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Effects of context on auditory stream segregation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors examined the effect of preceding context on auditory stream segregation. Low tones (A), high tones (B), and silences (-) were presented in an ABA- pattern. Participants indicated whether they perceived 1 or 2 streams of tones. The A tone frequency was fixed, and the B tone was the same as the A tone or had 1 of 3 higher frequencies. Perception of 2 streams in the current trial increased with greater frequency separation between the A and B tones (Delta f). Larger Delta f in previous trials modified this pattern, causing less streaming in the current trial. This occurred even when listeners were asked to bias their perception toward hearing 1 stream or 2 streams. The effect of previous Delta f was not due to response bias because simply perceiving 2 streams in the previous trial did not cause less streaming in the current trial. Finally, the effect of previous ?f was diminished, though still present, when the silent duration between trials was increased to 5.76 s. The time course of this context effect on streaming implicates the involvement of auditory sensory memory or neural adaptation.  相似文献   

Gap discrimination and stream segregation were examined using sequences of 2, 4, 8, or 16 tones. The frequency differences between tones ranged from 1/24 to 2 1/2 octaves. Judgments of stream segregation show large intersubject variability, whereas gap thresholds are comparatively stable. Gap thresholds and streaming judgments are both affected by the frequency separation between tones. However, only streaming judgments are affected by presentation rate. Gap-threshold functions show no discontinuities or plateaus with increasing frequency differences and faster presentation rates. These results suggest that stream segregation is not a primary factor limiting gap-discrimination performance in tonal sequences.  相似文献   

A computer model is described which simulates some aspects of auditory stream segregation. The model emphasizes the explanatory power of simple physiological principles operating at a peripheral rather than a central level. The model consists of a multi-channel bandpass-filter bank with a “noisy” output and an attentional mechanism that responds selectively to the channel with the greatest activity. A “leaky integration” principle allows channel excitation to accumulate and dissipate over time. The model produces similar results to two experimental demonstrations of streaming phenomena, which are presented in detail. These results are discussed in terms of the “emergent properties” of a system governed by simple physiological principles. As such the model is contrasted with higher-level Gestalt explanations of the same phenomena while accepting that they may constitute complementary kinds of explanation.  相似文献   

Toward a neurophysiological theory of auditory stream segregation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Auditory stream segregation (or streaming) is a phenomenon in which 2 or more repeating sounds differing in at least 1 acoustic attribute are perceived as 2 or more separate sound sources (i.e., streams). This article selectively reviews psychophysical and computational studies of streaming and comprehensively reviews more recent neurophysiological studies that have provided important insights into the mechanisms of streaming. On the basis of these studies, segregation of sounds is likely to occur beginning in the auditory periphery and continuing at least to primary auditory cortex for simple cues such as pure-tone frequency but at stages as high as secondary auditory cortex for more complex cues such as periodicity pitch. Attention-dependent and perception-dependent processes are likely to take place in primary or secondary auditory cortex and may also involve higher level areas outside of auditory cortex. Topographic maps of acoustic attributes, stimulus-specific suppression, and competition between representations are among the neurophysiological mechanisms that likely contribute to streaming. A framework for future research is proposed.  相似文献   

Two pairs of experiments studied the effects of attention and of unilateral neglect on auditory streaming. The first pair showed that the build up of auditory streaming in normal participants is greatly reduced or absent when they attend to a competing task in the contralateral ear. It was concluded that the effective build up of streaming depends on attention. The second pair showed that patients with an attentional deficit toward the left side of space (unilateral neglect) show less stream segregation of tone sequences presented to their left than to their right ears. Streaming in their right ears was similar to that for stimuli presented to either ear of healthy and of brain-damaged controls, who showed no across-ear asymmetry. This result is consistent with an effect of attention on streaming, constrains the neural sites involved, and reveals a qualitative difference between the perception of left- and right-sided sounds by neglect patients.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the role of item predictability in auditory temporal coherence. Thirteen normal-hearing subjects were required to hold together long tonal sequences as single strings of notes. Temporal and spectral predictability of successive notes in a sequence varied as a function of experimental condition. As the frequency separation of the notes in the sequence increased, the subjects found it more difficult to hold the sequence together as a single stream. There was no significant difference in subjects' abilities in performing this task as a function of experimental condition. That is, the predictability of successive notes appeared not to have a role in temporal coherence.  相似文献   

Adult listeners rated the difficulty of hearing a single coherent stream in a sequence of high (H) and low (L) tones that alternated in a repetitive galloping pattern (HLH-HLH-HLH...). They could hear the gallop when the sequence was perceived as a single stream, but when it segregated into two substreams, they heard H-H- ... in one stream and L-L- ... in the other. The onset-to-onset time of the tones, their duration, the interstimulus interval (ISI) between tones of the same frequency, and the frequency separation between H and L tones were varied. Subjects' ratings on a 7-point scale showed that the well-known effect of speed's increasing stream segregation is primarily due to its effect on the ISI between tones in the same frequency region. This has implications for several theories of streaming.  相似文献   

In a study in which the effect of tone duration on the formation of auditory streams was investigated, subjects were presented with 15-sec alternating pure-tone sequences (ABAB …) and were asked to orient their attention over the duration of the sequence toward hearing either a temporally coherent or a segregated percept. At stimulus offset, the subjects indicated whether their percept at the end of the stimulus had been that of a temporally coherent ABAB trill or that of segregated A and B streams. The experimental results indicated that the occurrence of stream segregation increases as (1) the duration of the A and B tones increases in unison and (2) the difference in duration between the A and B tones increases, with the duration differences between the tones producing the strongest segregation effects. A comparison of these experimental results with those of other studies strongly suggests that the time interval between the offset and onset of consecutive tones in the same frequency range is the most important temporal factor affecting auditory stream formation. Furthermore, a simulation of the experimental results by the Beauvois and Meddis (1996) stream segregation model suggests that both the tone duration effects reported here and Gestalt auditory grouping on the basis of temporal proximity can be understood in terms of low-level neurophysiological processes and peripheral-channeling factors.  相似文献   

Three theories of auditory stream segregation were evaluated. In two-part trials, subjects heard an induction sequence, whose effects upon an immediately subsequent test sequence were measured. The rhythm and total duration of Induction Sequence tones were varied in two experiments. The similarity between induction and test sequences aided segregation, but rhythmic predictability and longer tone durations did not. Frequency alternation during the induction sequence was not necessary to induce segregation in the test sequence. Furthermore, peripheral processes inadequately account for the segregation effects found. The data suggest that, once a distinct percept emerges from an auditory scene, properties derived from the percept (particularly changes) are fed back to control the ongoing analysis of that auditory scene. A neural adaptation to stimuli with constant properties may form part of this analysis.  相似文献   

The tendency to hear a tone sequence as 2 or more streams (segregated) builds up, but a sudden change in properties can reset the percept to 1 stream (integrated). This effect has not hitherto been explored using an objective measure of streaming. Stimuli comprised a 2.0-s fixed-frequency inducer followed by a 0.6-s test sequence of alternating pure tones (3 low [L]-high [H] cycles). Listeners compared intervals for which the test sequence was either isochronous or the H tones were slightly delayed. Resetting of segregation should make identifying the anisochronous interval easier. The HL frequency separation was varied (0-12 semitones), and properties of the inducer and test sequence were set to the same or different values. Inducer properties manipulated were frequency, number of onsets (several short bursts vs. one continuous tone), tone:silence ratio (short vs. extended bursts), level, and lateralization. All differences between the inducer and the L tones reduced temporal discrimination thresholds toward those for the no-inducer case, including properties shown previously not to affect segregation greatly. Overall, it is concluded that abrupt changes in a sequence cause resetting and improve subsequent temporal discrimination.  相似文献   

The effect of a visual stimulus on the auditory continuity illusion was examined. Observers judged whether a tone that was repeatedly alternated with a band-pass noise was continuous or discontinuous. In most observers, a transient visual stimulus that was synchronized with the onset of the noise increased the limit of illusory continuity in terms of maximum noise duration and maximum tone level. The smaller the asynchrony between the noise onset and the visual stimulus onset, the larger the visual effect on this illusion. On the other hand, detection of a tone added to the noise was not enhanced by the visual stimulus. These results cannot be fully explained by the conventional theory that illusory continuity is created by the decomposition of peripheral excitation produced by the occluding sound.  相似文献   

In a recent study of musicians' sensorimotor synchronization with auditory sequences composed either of beat and subdivision tones differing in pitch or of beat tones only, Repp (2009) found that the phase correction response (PCR) to perturbed beats was inhibited by the presence of subdivisions regardless of whether beats and subdivisions formed integrated or segregated perceptual streams. The present study used a different paradigm in which perturbed subdivisions triggered the PCR. At the slower of two sequence tempi, the PCR was equally large in integrated and segregated conditions, but at the faster tempo stream segregation reduced the PCR substantially. This new finding indicates that although the PCR is strongly resistant to auditory stream segregation, it is not totally immune to it.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the effects of laterality differences between noise bursts on two objective measures of temporal interval processing (gap detection and temporal asymmetry detection) and one subjective measure of temporal organization (stream segregation). Noise bursts were lateralized by presentation to different ears or dichotic presentation with oppositely signed interaural level (ILD) or time (ITD) differences. Objective thresholds were strongly affected by ear-of-entry differences, were moderately affected by ILD differences, but were unaffected by ITD differences. Subjectively, A and B streams segregated well on the basis of ear-of-entry or ILD differences but segregated poorly on the basis of ITD differences. These results suggest that perceptual segregation may be driven more effectively by differential activation of the two ears (peripheral channeling) than by differences in perceived laterality.  相似文献   

In the experiments reported here, we attempted to find out more about how the auditory system is able to separate two simultaneous harmonic sounds. Previous research (Halikia & Bregman, 1984a, 1984b; Scheffers, 1983a) had indicated that a difference in fundamental frequency (F0) between two simultaneous vowel sounds improves their separate identification. In the present experiments, we looked at the effect of F0s that changed as a function of time. In Experiment 1, pairs of unfiltered or filtered pulse trains were used. Some were steady-state, and others had gliding F0s; different F0 separations were also used. The subjects had to indicate whether they had heard one or two sounds. The results showed that increased F0 differences and gliding F0s facilitated the perceptual separation of simultaneous sounds. In Experiments 2 and 3, simultaneous synthesized vowels were used on frequency contours that were steady-state, gliding in parallel (parallel glides), or gliding in opposite directions (crossing glides). The results showed that crossing glides led to significantly better vowel identification than did steady-state F0s. Also, in certain cases, crossing glides were more effective than parallel glides. The superior effect of the crossing glides could be due to the common frequency modulation of the harmonics within each component of the vowel pair and the consequent decorrelation of the harmonics between the two simultaneous vowels.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the role of temporal grouping on auditory stream segregation. For sounds that formed frequency streams (e.g., 400 Hz, 500 Hz, 1600 Hz, and 2000 Hz), the effect of rhythm was minimal. Temporal grouping did not affect judgments of stream segregation and did not affect difficulty of sequence identification. In contrast, for sounds that tended to form one coherent sequence (e.g., 750 Hz, 1500 Hz, 3000 Hz, and 6000 Hz), temporal grouping affected judgments of stream segregation as well as difficulty of identification. The temporal grouping could space the three lower or three higher pitch tones equally in time and this induced isochronous stream segregation. Subjects could not interleave the resulting streams, and identification became far more difficult. The role of rhythmic grouping is therefore contextual, depending on the relationships between the elements as well as the order of the elements.  相似文献   

An important question is the extent to which declines in memory over time are due to passive loss or active interference from other stimuli. The purpose of the present study was to determine the extent to which implicit memory effects in the perceptual organization of sound sequences are subject to loss and interference. Toward this aim, we took advantage of two recently discovered context effects in the perceptual judgments of sound patterns, one that depends on stimulus features of previous sounds and one that depends on the previous perceptual organization of these sounds. The experiments measured how listeners’ perceptual organization of a tone sequence (test) was influenced by the frequency separation, or the perceptual organization, of the two preceding sequences (context1 and context2). The results demonstrated clear evidence for loss of context effects over time but little evidence for interference. However, they also revealed that context effects can be surprisingly persistent. The robust effects of loss, followed by persistence, were similar for the two types of context effects. We discuss whether the same auditory memories might contain information about basic stimulus features of sounds (i.e., frequency separation), as well as the perceptual organization of these sounds.  相似文献   

Are the conditions for illusory auditory continuity entirely local in frequency, or are judgments of continuity made on auditory objects? Listeners made continuous/pulsating judgments on a variety of complex tones that repeatedly alternated with a 100- to 500-Hz bandpass noise. A sufficiently quiet complex tone was heard as continuous when all its harmonics fell within the frequency range of the noise. Adding harmonics outside the noise's frequency range substantially reduced the impression of continuity, which was largely restored when these additional components were given a different fundamental frequency. Judgments of auditory continuity thus appear to be based on entire simultaneously grouped objects, rather than being determined solely by local criteria based on individual frequency channels.  相似文献   

Auditory stream segregation can occur when tones of different pitch (A, B) are repeated cyclically: The larger the pitch separation and the faster the tempo, the more likely perception of two separate streams is to occur. The present study assessed stream segregation in perceptual and sensorimotor tasks, using identical ABBABB … sequences. The perceptual task required detection of single phase-shifted A tones; this was expected to be facilitated by the presence of B tones unless segregation occurred. The sensorimotor task required tapping in synchrony with the A tones; here the phase correction response (PCR) to shifted A tones was expected to be inhibited by B tones unless segregation occurred. Two sequence tempi and three pitch separations (2, 10, and 48 semitones) were used with musically trained participants. Facilitation of perception occurred only at the smallest pitch separation, whereas the PCR was reduced equally at all separations. These results indicate that auditory action control is immune to perceptual stream segregation, at least in musicians. This may help musicians coordinate with diverse instruments in ensemble playing.  相似文献   

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