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The paper explores the impact of the dissociated feminine principle resulting from the trauma of cultural displacement in a young Chinese woman keen to embrace a modern Western identity. A case study illustrates the outcome of the client both consciously and unconsciously rejecting the traditional stereotypical Chinese feminine identity and instead embracing the distorted, yet seductive, image of the Western (Caucasian) woman as independent, intellectual and confident. Her defensive denial of the traditional feminine was dealt with by intellectualising both personal and professional relationships. Then, unconsciously, the dissociated traditional feminine was projected into a separate aspect of her identity that held the traumatised feelings. The intellectualisation was eventually understood as being a necessary defence to cope with the cultural as well as geographical dislocation trauma. And with this realisation a space was created to accept and integrate the denied feminine–in a literal as well as a symbolic manner.  相似文献   

Just as the person of the analyst becomes a nidus for the manifestations of transference, so does the analyst's technique. When the patient misperceives person and technique, identifying the transference is not difficult. More complicated are those situations in which the patient's perception of the analyst and of his or her technique is congruent with the analyst's self-representation, or when the patient uses reality aspects of the analysis and the analyst as a resistance. Clinical material from the analysis of three patients is used to illustrate this.  相似文献   

Demonstrating that neural activity ‘represents’ physical properties of the world such as the orientation of a line in the receptive field of a nerve cell is a standard procedure in neuroscience. However, not all such neural activity will be associated with the mental representations that form the contents of consciousness. In some cases, such as when patients with blindsight correctly ‘guess’ the location of a stimulus, neural activity is associated with physical stimulation and with appropriate behaviour, but not with awareness. To identify the neural correlates of conscious experience we need to identify patterns of neural activity that are specifically associated with awareness. Experiments aimed at making such identifications require that subjects report some aspect of their conscious experience either verbally or through some pre-arranged non-verbal report while neural activity is measured. If there is some characteristic neural signature of consciousness, then this should be distinguishable from the kinds of neural activity associated with stimulation and/or behaviour in the absence of awareness. It remains to be seen whether the neural signature of consciousness relates to the location of the neural activity, the temporal properties of the neural activity or the form of the interaction between activity in different brain regions.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the development of a university-based infant psychiatry program. The paper initially highlights the organizational structure of the program that involves some 20 professionals, then reports on 57 infants who presented with disruptive behavior disorders and ends by describing an innovative treatment program for fathers and an attempt to help teenage mothers in caring for their infants. © 1997 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health  相似文献   

Visual dissociation: an illusory conjunction of pictures and forms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Undergraduates viewed rapidly presented series of color photographs (9/s) and were required to indicate which photograph appeared within a black outline rectangle (the "frame"). Experiment 1 demonstrated that subjects were often confident and wrong, reporting the immediately preceding or following picture in the sequence. Experiment 2 showed that migration of the frame to other pictures cannot be attributed to spatial separation, because the same effect occurred when a small frame was presented in the center of the picture itself. Experiment 3 ruled out masking of the "framed" picture as the cause of the illusion by showing that the framed picture is indeed identified on those trials where the frame appears to be elsewhere. Experiment 4 showed that when simpler, more familiar stimuli (numbers) were presented, a more rapid presentation rate (18/s) was required to obtain the effect. It is proposed that the illusion reflects the action of integrative processes in a very short-term buffer and that it may provide a new tool with which to study the integration of features within scenes.  相似文献   

Embedded in the history of dissociation is the best known case of possession in European history, the 17th century possessions at Loudun, France (1632‐1638). The exorcisms and the trial drew crowds from all over Europe, the outcome prefiguring the direction in which the Western science of mind would be carried. The published debate about the possessed and obsessed Ursuline nuns of Loudun spans four centuries. One can track how theorizing about dissociation changed over time, with psychological contributions by Jean Martin Charcot, Georges Gilles de la Tourette, Pierre Janet, Michel Foucault and Michel de Certeau. Freud's psychoanalytic notion of demonological neurosis emphasized defensive strategies and a diabolic parody of adulthood. Jung's concepts of demonism and possession highlighted dissociated complexes that assimilate the ego and unseat the self, rendering a life ‘provisional’. Dissociation as possession provides a through‐line in Jung's Collected Works, from his 1902 dissertation to one of the last essays he wrote, in 1961. Within the context of psychotherapy, therapists and patients work towards psychological containment, consciously reorienting themselves to the presence of unconscious factors, personifying, embodying and thereby incorporating images of dissociated Otherness into the experience of selfhood.  相似文献   

The Stiles-Crawford effect of the first kind (SCE I), discovered in 1933, represented a major breakthrough in our understanding of retinal physiology and the modern beginning of the science of photoreceptor optics. The current status of knowledge in this area is briefly reviewed. A study is presented of a white adult female observer with aniridia, clear media, only traces of nystagmus, rather good visual acuity, and good fixation. It is shown that this individual exhibits approximate alignment of her photoreceptors with the center of the retinal sphere, clear evidence of side lobes on functions, and surprisingly steep SCE I functions. The implications of these findings are considered.  相似文献   

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