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Spatial contrast sensitivity functions and temporal integration functions for gratings with dark surrounds were measured at various eccentricities in photopic vision. Contrast sensitivity decreased with increasing eccentricity at all exposure durations and spatial frequencies tested. The decrease was faster at high than at low spatial frequencies, but similar at different exposure durations. When cortically similar stimulus conditions were produced at different eccentricities by M-scaling, contrast sensitivity became independent of visual field location at all exposure durations tested. The results support the view that in photopic vision spatiotemporal information processing is qualitatively similar across the visual field, and that quantitative differences result from retino-topical differences in ganglion cell sampling. For gratings of constant retinal area temporal integration (improvement of contrast sensitivity with increasing exposure duration) was more extensive at high than at low retinal spatial frequencies but independent of cortical spatial frequency and eccentricity. For M-scaled gratings temporal integration was more extensive at high than at low cortical spatial frequencies but independent of retinal spatial frequency and eccentricity. The results suggest that the primary determinant of temporal integration is not spatial frequency but grating value that is calculated as AF2 square cycles (cycle2), where A is grating area and F spatial frequency.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained to detect differences between two white stimuli, S1 and S2, differing in duration and arranged probabilistically on the center key of a three-key chamber. Detection performance was measured at two levels of discriminability. At one level, S1 was five seconds and S2 was thirty seconds. At the other level, S1 was twenty seconds and S2 was thirty seconds. The procedure was a standard signal-detection yes-no design in which stimulus-presentation probability was varied from .1 to .9 at both discriminability levels. On completion of the center-key stimulus, a peck on the center key darkened the center-key light and turned on the two red side keys. A left-key response was "correct" on S1 trials, and a right-key response was "correct" on S2 trials. Correct responses produced food reinforcement on a variable-ratio 1.3 schedule. Incorrect responses produced three second blackout. Discriminability was higher for the five-second versus thirty-second conditions than for the twenty-second versus thirty-second conditions, but there were no differences in sensitivity of behavior to reinforcement variation for the two stimulus pairs. Response bias was a function of the relative reinforcement rate for correct choice responses.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - The functional visual field defined in terms of a discrimination task of a target presented peripherally among ambiguous background patterns was...  相似文献   

The right and left visual fields each project to the contralateral cerebral hemispheres, but the extent of the functional overlap of the two hemifields along the vertical meridian is still under debate. After presenting the spatial, temporal, and functional specifications of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), we show that TMS is particularly suitable to study the question of foveal representation as it allows one to study the effects of selective disruption of left or right hemisphere functions on the processing of centrally presented stimuli. Future strategies for the use of TMS in further tests of visual word recognition are suggested.  相似文献   

The results of three different experiments suggested that the relation between an object in the fovea on fixation n and an object subsequently brought into the fovea on fixation n + 1 affects the time to identify the second object. In Experiment 1 we extended previous work by demonstrating that a previously seen related priming object speeded the time to name a target object even when a saccade intervened between the two objects. In Experiment 2 we replicated this result and further showed that the benefit on naming time was due to facilitation from the related object rather than inhibition from the unrelated object. In addition, naming of the target object was much slower in both experiments when there was not a peripheral preview of the target object on fixation n. However, because the effect of the foveal priming object was greater when the target was not present than when it was present, priming did not appear to make extraction of the extrafoveal information more efficient. In Experiment 3, fixation times were recorded while subjects looked at four objects in order to identify them. Fixation time on an object was shorter when a related object was fixated immediately before it, even though the four objects did not form a scene. The size of the facilitation was roughly comparable to that in several analogous experiments where scenes were used. The results suggest that the effects of a predictive scene context on object identification may be explainable in terms of an object-to-object or "intralevel" priming mechanism.  相似文献   

The authors' primary purpose in the present experiment was to determine if practice changes the extent to which simple motor sequences are effector independent. Contralateral and ipsilateral effector transfers were assessed in 24 participants after 1 (200 trials) and 4 (800 trials) days of practice. The response sequence became increasingly effector dependent; the response structure and the scaling of force on the effector transfer tests were no better after 4 days of practice than after only 1 day, even though retention performance improved substantially. Those results are consistent with the notion that participants refine their movements over extended practice by exploiting the unique characteristics of the effectors. The additional practice results in a more effective movement when the same effectors are used but is of little value when different effectors are required.  相似文献   

The ordinary long-term rod and cone dark-adaptation curves have generally been assumed to follow a single exponential rate of recovery. However, in two previous papers on rod dark-adaptation (Stabell et al., 1986a, b), the recovery curve was found to consist of three different sections. The results of the present paper show the same type of recovery function with three different sections for the long-term dark-adaptation curve of the long-wave cone system. During the major, middle section log cone threshold, like log rod threshold, is linearly related to the logarithm of the concentration of bleached photopigment. Presupposing that the bleached cone photopigment acts as a ligand, the change in threshold level obtained during the middle section of the dark-adaptation curve is well described by the change in activity rate of an allosteric, postively cooperative enzyme built as a dimer.  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of retinal eccentricity on the visual segmentation of textures are presented. The textures used in these studies were composed of angle elements. These were presented tachistoscopically to college students in three different experiments. Results showed that there were different relationships between segmentation performance and eccentricity, depending on the width of the angles used in the background and target texture. One major difference was that peak performance was found in the fovea in some conditions, and in peripheral areas in other conditions. Performance in the fovea and the periphery seemed to be determined by qualitatively different features. It was assumed that an appropriate explanation is that the system-internal representation of a specific stimulus within the early visual system differs as a function of the retinal location at which it is projected. Thus, the critical features discriminating between target and background texture have to be sought in the system-internal representation of the stimulus instead of in the stimulus itself. The data show that a relatively exact system-internal representation of the stimulus is present in the fovea, where performance is determined by angle width. In the periphery, in contrast, angles seem to be represented as “blobs,” and performance is determined by the orientation of the blobs’ main axes.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, there has been increasing interest in a re-evaluation of Frege's stance towards consistency- and independence proofs. Papers by several authors deal with Frege's views on these topics. In this note, I want to discuss one particular problem, which seems to be a main reason for Frege's reluctant attitude towards his own proposed method of proving the independence of axioms, namely his view that thoughts, that is, intensional entities are the objects of metatheoretical investigations. This stands in contrast to more straightforward interpretations, which claim that Frege's hesitancy is mainly due to worries concerning the logical constants or what counts as a logical inference.  相似文献   

Following substantial bleaching by "white" light, absolute threshold, relative spectral sensitivity and sensation of hue of monochromatic lights were measured at the central fovea during the cone-plateau period. The absolute-threshold level was found to increase and then decrease markedly, the relative spectral sensitivity remained invariant, while the sensation of hues of monochromatic lights from the long- and middle-wave regions of the spectrum changed toward hues of shorter wavelengths.  相似文献   

After criticizing three common conceptions of therelationship between practical ethics and ethical theory, analternative modeled on Aristotle's conception of the relationshipbetween rhetoric and philosophical ethics is explored. Thisaccount is unique in that it neither denigrates the project ofsearching for an adequate comprehensive ethical theory norsubordinates practical ethics to that project. Because the purpose of practical ethics, on this view, is tosecure the cooperation of other persons in a way that respectstheir status as free and equal, it seeks to influence thejudgments of others by providing them with reasons that areaccessible to their own understanding. On this account, theindependence of practical ethics is rooted in an appreciation ofthe constraints that non-ideal circumstances place on the rolethat the philosophically refined premises of moral theory canplay in such public deliberations. Practical and philosophicalethics are united, not by shared theoretical frameworks orprinciples, but by the need to exercise intelligently the sameintellectual and affective capacities. They are separated, notby the particularity or generality of their starting points, butby their responsiveness to the practical problem of facilitatingsound normative deliberations among persons as we find them,under non-ideal circumstances.  相似文献   

Previous research had indicated that there were differences in the kinds of stimulus information processed by concentrated and distributed attention in peripheral vision. Concentrated attention was necessary for perceiving line arrangement differences, while line slant differences could be detected with distributed attention. However, experiments with foveal presentation showed no facilitation by concentrating attention. Experiment I replicated these results. Experiment II showed that distributed attention did degrade foveal line arrangement discrimination if the attention system was overloaded by increasing the number of elements in the array. Experiment III demonstrated that high element density was not a sufficient condition for these effects to occur. Line arrangement discrimination was reduced as letter number increased even when maximum density was held constant. In Experim~ent IV, it was shown that concentrating attention facilitated line arrangement discrimination relative to line slant discrimination in foveal vision when element number and density were held constant. The results are discussed in terms of several models postulating a difference between spread-out and concentrated attention systems.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological evidence is described showing that some neurons in the macaque inferior temporal visual cortex have responses that are invariant with respect to the position, size, view, and spatial frequency of faces and objects, and that these neurons show rapid processing and rapid learning. Critical band spatial frequency masking is shown to be a property of these face‐selective neurons and of the human visual perception of faces. Which face or object is present is encoded using a distributed representation in which each neuron conveys independent information in its firing rate, with little information evident in the relative time of firing of different neurons. This ensemble encoding has the advantages of maximizing the information in the representation useful for discrimination between stimuli using a simple weighted sum of the neuronal firing by the receiving neurons, generalization, and graceful degradation. These invariant representations are ideally suited to provide the inputs to brain regions such as the orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala that learn the reinforcement associations of an individual's face, for then the learning, and the appropriate social and emotional responses generalize to other views of the same face. A theory is described of how such invariant representations may be produced by self‐organizing learning in a hierarchically organized set of visual cortical areas with convergent connectivity. The theory utilizes either temporal or spatial continuity with an associative synaptic modification rule. Another population of neurons in the cortex in the superior temporal sulcus encodes other aspects of faces such as face expression, eye‐gaze, face view, and whether the head is moving. These neurons thus provide important additional inputs to parts of the brain such as the orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala that are involved in social communication and emotional behaviour. Outputs of these systems reach the amygdala, in which face‐selective neurons are found, and also the orbitofrontal cortex, in which some neurons are tuned to face identity and others to face expression. In humans, activation of the orbitofrontal cortex is found when a change of face expression acts as a social signal that behaviour should change; and damage to the human orbitofrontal and pregenual cingulate cortex can impair face and voice expression identification, and also the reversal of emotional behaviour that normally occurs when reinforcers are reversed.  相似文献   

S Plainis  I J Murray  K Chauhan 《Perception》2001,30(10):1203-1212
The objective of the study was to measure the interactions between visual thresholds for a simple light (the secondary task) presented peripherally and a simultaneously performed cognitive task (the primary task) presented foveally The primary task was highly visible but varied according to its cognitive complexity. Interactions between the tasks were determined by measuring detection thresholds for the peripheral task and accuracy of performance of the foveal task. Effects were measured for 5, 10, 20, and 30 deg eccentricity of the peripherally presented light and for three levels of cognitive complexity. Mesopic conditions (0.5 lx) were used. As expected, the concurrent presentation of the foveal cognitive task reduced peripheral sensitivity. Moreover, performance of the foveal task was adversely affected when conducting the peripheral task. Performance on both tasks was reduced as the level of complexity of the cognitive task increased. There were qualitative differences in task interactions between the central 10 deg and at greater eccentricities. Within 10 deg there was a disproportionate effect of eccentricity, previously interpreted as the 'tunnel-vision' model of visual field narrowing. Interactions outside 10 deg were less affected by eccentricity. These results are discussed in terms of the known neurophysiological characteristics of the primary visual pathway.  相似文献   

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