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Results obtained by Weintraub and Krantz on the Poggendorff illusion were critically evaluated. It was also shown that the assimilation theory of the Poggendorff illusion adequately predicted the form of the function that results from rotating one of the oblique arms.  相似文献   

The angular function of the rod-and-frame illusion was studied under conditions of variation in frame shape. The results support predictions arising from the hypothesis that as a frame is varied in tilt, vertical settings of a rod will be in error in the direction of the major frame axis closest to true vertical.  相似文献   

Blindfolded subjects moved a stylus held in the hand over a standard distance of 4.5 ins. in a given direction. They then attempted to move the same distance in a direction at right angles to the first. Eight combinations of movements were investigated. The results reveal an illusion such that the extent of movements to left or right across the body is underestimated, while the extent of movements towards or away from the body in the mid-line is overestimated. The illusion applies to speed as well as extent of movement. Movement up or down in a vertical plane is equivalent to movement towards or away from the body in a horizontal plane.

The interaction of this illusion with the well-known horizontal-vertical illusion of visual perception explains a failure to find any net illusory effect where lines visually displayed in different orientations were matched for length by unseen movements in similar orientations.

Whether the visual and movement illusions simply co-exist or whether they are functionally related is not yet clear.  相似文献   

The nonvisual self-touch rubber hand paradigm elicits the compelling illusion that one is touching one’s own hand even though the two hands are not in contact. In four experiments, we investigated spatial limits of distance (15 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm, 60 cm) and alignment (0°, 90° anti-clockwise) on the nonvisual self-touch illusion and the well-known visual rubber hand illusion. Common procedures (synchronous and asynchronous stimulation administered for 60 s with the prosthetic hand at body midline) and common assessment methods were used. Subjective experience of the illusion was assessed by agreement ratings for statements on a questionnaire and time of illusion onset. The nonvisual self-touch illusion was diminished though never abolished by distance and alignment manipulations, whereas the visual rubber hand illusion was more robust against these manipulations. We assessed proprioceptive drift, and implications of a double dissociation between subjective experience of the illusion and proprioceptive drift are discussed.  相似文献   

Wegner’s argument on the illusory nature of conscious will, as developed in The Illusion of Conscious Will (2002) and other publications, has had major impact. Based on empirical data, he develops a theory of apparent mental causation in order to explain the occurrence of the illusion of conscious will. Part of the evidence for his argument is derived from a specific interpretation of the phenomenon of auditory verbal hallucinations as they may occur in schizophrenia. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the validity of the evidence on auditory verbal hallucinations as employed by Wegner. I conclude that auditory hallucinations do not provide solid evidence for Wegner’s theory. Moreover, the phenomena in schizophrenia provide, in fact, an argument against part of Wegner’s theory of apparent mental causation.  相似文献   

Gori S  Stubbs DA 《Perception》2006,35(11):1573-1577
A novel set of illusions that break brightness constancy and size constancy at the same time is reported. The illusions occur when observers move towards or away from these patterns. Many variations of these phenomena and a possible explanation are discussed.  相似文献   

The aesthetic illusion is the subjective experience that the content of a work of art is reality. It has an intrinsic relation to magic, an intrapsychic maneuver oriented toward modification and control of the extraspyschic world, principally through ego functioning. Magic is ontogenetically and culturally archaic, expresses the omnipotence inherent in primary narcissism, and operates according to the logic of the primary process. Magic is a constituent of all ego functioning, usually latent in later development. It may persist as an archaic feature or may be evoked regressively in global or circumscribed ways. It causes a general disinhibition of instincts and impulses attended by a sense of confidence, exhiliration, and exuberance. The aesthetic illusion is a combination of illusions: (1) that the daydream embodied by the work of art is the beholder's own, the artist being ignored, and (2) that the artistically described protagonist is a real person with a real "world." The first illusion arises through the beholder's emotional-instinctual gratification from his or her own fantasy-memory constellations; the second comes about because the beholder, by taking the protagonist as proxy, mobilizes the subjective experience of the imaginary protagonist's "reality." The first illusion is necessary for the second to take place; the second establishes the aesthetic illusion proper. Both illusions are instances of magic. Accordingly, the aesthetic illusion is accompanied by a heady experience of excitement and euphoria. The relation among the aesthetic illusion, magic, and enthusiasm is illustrated by an analytic case, J. D. Salinger's "The Laughing Man," Woody Allen's Play It Again, Sam, Don Quixote, and the medieval Cult of the Saints.  相似文献   

Illusion-decrement and transfer-of-illusion-decrement procedures were used to examine the contribution of the obtuse- and acute-angle components of the Poggendorff pattern to the standard Poggendorff illusion. In the first four experiments, subjects were required to scan between the oblique lines of the Poggendorff pattern during the inspection phase of the decrement procedure. However, because of a possible confound associated with this procedure, a different decrement technique was used in Experiment 5. The results of Experiment 5 confirm and extend MacKay and Newbigging's (1977) finding that similar amounts of transfer to the standard pattern are obtained from the obtuse- and acute-angle patterns as from the standard pattern itself: In showing that the acute- and obtuse-angle components both contribute to the illusion, these findings question the plausibility of those theories of the Poggendorff illusion which do not assign any significant role to the acute-angle component. Furthermore, the potential confound associated with the decrement procedure of Experiments 1-4 suggests that the results of other studies obtained with similar procedures need to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

In the present experiment, auditory stream organization was investigated in the presence of perceptually restored continuity. It was found that auditory streaming processes tend to yield the same perceptual organization independently of the presence or absence of perceptual restoration. Other observations include the dominance of frequency proximity over trajectory as a perceptual organization principle, and the effect of harmonic enrichment on perceptual grouping.  相似文献   

The effects of psychological set on perception of first and second pain were determined for 20 subjects. Percutaneous electrical shock intensities (6–8 mA, 3 msec) sufficient to evoke double pain responses were used in all subjects. Psychological sets included PAST (“Place yourself in a previous experience that was free of any significant emotional tone”), PRESENT (“Feel your foot that will be shocked”), and FUTURE (“Think to yourself that you are about to be shocked”). Perception of second pain was never perceived in PAST and FUTURE sets but was always perceived in the PRESENT set. Furthermore, at minimal rates of stimulation ( > 1/3 sec), summation of second pain occurred in the PRESENT set but not in the FUTURE set. All subjects startled in the FUTURE set and did not startle in PAST or PRESENT sets. Each subject reported that the aversiveness of the shock related to painful sensations in PAST and PRESENT sets and to ones own body responses in the FUTURE set.  相似文献   

Anstis S  Gori S  Wehrhahn C 《Perception》2007,36(5):791-794
Gori and Stubbs (2006 Perception 35 1573-1577) have published some visual illusions elicited in observers who fixate very blurred disks while they move their head towards and away from them. We interpret these illusions as afterimages. We support this with examples of eccentric, colored, and striped afterimages.  相似文献   

Burns and Pritchard's (1971) explanation of the Poggendorff illusion is criticized. An experiment was designed to determine whether the acute angle plays any role in the perception of the illusion. The results showed that (i) an inducing line which crossed a test-line was highly effective in altering the apparent orientation of the test line, (ii) an inducing line forming an acute angle with a test-line had a small effect in changing the apparent orientation of the test-line, and (iii) an acute angle which formed part of the Poggendorff configuration produced an effect opposite to that predicted by the view that acute angles are perceptually enlarged.  相似文献   

The Ponzo illusion refers to an apparent change in length of objectively equal parallel lines induced by enclosure within an acute angle. The present study investigated this illusory change in stimulus extent as a function of the relative depth positions of the parallel lines and the inducing angle. To permit facile and unconfounded manipulation of apparent depth, the stimuli comprising the Ponzo configuration were stereoscopic contours formed from dynamic random-element stereograms. The main results were: (1) apparent depth separation exerted a strong influence on illusion magnitude; (2) this influence was asymmetrical in that illusion magnitude decreased when the inducing angle appeared in depth behind the parallel lines and increased when the inducing angle appeared in depth in front of the lines. These data are consistent with a general theory of space perception that assumes that information about depth position is processed prior to information about stimulus characteristics.  相似文献   

A reproduction design is used to show that temporal intervals containing brief tones appear longer than empty intervals of the same duration, the effect being independent of duration. These and previous data are discussed within a theoretical framework which allows for the interrelation of data from different time perception tasks; and a reversible encoding model is stated which accounts for much of the data obtained with empty intervals. A “chunking” model, in which tones occurring in an interval serve to segment the interval during encoding, can account for the filled-duration illusion if certain conditions are met. Finally, mechanisms that are consistent with these conditions are stated.  相似文献   

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