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This study provides a meta-analysis of research on the associations between relationship conflict, task conflict, team performance, and team member satisfaction. Consistent with past theorizing, results revealed strong and negative correlations between relationship conflict, team performance, and team member satisfaction. In contrast to what has been suggested in both academic research and introductory textbooks, however, results also revealed strong and negative (instead of the predicted positive) correlations between task conflict team performance, and team member satisfaction. As predicted, conflict had stronger negative relations with team performance in highly complex (decision making, project, mixed) than in less complex (production) tasks. Finally, task conflict was less negatively related to team performance when task conflict and relationship conflict were weakly, rather than strongly, correlated.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the psychometric properties and the validity of the Norwegian translation of the Team Climate Inventory (TCI). The TCI is a measure of climate for innovation within groups at work and is based on the four-factor theory of climate for innovation (West, 1990). Cronbach's alpha revealed satisfactory reliabilities and exploratory factor analysis successfully extracted the four original factors as well as a fifth factor that has also been reported in other studies (N = 195 teams from a wide range of professions). Results from confirmatory factor analysis, using a different sample (N = 106 teams from the Norwegian public postal service), suggested that the five-factor solution had the most parsimonious fit. Criterion validity was explored by correlating TCI scores from 92 post offices and 395 postal distribution teams with customer satisfaction scores. Significant positive relationships were found between three of four TCI scales and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Organizational climate for creativity and innovation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article describes an instrument for measuring organizational structure and climate for creativity and innovation. Its application and validation in organizational settings is also described. Recommendations are made for using the instrument to develop interventions to promote organizational innovation.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the hundreds of studies showing that general cognitive ability predicts job performance in all jobs. The first section shows that general cognitive ability predicts supervisor ratings and training success. The second section shows that general cognitive ability predicts objective, rigorously content valid work sample performance with even higher validity. Path analysis shows that much of this predictive power stems from the fact that general cognitive ability predicts job knowledge (r = .80 for civilian jobs) and job knowledge predicts job performance (r = .80). However, cognitive ability predicts performance beyond this value (r = .75 versus r = [.80][.80] = .64) verifying job analyses showing that most major cognitive skills are used in everyday work. The third section of the paper briefly reviews evidence showing that it is general cognitive ability and not specific cognitive aptitudes that predict performance.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the relationship between team climate and team performance is moderated by climate strength. The study sample was composed of 155 bank branches, and a two‐wave panel design was implemented. We measured four team climate facets (support, innovation, goal achievement and enabling formalization). We obtained two subjective indicators of team performance (ratings provided by team members and by team managers) and a financial indicator of team performance. Seven out of the 12 interaction effects tested were statistically significant and showed the expected sign. When financial team performance was the criterion, only the interaction term was significant. This suggests that only strong climates are related to financial team performance over time.  相似文献   

This research investigates the influence of shared perceptions of developmental climate on individual-level perceptions of organizational commitment, engagement, and perceived competence, and whether these attitudes mediate the relationship between developmental climate and both individual voluntary turnover and supervisor-rated job performance. Survey data were collected from 361 intact employee–supervisory mentoring dyads and matched with employee turnover data collected one year later to test the proposed framework using multilevel modeling techniques. As expected, shared perceptions of developmental climate were significantly and positively related to all three individual work attitudes. In addition, both organizational commitment and perceived competence were significant mediators of the positive relationship between shared perceptions of developmental climate and voluntary turnover, as well as shared perceptions of developmental climate and supervisor-rated job performance. By contrast, no significant mediating effects were found for engagement. Theoretical implications, limitations, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

团队异质性的平衡性是指团队中异质性属性的相对分布情况, 是一个从不平衡到平衡的连续谱概念。作为对团队构成维度的补充, 本研究探究其如何通过团队信息深化施加影响于团队创造力。通过对浙江理工大学451名学生的团队实验研究, 得出结论认为:团队知识异质性的平衡性能够积极影响团队创造力, 且团队信息深化在这一过程中起中介作用, 性别异质性的平衡性与团队创造力之间的关系不显著。这一研究结果将有助于打开团队构成和团队创造力研究的新局面。  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of systematically different organizational reward structures upon individual perceptions of the reward climate. Nurses in a naval hospital worked for the same supervisors but were subject to either tenure-contingent (N=73) or behavior-contingent (N=50) reward systems. No differences in perceived reward climate were found between the two groups. In the tenure-contingent group, job attitudes reflected individual characteristics rather than perceived climate. The opposite relationship was found for the behavior-contingent group.Support for this research was provided under Office of Naval Research Contract RR942-08-01 NR 170-915. Opinions expressed are those of the author. No endorsement by the Department of the Navy has been given, nor should it be inferred. Portions of the study were conducted while the author was at the Naval Health Research Center in San Diego. The author would like to thank R. J. Bullock, Mark C. Butler, L. R. James, and R. D. Pritchard for their helpful comments and assistance.  相似文献   

This study investigated potential antecedents of team job crafting defined as the extent to which team members engage together in increasing (social and structural) job resources and challenges, and decreasing hindering job demands. Mindful of the teamwork literature, we hypothesized that individual employee factors (self-efficacy for teamwork, daily affect), team features (team cohesion, climate) and the organizational context of teams (engaging leadership and organizational resources for teamwork) relate positively to daily team job crafting behaviour. Data were collected among 46 multi-professional rehabilitation teams whose members completed two daily surveys after their weekly meetings. Multilevel regression analyses showed that self-efficacy for teamwork and team members’ positive affect were positively associated with team job crafting behaviour at the individual (within-team) level. In addition, a team climate characterized by a clear vision of the teams’ targets, supportiveness and innovation and connecting leadership were positively related to daily team job crafting at both the within- and between-team levels of the data. Overall, the study offers novel insights into the antecedents of teams’ daily job crafting behaviours. For practice, the results suggest that actions and interventions conducive to positive team processes offer the most promising route to enhancing team job crafting behaviour.  相似文献   

Organizations frequently downsize in the hopes of creating a ‘lean and mean’ company able to be flexible and quick to adapt to changing environmental needs. The purpose of the current research was to assess the effects of job insecurity on productivity, counterproductivity, and creativity in a simulated organizational environment and a field setting. In the first study, 104 non‐traditional undergraduate students (M = 30.48 years) participated in a laboratory experiment that manipulated the threat of lay‐offs (job insecurity) and measured creativity and productivity over two time periods. Compared to control group participants, results indicate that participant productivity increased in the condition of higher levels of job insecurity, whereas creative problem solving decreased. In the second study, 144 employees in five organizations completed a survey measuring their job insecurity perceptions, enactment of counterproductive work behaviours, and creative problem‐solving ability. Regression analyses indicate that job insecurity predicted lower creativity scores, yet was also related to lower numbers of counterproductive work behaviours. Taken together, these studies suggest that job insecurity may have adverse effects on creativity, yet moderately beneficial effects on productivity. Results are interpreted in light of the increasing prevalence of job insecurity and organizational downsizing in today's workplace.  相似文献   

This study extends theory and research by differentiating between routine, noncreative performance and 2 distinct types of creativity: radical and incremental. We also use a sensemaking perspective to examine the interplay of social and personal factors that may influence a person's engagement in a certain level of creative action versus routine, noncreative work. Results demonstrate that willingness to take risks, resources for creativity, and career commitment are associated primarily with radical creativity; that the presence of creative coworkers and organizational identification are associated with incremental creativity; and that conformity and organizational identification are linked with routine performance. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Although organizations increasingly rely on teams to innovate, little systematic knowledge exists about how to design teams to do so. Building on the model of collaborative creativity and innovation and synthesizing findings from published and unpublished studies, this meta-analysis examines the role of team design on team creativity and innovation. We used random-effects meta-analysis to cumulate the correlations between different features of team design and team creativity or team innovation from 134 field studies representing 11,353 teams and 35 studies representing 2,485 student teams. We found that team tenure is curvilinearly related, autonomy-supportive leadership, task interdependence, and goal interdependence are positively related, and demographic diversity and team size are unrelated to team creativity and innovation. Examining meta-analytic path models, we found that task interdependence and supportive leadership positively relate to team creativity and innovation via team collaboration and team potency. In accounting for the literature, we found a dearth of studies examining team processes, some types of diversity such as racial diversity, and the role of team member turnover. We conclude by providing directions for future research and practical guidance about increasing team creativity and innovation through team design.  相似文献   

王桢 《心理科学进展》2020,28(3):390-404
团队工作重塑是影响团队有效性的关键性因素。基于工作设计理论和团队运作模型, 提出了一个关于团队工作重塑的前因后果的理论模型, 旨在建立团队工作重塑的逻辑关系网络。首先, 对团队工作重塑的概念和内涵进行分析, 并探讨测量工具的维度。接着从多层分析视角, 考察领导行为、工作特征、团队人格构成、人力资源管理系统对团队工作重塑的影响, 以及团队主动性动机状态中介作用。最后分析团队工作重塑对团队有效性的作用机制。  相似文献   

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