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Recent research revealed considerable decline in visual perception under low luminance conditions. However, systematic studies on how visual performance is affected by absolute luminance and luminance contrast under low mesopic conditions (<0.5 cd/m2) is lacking. We examined performance in a simple visual discrimination task under low mesopic luminance conditions in three experiments in which we systematically varied base luminance and luminance contrast between stimulus and background. We further manipulated eccentricity of the stimuli because of known rods and cones gradients along the retina. We identified a “deficiency window” for performance as measured by d’ when luminance was < 0.06 cd/m2 and luminance contrast as measured by the luminance ratio between stimulus and background was below < 1.7. We further calculated performance-based luminance as well as contrast efficiency functions for reaction times (RTs). These power functions demonstrate the contrast asymptote needed to decrease RTs and how such a decrease can be achieved given various combinations of absolute luminance and luminance contrast manipulations. Increased eccentricity resulted in slower RTs indicative of longer scan distances. Our data provide initial insights to performance-based efficiency functions in low mesopic environments that are currently lacking and to the physical mechanisms being utilized for visual perception in these extreme environments.  相似文献   


Diverse adaptive visual processing mechanisms allow us to complete visual search tasks in a wide visual photopic range (>0.6 cd/m2). Whether search strategies or mechanisms known from this range extend below, in the mesopic and scotopic luminance spectra (<0.6 cd/m2), has yet to be addressed. Based on a study that addressed simple target discrimination in luminance environments using contrast-dependent behavioral efficiency functions, we assessed visual search in more complex-feature and conjunction-search paradigms. The results verify the previously reported deficiency windows defined by an interaction of base luminance and luminance contrast for more complex visual-search tasks. Based on significant regression analyses, a more precise definition of the magnitude of contribution of different contrast parameters. Characterized feature search patterns had approximately a 2.5:1 ratio of contribution from the Michelson contrast property relative to Weber contrast, whereas the ratio was approximately 1:1 in a serial-search condition. The results implicate near-complete magnocellular isolation in a visual-search paradigm that has yet to be demonstrated. Our analyses provide a new method of characterizing visual search and the first insight in its underlying mechanisms in luminance environments in the low mesopic and scotopic spectra.


Threshold levels for warmth aroused by infrared irradiation were measured in sLx Ss at durations between 0.05 and 10 sec. Beyond a critical duration of about a second, the threshold does not depend on duration. Below critical duration time t trades for irradiance ? by the formula ? = kt?0.82. That these properties do not depend much on areal extent of stimulation was demonstrated by a study that compared temporal summation for two different areas of the same S’s skin. Individual differences in apparent absolute sensitivity were explored under the rubric of the theory of signal detection.  相似文献   

Threshold measurement and matching procedures were used to determine the amount of temporal summation at threshold and suprathreshold levels of vibrotactile stimulation on the thenar eminence of the hand. The frequency of the stimulus was 25, 40, 80, or 200 Hz. At 25 Hz, temporal summation was absent at all intensity levels. Considerable amounts of temporal summation were observed for 80- and 200-Hz stimuli, although the effects decreased as a function of intensity. At 40 Hz, no temporal summation was observed at threshold, but above threshold, a small amount was observed at all intensity levels. The results support a duplex model of mechanoreception in which one of two receptor systems exhibits temporal summation.  相似文献   

To interpret our environment, we integrate information from all our senses. For moving objects, auditory and visual motion signals are correlated and provide information about the speed and the direction of the moving object. We investigated at what level the auditory and the visual modalities interact and whether the human brain integrates only motion signals that are ecologically valid. We found that the sensitivity for identifying motion was improved when motion signals were provided in both modalities. This improvement in sensitivity can be explained by probability summation. That is, auditory and visual stimuli are combined at a decision level, after the stimuli have been processed independently in the auditory and the visual pathways. Furthermore, this integration is direction blind and is not restricted to ecologically valid motion signals.  相似文献   

Threshold exposure duration was measured at set luminances for recognition at successively higher criteria of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 correct letters in nonsense words. Two sizes of letters were used and triads of Landolt “Cs” were compared with letters. Tachistoscopic procedures were the typical ascending seriesin the method of limits and pre- and postexposure light adaptation. Obtained log t vs log I functions were two-part straight line curves both describable by the equation, log t + log Ik = log C, but with k and C abruptly changing at a certain I. Reciprocity (k = 1) held only for low Is and the low criterion; as criterion was raised at low Is k became less negative (about ?.60 at five correct) for both sizesand for “Cs.” At higher Is, k shifted from ?.25 to ?.40 with increasing criterion for large letters, but variedaround ?.45 at all criteria for small. The lower the criterion, the lower the / and t at which k and C abruptly changed for large letters, but only t was lower for small. Changes in t with acuity requirement change, and from one criterion level to the next, were not uniform over all Is. Results may reflect obscuring procedural factors or basic properties of visual recognition processes. Some interpretations in terms of procedural variables are offered. It appears more likely that visual recognition involves central processes for which time is needed in excess of that for summation of luminances for mere detection by sensory processes, as expressed in Bloch s’ reciprocity law.  相似文献   

Sutherland (1961) proposed that the detection of motion might depend upon the ratios of firings in cells sensitive to movement in opposite directions. Sekuler and his collaborators have argued that the notion of a ratio mechanism at threshold is wrong. The findings and arguments upon which this conclusion was based are challenged, an explicit model is described which provides an account of data previously held to be inconsistent with a ratio model, and an experiment is reported which provides unequivocal support for the ratio model and whose findings are inconsistent with the predictions from Sekuler's “independence” model.  相似文献   

A group-test method of determining the mean absolute olfactory threshold to a test stimulus for a group of subjects is described. Probit analysis is employed to evaluate the results. This technique is utilized to measure the change in sensitivity to the test stimulus due to adaptation to the masking stimulus. When the values of the logarithm of the threshold concentration of the test stimulus are plotted against the logarithm of the concentration of the masking stimulus for a pair of odorous materials, a straight line is obtained. It is suggested that the gradient of this line may be used as a measure of the degree of community of odour-property between the pair of substances.  相似文献   

Ishihara M  Imanaka K 《Perception》2007,36(9):1375-1390
We conducted two experiments to investigate whether the motor preparation of manual aiming to a visual target is affected by either the physical characteristics (size or luminance contrast) or spatial characteristics (location) of the target. Reaction time (RT) of both finger lifting (ie stimulus-detection time) and manual aiming (ie movement-triggering time) to the onset of the target was measured. The difference of RT (DRT) between two tasks (ie the difference of task complexity) was examined to clarify the temporal characteristics of manual aiming per se during visuomotor integration. Results show classical characteristics: RT decreased as either the target size or luminance contrast increased. Furthermore, the task-complexity and target-location factors significantly interacted with each other, where the aiming RT was longer than the finger-lifting RT and the effects of target location on RT differed for each task. However, the task factor did not interact with either the size or luminance-contrast factor, implying that the motor preparation of manual aiming is associated with the spatial characteristics rather than the physical characteristics of the target. Inspection of DRT revealed that the time needed for motor preparation for an ipsilateral target was significantly shorter than that for a contralateral target. This was the case both for the left and for the right hand. Foveal targets required longer processing time, implying a disadvantageous function of motor preparation for the gazed target. The left-hand superiority for the target appearing in the left visual field was also observed. Such lateralised effect and left-hand advantage to the left visual field in manual aiming suggest that visuospatial information processing is activated during the preparation of aiming action, with faster processing in the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the distinct contributions of two visual dimensions to figure-ground segregation. In each experiment, pattern identification was assessed by asking observers to judge whether a near-threshold test pattern was the same or different in shape to a high-contrast comparison pattern. A test pattern could differ from its background along one dimension, either luminance (luminance tasks) or chromaticity (chromaticity tasks). In each task, performance in a baseline condition, in which the test pattern was intact, was compared with performance in each of several degradation conditions, in which either the contour or the surface of the figure was degraded, using either partial occlusion (Experiment 1) or ramping (Experiments 2 and 3) of figure-ground differences. In each experiment, performance in luminance tasks was worst when the contour was degraded, whereas performance in chromaticity tasks was worst when the surface was degraded. This interaction was found even when spatial frequencies were fixed across test patterns by low-pass filtering. The results are consistent with a late (postfiltering) dual-mechanism system that processes luminance information to extract boundary representations and chromaticity information to extract surface representations.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the distinct contributions of two visual dimensions to figure-ground segregation. In each experiment, pattern identification was assessed by asking observers to judge whether a near-threshold test pattern was the same or different in shape to a high-contrast comparison pattern. A test pattern could differ from its background along one dimension, either luminance (luminance tasks) or chromaticity (chromaticity tasks). In each task, performance in a baseline condition, in which the test pattern was intact, was compared with performance in each of several degradation conditions, in which either the contour or the surface of the figure was degraded, using either partial occlusion (Experiment 1) or ramping (Experiments 2 and 3) of figure-ground differences. In each experiment, performance in luminance tasks was worst when the contour was degraded, whereas performance in chromaticity tasks was worst when the surface was degraded. This interaction was found even when spatial frequencies were fixed across test patterns by low-pass filtering. The results are consistent with a late (postfiltering) dual-mechanism system that processes luminance information to extract boundary representations and chromaticity information to extract surface representations.  相似文献   

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