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Cognitive and linguistic factors affect visual feature integration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five experiments investigated the influence of cognitive and linguistic factors on the integration of color and letter-shape information. Subjects were briefly presented strings of colored letters that varied in pronounceability and familiarity. Detection and search tasks required subjects to identify the color of predesignated target letters. It was proposed that errors in integrating color and shape would be less likely with items from different perceptual units than from items within the same perceptual unit. If words, at some level of perceptual analysis, are processed as units whereas nonwords are processed by individual letters, then there should be more letter-shape and color feature integration errors with words than with nonwords. The first two experiments tested this prediction by comparing feature integration errors with words and nonwords. The remaining experiments manipulated letter-string pronounceability, familiarity, and the presence of vowels to isolate the factors that may influence feature integration. The results demonstrate that cognitive and linguistic factors, such as familiarity and pronounceability, can influence the combination of colors and shapes in perception.  相似文献   

Native Swedish words and words of foreign origin were studied in a word fill-in task (Experiment 1), in a task in which words were explicitly classified as being native or loan words (Experiment 2), and in a lexical decision task in which a small onset asynchrony was introduced in displaying a word's letter pattern (Experiment 3). The findings obtained show that, both in simple printed word recognition and when asked to make explicit judgments about origin, readers are sensitive to phonological features of words not marked in Swedish orthography. It was further found that previewing a substring of word-initial letters which determines a word's root morpheme will prime recognition, whereas previewing a randomly selected pattern of letters inhibits recognition.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - Two adaptation experiments were conducted to determine some of the sufficient acoustic properties for excitation of the feature detectors underlying...  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper has been to identify a linguistic issue that continues to cloud our thinking about the subject of female orgasm. A specific technical revision has been recommended, i.e., that female orgasms be described as either coital or noncoital. It has been suggested that we help our female patients to become aware of this vocabulary and that we let them know that the clitoral/vaginal dichotomy is incorrect. Systematic adherence to the correct vocabulary is therapeutic. The linguistic implications concerning the issue of female orgasm have been examined as they relate to both theory and practice. It has been argued that linguistic usage pertaining to female sexuality generally is the product of a patriarchal value structure and, as such, reflects patriarchal prejudices about female sexuality. It has been suggested that the apparent inability of many women to achieve coital orgasms is related to centuries-old cultural attitudes and that linguistic usages, particularly dichotomies, tend to perpetuate the prejudices that underlie many cultural attitudes. Freud's view of the role of language in clinical practice has been indicated. Finally, it has been suggested that the linguistic recommendation made in this paper can be viewed as implementing the process by which recent biological findings are used to strengthen psychoanalytic theory and practice.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed employing acoustic continua which change from speech to nonspeech. The members of one continuum, synthesized on the Pattern Playback, varied in the bandwidths of the first three formants in equal steps of change, from the vowel /α/ to a nonspeech buzz. The other continuum, achieved through digital synthesis, varied in the bandwidths of the first five formants, from the vowel /æ/ to a buzz. Identification and discrimination tests were carried out to establish that these continua were perceived categorically. Perceptual adaptation of these continua revealed shifts in the category boundaries comparable to those previously reported for speech sounds. The results were interpreted as suggesting that neither phonetic nor auditory feature detectors are responsible for perceptual adaptation of speech sounds, and that feature detector accounts of speech perception should therefore be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Three properties of the binormamin criterion for analytic transformation in factor analysis are discussed. Particular reference is made to Carroll's oblimin class of criteria.The research reported in this note was supported in part by the Program in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. National Science Foundation, and by the National Institute of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.  相似文献   


Two selective adaptation experiments were conducted in order to investigate certain properties of feature detector systems sensitive to the information underlying the voicing distinction (Experiment I) and the place of articulation distinction (Experiment II). The experimental paradigm combined binaural adaptation with a dichotic testing procedure. The stimuli were nonboundary, good exemplars of the respective phonetic categories. In both experiments, there was a systematic shift in performance following adaptation on those trials on which the stimulus in one ear had the adapted feature value and the stimulus in the other ear had the unadapted feature value. On these trials, the adapted feature value was relatively less effective in competing for processing with the unadapted value in the opposing ear (compared to preadaptation performance). Since these results were obtained using nonboundary stimuli, it was argued that (1) adaptation affects the relevant detector along its range of operation or sensitivity, and nof simply at the phonetic boundary, and that (2) information regarding the relative output level of the detector, as well as which detector was more strongly excited, must be available at the site of interaction of the two stimuli.


Maternal sensitivity and infant co-operation during free play was analysed at the infant's age of 10 months and their contributions to early communicative and linguistic development at 12 months as well as later language outcome at 30 months were examined. In addition, the possible predictions of early skills to later development were considered. The participants were 27 Finnish-speaking mother – infant dyads. According to the results maternal sensitivity was associated with early intentional communication—particularly the use of communicative gestures, and also with symbolic behaviour and later comprehensive skills. No associations between infant co-operation and communicative and linguistic skills were found. As for expressive language skills, early capacities correlated with later outcome. The findings of the present study suggest that the effects of both maternal sensitivity and child characteristics on language development are likely to be specific rather than global.  相似文献   

Under conditions of serial recall of auditorily presented lists of digits, recall of the last item has been shown to be adversely affected by the presence of a redundant item following the list. This is known as 'the suffix effect' (Crowder & Morton, 1969). In a series of experiments it is shown that the size of this effect is not influenced by the phonological complexity of the suffix. Non-speech sounds, on the other hand, produce no suffix effect even when the subjects are forced to process them. Certain speech sounds were also found to produce no effect. It is concluded that these sounds lacked properties which are characteristic of speech sounds and so were classified as 'non-speech' and that as a result, these sounds are processed by a separate system from the speech sounds.  相似文献   

The present work utilizes the data obtained from a spindle detection method to study some stochastic properties of this particular type of activity. The results obtained show that: (1) on any given EEG lead, there is no clear evidence of a statistical dependence either between the duration of a spindle (or the interspindle interval) and the duration of the next spindle (or the next interspindle interval) or between the duration of a spindle and the interspindle interval that precedes or follows; and (2) there is evidence of a difference in the spatial distribution of sleep spindles recorded from various brain regions during natural and barbiturate sleeps. This difference may be explained by the degree of inactivation of the ascending reticular activating system in these two types of sleep.  相似文献   

Pigeons were rewarded on a variable time interval for pecking a translucent key illuminated with either a 45 degrees or a vertical line. The key illumination changed every 2 min during daily 1-hr sessions. When the rates of pecking were stable, reinforcement was omitted in the presence of the 45 degrees line. Responding in the presence of the vertical line increased. This increase did not disappear when responses to the 45 degrees line were once more reinforced, but when reinforcements for responses in the presence of the 45 degrees line were again omitted, responding to the vertical line increased again. After the second alternation of these two procedures, the increased responding to the vertical line appeared when responses were not reinforced in the presence of the 45 degrees line, and disappeared when reinforcement was available during both stimuli. In a second experiment, the key illumination changed between sessions only, so that 1-hr sessions of reinforcement and non-reinforcement occurred on alternate days. Responding to the vertical line still increased when responding to the 45 degrees line was not reinforced, but the increase tended to disappear during the session.  相似文献   

Can Başkent 《Synthese》2013,190(18):4023-4040
In this work, we investigate the relationship between paraconsistent semantics and some well-known topological spaces such as connected and continuous spaces. We also discuss homotopies as truth preserving operations in paraconsistent topological models.  相似文献   

A linguistic convention is a principle or norm that has been adopted by a person or linguistic community about how to use, and therefore what the meaning is of, a specific term. Examples of such norms or principles are those expressed by propositions that express the laws of logic or those that express implicit definitions. Arguments about the epistemic status of linguistic conventions, very broadly, fall into two camps: the one holds that the basis of linguistic conventions is objective and that, therefore, such conventions are genuinely truth-bearing. Knowledge of such conventions is therefore knowledge of the objective truth of such conventions. This camp might be labelled ‘realist’. The other holds that there is no known basis to linguistic conventions and that conventions are, to the best of our knowledge, not objective, but invented. Their truth is stipulated by the relevant speaker or linguistic community. Such truth is, consequently, trivial and knowledge of such conventions simply knowledge of the stipulation. This camp might be labelled ‘anti-realist’. These are three standard accounts of the epistemic status of linguistic conventions, which all play into the first camp: (1) knowledge by intuition, (2) inferential a priori knowledge and (3) a posteriori knowledge. I give reasons why these accounts should be rejected. I then argue that linguistic conventions, if conceived of as trivial truths, are knowable non-inferentially a priori. Such an epistemic account provides support for the second camp. In this regard, I marshal support from some recent work by Wright and Hale.  相似文献   

This paper develops a concept of structural linguistic injustice. By employing the so-called structural-injustice approach, it argues that individuals' seemingly harmless language attitudes and language choices might enable serious harms on a collective level, constituting what one could call a structural linguistic injustice. Section 1 introduces the linguistic-justice debate. By doing so, it establishes linguistic diversity as the context in which phenomena such as individuals' language attitudes, language choice, and language loss occur. Moreover, the paper illustrates why employing the structural-injustice approach might be beneficial for the linguistic-justice debate. Section 2 conceptualizes individuals' (certain types of) language attitudes and language choice as (objectionable) social structures. Section 3 provides a concept of structural linguistic injustice. Section 4 suggests one possible remedy for structural linguistic injustice. Section 5 concludes the paper.  相似文献   

The present experiment uses the perceptual adaptation paradigm to establish the validity of a previous test of the feature detector model of speech perception. In the present study, a synthetic stimulus series varied from a CV syllable, [ba], to a nonspeech buzz. When the endpoint tokens were employed alternatively as adaptors, the category boundary was shifted relative to unadapted identification in each adaptor condition. This result suggests that a prior test which used a vowel as the speech endpoint was legitimate because a stop consonant, an exemplary speech sound, was also susceptible to perceptual adaptation in a speech-nonspeech context. Feature detector models predict, incorrectly, that this outcome is impossible. Therefore, this finding may be taken to undermine the interpretation of adaptation as fatigue in a set of detectors tuned to detect the distinctive features of linguistic analysis.  相似文献   

This review examined the linguistic processing abilities and potential of adults' nondominant hemisphere. Relevant literature was reviewed for experimental evidence of qualitative and quantitative differences in language functioning between the left and right cerebral hemispheres. Selected studies representing typical methodologies and subjects were included.  相似文献   

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