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Ss who are exposed to a sound coming from straight ahead, but who turn their eyes 20 deg to the side toward a visible speaker during the exposure period and expect to hear the sound coming from the visible source, show a shift in localization of the sound up to a maximum of about 9 deg. Ss who only turn their eyes 20 deg to the side during the exposure period show a smaller but significant shift in sound localization, while Ss who do not turn their eyes, but are led to expect that the sound will appear to come from a visible loudspeaker 20 deg to the side, show no significant shift. Comparison of test results before and after the exposure period, with eyes directed straight ahead and no visible speaker present, shows the presence of a localization aftereffect for those experimental groups that showed a significant localization shift during the exposure period. Sounds are localized a few degrees to the side of their physical location in the same direction as the shift in localization during the exposure period. Further experiments show that part, but not all, of the shift in localization during the exposure period can be understood in terms of a shift in perceived head direction. The localization aftereffects are shown not to be due to change in physical or perceived eye or head position.  相似文献   

The interaction between monocular channels involved in the color-contingent tilt aftereffect (AE) was investigated by inducing opposite AEs in subjects’ eyes and comparing their magnitudes with those recorded after inducing identical AEs in the two eyes. Measurements obtained under the above two conditions did not differ significantly. No evidence was found for interaction between monocular channels.  相似文献   

Three experiments using computer-generated human figures showed that after a prolonged observation of eyes looking to the left (or right), eyes looking directly toward the viewer appeared directed to the right (or left). Observation of an arrow pointing left or right did not induce this aftereffect on the perceived eye direction. Happy faces produced the aftereffect more effectively than surprised faces, even though the image features of the eyes were identical for both the happy and the surprised faces. These results suggest that the eye direction aftereffect may reflect the adaptation of relatively higher-level mechanisms analyzing the others eye direction.  相似文献   

The McCollough Effect (ME) is a complex perceptual aftereffect that remains of interest half a century after its discovery. It is argued that a recently reported variant, dubbed the anti-McCollough effect, is not the reverse of the ME, with aftereffect colors in the same direction as the inducing stimuli. A red-horizontal stimulus leads to a reddish aftereffect not because of red-horizontal parings, but despite them. The anti-ME is a weak standard-direction ME produced by complementary afterimage colors (afterimage green with horizontal), rather than by environmental colors, first shown decades ago. It is not a new type of contingent aftereffect. The red-horizontal pair does not interfere with the afterimage green-horizontal pair it produces because a single color-orientation pairing provides more ambiguous input than does the standard two orientation-color pairings (red-horizontal, green-vertical) of the ME. It is also argued that not even one orientation-contingent color aftereffect is convincingly shown in the "anti"-ME, let alone, as has previously been suggested, two simultaneous orientation-contingent color aftereffects in opposite directions at different levels of the visual system, in which the higher-level effect suppresses the downstream effect from reaching consciousness. The "anti"-ME can be explained by existing theories of contingent aftereffects, including perceptual-learning theory.  相似文献   

N J Wade  C M de Weert 《Perception》1986,15(4):419-434
Five experiments are reported in which the aftereffect paradigm was applied to binocular rivalry. In the first three experiments rivalry was between a vertical grating presented to the left eye and a horizontal grating presented to the right eye. In the fourth experiment the rivalry stimuli consisted of a rotating sectored disc presented to the left eye and a static concentric circular pattern presented to the right. In experiment 5 rivalry was between static radiating and circular patterns. The predominance durations were systematically influenced by direct (same eye) and indirect (interocular) adaptation in a manner similar to that seen for spatial aftereffects. Binocular adaptation produced an aftereffect that was significantly smaller than the direct aftereffect, but not significantly different from the indirect one. A model is developed to account for the results; it involves two levels of binocular interaction in addition to monocular channels. It is suggested that the site of spatial aftereffects is the same as that for binocular rivalry, rather than sequentially prior.  相似文献   

Placing a neutral-density filter in front of one eye produces two kinds of distortion in the perceived slant of a binocularly viewed rotating disk: (1) the top or the bottom of a disk rotating in a frontoparallel plane appears displaced toward or away from the observer, depending on the direction of rotation and whether the left or right eye is filtered; and (2) the left or right side of such disk—rotating or stationary—appears closer, depending on whether the left or right eye is filtered. The Pulfrich phenomenon accounts for the first variety of apparent slant, and the Venetian blind effect accounts for the second. Viewing the apparent slant of the rotating disk produces an aftereffect of slant in the third dimension which is greater than the aftereffect of viewing an objective slant of the same direction and magnitude.  相似文献   

In experiments designed to clarify the mechanisms underlying the normal stability of visual direction for stationary objects when voluntary saccades occur, Ss reported on the horizontal visual direction of a brief test [lash presented when the eye was at a specific point in the saccade (the trigger point) relative to a fixation target viewed and extinguished prior to the saccade. From these reports, PSEs (points of subjective equality) were calculated for the fixation target as measured by the test [lashes. The distance of the trigger point from the previous fixation position was systematically varied in each experiment. Different experiments required saccades of different lengths and directions. With the exception of the presentation of the test [lash the saccades were carried out in complete darkness so that the possible utilization of an extraretinal signal regarding the eye movement (change in eye position, the intention to turn the eye, or a change of attention related to the eye movement) in the determination of visual direction could be observed uncomplicated by a continuing visual context. According to classical theories, an extraretinal signal proportional to the change in eye position acts to maintain direction constancy by compensating for the Shift of the retinal image resulting from the movement of the eye. In general, direction constancy was not preserved in the present experiments, and thus the data would not be predicted by classical theories. However, the PSE varied with distance of the trigger point from the fixation target. Since this displacement of PSE from the trigger point was in the correct direction for compensation, the presence of an extraretinal signal was confirmed. However, the growth of this signal appears to be time-locked to the saccade rather than locked to eye position; it is suggested that this growth takes place over a time period which is longer than the duration of the saccade itself.  相似文献   

Colored aftereffects that lasted as long as 6 weeks were produced with moving patterns of parallel black and white stripes or with black and white spirals. During adaptation, the patterns moved periodically in opposite directions, each direction paired with one illuminant, red or green. When the moving patterns were later viewed in white light, S saw the red and green colors, but they were related in the opposite way to the direction of motion. The red and green aftereffects were also produced by other pairs of illuminants, red and white, white and green, reddish-yellow and white, and white and greenish-yellow. The aftereffects did not occur unless, during adaptation, the stripes moved in both directions, each direction paired with a different color. The aftereffect was elicited by stripe motion over the retina—it was seen when the eye swept over a pattern of stationary stripes. The aftereffect desaturated when the retinal orientation of the stripes was changed from the adaptation orientation. Saturation was increased by longer exposure and slower speed during adaptation and by faster speed and a more rapid rate of altemation during the test. The luminance of the adaptation light seemed to have little effect. The aftereffect did not transfer from one eye to the other, and it did not change retinal locus, as was shown when clear images of a colored square that lasted several days were produced with a spiral. S ftxated the spiral’s center. The spiral rotated altemately in opposite directions. A red square with a green surround was projected on the center of the spiral when it rotated in one direction; a green square with a red surround was used when it rotated in the other direction. Following 50 min of adaptation, colored images of the squares were seen when the center of the spiral was ftxated and the direction of  相似文献   

Day and Wade (1969) proposed that visual “normalization” and the visual tilt aftereffect depend upon the gravitational orientation of test and inducing figures and that the retina! orientation of these figures is irrelevant. Their failure to distinguish between “normalization” and aftereffect is pointed out, and an analysis of their experiment suggested that it could not yield data which would unambiguously support either the gravitational or the retinal viewpoint. An experiment was reported in which a tilt aftereffect was found to occur under conditions where inducing and test figures could not vary in gravitational orientation. It was concluded that retinal orientation is a sufficient factor in the tilt aftereffect situation; whether it is a necessary factor or whether gravitational orientation is also sufficient remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Adaptation to motion can produce effects on both the perceived motion (the motion aftereffect) and the position (McGraw, Whitaker, Skillen, & Chung, 2002; Nishida & Johnston, 1999; Snowden, 1998; Whitaker, McGraw, & Pearson, 1999) of a subsequently viewed test stimulus. The position shift can be interpreted as a consequence of the motion aftereffect. For example, as the motion within a stationary aperture creates the impression that the aperture is shifted in position (De Valois & De Valois, 1991; Hayes, 2000; Ramachandran & Anstis, 1990), the motion aftereffect may generate a shift in perceived position of the test pattern simply because of the illusory motion it generates on the pattern. However, here we show a different aftereffect of motion adaptation that causes a shift in the apparent position of an object even when the object appears stationary and is located several degrees from the adapted region. This position aftereffect of motion reveals a new form of motion adaptation--one that does not result in a motion aftereffect--and suggests that motion and position signals are processed independently but then interact at a higher stage of processing.  相似文献   

时距知觉适应后效是指长时间适应于某一特定时距会导致个体对后续时距产生知觉偏差。其中对视时距知觉适应后效空间选择性的探讨存在争议,有研究支持位置不变性,也有研究支持位置特异性。这类研究能有效揭示时距编码的认知神经机制,位置不变性可能意味着时距编码位于较高级的脑区,而位置特异性则可能意味着时距编码位于初级视觉皮层。未来还可以探究时距知觉适应后效的视觉坐标表征方式,开展多通道研究以及相应的神经基础研究。  相似文献   

Two experiments measured the apparent orientation (aftereffect) and the threshold for detection (masking) of a colored grating viewed by one eye after exposure to a colored grating to the same or the opposite eye (monoptic inspection) or after stimulation of one eye by color and the other eye by contours (dichoptic inspection). Under the monoptic condition, the color relationship between the inspection and test stimuli exerted control over the extent of aftereffect and masking when the two stimuli were viewed with the same eye, but not when they were seen with different eyes. Aftereffect and masking were nonselective to wavelength following dichoptic inspection, irrespective of whether the test stimulus was presented to the color-adapted or to the contour-adapted eye. The results support other claims that visual detectors with chromatic and spatial tuning have monocular specificity.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effects of differing perceptual organizations of reversible figures on McCollough aftereffects. Experiment 1 used colored checkerboard inducing stimuli and achromatic grating test stimuli. While some subjects tended to organize the checkerboards into rows and/or columns and others to organize them into obliques, these variations did not result in differences in aftereffect direction or magnitude. Experiment 2 induced an aftereffect with colored gratings and tested with checkerboards, gratings, and a reversible concentric octagon pattern. Perceptual organization had no effect on results for checkerboards, but was related to aftereffect strength for the octagon pattern. Indirect evidence suggests that, in the latter case, differences in aftereffect strength may have influenced the perceived organization, rather than vice versa. Finally, regardless of the specific organization perceived, spontaneous viewing of all test stimuli produced stronger aftereffects than were found when subjects reorganized the pattern. This may have resulted from a viewing strategy associated with reorganization, since similarly small aftereffects were found when subjects concentrated their attention on a single pattern element.  相似文献   

Five experiments reexamined color aftereffects contingent on the semantic properties of text (Allan, Siegel, Collins, & MacQueen, 1989). The influence of different assessment techniques and the effect of eye movements and overlapping contour information on the induction of color aftereffects by word and nonword letter strings were determined. Experiment 1 showed that no aftereffect was found when a traditional method of assessing color aftereffects was used. Experiments 2 and 4 demonstrated color aftereffects forboth words and nonwords, but only when subjects fixated the same locus during induction and testing and only when assessed with the technique described by Allan et al. (1989). If, however, eye movements were made during induction, no color aftereffect was obtained (Experiment 3). Induction to nontext patterns with properties similar to those of text but with fewer overlapping contours resulted in a strong color aftereffect (Experiment 5). These results suggest that the color aftereffect contingent on text is very weak and is not dependent on semantic factors, but that it is a product of induction to local color and orientation information.  相似文献   

It is proposed that perceptual adaptation is basically an immediate localized consequence of stimulation but can become generalized through a process of conditioning by temporal contiguity. Experimental conditions were designed to assess the aftereffect of adaptation to curvature under various combinations of eye position and eye movement activity for adapting vs. test periods. In general, the results support the hypothesis that perceptual adaptation to a visual stimulus can be associated with the nonvisual factors present at the time the adaptation occurs.  相似文献   

Watson TL  Clifford CW 《Perception》2003,32(9):1109-1116
After adaptation to a face distorted to look unnaturally thin or fat, a normal face appears distorted in the opposite direction (Webster and MacLin 1999 Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 6 647-653). When the adapting face is oriented 45 degrees from vertically upright and the test face 45 degrees in the opposite direction, the axis of perceived distortion changes with the orientation of the face. The magnitude of this aftereffect shows a reduction of approximately 40% from that found when both adapting and test faces are tilted identically. This finding suggests that to a large degree the aftereffect is mediated not by low-level retinotopic (image-based) visual mechanisms but at a higher level of object-based processing. Aftereffects of a similar magnitude are obtained when adapting and test images are both either upright or inverted, or for an upright adapter and an inverted test; but aftereffects are smaller when the adapter is inverted and the test upright. This pattern of results suggests that the face-distortion aftereffect is mediated by object-processing mechanisms including, but not restricted to, configurational face-processing mechanisms.  相似文献   

Two different techniques were used to determine the orientation constancy of orientation-contingent color aftereffects, McCollough effects. The results from both investigations agree and indicate That the aftereffect fails to exhibit orientation constancy other than that which can be explained by ocular countertorsion. Thus, the retinal rather than phenomenal orientation of the adaptation stimuli appears to be the determinant of aftereffect orientation. In fact, it is concluded that the aftereffect can be used to accurately monitor torsional eye position over long periods of time.  相似文献   

A possible explanation of the visual spatial aftereffect following head tilt with eyes closed is that it is an outcome of a proprioceptive aftereffect of head position. If the upright head is apparently tilted then it might be expected that a vertical line in a dark room would also be apparently tilted. This explanation predicts that the direction and magnitude of the visual and proprioceptive aftereffects would correspond. The second of two experiments showed that the trends of the two aftereffects as a function of head tilt angle were different. It was concluded that the visual aftereffect cannot be explained in terms of a proprioceptive aftereffect.  相似文献   

Effect of image orientation on the eye direction aftereffect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After observing a face with the eyes looking to the left or right (adaptation stimulus), the perception of the eye direction of the subsequent face (test stimulus) is biased in the opposite direction of the adapted eye direction; this is called the eye direction aftereffect (EDAE). In the present study, the adaptation stimuli were rotated 90° (clockwise or counterclockwise) or 180° relative to the viewer. The EDAE was measured using upright test stimuli. For the 90° rotation, prior observation of the leftward and rightward eye directions biased the perceived eye directions of the upright test stimuli to the right and left, respectively. These results suggest that the adaptation was induced utilizing an object-based (or face-based) reference frame. For the 180° rotation, however, the results suggest that the adaptation was induced in a viewer-centered reference frame. The involvement of an object-based reference frame suggests that the EDAE reflected the adaptation of a relatively higher-level mechanism at least when the rotation angle from the upright position did not exceed 90°.  相似文献   

A figure which is more distant from the eye than another but subtends the same visual angle is usually seen as the larger. This phenomenon is called perceptual size constancy. Experiments have been reported which show that sometimes the apparent and sometimes the retinal sizes of the stimulus figures determine the direction of the figural after-effect. These experiments are reviewed and two further experiments are reported. In the first experiment two types of stimulus figure (discs and annuli) which subtended a visual angle of 1° 36' resulted in figural after-effects, the direction of which would have been predicted by the retinal sizes of the figures. In the second experiment larger figures were used which subtended a visual angle of about 4° and which were the same as those used by Sutherland (1954). In this experiment the after-effects were generally in a direction which would have been expected if apparent size determined the direction of the after-effect. In the interpretation of the results attention is drawn to the “Central Tendency Effect” which has been observed in size judgements of stimulus figures of varying size. Two hypotheses are suggested; one is that the true figural aftereffect has been obscured by the “Central Tendency Effect” in successive judgements, and the other is that time error in successive judgements of size is essentially a figural aftereffect. Some supportive evidence for the latter hypothesis is reported. It is concluded that apparent size is not a critical determinant of the figural after-effect.  相似文献   

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