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Heterogeneity of variance may be more than a statistical nuisance—it may be of direct interest as a result of individual differences. In studies of short-term fluctuation, individual differences may relate to the magnitude of within-person variation as well as to level of an outcome or its covariation with other processes. Although models for heterogeneous variances have been utilized in group contexts (i.e., dispersion models), they are not usually applied in examinations of intraindividual variation. This work illustrates how an extension of the multilevel model for heterogeneous variances can be used to examine individual differences in level, between- and within-person covariation, and magnitude of within-person variation of daily positive and negative mood in persons with dementia.  相似文献   

关爱就是注意到他人痛苦, 经过对当前情况评估之后, 对他人痛苦产生共情感受, 最终采取行动帮助他人脱离困境的过程。目前, 关爱已经成为积极组织行为学关注的热点问题。关爱的测量主要有4种方法:行为编码、量表、自我报告和定性评估。关爱对积极情绪、焦虑、员工满意度、组织承诺、组织公民行为、离职意向、组织合作能力等有积极的影响。组织成员之间的关系质量、组织文化、组织领导者与制度化的组织关爱措施对关爱具有预测作用。未来关于关爱的研究需加强对结构测量、影响因素与作用机制的进一步探讨。  相似文献   

职业妥协是职业决策中的一个重要概念,关系着个体职业发展和社会就业的稳定。为了充分了解职业妥协和有效促进就业。首先,介绍了职业妥协的概念、测量;其次,总结了职业妥协的影响因素,并基于差异理论、目标设定理论、社会认知职业理论和人-环境匹配理论解释了职业妥协的实施效果,汇总了实施效果的边界条件;最后从职业妥协对职业行为的影响、个体职业生涯态度、家庭代际支持和上下级匹配与职业妥协的关系几个方面对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

This study examined whether street homelessness, sheltered homelessness, and the severity of psychological symptoms predicted non-violent and violent crime among 207 mentally ill participants who were homeless at baseline. Participants were interviewed at 9 time points over 4 years. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was used to examine whether changes in homelessness status and symptom severity predicted changes in criminal activity over time. Results indicated that homelessness both on the streets and in shelters and psychological symptom severity predicted increases in non-violent crime. Sheltered homelessness and symptom severity predicted increases in violent crime, although street homelessness did not. A separate mediational analysis with 181 participants showed that the relationship between diagnosis of a psychotic disorder and both non-violent and violent criminal activity was partially mediated through the severity of psychotic symptoms. Implications for research and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

快速信任是适应临时性组织的速成性、短期性和任务复杂性特点而形成的新的信任研究方向, 其一反传统信任对个性、人际关系和情感的关注而转向对认知、行为和角色的关注。利用快速信任能有效地管理临时性组织的脆弱性、不确定性、风险和期望问题。在介绍快速信任的概念和测量的基础上, 综述了影响快速信任形成的信任倾向、类别与原型和角色等因素, 并阐述了快速信任对团队及系统层面结果变量的影响。未来研究需对快速信任的情感成分、测量及维度划分、快速信任与领导的交互影响、快速信任下的不信任以及快速信任的动态发展方面展开深入探讨。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查的方法,对708名大学生的未来时间洞察力(FTP)、目标定向、社会联结与学习适应的关系进行研究.结果表明:(1)FTP、学习定向及社会联结与大学生学习适应显著正相关,成绩定向与学习适应显著负相关.(2)中介效应检验表明,行为承诺(FTP的行为倾向成分)、目的意识(FTP的认知成分)、未来意象(FTP的认知成分)以及社会联结对学习适应均有直接影响,同时行为承诺、未来意象以及社会联结还通过学习定向间接影响学习适应,目的意识还通过成绩定向间接影响学习适应;而未来效能与远目标定向(FTP的体验成分)不能有效预测大学生学习适应.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to increase understanding regarding the effects of goal-setting practices on a wide range of dependent variables over time. Goal type (control group, quality goal, quantity goal, and dual goal) was manipulated across 3 time periods. Goal × Time interactions were predicted such that quantity, effort, task interest, and positive affect would initially be low, but by later trials would be higher in the quantity and dual-goal conditions compared to the quality goal and control groups. Quality was expected to be greatest in the quality goal condition and to be relatively constant over time. Participants (N= 80) were undergraduates at a large midwestern university. Results indicated some support for our hypotheses in that Goal × Time interactions were found for quantity produced, rated effort, task interest, and positive affect.  相似文献   

胡少楠  王詠 《心理科学进展》2014,22(12):1975-1984
工作投入是个体在工作中的一种积极的、完满的融入状态, 它是连接个体特质、工作因素和工作绩效的完美纽带, 是组织创造竞争优势的重要途径。通过梳理工作投入概念的起源和发展, 并将其与工作卷入、心流、专念等相似概念进行了比较, 提出了工作投入的整合概念, 即个体面对工作时产生的一种同时包含积极的情绪体验、谨敏的认知和高度激发的体能状态在内的、持久的心理行为状态。介绍了UWES量表、SMVM量表等主要的工作投入量表以及相应关于工作投入因素结构的不同理论观点, 并根据近年来的实证研究对工作投入的前因和后效变量进行了梳理和表格化呈现, 由此进一步对未来的研究方向提出了三点思考。  相似文献   

随着劳动力结构与工作特点的巨大变化,工作-家庭冲突问题日益突出。国内外研究主要从工作、家庭与个体三个层面对工作-家庭冲突的前因变量、后果变量及干预策略进行了深入探讨。前因变量主要包括工作与家庭层面的压力、特点,性别等;后果变量主要涉及个体的工作家庭满意感、组织承诺、离职和心身健康;干预策略涉及家庭友好政策和个体应对方式等。作者认为今后研究可以在工作-家庭冲突积极面、跨文化研究等方面进行突破  相似文献   

责任意识,不仅是一个多学科、多领域共同关注的社会性主题,也是一个可以从多个视角审视、多种认知逻辑考量的复杂性问题.心理学对责任意识有着特殊的关注,已经取得了大量的研究成果,对责任归因、儿童责任意识发展、责任与情感关系等进行了实验研究,对责任意识的文化特征和文化差异,也有研究者做了深入分析.  相似文献   

Creativity and innovation are at the core of important outcomes such as economic and sales growth, production of articles and students' learning. Thus, it is not surprising to find research articles on creativity and innovation across different disciplines such as business, psychology, and education. Given the importance of understanding creativity and innovation, we reviewed the empirical literature examining the antecedents and consequences of creative self-efficacy in the work domain. Our review used the theory of individual creative action and social cognitive theory as guiding frameworks to place creative self-efficacy in the creativity and innovation process, define creativity and innovation, explore how creative self-efficacy has been measured, examine the antecedents and consequences of creative self-efficacy, point out gaps in knowledge and offer suggestions for future research and provide some applied implications. One important finding was that creative self-efficacy has made a significant contribution as a process variable explaining how several organizational and personal factors influence creative outcomes via their influence on creative self-efficacy.  相似文献   



Shortcut behaviors are methods of completing a task that require less time than typical or standard procedures. These behaviors carry the benefit of increasing efficiency, yet can also carry risks (e.g., of an accident). The purpose of this research is to understand the reasons individuals engage in shortcut behaviors, even when doing so is known to be risky.


We present two laboratory studies (N = 121 and N = 144) in which participants performed an air traffic control simulation. Participants could improve efficiency by taking shortcuts; that is, by sending aircraft off the prescribed flight paths. This design allowed for direct and unobtrusive observation of shortcut behaviors.


Individuals who were told that efficiency was an obligation tended to believe that shortcut behaviors had utility for managing high workloads, even when the risks associated with shortcuts were high. Downstream, utility perceptions were positively related to actual shortcut behavior.


Although communicating risks may be used to help individuals balance the “pros” and “cons” of shortcut behaviors, goal framing is also important. Subtle cues indicating that efficiency is an obligation can lead to elevated perceptions of the utility of shortcut behaviors, even when knowing that engaging in shortcut behaviors is very risky.


Past research has provided limited insights into the reasons individuals sometimes engage in shortcut behaviors even when doing so is known to be risky. The current research speaks to this issue by identifying workload and obligation framing as antecedents of the decision to take shortcuts.

Roskam  Isabelle  Mikolajczak  Moïra 《Sex roles》2020,83(7-8):485-498
Sex Roles - Parenthood remains one of the most gender-typed social roles in adulthood. Given gender inequality in parenting, it has been very surprising to find that parental burnout affects both...  相似文献   

In this study we examined whether task complexity interacts with goal specific- ity over multiple performance periods. A 2 x 2 x 3 design manipulated goal condition (specific difficult vs. do-your-best) and task complexity (simple vs. complex) over performance on 3 separate days. Results across performance periods indicated that do-your-best goals led to higher quantity of performance than specific difficult goals on a complex task, whereas specific difficult goals led to higher quantity of performance than do-your-best goals on a simpler version of the task. Additionally, goal specificity and task complexity led to greater change in strategy over repeated performance periods, with those in the complex, specific difficult condition exhibiting the highest amount of change in strategy. Finally, there were no differences in quality of performance for indi- viduals working on simple versus complex tasks. Implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   



The purpose of this paper is to meta-analytically examine trait goal orientation constructs and their relationships with the self-regulation variables of self-monitoring, self-evaluations, self-reactions, and self-efficacy as well as task performance across a range of contexts.

Design, Methodology, Approach

Data were gathered from published and unpublished research examining the goal orientation construct and self-regulation and/or task performance. Effect sizes from 102 research reports involving over 16,000 participants were included.


In general the mastery-approach goal orientation construct was positively related to the self-regulation and performance variables. Conversely, negative relationships were found between the performance-avoid goal orientation and those variables. Relationships between goal orientation and self-regulation tended to be higher compared to those found for goal orientation and performance. Overall, the findings support the discriminant validity of the three factors of goal orientation (mastery-approach, performance-approach, performance-avoid).

Practical Implications

Practitioners and researchers will benefit from learning that mastery-approach goal orientation consistently relates to self-regulation and task performance. The findings indicate that a mastery-approach goal orientation could serve as a meaningful predictor in selection processes or as an explanatory variable of motivation.


The present study updates and expands upon past research by focusing on relationships of trait goal orientation across a variety of contexts. The results extend meta-analytic results to a wider range of self-regulatory variables.  相似文献   

This research examined the relationship of perceived threats to job security, job satisfaction, and psychological mood among recent business school graduates. Most job insecurity research has considered longer-tenured organizational employees. Two hundred and seventeen respondents completed anonymous questionnaires. LISREL analysis provided considerable support for the research model. Perceived threats to job security had direct effects on job insecurity and job satisfaction and indirect effects on psychological mood through job insecurity and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

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