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军用能力倾向测验是为军事需要服务的能力倾向测验,它有独立的产生和发展过程并在整个能力倾向测验领域起关键作用。在特殊能力倾向的效度研究,能力理论的验证,发现新的能力和测验手段上的创新等方面均有重要贡献。  相似文献   

一般能力倾向成套测验简介及其中国试用常模的修订   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对一般能力倾向成套测验作了简要的介绍。为了试用,对它进行了修订。版本是以日本劳动省1983年修订版为蓝本的。日本的版本是来自美国。为了适合国情,对该测验在三个方面作了微小的变动。修订工作自1989—1992年初。标准化样组是由全国17个中等以上城市初二至高三学生2148名构成的。男女学生的比例为1:1。该测验在结构效度上有很好的证据,稳定信度分数相当好。  相似文献   

用于企业人事管理的《企业管理能力倾向测验》   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《企业管理能力倾向测验》(简称MAT)的开发满足了企业改革的需要,企业管理职业能力倾向被界定为一种介乎于一般智力和具体的知识,技能之间的心理特点,MAT主要考究受测者与做好企业管理工作有关的那些影响较广,比较稳定,潜在的,不易受到环境影响的能力,MAT包括言语理解,数量关系,逻辑推理,资料分析和思维策略等5个部分,MAT经过两次预测和课目筛选,常模样本包括26个省市的149家企业2814名中层以上  相似文献   

美术能力倾向测验对美术人才的识别和选拔具有重要意义。现有测验可分为审美能力测量和艺术创作能力测量两种,其中审美能力测量的测验又可以分为审美判断测验和判断后选择判断理由的两种形式。但以往研究缺乏对审美知觉能力维度的实证研究、没有区分“主观美”和“客观美”,以及缺乏对各类型美术能力倾向测验效度的比较研究。未来可加深对审美知觉能力维度的实证研究,开发多类型美术能力判断测验并比较其效度,开发适用于小学生的美术能力倾向测验,以及开发适合我国国情的美术能力倾向测验。  相似文献   

郭靖  龚耀先 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1233-1235
本文介绍了学习能力倾向测验的历史和发展现状,包括学习能力倾向测验的起源、编制特点、应用价值,并对几个相关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

一般能力倾向测验中国城市版的建构及常模的建立   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
方俐洛  凌文辁  韩骢 《心理科学》2003,26(1):133-135
自1947年美国劳工部发表了“一般能力倾向成套测验(General Aptitude Test Battery GATA)以后、其它国家有很多专业人员对它进行了研究和使用…。到八十年代,GATB已被译成十余种语言,并在近二十多个国家中进行了验证和标准化等一系列工作。日本于1949年至1951年对GATB进行了修订和标准化,并于1952年发表了《一般职业性向测验》。经数次修订,现在的测验由十五项分测验构成,  相似文献   

经过二十多年的发展,行政职业能力倾向测验已经成为公务员考试中不可缺少的测评工具之一。在实践发展中,行测内外部的变化引发了许多研究问题。然而,现有研究的广度和深度都较为有限。为了提高行测的科学化水平,该文指出未来亟需从以下方面开展研究:(1)借鉴认知诊断理论对各个题型进行研究;(2)测量结构的确立;(3)分级分类考试的架构设计;(4)新题型开发;(5)分数合成;(6)试题公平性等。  相似文献   

关于我国学校职业指导中的心理测验   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
殷雷 《心理科学》2003,26(5):938-940
1 前言  无论在西方国家 ,还是在我国 ,关于心理测验的争议一直存在 ,有时甚至很激烈。但是 ,只要我们能够正确地看待和使用心理测验 ,心理测验仍然不失为科学地、客观地评价人的心理素质的一种重要手段。心理测验在学校职业指导中的运用 ,大大地推动了学校职业指导的发展。在历史上 ,我国学校职业指导中虽然很早就应用心理测验了 ,但始终得不到重视。这可能与时代的背景和人们的观念有关。本文结合我国学校职业指导中应用心理测验的历史和现状 ,介绍了心理测验在学校职业指导中的重要作用和意义 ,旨在引起有关方面的注意和重视。2 心理…  相似文献   

行政职业能力倾向测验效度的研究报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈社育  余嘉元 《心理科学》2002,25(3):325-327
为了对目前国家公务员录用考试中的行政职业能力倾向测验有效性有一个全面准确的了解,本研究依据现代心理测量理论,采用科学规范的实证研究方法,对行政职业能力倾向测验的效度进行了较为系统的研究,得到了一些有用的结论,为国家公务员录用考试的深化改革提供了较为全面的信息。  相似文献   

职业心理综合测验的编制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顾海根  张程霞 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1099-1100
1 .前言  职业心理综合测验是用于职业指导和职业招聘的综合性心理测验 ,包括职业兴趣测验 ,职业能力倾向测验和职业人格测验。根据人 -职匹配理论 ,个体差异是普遍存在的 ,每一个个体都有自己的个性特征 ,而每一种职业由于其工作性质、环境、条件、方式的不同 ,对工作者的能力、知识、技能、性格、气质等心理素质有不同的要求。进行职业决策 ,如选拔、安置、职业指导时 ,就要根据一个人的个性特征来选择与之相对应的职业种类。实践表明 ,一个人的能力特点和个性特点与他所从事的工作的匹配程度 ,直接影响着工作的成效。虽然能力可在实践…  相似文献   

Sixty candidates showing large increases or decreases in score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) from junior to senior year were interviewed. The candidates' explanations for the score changes were placed into Thorndike's categories of possible sources of test score variance, with the largest number falling into the category “lasting and general characteristics of the individual.” The implication of each category for testing and guidance procedures is discussed.  相似文献   

Koivula  Nathalie  Hassmén  Peter  Hunt  Darwin P. 《Sex roles》2001,44(11-12):629-645
Scholarly knowledge is traditionally believed to exist if a person answers correctly when tested. A test-taker that makes a lucky guess is thereby implicitly assumed to know as much as a person who both answers correctly and is sure of it. By incorporating sureness assessments, an additional dimension of knowledge can be obtained. In this study, 317 females and 233 males participated (predominantly White European; with mean age = 18.7 years). One group answered questions using a conventional multiple-choice answer sheet. Another group answered the same questions, but they were also instructed to assess their sureness. Significant differences were observed on the quantitative subtest; those who made self-assessments outscored those who did not, and especially individuals who rated themselves low on traits traditionally regarded as masculine (measured with Bem Sex Role Inventory) benefited from this process. Incorporating self-assessments provides extra information that makes it possible to differentiate between those who know the subject matter and those who are guessing, as well as a way to reduce the effect of the gender typing of the task on performance.  相似文献   

This article re-examines data from the Nonreading Aptitude Test Battery (NATB) and General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) test manuals in light of some conventionally accepted psychometric considerations. The NATB standardization sample is adequate. However, the validity is open to question since the NATB demonstrates only a modest correlation with the GATB. It is recommended that caution be employed in relating NATB profiles to the Occupational Aptitude Patterns' norms. This is especially relevant since the NATB, lacking norms of its own, relies on GATB norms and its derived Occupational Aptitude Pattern (OAP).  相似文献   

Five knowledge tests and one implicit-reasoning task were developed to be: (1) exceptionally short, (2) correlated with general cognitive aptitude, (3) unobtrusive, i.e., appear similar to attitudinal survey items as opposed to maximal performance measures, and (4) without formally “correct” answers. The intent was to design scales that could be administered in non-proctored environments to directly measure general cognitive aptitude while avoiding the possibility that participants could use references to provide “good” answers. The five knowledge tests used a Likert format to assess knowledge in verbal and practical domains, and were scored by computing distances between examinee and reference ratings. The implicit-reasoning task appeared to be a series completion “game” that required a dichotomous response. The scales were administered to 288 Air Force recruits and were validated against the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Individual unobtrusive knowledge scales and ASVAB tests were substantially correlated with sample correlations ranging to .39 and population correlation estimates to .66 after correcting for range restriction. Two sets of factor scores, which were separately derived from the unobtrusive test battery and the ASVAB, were highly correlated in our sample, .54, yielding a population correlation of .80 after correcting for range restriction. This technology is important because few paper- or Internet-based surveys, and virtually no mail-based surveys accurately measure general cognitive aptitude, while many of these surveys address important social issues and commercial questions that could be better understood given an unobtrusive but accurate estimate of general cognitive aptitude.  相似文献   

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