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Buss, A. H. Psychology of Aggression. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1961, Pp. X + 307, $7.95. Reviewed by Leonard D. Eron

Eiduson, Bernice T. Scientists—their psychological world. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1962. pp. 299, $6.50. Reviewed by John R. Weir

Ginott, Haim G. Group Psychotherapy with Children. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961, pp. 208. Reviewed by Gordon Filmer-Bennett

Holtzman, Wayne H., Thorpe, Joseph S., Swartz, Jon D., &; Herron, E. Wayne Inkblot perception and personality. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1961. 417 pp. $8.00. Reviewed by A. Barclay, Ph.D.

Ittelson, William H., Kutash, Samuel B., ed: Perceptual Changes in Psychopathology. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1961. 262 pp. $9.00. Reviewed by Donald L. Weston

Levitt, E. E. Clinical Research Design and Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1961, pp. 199–xxii. $8.50. Reviewed by Wilson H. Guertin

Lindzey, Gardner. Projective Techniques &; Cross-Cultural Research. Published by Appleton, Century-Crofts, Inc., N.Y., 1961, 339 pp., $6.00. Reviewed by Sohan Lal Sharma, Ph.D.

Clifton, James A. and Levine, David. Klamath Personalities: Ten Rorschach Case Studies, University of Oregon Press, Eugene, 1961, 80 pp. Reviewed by Sohan Lal Sharma, Ph.D.  相似文献   


David, Henry P. and Brengelmann, J.C., (eds.). Perspectives In Personality Research. New York: Springer, Inc., 1960. 370 pp. $7.50. Reviewed by Kenneth R. Wurtz

Gottsegen, Monroe G. and Gottsegen, Gloria B. Professional School Psychology. New York: Grune &; Stratton, 1960, Pp. 292, $7.75. Reviewed by Henry L. Levy

Klopfer, Walter G. The Psychological Report: Use and Communication of Psychological Findings. New York: Grune &; Stratton, 1960. Pp. ix and 146. Reviewed by Dale S. Higbee  相似文献   


Working With People: Clinical Uses Of Personal Construct Psychology edited by Gavin Dunnett New York: Routledge, 1988 Reviewed by Bradley P. Barns, Memphis State University

Practical Personal Construct Psychology: A Review Of G. Dunnett's (Ed.) Working With People New York: Routledge, 1988 Reviewed by L. M. Leitner, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, U.S.A.  相似文献   


Ames, Louise Bates, Metraux, Ruth W., Walker, Richard N. Adolescent Rorschach Responses. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1959, xi plus 313. $8.50. Reviewed by Mortimer M. Meyer

Bass, B. F. and Berg, I. A. Objective Approaches to Personality Assessment. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1959, pp. x-233. $4.95. Reviewed by Wilson H. Guertin

Bellak, L. (Ed.), Ostow, M., Pumpian-Mindlin, E., Stanton, A. H., and Szasz, T. S. Conceptual and methodological problems in psychoanalysis. New York: Annals of the N. Y. Academy of Sciences, 1959, p. 973–1134. Reviewed by A. I. Rabin

Buros, Oscar K. (Ed.) The fifth mental measurements yearbook. Highland Park, N.J.: Gryphon Press, 1959. Reviewed by Bertram R. Forer

Caligor, Leopold. A New Approach to Figure Drawing. Springfield, III.: Charles Thomas, Publisher, 1957, pp. 148, $4.50. Reviewed by Emanuel F. Hammer, Ph.D.

Hallower, Molly. Personality Change and Development. New York and London: Grune &; Stratton. 1958. 383 pp. $10.00. Reviewed by Theodore H. Blau

Ledwith, Nettie H. Rorschach responses of elementary school children. Pittsburgh: Univ. Pittsburgh Press, 1959. Reviewed by Mortimer M. Meyer

Tomkins, Silvan S. and Miner, John B. PAT Interpretation. Springer Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1959. 184 pp. Reviewed by Leonard P. Ullmann  相似文献   


Beach, H. D. &; Lucas, R. A. (Eds.) Individual and Group Behavior in a Coal Mine Disaster. Disaster Research Group, Study Number 13. National Academy of Sciences — National Research Council, Publication 834. Washington, D. C., 1960. $3.00. 160pp. Reviewed by Albert Eglash

Beck, S. J., Beck, Anne G., Levitt, E. E., and Molish, H. B. Rorschach's Test. I. Basic Processes. Third Ed. Revised. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1961, 237 + X pp. Reviewed by Murray Levine

Carr, A. C., Forer, B. R., Henry, W. E., Hooker, Evelyn, Hutt, Max L., and Piotrowski, Z. A. The Prediction of Overt Behavior Through the Use of Projective Techniques. American Lecture Series Monog. Springfield, III.: Chas. Thomas, Publisher, 1960, Pp. 177. $6.50. Reviewed by Stephanie Z. Dudek

Cattell, R. B. and Scheier, I. H. The Meaning and Measurement of Neuroticism and Anxiety. New York: Ronald Press, 1961, pp. 535. $12.00. Reviewed by Wilson H. Guertin

Fein, L. G., The Three-Dimensional Personality Test. International Universities Press, New York. 1960. pp. xii + 324, $6.75. Reviewed by Theodore H. Blau

Hiltmann, H. Kompendium der Psychodiagnostischen Testen. Berne: Huber, 1960, 252 pps. Reviewed by Fred J. Goldstein

Kaplan, Bert (Ed.) Studying Personality Cross-culturally. Evanston, III.: Row, Peterson and Co., 1961. ix + 687. $8.50. Reviewed by Norman D. Sundberg

Meili, Richard Lehrbuch Der Psychologischen Diagnostik (Textbook of Psychological Diagnostics), 476 pages including index. Bern und Stuttgart: Hans Huber, 1961. $9.50. Reviewed by Z. A. Piotrowski

Peck, Robert F., Havighurst, Robert J., and associates: The Psychology of Character Development. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1960. 267 pp. $6.50. Reviewed by Dale L. Johnson

Symonds, P. M. with Jensen, A. R., From Adolescent to Adult. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. Pp. x + 413. Reviewed by Murray H. Sherman  相似文献   


ADULT ATTACHMENT: THEORY, RESEARCH, AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS. W. Stephen Rholes and Jeffrey A. Simpson (Eds.). New York: Guilford Press, 2004, 482 pp., $55.00 (hardcover). Reviewed by Janet Canino.

BECOMING AN EMOTIONALLY FOCUSED COUPLE THERAPIST: THE WORKBOOK. Johnson, S., Bradley, B., Furrow, J., Lee, A., Palmer, G., Tilley, D., and Woolley, S. New York: Taylor &; Francis Group, 2005, 401 pp., $27.95 (paperback). Reviewed by Ting Liu.

THE COUPLE AND FAMILY THERAPIST'S NOTEBOOK. Katherine M. Hertlein, Dawn Viers, and Associates. New York: The Haworth Clinical Practice Press, 2005, 238 pp., $34.95 (softback). Reviewed by Wendy Loker.  相似文献   

Brief reviews     

Recommended reading from the editor's bookshelf

Roger Brooke. Jung and Phenomenology. New York: Routledge, 1991, 201 pp., $37.50 (hb).

Edward S. Casey. Spirit and Soul: Essays in Philosophical Psychology. Dallas: Spring, 1991. 336 pp. $18.50 (pb).

Maurice Friedman. Dialogue and the Human Image: Beyond Humanistic Psychology. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1992. 241 pp., $14.95 pb.

Keith Hoeller (editor). Readings in Existential Psychology and Psychiatry. A special issue of The Review of Existential Psychology & Psychiatry. 1990. 360 pp. $24.00 (pb.).

Joel Kovel. History and Spirit: An Inquiry into the Philosophy of Liberation. Boston: Beacon Press, 1991. 301 pp. $24.95.

Lawrence LeShan. The Dilemma of Psychology. New York: Dutton, 1990. 190 pp., $17.95 (hb).

Ronald S. Valle and Steen Halling (Eds.). Existential‐Phenomenological Perspectives in Psychology: Exploring the Breadth of Human Experience. New York: Plenum Publishing, 1989. 355 pp. $29.40 (pb)  相似文献   


Arlitt, A. S. Psychology of Infancy and Early Childhood. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1928. Pp. 228. $2.00.

Gesell, A. Infancy and Human Growth. New York: Macmillan, 1928, Pp. 418. $3.50.

Watson, J. B. Psychological Care of Infant and Child. New York: Norton, 1928. Pp. 195. $2.00. Reviewed by C. J. Warden

Taylor, W. S. Morton Prince and Abnormal Psychology. New York: Appleton, 1928. Pp. xi + 137. Reviewed by Edmund S. Conklin

De Sanctis, S. Religious Conversion: A Bio-psychological Study. Translated by Helen Augur. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. Pp. 324. Reviewed by Edmund S. Conklin

Freud, S. The Ego and the Id. Translation by Joan Riviere. London: Hogarth Press, 1927. Pp. 88. Reviewed by Edmund S. Conklin

Burrow, T. The Social Basis of Consciousness. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927. Pp. xviii + 256. $4.00. Reviewed by Edmund S. Conklin

Brousseau, K., &; Brainerd, H. G. Mongolism: A Study of the Physical and Mental Characteristics of Mongolian Imbeciles. Baltimore: Williams &; Wilkins, 1928. Pp. 210. $4.50. Reviewed by Myra W. Kuenzel  相似文献   


HOLMAN OLD TESTAMENT COMMENTARY: EXODUS, LEVITICUS, NUMBERS. Glen S. Martin. Nashville, TN: Broadman &; Holman Publishers, 2002, 387 pp., $19.99. Reviewed by Gregg Watson.

THE WESTMINSTER DICTIONARY OF NEW TESTAMENT AND EARLY CHRISTIAN LITERATURE AND RHETORIC. David E. Aune. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2003, xii, 595 pp., ISBN: 0-664-21917-9, $49.95. Reviewed by Iren L. Snavely, Jr.

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION AND WAR, Routledge Encyclopedias of Religion and Society Series. Edited by Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez. New York &; London: Routledge, 2004, 512 pp., 33 b/w illustrations, ISBN: 0-415-94246-2, $125.00. Reviewed by Al Vara.

READING IS BELIEVING: THE CHRISTIAN FAITH THROUGH LITERATURE AND FILM. David S. Cunningham. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2002, 237 pp., $18.99. Reviewed by Robert F. Darden III.

UNDERSTANDING THE HADITH: THE SACRED TRADITIONS OF ISLAM. Ram Swarup. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2002, 258 pp., $22.00. Reviewed by Jeannie Colson.

AN INDEX TO ENGLISH PERIODICAL LITERATURE ON THE OLD TESTAMENT AND ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN STUDIES, Vol. VIII, ATLA Bibliography Series, 21. Compiled and edited by William G. Hupper. Lanham, MD and London: The American Theological Library Association, and The Scarecrow Press, 1999, 483 pp., $70.00. Reviewed by John Dickason.

BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF EVANGELICALS. Editor: Timothy Larsen; Consulting Editors: David Bebbington and Mark Noll. Leicester, England and Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003, 816 pp., $45.00. Reviewed by J. Michael Garrett.

LOGOS BIBLE SOFTWARE SERIES X-SCHOLAR'S LIBRARY (QB). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, 2004, $599.95, CDROM or DVD. Reviewed by Jason D. Baker.  相似文献   


Beck, Samuel J., The Rorschach Experiment, New York, New York; Grune and Stratton, 1960, Pp. 256, $6.50. Reviewed by John Gladfelter

Bohm, Ewald, Psychodiagnostisches Vademecum. Bern and Stuttgart: Verlag Hans Huber, 1960. 177 p. DM 22.80. Reviewed by Hans J. Priester

Hutt, M. L. &; Briskin, G. J. The Clinical Use of the Revised Bender-Gestalt Test. Grune &; Stratton, N.Y., 1960. Pp. 168. Price $5.00. Reviewed by S. Z. Dudek

Kataguchi, Yasufumi, Rorschachiana Japonica, 1960, Volume 3. Tokyo, Japan: Seishin Book Co. Reviewed by Walter G. Klopfer

Rabin, Albert I. and Haworth, Mary R. (Eds.), Projective Techniques with Children, New York: Grune &; Straton, Publisher. 1960, $11.75. Reviewed by Walter G. Klopfer

Ross, Allan O. Practice of Clinical Child Psychology. Grune and Stratton, New York, 1959. Reviewed by Bernice T. Eiduson

Walder, H. Drive Structure and Criminality. Criminobiologic Investigations. C. C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill., 1959, pp. XVII + 174, $7.50. Reviewed by F. Ferracuti

Wylie, Ruth C., The Self Concept. A Critical Survey of Pertinent Research Literature. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1961, pp. xiii and 370, $4.50. Reviewed by Wilson H. Guertin  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
DesLauriers, Austin. The experience of reality in childhood schizophrenia. New York: International University Press, 1962, pp. 215. Reviewed by Sohan Lal Sharma.

Farberow, Norman L., Ph. D. and Shneidman, Edwin S., Ph. D., The Cry for Help, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961, 388 pp., $9.95. Reviewed by Irving R. Stone.

Hirt, Michael (Ed.) Rorschach Science. New York: Glencoe Free Press. 1962. Pp. ix + 438. $8.50 Reviewed by Marvin R. Goldfried.

Kataguchi, Yasufumi, editor. Rorschachiana Japonica, Volume 5. Tokyo Institute of Rorschach Research, Seishin Book Co., 1962, Pp. 275. Reviewed by Bertram R. Forer.

Klopfer, B. & Davidson, Helen. The Rorschach Technique:: An Introductory Manual. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962, pp. 245. Reviewed by Mortimer M. Meyer.

Tomkins, Silvan S. Affect, Imagery, Consciousness. Vol. I, “The Positive Affects”. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 1962. Reviewed by S. Z. Dudek.

Tallent, Norman. Clinical psychological consultation: A rationale and guide to team practice. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1963. Pp. xviii and 298. Reviewed by Dale Higbee.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Dana, Richard H., Foundations of clinical psychology: problems in personality and adjustment, Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand, 1966, 322 pp. Reviewed by Vincent Glaudin

Goldstein, Arnold P., Heller, Kenneth, and Sechrest, Lee B., Psychotherapy and the psychology of behavior change. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1966, 492 p., $8.95. Reviewed by Sohan Lal Sharma

Phillips, Herbert P., Thai peasant personality, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1965, Pp. 231, $6.00. Reviewed by Irving R. Stone

Hudson, Liam. Contrary imaginations: A psychological study of the young student. New York: Schocken Books, Inc., 1966, 181 pp., $4.95. Reviewed by Dale D. Simmons, Ph.D.

Kantor, Robert E., & Herron, William G., Reactive and process schizophrenia. Palo Alto: Science & Behavior, 1966, 184 pp. Reviewed by Ernest Kramer

Atkinson, John W. & Feather, Norman T. A theory of achievement motivation. New York: John Wiley, 1966, 392 + x. Reviewed by Clifford H. Swensen

Goldberg, Miriam, L., Passow, Harry, A., & Justman, Joseph. The effects of ability grouping. New York: Teachers College Press, 1966, 254 pp. Reviewed by Samuel I. Goldstein

White, Mary Alice & Charry, June. School disorder, intelligence, and social class. New York: Teachers College Press, 1966, 92 pp., $2.25. Reviewed by Kevin M. Mitchell

Raychaudhuri, Manas. Studies in artistic creativity: Personality structure of the musician. Calcutta: Rabindra Bharati, 1966, 256 pp., Rs. $15.00. Reviewed by Dell Lebo

Glasser, Alan J. & Zimmerman, Irla Lee, Clinical interpretation of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. New York & London: Grune & Stratton, 1967. pp. 152. Reviewed by Ronald E. Smith  相似文献   


Andrew, Gwen; Hartwell, Samuel W.; Hutt, Max L.; and Walton, Ralph E. The Michigan Picture Test. Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1953. Reviewed by Edwin S. Shneidman, Ph.D.

Beck, Samuel J. The Six Schizophrenias: Reaction Patterns in Children and Adults. New York: The American Orthopsychiatric Association, Inc. 1954. Pp. x + 238. Reviewed by Mortimer M. Meyer.

Bellak, Leopold. The Thematic Apperception Test and the Children's Apperception Test in Clinical Use. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1954. pp. 282. $6.75. Reviewed by Edwin S. Shneidman, Ph.D.

Meehl, Paul E. Clinical versus statistical prediction. A theoretical analysis and a review of the evidence. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1954. Pp. x + 149. Reviewed by Kenneth B. Little

Rubinstein, Eli A., and Lorr, Maurice (Eds.). A Survey of Clinical Practice in Psychology. New York: International Universities Press, 1954, pp. 363. Reviewed by Ruth S. Tolman

Sarason, S. B. The Clinical Interaction: with special reference to the Rorschach. New York: Harper Brothers, 1954. Pp. X + 425. Reviewed by Mortimer M. Meyer

Ulett, George. Rorschach Introductory Manual: A Primer for the Clinical Psychiatric Worker; With Interpretative Diagram to Permit Clinical Use While Learning the Ink-blot Technique; Beverly Hills: Western Psychological Services, 1955; Price: $3.50. Reviewed by Walter G. Klopfer, Ph.D.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(4):107-121

ETHICS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELING: A PRACTICAL GUIDE (2nd Edition), by Kenneth S. Pope and Melba J. T. Vasquez (1998). San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Reviewed by Paula J. Caplan.

BREASTS: THE WOMEN'S PERSPECTIVE ON AN AMERICAN OBSESSION, by Carolyn Latteier (1998). New York: Harrington Park Press. Reviewed by Joan C. Chrisler.

LOOKING QUEER: BODY IMAGE AND IDENTITY IN LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER COMMUNITIES, edited by Dawn Atkins. New York: Harrington Park Press, $29.95, paperback. Reviewed by Christine Smith.

THE LAST TIME I WORE A DRESS, by Daphne Scholinski with Jane Meredith Adams (1997). New York: Riverhead Books, $23.95, hardback. Reviewed by Claudette Kulkarni.

AFTER SILENCE: RAPE AND MY JOURNEY BACK, by Nancy Venable Raine (1998). New York: Crown Publications, Inc., $23.00, hardback. ISBN: 0-517-70683-0. Reviewed by Lisa Cosgrove.  相似文献   


Bennett, Edward. Personality Assessment and Diagnosis. New York: Ronald Press, 1961 Reviewed by Theodore H. Blau

Honkavaara, Sylvia, The psychology of expression, Cambridge University Press, 1961; British Journal of Psychology, Monograph XXXII, pp. 96. $4.50 Reviewed by Hal M. Wells

Sherman, M. H. (ed.) A Rorschach Reader. New York: International Universities Press, 1960. $7.50. Reviewed by Melvin A. Gravitz, Ph.D.  相似文献   


Beck, Samuel J. Rorschach's Test III. Advance in Interpretation. New York: Grune &; Stratton, 1952. Reviewed by Mortimer M. Meyer

Brower, Daniel and Abt, Lawrence Progress in Clinical Psychology. Volume I. New York: Grune &; Stratton, 1952. Reviewed by Ohmer Milton

Buhler, C., Smitter, F., and Richardson, S. Childhood Problems and the Teacher. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1952. Pp. 372, $3.75. Reviewed by Lois Barclay Murphy

Jolles, Isaac. A Catalogue for the Qualitative Interpretation of the H-T-P. Beverly Hills: Western Psychological Services, 1952, 97 pp. Reviewed by Wilson H. Guertin

Kinget, Marian G., The Drawing-Completion Test. New York: Grune and Stratton, Inc., 1952. Reviewed by Fred Brown

Meili, Richard. Lehrbuch der Psychologischen Diagnostik. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber, 1951, 372 pp. Reviewed by Walther Joel

Szondi, L. Experimental Diagnostics of Drives (Translated by Gertrude Aull). New York: Grune and Stratton, 1952, 220 pp. Reviewed by Henry P. David  相似文献   


Lynd, R. S., & Merrell, H. Middletown, a Study in Contemporary American Culture. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1929. Pp. 550. $5.00.

Mead, M. Coming of Age in Samoa. New York: Morrow, 1928. Pp. 297. $3.00.

Hollingworth, L. S. The Psychology of the Adolescent. New York: Appleton, 1928. Pp. 227. $2.50.

Chadwick, M. Difficulties of Child Development. New York: Day, 1928. Pp. 411. $4.00.

Johnson, Harriet M. Children in the Nursery School. New York: Day, 1928. Pp. 325. $3.00.

Gesell, A. Infancy and Human Growth. New York: Macmillan, 1928. Pp. 418. $3.50. Reviewed by Helen McM. Bott

Hamilton, G. V. A Research in Marrige. New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1929. Pp. 570. $10.00

Hamilton, G. V. & Macgowan, K. What is Wrong With Marriage? New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1929. Pp. 319. $3.00. Reviewed by Ernest R. Groves

Hollingworth, H. H. Vocational Psychology and Character Analysis. New York: Appleton, 1929. Pp. 409. $3.00. Reviewed by June E. Downey

Cason, H. Common annoyances: a psychological study of every-day aversions and irritations. Psychol. Monog., 1920, 40, No. 182. Pp. v+218.

Kroh, O. Die Psychologie des Grundschulkindes. Friedrich Mann's Päd. Mag., 1930, No. 1122. Päd. Untersuchungen (V. Reihe: Untersuchungen zur Psychologie und Theorie der Bildung), No. 1. Pp. 352. 6,60 RM.

Lasswell, H. D. Psychopathology and politics. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 1930. Pp. x+286. $3.00.

Maeterlinck, M. The life of the ant. (Trans. by Bernard Miall.) New York: Day, 1930. Pp. xiii+282.

Seligman, E. R. A., & Johnson, A. [Eds.] Encyclopedia of the social sciences. Vol. II: All-Bri. New York: Macmillan, 1930. Pp. xxvii+ 646. $7.50.

Saint-Paul, G. Invertis et homosexuals. Paris: Vigot, 1930. Pp. 158. 15 frs.

Wheeler, R. H. Readings in psychology. New York: Crowell, 1930. Pp. x+597. $3.97.  相似文献   


COUPLES ON THE FAULT LINE: NEW DIRECTIONS FOR THERAPISTS. Peggy Papp (Ed.). New York: Guilford, 2000, 334 pp. $35.00 (cloth). Reviewed by Anne M. Prouty.

THE DARK SIDE OF CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS. Brian H. Spitzberg and William R. Cupach (Eds.) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998,393 pp., $99.95 (hardback), and $45.00 (paperback). Reviewed by Glade L. Topham.

PREVENTIVE APPROACHES IN COUPLES THERAPY. Rony Berger and Mo Therese Hannah (Eds.). Philadelphia: BrunnerIMazel, 1999, 442 pp., $39.95 (cloth). Reviewed by Marsha T. Carolan.

MARITAL DISTRESS: COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS FOR COUPLES. Jill H. Rathus and William C. Sanderson. New Jersey: Jason Aronson Inc., 1999, 378pp., $40.00 (cloth). Reviewed by Bruce Kuehl.

COPING WITH DIVORCE, SINGLE PARENTING, AND REMARRIAGE: A RISK AND RESILIENCE PERSPECTIVE. E. Mavis Hetherington (Ed.) New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1999,359 pp., $79.95 (cloth), $36.00 (paper). Reviewed by Maureen Semans.  相似文献   

French, Thomas M. and Fromm, Erika, Dream interpretation, A new approach, New York: Basic Books, 1964, 224 pp., $5.50. Reviewed by Ernest Kramer

Kaplan, Bert (Ed.) The Inner World of Mental Illness. New York: Harper &; Row, 1964, pp. 467. Reviewed by Bernard Landis

L'Abate, Luciano, Principles of Clinical Psychology, New York: Grune &; Stratton, 1964, xx, 317 pp. $8.75. Reviewed by David H. Mills

Levine, Murray and Spivack, George. The Rorschach Index of Repressive Style. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1964, Pp. v+1964. $7.50. Reviewed by Margaret Mercer

Woipe, Joseph, Salter, Andrew and Reyna, Leo J. The Conditioning Therapies: The Challenge in Psychotherapy. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964. Reviewed by Louis Breger  相似文献   

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