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A Fear Survey Schedule, developed for use by university students in Venezuela, was administered to 871 first-year students at the Simón Bolivar University, Caracas, and subjected to several analyses to identify its factorial structure. Five factors were identified in the male group: Fear of aversive interpersonal events; of Violence and physical assault; of Loss of self-control; of Injuries and surgical operations; and of Animals and insects. Seven factors were identified in the female group, four of them coincided with the male group: Fear of interpersonal events; of Animals and insects; of Injuries and surgery; of Responsibility; of Death and physical threats; of Doctors and hospitals; of Violence and physical assault. The results were compared to those obtained with similar fear surveys of North American and Israeli University students.  相似文献   

The 122 item fear survey schedule was factor analyzed in an attempt to discover whether various stimuli cluster together in their capacity to evoke anxiety. The method of factor analysis involved a rotation to an oblique structure with the result that 5 conceptually pure factors emerged accounting for at least 90 per cent of the variance. The factors were named as follows: (1) fears related to small animals, (2) fears of the precipitators and manifestations of hostility, (3) moralistically related fears and sexual fears, (4) fears of isolation and loneliness, and (5) fears of anatomical destruction and physical pain. Using the items that correlated 0.35 or better with factors, a 40 item fear survey schedule emerged. Suggestions for clinical use of this fear survey schedule were made.  相似文献   

The 122 Item Fear Survey was administered to 185 patients of a national sample of psychologists and psychiatrists. Psychotics and neurotics scored significantly higher on total fear responses than did a behavioral disorder population. Differences in response styles between men and women were found which indicated that women generally related their fears more easily than men. The data were factor analyzed and three factors were revealed that accounted for 90 per cent of the variance. The factors were named as follows:
1. Fears related to losing status and adequacy socially;  相似文献   

In this study, the validation of a Revised Fear Survey Schedule for Children (FSSC-R) is detailed. Psychometric properties of the scale are reported for two normal samples and one clinical sample of school-phobic children. Initial analyses indicate that the FSSC-R possesses high internal consistency, high test-retest reliability and acceptable stability over time. Further, it adequately discriminates between normal and clinical samples, has acceptable convergent and discriminant validity and possesses a meaningful factor structure. The potential clinical utility of the scale is discussed, and important social and developmental issues affecting the development and expression of fear in children are addressed.  相似文献   

The Wolpe-Lazarus Fear Survey Schedule was administered in a neurotic population and factor analyzed. The largest factor (Tissue Damage/Medical) was uncorrelated with either the MAS or MMPI scales. However, total Fear Survey scores and Factor II (Interpersonal) showed a similar pattern of significant positive associations with both measures. The clinical relevance of global vs. part fear survey scores is discussed.  相似文献   

There are several studies suggesting that the Social Performance Survey Schedule (SPSS) is a reliable and valid measure of social skill. However, the factorial structure of the SPSS has never been examined. In the present study, SPSSs taken by 652 college students were factor analyzed by the method of principal components and the resulting factors were rotated according to the varimax criterion. Separate factor analyses were conducted for men and women. Seven factors, which accounted for a little over a third of the total variance, were retained for each sex. A large general factor labeled Prosocial Competence emerged for both sexes. Beyond this, the factorial solutions for the two sexes tended to diverge, with males showing a large negative factor (Social Offensiveness) and three smaller negative factors and females showing five relatively small negative factors. Suggestions were made concerning additional factor analytic studies of the SPSS and the ways in which derived factors might be used in research and clinical work.This research was supported by funds from the Rutgers University Research Council. Thanks are due to Leona Aiken for her statistical consultation.  相似文献   

Investigations into normative fear in adolescence have indicated that the most common fears are consistently death-related and danger-related. Assessments have most commonly been made from self-reports on fear survey schedules. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to determine whether adolescents would provide responses comparable to those generated through the use of a fear survey schedule when asked to list their 3 greatest fears. A total of 439 adolescents aged 11 to 18 years (237 girls, 201 boys, 1 sex not reported) listed their greatest fears; then they completed the 78-item Fear Survey Schedule for Children-II (E. Gullone & N. J. King, 1992). Consistent with past research, the 10 most common fears generated via the fear schedule related to death and danger. However, on the whole, the self-generated fears deviated from the death and danger theme, also including fear of failure, fear of animals, and fear of the unknown. A tendency toward global responses in self-generated fears appeared to encompass the majority of specific death-related fears included in the fear schedule, thus allowing for other predominant fears to be listed among the 3 most common.  相似文献   

A 100-item fear survey schedule was constructed by compiling all previously published fear surveys to effect a more comprehensive assessment technique. It was administered to 435 college students. Reliability estimates of this instrument approximated 0.87. An orthogonal factor analysis was performed, and yielded 21 interpretable factors within each sex. Sixteen of these were similar across sex. The major areas of fear response were: social criticism; medical intervention; contamination; sudden noises; cars; death.

Previous research had indicated a four factor structure. Results of this study indicate that the number of factors varies with the number of input items. The present study presents a more comprehensive picture of the underlying factor structure of fear responding.  相似文献   

The responses of 703 non-institutionalized phobics to the Fear Survey Schedule (FSS-III) were factor-analyzed utilizing a principal components procedure. Factors previously identified in student, adolescent and ‘non-phobic patient’ populations—(I) Social Anxiety, (III) Fears related to Bodily Injury, Death and Illness. (IV) Fear of Display to Sexual and Aggressive Scenes, (V) Small Animal Fears—were replicated. Additionally, an Agoraphobia (II) factor, corroborating recent findings by Hallam and Hafner (1978), and pointing to the specificity of this fear, emerged. Due to substantially high intercorrelations found, the Social Inadequacy dimension of the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90) and the Social Anxiety scale (I), on the one hand, and the Agoraphobic dimension of the SCL-90 and the Agoraphobia scale (II), on the other, could be used interchangeably with phobic populations. A higher-order factor analysis run on psychopathology scales employed, including factored FSS scales, yielded three components, (1) Neuroticism, (2) Phobia and (3) Agoraphobia. Opportunity was taken to define the Agoraphobic Syndrome empirically. A specific Somatization dimension was as highly related to Neuroticism, as to the higher-order Agoraphobic cluster, clearly supporting clinical observations with regard to the Agoraphobic syndrome. Some interesting findings are focused upon and discussed.  相似文献   


The stability of the Fear of AIDS Scale (FAIDSS) was studied using three samples (two samples of health workers and one of social work students) on Cattel's s index. Using hyperplane cutoffs between 0.35 and 0.45, on the five factor solution of the FAIDSS, there were significant correlations between factors across samples and with few exceptions each factor correlated significantly with only one factor in its comparison samples. Concurrent validity was demonstrated by comparing scores on the Attitudes toward AIDS scale with the FAIDSS. Data indicated that the FAIDSS structure was stable across samples and is an appropriate instrument for measurement of fear of AIDS in the helping professions.  相似文献   

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