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For Roman Catholic systematic theology, any reflection on the relation between revelation, Scripture and tradition has to take into account the dogmatic constitution of the Second Vatican Council concerning this theme: Dei verbum. In this document, the dialogical nature of these fundamental theological concepts has been accentuated. Revelation, but also Scripture and tradition, are historical dynamic givens that reveal a salvific God at work in our history, both through Christ and in the Spirit. In conversation with Joseph Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI, both the coming into being of this document and its main assets are discussed. Moreover, it will be Dei verbum's reception, and especially the difficulties subsequently encountered to uphold and institutionally anchor the dialogical nature of revelation, tradition, theology and the magisterium that are also commented upon. Inasmuch, however, as Dei verbum has become a part of tradition for the Roman Catholic Church, a reading and rereading of this tradition requires the same dialogical hermeneutical principles which Dei verbum itself presents and requires.  相似文献   

As he approached the monumental task of writing his own systematic theology, John Webster gave strategic attention to constructing a doctrine of Scripture that was adequate to support such a project. In contrast to some well‐respected modern systematic theologies that got by with less robust bibliologies (those of Pannenberg and Jenson), Webster saw the need to establish from the outset a more fully elaborated doctrine of Holy Scripture. He framed that doctrine of Scripture by appealing above all to his central dogmatic commitment, the doctrine of the Trinity. The trinitarian contours of Webster’s doctrine of Scripture are most conspicuous in his treatment of the missions of the Son and the Spirit. Webster understands the entire Bible as the self‐testimony of the risen Christ (mission of the Son), and explains its cognitive effectiveness in terms of the full range of the work of the Holy Spirit in inspiration and illumination (mission of the Spirit). The trinitarian grounding of his doctrine of Scripture enabled Webster to retrieve the Protestant orthodox doctrine of Scripture’s inspiration.  相似文献   

Did John Dewey’s ‘new philosophy of education’ really try to dissolve the whole block of tradition or is his debt namely to educational core-concepts of neo-humanism deeper than he was prepared to acknowledge? After some general remarks on the process of reception as productive re-adaptation and its implication for historiography I will deal with Dewey’s own contexts that shape the interpretative grid through which he receives the tradition. Two case studies attempt to illustrate both continuity and discontinuity with a specific part of this tradition, namely two critical perspectives within German neo-humanism: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Johann Friedrich Herbart.  相似文献   

Did John Deweys new philosophy of education really try to dissolve the whole block of tradition or is his debt namely to educational core-concepts of neo-humanism deeper than he was prepared to acknowledge? After some general remarks on the process of reception as productive re-adaptation and its implication for historiography I will deal with Deweys own contexts that shape the interpretative grid through which he receives the tradition. Two case studies attempt to illustrate both continuity and discontinuity with a specific part of this tradition, namely two critical perspectives within German neo-humanism: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Johann Friedrich Herbart.  相似文献   

中国社会科学院的庞朴教授根据文化不断融合的多种动力将中国思想史划分为三个时期.受此睿见的启发,我想要探索文化碰撞和融合的某些方面;我将把思考的重心集中在儒家传统的创造性主题上,主要方向包括以下几个问题:儒学如何从文化碰撞中获益,特别是历代儒生如何创造新的儒家学说去应对他们时代的危机?我们能从这些转化和再创儒学传统的努力中学些什么?当今中国的研究课题是否继承了这种文化复兴传统?这类当今复兴传统的研究是否有一个特好的例子,而可以引起在当代东亚关注类似文化价值观的人?  相似文献   

“乘”这一词,本义是运输工具,指车乘,在佛教经典中,用它来比喻能够运送众生到解脱果地的佛陀教法。以“乘”判教的源头在印度,佛典传译到中国之后,这个词又衍化出更为复杂的涵义。《华严一乘教义分齐章》,是法藏的判教论著,也是法藏的佛学概论,其在讲说“同教”时,把佛陀一代说法,进行了分乘。我们把这些关于“乘”的名相,进行分析。  相似文献   

控制糖尿病的新观念和基本方略之管见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跟踪糖尿病发展趋势、吸收新理论和新技术、做好科普宣传、推行超强化治疗、坚持医学理性精神是控制糖尿病的新观念.其基本方略就是超强化治疗、控制高血压,拮抗新生2型糖尿病及其并发症、控制相关危险因素.  相似文献   

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