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Two experiments are reported that examine the effects of cueing the location of a target in the prime display on interference and subsequent negative priming. The prime and probe displays comprised two words, a target and a distractor. In the prime display, the two words were either the same (response compatible) or different (response incompatible). The target in the probe display was unrelated to the prime distractor (control), the same word as the distractor (ignored repetition), or semantically related to the distractor (ignored semantic repetition). In Experiment 1, cueing the location of the prime target significantly reduced the interference effect but not the subsequent identity negative priming (NP) effect. In contrast, not cueing the prime target resulted in the elimination of the identity NP. There was no evidence of semantic NP in this experiment. In Experiment 2, where a categorization response was required, significant interference was obtained in the prime display that was not influenced by cueing the location of the target. Although there was significant semantic NP, identity NP failed to reach significance. The two experiments were analysed together, and findings are discussed in relation to current models of negative priming.  相似文献   

为了探究视觉负后像对视觉搜索效率是否会通过颜色这一特征产生干扰,结合Van Lier后像和视觉搜索范式,通过两个实验考察了负后像对视觉搜索效率的干扰效应,并对负后像填充区域和原始发生区域进行了对比。实验结果表明,在有负后像的情况下,视觉搜索效率明显降低,但是不同颜色之间的差异并不显著;而负后像填充区域的干扰效应要弱于原始发生区域。研究结论对于进一步提高视觉搜索效率的颜色设计以及视觉负后像的新研究方法具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

启动刺激含有多个靶子条件下的负启动效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王  李丽 《心理科学》2001,24(1):1-4
采用数字命名任务,在通常的负启动范式基础上增加启动刺激靶子数目.进行了两个实验。实验一发现,当启动刺激靶子个数为1个和2个时。出现负启动效应;当启动刺激靶子个数为3个和4个时。则不出现负启动效应。这提示靶子所获注意资源数量的作用。实验二发现.当启动刺激有2个和3个靶子时.如果未被选择来反应的靶子成为探测刺激的靶子,其反应时与控制组无显著差异。即不出现负启动。这表明在启动刺激中未被选择来反应的靶子与干扰项所受到的加工是有差别的。  相似文献   

启动和探测刺激相同试次低比例时可出现类似负启动的抑制现象。本研究采用不同于以往研究的单一探测范式,并操纵相关项(启动与探测词语义相关)的比例及刺激集的大小研究这一抑制机制的特点。实验一在低比例时发现了显著的负启动效应。实验二在低比例时,发现小的刺激集能诱发负启动,而大的则不能。表明在单一探测范式中启动与探测相关试次的低比例确实能诱发抑制控制,该抑制控制由忽视策略所致,并受刺激集大小的影响,支持了干扰项的凸显能够诱发强抑制的观点。  相似文献   

The performance in a radial-arm maze of two groups of rats with restricted access to extra-maze visual cues was studied. One group received extensive exposure to the visual environment of the maze, whereas the second group was never exposed to the environment, aside from their experience in the maze itself. Spatial exposure resulted in a slightly improved ability to discriminate between previously visited and unvisited spatial locations, which can be explained on the basis of general perceptual learning processes. However, there was no evidence that spatial exposure resulted in control of choices by the spatial relations among the maze locations. These results are discussed in terms of theories of spatial learning which appeal to perceptual learning and cognitive mapping.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2016,47(1):42-53
Intolerance of Uncertainty (IU) has gained increasing interest as a vulnerability factor for worry in Generalized Anxiety Disorder and other emotional disorders. We extended the procedure of Grupe and Nitschke (2011) to compare threat processing in High IU (n = 29) and Low IU (n = 26) participants. Participants viewed four cues: two reference cues that preceded aversive pictures on 100% or 0% of trials, and a target cue that preceded aversive pictures on 50% of trials (Uncertain condition). Participants were instructed about these probabilities in advance. In addition, we surprised participants with a second target cue that also preceded aversive pictures on 50% of trials but that had not been mentioned in the instructions (Ambiguous condition). Results provided preliminary evidence that High IU participants showed greater online threat expectancy, postexperimental covariation estimates and negative mood for the target cues compared to the reference cues. The results also suggest that among high IU individuals, ambiguity, rather than uncertainty per se, may be a particularly powerful trigger for biased threat appraisal and negative affect. Clinically, the results suggest that patients with high IU may benefit from interventions to help them calibrate the degree of risk in situations involving ambiguous threat.  相似文献   

A chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes ) performed a visual search task using a modified matching-to-sample procedure in which a sample stimulus was followed by the search display, which contained one stimulus identical to the sample (target) and several uniform stimuli different from the sample (distractors). On cued trials, while the subject was observing the sample, a white square (precue) appeared at the location where the target was to be presented (valid trials), or elsewhere (invalid trials). The validity of the precue (correspondence between the cued and the target locations) was changed from 0% to 100% across conditions. Cost-benefit analyses were performed on the difference between valid and noncued trials (benefit) and between invalid and noncued trials (cost). Under the high-validity conditions, the response times were shorter when the cued location corresponded to the target location than when the precue did not appear. When the cued location did not correspond to the target location, on the other hand, the subject took longer to select the target than on noncued trials. When the validity of the precue was relatively low, however, cost of the invalid trials disappeared, while benefit of the valid trials remained. These results confirmed the two-process (automatic and attentional) theory of priming in human information processing; the advance information had the same effects on a chimpanzee's visual search performance as on humans'.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Self-report measures assess mental processes or representations that are consciously accessible. In contrast, implicit measures assess automatic processes that often operate outside awareness. Whereas self-report measures have often failed to show expected relationships with endocrine stress responses, little effort has been made to relate implicit measures to endocrine processes. The present work examines whether implicit affectivity as assessed by the Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT) predicts cortisol regulation. In Study 1 , implicit low positive affectivity, but not negative affectivity, significantly predicted circadian cortisol release. In Study 2 , implicit negative affectivity, but not positive affectivity, significantly predicted the cortisol response to acute stress. By contrast, cortisol regulation was not predicted by self-reported affectivity. The findings support the use of implicit affectivity measures in studying individual differences in endocrine stress responses and point to a differential role of positive and negative affectivity in baseline versus stress-contingent cortisol release, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— We examined whether two purportedly face-specific effects, holistic processing and the left-side bias, can also be observed in expert-level processing of Chinese characters, which are logographic and share many properties with faces. Non-Chinese readers (novices) perceived these characters more holistically than Chinese readers (experts). Chinese readers had a better awareness of the components of characters, which were not clearly separable to novices. This finding suggests that holistic processing is not a marker of general visual expertise; rather, holistic processing depends on the features of the stimuli and the tasks typically performed on them. In contrast, results for the left-side bias were similar to those obtained in studies of face perception. Chinese readers exhibited a left-side bias in the perception of mirror-symmetric characters, whereas novices did not; this effect was also reflected in eye fixations. Thus, the left-side bias may be a marker of visual expertise.  相似文献   

Emotions associated with memories for the loss of a loved one and for negative events in general decrease in intensity more than memories associated with positive events, a phenomenon known as the fading affect bias (FAB). We tested whether FAB was cross‐culturally evident by collecting positive, negative, and memories for the deaths of loved ones from Filipinos. Memories were coded as violent/nonviolent and resolved/unresolved, and we predicted that resolved memories should show greater fading and that affective details should be lower in those memory accounts. FAB analyses revealed that negative affective intensity faded while positive affect remained constant, supporting FAB for positive and negative memories. However, there was no evidence of FAB in Filipinos' death memories. Filipinos' positive memories were distributed from the period of the reminiscence bump and focused on themes of childbirth and marriage, while negative and death memories did not cluster at any period of life.Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The associations among age, visual abilities and cognitive abilities were investigated using structural equation modeling. Measures of Visual Acuity, Colour Vision, Contrast Sensitivity, Stroop, Face Recognition and Fluid intelligence (Gf) were administered to a volunteer sample (n = 90) aged 60-87. Visual Acuity was associated with Gf even after controlling for chronological age. Age differences in Stroop were explained entirely by Colour Vision performance. However, neither Visual Acuity nor Colour Vision explained age-differences in Face Recognition. The results show that performance on some neuropsychological tests is influenced by visual ability and challenge the conventional identification of ageing effects on the Stroop task with deficits in frontal executive functioning. Visual abilities do not, however, contribute to age-differences in all cognitive domains suggesting that sensory and cognitive performance declines are not necessarily due to common biological ageing processes.  相似文献   

摘 要 采用改编后的Sternberg 任务考查无关负性信息对复发性抑郁缓解个体工作记忆内容更新的影响。与正常组相比,缓解期个体在无关负性条件下对探测图片的反应时要长于有关负性条件下的反应时,而正常个体在无关正性探测图片的反应时明显长于有关正性条件下的反应时。同时缓解期个体在无关负性条件下对探测图片的反应时明显长于新图条件下的反应时,出现明显的干扰效应。结果表明反复发作的抑郁缓解者在摒弃工作记忆中无关负性内容时存在障碍。  相似文献   

熟练双语者在空间工作记忆中存在认知优势,但是在负性情绪干扰下熟练双语者在空间工作记忆中是否存在认知优势尚不清楚。空间工作记忆和负性情绪均以大脑右半球为优势脑区,加工效能理论认为空间工作记忆和负性情绪的加工使用同样的认知资源。研究采用情绪空间2-back任务,探究在负性情绪刺激干扰下的空间工作记忆任务中熟练双语者是否存在认知优势。结果表明,熟练双语者在该任务中表现出比非熟练双语者更高的正确率和更短的反应时。这一结果说明,尽管存在负性情绪刺激的干扰,相比非熟练双语者,熟练双语者在空间工作记忆中仍然表现出了认知优势。  相似文献   


Shielding visual search against interference from salient distractors becomes more efficient over time for display regions where distractors appear more frequently, rather than only rarely Goschy, Bakos, Müller, & Zehetleitner (Frontiers in Psychology 5: 1195, 2014). We hypothesized that the locus of this learned distractor probability-cueing effect depends on the dimensional relationship of the to-be-inhibited distractor relative to the to-be-attended target. If the distractor and target are defined in different visual dimensions (e.g., a color-defined distractor and orientation-defined target, as in Goschy et al. (Frontiers in Psychology 5: 1195, 2014), distractors may be efficiently suppressed by down-weighting the feature contrast signals in the distractor-defining dimension Zehetleitner, Goschy, & Müller (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 38: 941–957, 2012), with stronger down-weighting being applied to the frequent- than to the rare-distractor region. However, given dimensionally coupled feature contrast signal weighting (cf. Müller J, Heller & Ziegler (Perception & Psychophysics 57:1–17, 1995), this dimension-(down-)weighting strategy would not be effective when the target and the distractors are defined within the same dimension. In this case, suppression may operate differently: by inhibiting the entire frequent-distractor region on the search-guiding master saliency map. The downside of inhibition at this level is that, although it reduces distractor interference in the inhibited (frequent-distractor) region, it also impairs target processing in that region—even when no distractor is actually present in the display. This predicted qualitative difference between same- and different-dimension distractors was confirmed in the present study (with 184 participants), thus furthering our understanding of the functional architecture of search guidance, especially regarding the mechanisms involved in shielding search from the interference of distractors that consistently occur in certain display regions.


The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to examine the developmental trajectory of creative potentials of Polish students. A total of 1,522 Polish students aged between 7 and 18 from lower and upper primary school, middle school, and high school participated in the study. Creative potential was measured by means of the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production. The findings showed that older students achieved higher scores than the younger ones, drops in mean scores among students aged 13 and 16 were noted, and levelling of scores was found among students aged from 10 to 13, with a slight drop at the age of 13. Moreover, a phenomenon was discovered which was described as a mini plateau, i.e., an emergence of similar mean scores in 2 consecutive age groups. Possible explanations of the results are discussed, including interpretations in the context of the CMC and educational and environmental conditions which act as inhibitors or stimulators of the development of creative abilities.  相似文献   

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