  相似文献   

Research on distance perception has focused on environmental sources of information, which have been well documented; in contrast, size perception research has focused on familiarity or has relied on distance information. An analysis of these two parallel bodies of work reveals their lack of equivalence. Furthermore, definitions of familiarity need environmental grounding, specifically concerning the amount of size variation among different tokens of an object. To demonstrate the independence of size and distance perception, subjects in two experiments were asked to estimate the sizes of common objects from memory and then to estimate both the sizes and the distances of a subset of such objects displayed in front of them. The experiments found that token variation was a critical variable in the accuracy of size estimations, whether from memory or with vision, and that distance had no impact at all on size perception. Furthermore, when distance information was good, size had no effect on distance estimation; in contrast, at far distances, the distances to token variable or unknown objects were estimated with less accuracy. The results suggest that size perception has been misconceptualized, so that the relevant research to understand its properties has not been undertaken. The size-distance invariance hypothesis was shown to be inadequate for both areas of research.  相似文献   

On size, distance, and visual angle perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Research on distance perception has focused on environmental sources of information, which have been well documented; in contrast, size perception research has focused on familiarity or has relied on distance information. An analysis of these two parallel bodies of work reveals their lack of equivalence. Furthermore, definitions of familiarity need environmental grounding, specifically concerning the amount of size variation among different tokens of an object. To demonstrate the independence of size and distance perception, subjects in two experiments were asked to estimate the sizes of common objects from memory and then to estimate both the sizes and the distances of a subset of such objects displayed in front of them. The experiments found that token variation was a critical variable in the accuracy of size estimations, whether from memory or with vision, and that distance had no impact at all on size perception. Furthermore, when distance information was good, size had no effect on distance estimation; in contrast, at far distances, the distances to token variable or unknown objects were estimated with less accuracy. The results suggest that size perception has been misconceptualized, so that the relevant research to understand its properties has not been undertaken. The size-distance invariance hypothesis was shown to be inadequate for both areas of research.  相似文献   

In a natural environment, cast shadows abound. Objects cast shadows both upon themselves and upon background surfaces. Previous research on the perception of 3-D shape from cast shadows has only examined the informativeness of shadows cast upon flat background surfaces. In outdoor environments, however, background surfaces often possess significant curvature (large rocks, trees, hills, etc.), and this background curvature distorts the shape of cast shadows. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which observers can “discount” the distorting effects of curved background surfaces. In our experiments, observers viewed deforming or static shadows of naturally shaped objects, which were cast upon flat and curved background surfaces. The results showed that the discrimination of 3-D object shape from cast shadows was generally invariant over the distortions produced by hemispherical background surfaces. The observers often had difficulty, however, in identifying the shadows cast onto saddle-shaped background surfaces. The variations in curvature which occur in different directions on saddle-shaped background surfaces cause shadow distortions that lead to difficulties in object recognition and discrimination.  相似文献   

In a recent study, Pelli (1999 Science 285 844-846) performed a set of perceptual experiments using portrait paintings by Chuck Close. Close's work is similar to the 'Lincoln' portraits of Harmon and Julesz (1973 Science 180 1194-1197) in that they are composite images consisting of coarsely sampled, individually painted, mostly homogeneous cells. Pelli showed that perceived shape was dependent on size, refuting findings that perception of this type is scale-invariant. In an attempt to broaden this finding we designed a series of experiments to investigate the interaction of 2-D scale and 3-D structure on our perception of 3-D shape. We present a series of experiments where field of view, 3-D object complexity, 2-D image resolution, viewing orientation, and subject matter of the stimulus are manipulated. On each trial, observers indicated if the depicted objects appeared to be 2-D or 3-D. Results for face stimuli are similar to Pelli's, while more geometrically complex stimuli show a further interaction of the 3-D information with distance and image information. Complex objects need more image information to be seen as 3-D when close; however, as they are moved further away from the observer, there is a bias for seeing them as 3-D objects rather than 2-D images. Finally, image orientation, relative to the observer, shows little effect, suggesting the participation of higher-level processes in the determination of the 'solidness' of the depicted object. Thus, we show that the critical image resolution depends systematically on the geometric complexity of the object depicted.  相似文献   

Takezawa T 《Perception》2011,40(7):798-804
The effect of the retinal size of a target on the perception of absolute distance to a single target and relative distance between near and far targets was examined with photographic displays including two persons. Retinal size was systematically varied by varying the focal length of the camera lens, the display size, and the viewing distance. The results showed that, although the relationship between the perceived absolute distance and retinal size was not inversely proportional, the perceived absolute distance decreased with an increase in retinal size. This was more evident when the retinal size was changed by varying the focal length. These results suggest that the determinants of the perceived absolute distance were not only the retinal size of the target but also its ratio to the overall display. The results also showed that the perceived relative distances were little influenced by retinal size, but were strongly dependent on the size ratio of the two targets in the display.  相似文献   

The perceived sizes and perceived distances of familiar objects were investigated in two experiments in which images of familiar objects were presented monocularly, one at a time, in an otherwise dark field of view. It was found that the angular size of the objects as well as their familiar size determined reported size. Reported distances were increasingly underestimated as a function of increasing simulated distances of the objects. The results are consistent with the conclusion that, as a function of the retinal size of the objects, the observer perceives the familiar objects as off-sized, and, that as a consequence of these off-sized perceptions, the observer's judgements of the object distances reflect inferential rather than perceptual processes.  相似文献   

A relative-perceived-size hypothesis is proposed to account for the perception of size and distance under monocular observation in reduced-cue settings. This hypothesis is based on two assumptions. In primary processing, perceived size is determined by both proximal stimulation on the retina and distance information from primary cues such as oculomotor cues. In secondary processing, the relation of two primary perceived sizes determines another relation of secondary perceived distances, so that an object of smaller primary perceived size is judged to be further away. An experiment was designed to test this hypothesis, especially the assumption of secondary processing, by making ratio judgments of perceived size and perceived distance for two successively presented targets. The Standard square was presented at a constant distance and varied in visual angle; the variable square was presented with a constant visual angle in distance. The results showed that an inverse relation between size and distance estimates held regardless of whether the visual angles of the targets were the same or different.  相似文献   

The projected height of an object in a scene relative to a ground surface influences its perceived size and distance, but the effect of height should change when the object is moved above the horizon. In four experiments, observers judged relative size or relative distance for pairs of objects varying in height with respect to the horizon. Higher objects equal in projected size were judged larger below the horizon, but the relative size effect was reversed either when one object was on the horizon and one was above the horizon or when both objects were above the horizon. With the real horizon not explicitly present in the display, relative size judgements were affected both by the boundary of the visible surface and the vanishing point implied by the converging lines. For relative distance judgements, the higher object was judged more distant regardless of the height of the objects relative to the perceptual horizon, resulting in a reversal of the relation between size and distance judgements for objects above the horizon.  相似文献   

Hibbard PB  Bradshaw MF 《Perception》2006,35(10):1297-1305
There is now a well established dissociation between perception and action based primarily on neuropsychological evidence [Milner and Goodale, 1995 The Visual Brain in Action (Oxford: Oxford University Press)]. Although equivocal, an important source of evidence from normal observers is that 'perceptual illusions' may affect the systems differently. We investigated the relative effects of 2-D tilt and 3-D slant illusions in the two domains, using similar tasks to those employed originally by Milner and Goodale. Subjects were required to either post a card through, or set a paddle to match the orientation of, a plane that was presented in two conditions: surrounded by a striped surface tilted between +90 degrees and -90 degrees (2-D tilt contrast), or surrounded by a disparity defined surface slanted in depth between +60 degrees and -60 degrees (3-D depth contrast). For 2-D tilt, action and perception were equally affected by the illusion, whereas in the 3-D condition they were not. Here, the illusion appeared greater in the posting than in the perceptual task. We conclude that, although no qualitative differences exist, there were quantitative differences between perception and action tasks in the binocular condition.  相似文献   

The results of a series of experiments carried out by Bartley (1953) demonstrated a tendency for the size of a tactually perceived object to be underestimated with increased distance of the object from the eyes. He took this to indicate that visual imagery played a part in the spatial organization of tactile data. In the present investigation this effect of distance was further examined under various conditions with sighted and blind subjects. The tendency was found to exist, but there is clear evidence that it is not due to the participation of visual imagery. No hypothesis was found to explain the tendency adequately. An interesting difference emerges between the situation where the subject extends his arm when making the comparison and that in which the arm is retracted when making the comparison.  相似文献   

Shape is an important cue for recognizing an object by touch. Several features, such as edges, curvature, surface area, and aspect ratio, are associated with 3-D shape. To investigate the saliency of 3-D shape features, we developed a haptic search task. The target and distractor items consisted of shapes (cube, sphere, tetrahedron, cylinder, and ellipsoid) that differed in several of these features. Exploratory movements were left as unconstrained as possible. Our results show that this type of haptic search task can be performed very efficiently (25 msec/item) and that edges and vertices are the most salient features. Furthermore, very salient local features, such as edges, can also be perceived through enclosure, an exploratory procedure usually associated with global shape. Since the subjects had to answer as quickly as possible, this suggests that speed may be a factor in selecting the appropriate exploratory procedure.  相似文献   

Owens DA  Wood J  Carberry T 《Perception》2010,39(9):1199-1215
Misperception of speed under low-contrast conditions has been identified as a possible contributor to motor vehicle crashes in fog. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effects of reduced contrast on drivers' perception and control of speed while driving under real-world conditions. Fourteen participants drove around a 2.85 km closed road course under three visual conditions: clear view and with two levels of reduced contrast created by diffusing filters on the windscreen and side windows. Three dependent measures were obtained, without view of the speedometer, on separate laps around the road course: verbal estimates of speed; adjustment of speed to instructed levels (25 to 70 km h(-1)); and estimation of minimum stopping distance. The results showed that drivers traveled more slowly under low-contrast conditions. Reduced contrast had little or no effect on either verbal judgments of speed or estimates of minimum stopping distance. Speed adjustments were significantly slower under low-contrast than clear conditions, indicating that, contrary to studies of object motion, drivers perceived themselves to be traveling faster under conditions of reduced contrast. Under real-world driving conditions, drivers' ability to perceive and control their speed was not adversely affected by large variations in the contrast of their surroundings. These findings suggest that perceptions of self-motion and object motion involve neural processes that are differentially affected by variations in stimulus contrast as encountered in fog.  相似文献   

In principle, information for 3-D motion perception is provided by the differences in position and motion between left- and right-eye images of the world. It is known that observers can precisely judge between different 3-D motion trajectories, but the accuracy of binocular 3-D motion perception has not been studied. The authors measured the accuracy of 3-D motion perception. In 4 different tasks, observers were inaccurate, overestimating trajectory angle, despite consistently choosing similar angles (high precision). Errors did not vary consistently with target distance, as would be expected had inaccuracy been due to misestimates of viewing distance. Observers appeared to rely strongly on the lateral position of the target, almost to the exclusion of the use of depth information. For the present tasks, these data suggest that neither an accurate estimate of 3-D motion direction nor one of passing distance can be obtained using only binocular cues to motion in depth. ((c) 2003 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Visual identification of 3-D objects depends on representations that are invariant across changes in size and left-right orientation. We examined whether this finding reflects the unique demands of processing 3-D objects, or whether it generalizes to 2-D patterns and to the tactile modality. Our findings suggest that object representation for identification is influenced greatly by the processing demands of stimulus materials (e.g., 2-D vs. 3-D objects) and stimulus modality (touch vs. vision). Identification of 2-D patterns in vision is adversely affected by left-right orientation changes, but not size changes. Identification of the same patterns in touch is adversely affected by both changes. Together, the results suggest that the unique processing demands of stimulus materials and modality shape the representation of objects in memory.  相似文献   

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