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The Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) was founded in 1969 by American Psychological Association (APA) members who were frustrated with sexism in psychology, in the APA, and at the 1969 APA convention itself. The activism of the 1960s, together with the new women's liberation movement, gave the founders tools and justification for a new organization. This article, the first published AWP history, describes the founding circumstances, early skirmishes concerning structure and operations, evolution of major activities (such as the annual conference, importance of lesbians, growing attention to multiculturalism), and ongoing tensions between centralization and feminist process.  相似文献   

Role congruity theory predicts that women will be less likely than men to emerge as leaders when expectations for the leader role are incongruent with gender stereotypes. A 2 × 2 × 3 design that crossed the sex of the dominant partner, mixed- and same-sex dyads, and masculine, feminine, and neutral tasks involved 120 dyads of unacquainted college students in which one partner scored higher in dominance. In same-sex partnerships, the dominant member consistently emerged as leader. In mixed-sex dyads, the gender typing of the task did not influence dominant male ascendance but it did affect women's. When the task was masculine-typed or neutral, less dominant men were more likely to emerge as the leader of the dyad, frequently being appointed by the dominant woman herself. Thus, even when women possess the agentic quality of dominance consistent with the leader role, the incongruence between masculinized task demands and gender stereotypes mitigate against women's leadership emergence.  相似文献   

Because of spreading concerns about gender stereotypes in textbooks, in 1975 an American Psychological Association Task Force recommended changes in the type of language that should be used to report research findings and in the type of information that should be included in reports of psychological research. These recommendations also applied to the presentation of psychological information in textbooks. Studies in the subsequent 7 years indicated some decrease in the use of sex-stereotyped language and some decrease in gender-biased content. Researchers typically concluded, however, that although some improvements had occurred, gender biases and stereotypes still occurred in texts. The present study reports an extensive content analysis of current textbooks for introductory psychology and human development courses. Representation of the work, theory, and behavior of males continues to significantly exceed the representation of the work, theory, and behavior of females, and females continue to be portrayed in negative and gender-biased ways.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study aimed to explain coping responses of older women (n = 60)and men (n = 43) at about 1 year following partner loss using a general theory of coping. The theory of mental incongruity predicts that behavioral and mental coping are responses to experienced loneliness and that they are facilitated by actual and perceived opportunities or resources. Results show that the availability of social relationships and better general health encourage coping responses among the bereaved, as well as, unexpectedly, higher social anxiety and financial stress. Results reveal opposite effects for women and men. As time elapses since the death of the partner, men more often share their emotions with others than women. Also, the results suggest that resources play different roles in coping responses of recently bereaved women and men. Among widowers financial stress may impede emotional coping responses, while among widows higher education and having a best female friend seem to function as riskfactors in coping with loss. Relative health, or the feeling one is better off than comparable others, may protect against the negative effects of partner death, particularly among recently bereaved women. It is concluded that the proposed theory offers useful concepts in understanding how recently bereaved individuals cope with partner death; however,it is not helpful in explaining the gender differences found in the present study. Further, the findings question the supposed less favorable health position of older widows and the more favorable social position of older widows and socioeconomic position of older widowers.  相似文献   

Studies reporting the objective settlements obtained by men and women in negotiations were reviewed. Differences in outcomes were expected due to differences in perceptions, behaviors, and contextual factors between men and women. In the sample of studies, men negotiated significantly better outcomes than women. Opponent sex, relative power of the negotiator, integrative potential of the task, mode of communication and year of the study were tested as moderators of the effect. Although the overall difference in outcomes between men and women was small, none of these hypothesized moderators or several exploratory moderators reversed or eliminated this effect. The organizational significance of the findings is discussed in terms of the glass ceiling, a gender-based earnings differential and women in negotiation positions. Directions for future research in the laboratory and the field are suggested.  相似文献   

Etude au laboratoire des différences dans le comportement d'entraide selon la nationalité et la classe sociale. —Le même plan d'expérience a été réalisé à Madison (Wisconsin) et à Oxford (Angleterre) pour déterminer si les adolescents appartenant à différentes classes sociales obéissent aux mêmes principes dans l'aide qu'ils apportent aux camarades qui dépendent d'eux. Les adolescents de Madison appartiennent à des families de la classe moyenne ((I) petits industriels, commerçants, artisans, (2) employés de bureau) ou de la classe ouvrière. Les adolescents d'Oxford proviennent seulement de la classe moyenne des employés ou de la classe ouvrière. Dans les deux échantillons, le sujet est d'abord amené à croire qu'un camarade lui a apporté beaucoup ou peu d'aide quand lui-même en avait besoin pour gagner un concours. Dans la phase suivante qui est supposée impliquer un concours sans rapport avec le premier, le sujet a l'occasion d'aider la personne qui a été son partenaire ou une tout autre personne. Les résultats de Madison montrent, conformément à l'hypothèse, que les sujets appartenant à la classe des petits industriels, commerçants et artisans ont plus tendance à agir selon une conception de simple échange. Plus que les adolescents de la classe des employés ou de la classe ouvrière, ils croient que les gens s'attendent à ce qu'ils travaillent dur pour une autre personne seulement dans la mesure où ils ont eux-mêmes bénéficié d'une telle situation et ils font des efforts au profit du camarade qui dépend d'eux, dans l'attente d'une réciprocité de type « donner et recevoir ». A Oxford, les sujets de la classe ouvrière sont plus orientés vers la réciprocité que les fils d'employés. Quelques difficultés d'ordre méthodologique sont discutées, mais l'A. pense que les tentatives actuelles pour analyser l'interaction sociale en termes d'échange économique ne peuvent être également appliquées à toutes les classes sociales.  相似文献   

The experiment examines status and gender role explanations of the tendency for women to conform more than men in group pressure settings. Subjects believed they were assigned to groups containing two males and two females in addition to themselves and received these other group members' opinions, which were represented as deviating from the opinions that subjects had given earlier. Subjects then gave their opinions with the other group members either having or not having surveillance over these opinions. In addition, subjects were required to form impressions of each other's likability or expertise. The findings indicate that subjects' sex and age affected the extent of their conformity. Among older (19 years and older) subjects, females conformed more with surveillance than without it, whereas surveillance did not affect males' conformity. Among younger (under 19 years) subjects, surveillance had no effects. Analysis of sex differences revealed that older females were significantly more conforming than older males when under surveillance as well as when subjects formed impressions of one another's likability. Among younger subjects, there were no sex differences. These findings are discussed in terms of the theories that (a) both sex and age function as status characteristics and (b) gender roles determine conformity.  相似文献   


Young children's development of concepts about print is an important component of their emerging understanding and acquisition of conventional reading and writing ability. Few studies have investigated the effects of age or gender on the construction of these concepts. The purpose of this study was to examine the knowledge and understanding about print children brought to a first school situation and how it changed as a function of grade in school and gender. Results indicate that children come to preschool with some knowledge about the functions and conventions of print but do not achieve mastery of these concepts until second or third grade. There was a significant gender effect, but different patterns of that effect for each of the concepts about print task. A discussion follows of possible reasons for this difference.  相似文献   

张力为  符明秋 《心理学报》1999,32(2):190-199
Markus和Kitayama的自我构念理论以文化差异为基础,将人的自我观念分为独立自我和互联自我,研究假说,体育专业的学习由于有更多的社会交互作用,有助于培养学生的互联自我,文理专业的学习由于有列多的独立性,有助于培养学生的独立自我,应用20项陈述测验对258名大学生的研究部分地支持了这一假设;体育专业学生有更多的具体化自我表述,文理专业学生有更多的抽象化自我表述,但是,两类学生在自我定向和社会  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s, scholarship and college courses that address multiple dimensions of inequality under the rubric of race, class, gender, and (recently) sexuality studies have grown rapidly. Most courses now employ a set of readings, many of which are drawn from a growing number of anthologies. A strength of this approach is its presentation of the diversity of human experiences and the multiplicity of critical perspectives. A weakness is its failure to convey the commonalities in race, class, gender, and sexuality analyses of social reality. To aid in teaching and research on race, class, gender, and sexuality, this article presents six common themes that characterize this scholarship. Race, class, gender, and sexuality are historically and globally specific, socially constructed power relations that simultaneously operate at both the macro (societal) and micro (individual) levels of society. Scholarship in this tradition emphasizes the interdependence of knowledge and activism.  相似文献   

Les différences culturelles dans la mesure de la réussite scolaire: un problème pour les psychologies. — La “culture éducative”, C'est-à-dire le système standard de formation et d'évaluation, peut varier considérablement d'un pays à L'autre. La recherche interculturelle devrait utiliser les découvertes faites par la psychologie expérimentale en matière de processus d'apprentissage pour résoudre les problèmes de L'évaluation des niveaux d'instruction. Les comparaisons interculturelles portant sur L'intelligence et la réussite scolaire doivent prendre en considération les différences qui se manifestent dans L'acquisition des capacités particulières impliquées dans les tests. C'est ainsi, par exemple, qu'une comparaison expérimentale d'étudiants américains et israéliens portant sur la rétention d'un matériel symbolique et d'un matériel significatif, et utilisant un test subjectif de reconstruction (écrire un essai) et un test objectif de reconnaissance à choix multiple, a fait apparaître une performance supérieure des étudiants israéliens dans les deux types de tâches. Puisqu'il n'y a aucune raison de supposer que les étudiants américains testés sont globalement moins intelligents que les étudiants israèliens, les AA pensent que les écarts observés sont relatifs aux différences dans les pratiques éducatives et les manières de tester des deux pays: les Américains tendent à mettre L'accent sur les tests objectifs (reconnaissance) tandis que les israéliens utilisent davantage les tests de type subjectif (écrire un essai, reconstruction). Apparemment, les étudiants qui réussissent les tâches de reconstruction peuvent réussir aussi bien les tâches impliquant une reconnaissance, mais L'inverse n'est pas forcément vrai. Puisque la mémoire joue un rôle important dans la performance aux tests de réussite scolaire et dans la plupart des tests d'intelligence, on ne doit pas négliger les différences interculturelles qui apparaissent dans la rétention et dans la mesure de la rétention.  相似文献   

Principles of Psychology was published as an introductory textbook, with the contemporary virtue of having chapters that "can he assigned in any order." It is a compendium of speculation, with very few connecting threads to tie materials together. This article reports one psychologist's travels through thex Principles, in search of latent organizing structure, using as a guidebook the methodological and substantive content of two recent articles (Kimble. 1989. 1990a). The journey had its low and high points: The methodology encountered was hardly worth the trip. The exciting moments were the views of correspondences between James' insights and what we know today.  相似文献   

Totemism, a topic that fascinated and then was summarily dismissed by anthropologists, has been resurrected by evolutionary psychologists’ recent attempts to explain religion. New approaches to religion are all based on the assumption that religious behavior is the result of evolved psychological mechanisms. We focus on two aspects of Totemism that may present challenges to this view. First, if religious behavior is simply the result of evolved psychological mechanisms, would it not spring forth anew each generation from an individual's psychological mechanisms? Yet, Australian Totemism, like other forms of Totemism, is profoundly traditional, copied by one generation from the prior ones for hundreds of generations. Regardless of personal inclinations, individuals are obligated to participate. Second, it is problematic to assume that all practitioners of Totemism actually believe their religious claims. We propose an alternative explanation that accounts for the persistence of Totemism and that does not rely on an assumption that its practitioners are preliterate or naive because they have strange beliefs. We focus on Totemism as a cultural mechanism aimed at building and sustaining social relationships among close and distant kinsmen.  相似文献   

This article, based on the 2005 Society for the Psychology of Women Presidential Address, presents a definition of feminism and evaluates feminist psychology and its current challenges through that lens. The principal theme is the tension between feminist psychology's engagement with the discipline and its ability to critique and alter both the discipline and the world. The article includes an analysis of the original 52 demands presented by women activists to the APA's Council of Representatives in 1970. Those demands are evaluated both in terms of progress and lack of achievement, as well as in terms of the limitations of the professional women's movement reflected in those original demands. The lack of success in achieving demands associated with structural change is highlighted. A framework for future feminist work that might achieve transformational change is offered.  相似文献   

Two studies measured the facial prominence of women and men in popular images over the last decade. The first study used 1,200 photo-graphs from Time and Newsweek for the years 1970 and 1980. The results indicate that overall, men have received greater facial prominence than women, and facial prominence has increased over the decade. Only for Newsweek did women show a significantly greater increase in facial prominence than men. The second study used 640 photographs from Good Housekeeping and Ms. for the years 1974 and 1984. The results show that overall, men have received greater facial prominence than women, and facial prominence has risen over the decade, although not by much. In Ms. , women but not men gained; in Good Housekeeping , women gained slightly, but not as much as men. The results are consistent with earlier reports of an asymmetry in representation of men's and women's faces and suggest that this asymmetry is slowly diminishing.  相似文献   

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