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We examined the effects of coaching and speeding on personality scale scores in a faking context (N = 192). A completely crossed 2 × 2 experimental design was used in which instructions (no coaching or coaching) and speeding (with or without a time limit) were manipulated. No statistically significant effects on scale scores were evidenced for speeding. Coaching participants significantly elevated scores (average d = .76) for each of the Big Five personality factors but did not significantly elevate the scores on the Impression Management scale (d = .06). Cognitive ability was significantly positively related to impression management for uncoached participants but not for coached participants. An exploratory simulation suggests that coaching would have an effect on who would be selected for a job.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of mode of test administration (paper based or computer-based) on anxiety levels and test performance. Participants were 44 learners (males = 22, females = 22) from three schools in Johannesburg, South Africa who completed both a computer and paper version of the Differential Aptitude Test—Form K Non-Verbal Reasoning test, the Computer Attitude Scale, the Computer Anxiety Rating Scale and Sarason's Test Anxiety Scale. Test anxiety was significantly related to both computer and paper based testing.  相似文献   

The performance of five simple multiple imputation methods for dealing with missing data were compared. In addition, random imputation and multivariate normal imputation were used as lower and upper benchmark, respectively. Test data were simulated and item scores were deleted such that they were either missing completely at random, missing at random, or not missing at random. Cronbach's alpha, Loevinger's scalability coefficient H, and the item cluster solution from Mokken scale analysis of the complete data were compared with the corresponding results based on the data including imputed scores. The multiple-imputation methods, two-way with normally distributed errors, corrected item-mean substitution with normally distributed errors, and response function, produced discrepancies in Cronbach's coefficient alpha, Loevinger's coefficient H, and the cluster solution from Mokken scale analysis, that were smaller than the discrepancies in upper benchmark multivariate normal imputation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the impact of distraction on standardized test performance. The distraction investigated here was from fellow examinees who were taking a speaking test. Study participants were volunteers (N = 171) who had previously taken the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test, or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). They were invited to retake a different form of the same test under either distracting conditions or standard, distraction-free conditions. Test takers expressed strong negative perceptions about the distraction caused by fellow test takers. The impact on actual test performance, however, was slight in the GMAT sample and negligible in both the GRE and TOEFL samples. Moreover, the influence of distraction was no greater than that associated with other common, undesirable influences.  相似文献   

Compared to controls, children who were diagnosed as victims of Nonaccidental Trauma or Failure to Thrive had depressed Bayley Scale Mental Index scores, p < .002and p < .0001, respecitvely. Failure-to-Thrive children also had depressed Bayley Scale Motor Index scores, p < .0001. Nonaccidental-Trauma children had Mental and Motor Scale range scores, as determined by differences between basal and ceiling items on the Mental and Motor scales, that were a function of measured Mental and Motor Index Scores. Specifically, Nonaccidental-Trauma children with lower Mental Index scores had higher Mental Scale range scores than Nonaccidental-Trauma children with higher Mental Index scores, p < .003. Control children had Mental Scale range scores that did not differ between the high-low Mental Index score conditions. On the Motor Scale, range scores of Nonaccidental-Trauma children in the highlow Motor Index score conditions did not differ. However, children with higher Motor Index scores had higher Motor Scale range scores than control children with lower Motor Index scores, p < .02. In addition, the Infant Behavior Record of the Bayley Scales revealed behavior ratings of Nonaccidental-Trauma and Failure-to-Thrive children that differed from Mental and Motor Scale scores on several dimensions. These differences may reflect differential effects of the Nonaccidental-Trauma and Failureto-Thrive conditions.This study was supported in part by Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Child Development Grant OCD-CB-371. We wish to acknowledge the advice and encouragement of Roger V. Cadol, director, Developmental Evaluation Center of Denver General Hospital, and Michael J. Fitch, director, Child Study Project. A portion of this article was read at the American Association on Mental Deficiency Region IV Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 2, 1975.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of warnings and speeding on scale scores and convergent validity of a measure of Conscientiousness in a faking context (N = 329). A completely crossed 2 × 2 experimental design was used in which instructions (no warning or a warning) and speeding (with or without a time limit) were manipulated. No statistically significant effects on scale scores or convergent validity were evidenced for speeding. Warning participants did decrease Conscientiousness scores by almost 1 standard deviation (d = .91). Warnings also moderated the relationship between self- and observer-ratings of Conscientiousness such that the relationship between self- and observer-ratings was statistically significant and positive in the warned conditions (r partial = .29, p < .01, n = 136), but this same relationship was statistically nonsignificant (r partial = ?.14, p > .05, n = 148) in the unwarned conditions.  相似文献   

郭庆科  孟庆茂 《心理科学》2003,26(2):353-353,361
1 前言  罗夏测验是临床心理学界用得最广的心理测验之一 ,但由于其心理计量学特征不易确定 ,因而多受批评和怀疑。批判和怀疑态度的产生是因为不同的罗夏系统 (指Beck、Kiopfer、Piotrowski、Hertz和Rapaport的系统 )在施测、记分时没有统一的标准 ,多数人视之为投射测验 ,解释时使用了精神分析理论。Exner(1978,1986)提出了综合罗夏系统 ,统一了施测和记分的标准 ,在实证研究的基础上建立了解释系统 ,肯定了其信度和效度。综合罗夏系统能鉴别精神分裂症、抑郁、强迫等异常心理 ,是临床诊断的有…  相似文献   

von Davier  Matthias  Cho  Youngmi  Pan  Tianshu 《Psychometrika》2019,84(1):147-163

This paper provides results on a form of adaptive testing that is used frequently in intelligence testing. In these tests, items are presented in order of increasing difficulty. The presentation of items is adaptive in the sense that a session is discontinued once a test taker produces a certain number of incorrect responses in sequence, with subsequent (not observed) responses commonly scored as wrong. The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales (SB5; Riverside Publishing Company, 2003) and the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC-II; Kaufman and Kaufman, 2004), the Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test (Kaufman and Kaufman 2014) and the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (2nd ed.) (Bracken and McCallum 2015) are some of the many examples using this rule. He and Wolfe (Educ Psychol Meas 72(5):808–826, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013164412441937) compared different ability estimation methods in a simulation study for this discontinue rule adaptation of test length. However, there has been no study, to our knowledge, of the underlying distributional properties based on analytic arguments drawing on probability theory, of what these authors call stochastic censoring of responses. The study results obtained by He and Wolfe (Educ Psychol Meas 72(5):808–826, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013164412441937) agree with results presented by DeAyala et al. (J Educ Meas 38:213–234, 2001) as well as Rose et al. (Modeling non-ignorable missing data with item response theory (IRT; ETS RR-10-11), Educational Testing Service, Princeton, 2010) and Rose et al. (Psychometrika 82:795–819, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11336-016-9544-7) in that ability estimates are biased most when scoring the not observed responses as wrong. This scoring is used operationally, so more research is needed in order to improve practice in this field. The paper extends existing research on adaptivity by discontinue rules in intelligence tests in multiple ways: First, an analytical study of the distributional properties of discontinue rule scored items is presented. Second, a simulation is presented that includes additional scoring rules and uses ability estimators that may be suitable to reduce bias for discontinue rule scored intelligence tests.


To reduce faking on personality tests, applicants may be warned that a social desirability scale is embedded in the test. Although this procedure has been shown to substantially reduce faking, there is no data that addresses how such a warning may influence applicant reactions toward the selection procedure or the relationships among personality constructs. Using an organizational justice framework, this study examines the effect of warning on procedural justice perceptions. Additionally, the extent to which warning changes the relationships among personality variables, socially desirable responding, and organizational justice variables, was explored. The results suggest that warning did not negatively affect test‐taker reactions. However, the relationships among the justice measures and the personality variables and socially desirable responding differed across the warned and unwarned groups. The organizational justice model fit best and there was less multicollinearity among the personality variables in the warned condition, compared to the unwarned condition. Thus, providing a warning appears to have positive consequences when using personality measures.  相似文献   


This study demonstrates the usefulness of the KMSS and RDAS in distinguishing between the maritally distressed and nondistressed. For conceptual and statistical clarity, many marital interaction and marital therapy research measures, use a single cutoff score. It was determined that the cutoff score is 17 for the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMSS) and 48 for the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS) for husbands, wives, and couples. An equivalency table of mathematical formulas is also presented, allowing the conversion of individual and couple scores from one measure of marital quality to another. It is now possible to convert a score from any one of a number of instruments (KMSS, RDAS, Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Marital Adjustment Test, Revised Marital Adjustment Test) to an equivalent score as measured by another instrument.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in organizationally provided or organizationally endorsed coaching. However, little is known about the effects of such coaching on test scores in operational settings. This study reports on an examination of such a program in the context of the use of a situational judgment test (SJT) for medical school admissions. We examine the effects of multiple types of coaching methods on SJT scores and on their construct‐related and predictive validities. Results suggest that (1) commercial coaching techniques may not be as effective as previously thought, whereas organizationally provided methods may be more effective, and that (2) the criterion‐related validity of the SJT scores is not degraded by the availability of coaching. Generally, this study illustrates that concerns about potential unfairness of coaching can be countered by making effective coaching available to all examinees, in the form of organizationally endorsed coaching.  相似文献   

The Quality Control (QC) Guidelines are intended to increase the efficiency, precision, and accuracy of the scoring, analysis, and reporting process of testing. The QC Guidelines focus on large-scale testing operations where multiple forms of tests are created for use on set dates. However, they may also be used for a wide variety of other testing situations and assessment techniques and for almost any situation in which assessment occurs. The QC Guidelines are applicable in any form of test administration, including paper and pencil tests and the ever-increasing computerized assessments via the Internet or offline.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of the Test Anxiety Scale for Elementary Students (TAS-E) scores were examined among Singapore primary school students. In Study 1, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed to determine the factor structure of the TAS-E in a sample of 540 Singapore students. In Study 2, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed on the TAS-E scores in another sample of 540 Singapore students to determine whether the findings would support the factor structure reported in Study 1. The results of the EFA and Schmid-Leiman transformation in Study 1 and the CFA in Study 2 suggest that the TAS-E has four factors (Physiological Hyperarousal, Social Concerns, Task Irrelevant Behavior, and Worry) and a higher-order factor, the Total Test Anxiety factor. These findings are similar to the results reported in validation studies of the TAS-E scores with U.S. elementary students. In addition, the test score stability and convergent and discriminant validity of the TAS-E scores were examined in Study 3 among 1,080 Singapore primary school students. The results indicated that the TAS-E scores appear to have adequate test score stability over a 2-week test-retest period. Evidence supporting the convergent and discriminant validity of the TAS-E scores was also found. Implications of the findings of the three studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Although integrity tests are widely applied in screening job applicants, there is a need for research for examining the construct validity of these tests. In the present study, a theoretical model examining the causes of destructive behavior in organizational settings was used to develop background data measures of individual and situational variables that might be related to integrity test scores. Subsequently, 692 undergraduates were asked to complete these background data scales along with (a) two overt integrity tests – the Reid Report and the Personnel Selection Inventory, and (b) two personality‐based measures – the delinquency and socialization scales of the California Psychological Inventory. When scores of these measures were correlated with and regressed on the background data scales, it was found that relevant individual variables, such as narcissism and power motives, and relevant situational variables, such as alienation and exposure to negative peer groups, were related to scores on both types of integrity tests. However, a stronger pattern of validity evidence was obtained for the personality‐based measures and, in all cases, situational variables were found to be better predictors than individual variables. The implications of these findings for the validity of inferences drawn from overt and personality‐based integrity tests are discussed.  相似文献   

Yao  Lili  Haberman  Shelby J.  Zhang  Mo 《Psychometrika》2019,84(1):186-211
Psychometrika - In best linear prediction (BLP), a true test score is predicted by observed item scores and by ancillary test data. If the use of BLP rather than a more direct estimate of a true...  相似文献   

Two related studies investigated sex differences in self- and parental estimates of IQ scores on specific scales derived from standardized and validated IQ tests. In the first study 210 participants were asked to estimate their scores on the 11 WAIS-R subtests as well as their overall general IQ. Results showed males estimated their overall score, plus their total WAIS score, significantly higher than females, with effect sizes around 0.5. Factor analysis showed participants did differentiate between verbal and performance subscale scores on this test. In the second study 117 participants performed a similar task, but this time on the 12 subscales of the Stanford-Binet test. Males estimated their overall score higher than females. Factor analysis also showed 2 clear factors that reflected exactly the verbal and performance subscale scores.  相似文献   

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