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The loudness of dichotic and monotic pairs of short tone bursts was investigated as a function of the interburst time interval. For short intervals, the loudness was increased relative ty the loudness of a single burst. However, the loudness of a burst pair was equal to the loudness of the second burst in the pair and, therefore, no loudness summation but only a loudness enhancement took place. In dichotic bursts, the loudness enhancement decayed monotonically as the time interval increased, and the rate of decay increased with sound intensity. In monotic bursts, the loudness enhancement decayed to a minimum at about 40 msec, independent of sound intensity. It had a tendency to rebound at longer time intervals and go through a relative maximum in the vicinity of 200 msec. The results are interpreted in terms of an interaction of peripheral and central poststimulatory inhibition with temporal summation.  相似文献   

Subjects adjusted the rate of a repeating toneburst to match that of a concurrently flashing light, or vice versa. Flashes were viewed in luminous or wholly dark surrounds. Matches usually departed from veridical rate matches, and always were affected in the same direction by changes in surround luminance. Matches were a function of whether subjects controlled the visual or auditory stimulus; also, subjects usually reported “driving” of flash rates by auditory rates when they controlled tone rate, but not when they controlled flash rate.  相似文献   

Trained listeners had to discriminate, in a four-level 2AFC paradigm, the duration of a time interval bounded by pairs of brief tone bursts. The time intervals ranged from 10 to 100 msec. When the tone-burst markers were similar in their intensity (86 dB SPL) and frequency (1 kHz), the just noticeable time difference was found to be monotonically related to the base interval. On the other hand, when the intensity of the first marker was severely attenuated (by 50 dB) or when a large (2-octave) difference was introduced between the frequencies of the two markers, the time discrimination functions became nonmonotonic. A similar, albeit slight, departure from monotonicity was also achieved by making the second marker much longer than the first (300 msec vs. 10 msec). The nonmonotonicity of these time discrimination functions is compared to the well-documented nonmonotonicity that may be observed for voice onset time (VOT) discrimination functions.  相似文献   

Optimal timing and the Weber function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We examined the effect of frequency ratios on the discrimination of patterns of alternating pure tones (ABABA). Listeners heard a repeating pattern presented in transposition (same frequency ratios between successive tones, different absolute frequencies) and were required to indicate when the pattern changed (different frequency ratios and absolute frequencies). Changes from patterns with simple frequency ratios to those with more complex ratios were more readily detected than were changes from complex ratios to simpler ratios.  相似文献   

Rhythm constancy was investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, the first rhythm was presented at one tempo, the second rhythm was presented at a different tempo, and subjects judged whether the relative timing structures were identical (i.e., was the first rhythm merely sped up or slowed down to generate the second rhythm?). For the nonmetric rhythms used here, subjects perceived the rhythm in terms of the figural grouping of the tones, and rhythm constancy broke down between slower and faster tempos. In Experiment 2, the first rhythm was presented in tones of one duration; the second rhythm was presented in tones of a different duration; and subjects judged whether the timing structures of the tone onsets were identical (the two rhythms were presented at the same tempo). These results indicated a high degree of constancy; subjects found it easy to discriminate the timing structures. These results confirm that the onset timing is critical to rhythm perception and suggest that rhythm perception at slower rates (2 elements/sec) differs from rhythm perception at faster rates (3–4 elements/sec).  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats were trained in a symbolic delayed matching-to-sample task to discriminate sample stimuli that consisted of sequences of magazine light flashes. The intertrial interval was illuminated by the houselight for Group Light, and it was dark for Group Dark. Retention functions exhibited a choose-many response bias when the delay interval was illuminated by the houselight in both groups, and no consistent response bias when the delay interval was dark. In Experiment 2, rats were trained to discriminate sample stimuli that consisted of sequences of tone bursts. During delay testing, a different tone (i.e., different frequency and location than the sample tone) was present or absent during the delay interval. The retention functions exhibited a significant choose-many bias when tone was present during the delay and a choose-few bias when tone was absent. Asymmetrical retention functions for tone burst and light flash sequences are due to the similarity between the stimulus conditions of the delay interval and the modality of the sequential event being discriminated. These results are consistent with an instructional ambiguity explanation of response biases in memory for number.  相似文献   

Studies of pure-tone intensity discrimination have shown that Weber’s law fails for tones in the region of 1 kHz. In this experiment, intensity discrimination of pulsed sinusoids ranging in frequency from 0.15 to 12 kHz is investigated. For each tone in this region, Weber’s law is found to fail. Some theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

In two previous papers (Parker & Schneider, 1980; Schneider & Parker, 1987), we developed a model, based on Fechner's assumption, which successfully predicted the relationship between loudness and intensity discrimination for tones presented in quiet and in notched noise. In the present paper, pure-tone intensity-increment thresholds and loudness matches were determined for several levels of a standard tone in the presence of a broadband masker whose spectrum level was set to 35 dB below that of the standard tone. The model was unable to relate loudness to intensity discrimination under these conditions. Thus, the spectral composition of the masker affects the relationship between loudness and intensity discrimination in ways that cannot be accounted for by the model.  相似文献   

The influence of some process-limiting variables on hemifield differences for nonsense shapes in a "same-different" classification task was examined. "Different" responses, but not "same," did show systematic effects. Weakly discriminable and unfamiliar shapes which were presented successively yielded a significant left-hemifield advantage, while highly discriminable and more familiar shapes presented simultaneously yielded a nonsignificant right-hemifield advantage. Discriminability, considered independently of the other variables, had effects in opposite directions: low discriminability tended to favor more the right than the left hemifield in each experiment, but the right hemifield more than the left when the comparison was made between experiments. The results are discussed in terms of the spatial-frequency model (Sergent, 1982b, 1983) and the analytic-holistic distinction.  相似文献   

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