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A new questionnaire was constructed for the measurement of a hypothetical personality trait of ‘health care’, i.e. care and respect for the physical integrity of the body. It was found that the trait was a component of Cattell's self-sentiment factor. This yielded a new and more comprehensive self-sentiment questionnaire. The new questionnaire was validated by the demonstration of low scores in heroin addicts and alcoholics. Further investigation showed that the self-sentiment is highly correlated with P, of which it is best regarded as an additional expression. This result confirms the interpretation of P as the negative pole of a broad super-ego or socialization factor.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to extend feminist critiques of the prevalent psychiatric approaches to the eating disorders. It also includes a critique of feminists' writings that make assumptions similar to, and hence suffer from some of the same theoretical weaknesses as, the prevalent clinical literature. The main purpose is to contribute to the development of a social-historical approach to the study of the relentless pursuit of thinness among women. The social-historical approach is contrasted with individualistic psychological, family systems and multidimensional accounts of anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Potential directions suggested by feminist and social-historical analyses of the relentless pursuit of thinness among women are briefly described.  相似文献   

In the context of text recall it is often stated that surface representations are quickly forgotten. Jarvella (1971) and Sachs (1967) argued that what is retained beyond sentence boundaries is meaning information, whereas lexical and syntactic information is only available for the most recent constituent. We based a text recall experiment on Jarvella’s paradigm, in order to demonstrate that both meaning and grammatical gender information contribute to the recall of short text passages. Although it is known that grammatical gender information is used in anaphor resolution, even if noun and pronoun do not belong to adjacent sentences, there is no direct evidence for a gender contribution to text memory so far. The present experiment demonstrates that grammatical gender information, even when of no semantic importance, is retained beyond sentence boundaries and can contribute to the memory representation of subsequent text. All materials and additional statistics may be downloaded from mc.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

As China opens its door to the world, suicide research is making rapid progress using methods and instruments developed in the West. This is a feasibility study of the psychological autopsy methodology applied in China, with its emphasis on the social and cultural environments. With samples of 66 completed suicides and 66 community normal living controls, the authors found that it is feasible to interview at least two informants for each suicide case and each control, between 2 and 6 months after the suicide. With the Chinese-cultivated contacting method of recruiting cases, the refusal rate is nearly zero. The Western-developed methodology per se proved to be valid in the Chinese culture. Ethical considerations in the context of Chinese culture are as important as in the West. Psychological autopsy technique is shown to be an equally applicable method for the study of completed suicides in Chinese culture as it is in the West. Future epidemiological research on Chinese suicide should use the psychological autopsy method to collect data from larger samples in order to increase our understanding of the risk factors for Chinese suicides.  相似文献   

The present research investigates whether Openness to Experience and Boundaries in the mind are related to conservatism. In the first study, significant relationships between several scales of the Boundaries in the mind questionnaire and indicators of conservative beliefs were obtained in an adult sample (N=78) as well as in a sample of political party activists (N=44). In the second study, these negative relationships between conservatism and thin boundaries were replicated in an adult sample (N=225). Moreover, two dimensions representing Boundaries in the mind were identified, one positively related to Openness to Experience and negatively to conservatism and the second showing high positive correlations with Neuroticism. The exceptionally strong correlations between conservatism and the Boundaries in the mind facet scales Opinions about organizations, Opinions about beauty, truth, Edges, lines, clothing and Opinions about peoples, nations, groups are discussed, as well as the weak relationships between economic conservatism and Openness to Experience.  相似文献   

The present article illustrates how cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was adapted for an adolescent Turkish population with mood and anxiety disorders. The resulting 10-session treatment—based on multiplex CBT—was efficacious in a treatment trial, showing large effect sizes (Acarturk et al., 2018). This paper discusses the cultural grounding of CBT, which increases effectiveness by such means as increasing acceptability and positive expectancy. We describe a culturally sensitive assessment measure of somatic complaints and cultural syndromes, the Turkish Symptom and Syndrome Addendum. We discuss how, in a culturally sensitive way, we normalized symptoms, conducted interoceptive exposure, and created positive reassociations to sensations. We describe how we used Turkish metaphors and religious ideas to teach CBT principles. We show how we adapted mindfulness and “loving kindness” for a Turkish population, and how we utilized transition “rituals” at the end of the treatment to give a sense of closure and a positive feeling of transformation. Two case examples are provided to further illustrate how we adapted multiplex CBT to a Turkish adolescent population.  相似文献   

Empirically supported psychological treatments have been developed for a range of psychiatric disorders but there is evidence that patients are not receiving them in routine clinical care. Furthermore, even when patients do receive these treatments there is evidence that they are often not well delivered. The aim of this paper is to identify the barriers to the dissemination of evidence-based psychological treatments and then propose ways of overcoming them, hence potentially bridging the gap between research findings and clinical practice.  相似文献   


In this paper I shall argue that, although currently in the world of psychotherapy and counselling allusions to culture and cross-cultural work are becoming increasingly frequent, the issues are often talked about in simplistic ways. I shall unpack some of the complexities in the notions of culture and identity to show that they are not the monolithic self-evident natural categories that they are often taken to be. I will do this primarily by focusing on the function of cultural difference rather than the usual procedure of focusing on the differences in the contents of cultures. Although the subject matter of this paper is not drawn directly from the clinical sphere, the contention is that it is pertinent to it none the less.  相似文献   

In this article we illustrate how CBT can be adapted to a traumatized Egyptian population with Islamic beliefs, giving examples from our adaptation of Culturally Adapted–CBT (CA-CBT) for this cultural group. We discuss a culturally sensitive assessment measure of local somatic complaints and cultural syndromes that was devised based on clinical experience with traumatized Egyptians. We also demonstrate how to normalize symptoms, create positive expectancy about the treatment, and educate about trauma. We give examples of how mindfulness can be adapted for an Egyptian Islamic population, and we describe local religious strategies, such as dhikr (religious chanting), salah (ritualistic prayer), and dua (supplication), that may be used to promote attentional shift from rumination topics and to teach attentional control. We describe how “loving kindness” can be adapted for this group. We outline how to modify culturally generated catastrophic cognitions and how to conduct interoceptive exposure and to create positive re-associations in a culturally sensitive manner. We describe how worry themes are explored and addressed based on a heuristic panic attack–PTSD model; how to teach anger management in a culturally sensitive way; and how to address sleep-related problems in this population. We suggest using cultural transitional “rituals” at the end of the treatment to give patients a sense of closure and a positive feeling of transformation. A case example is presented to illustrate cultural challenges associated with delivering CA-CBT to an Egyptian population. We introduce certain concepts such as cultural grounding and explanatory model bridging, both therapeutic techniques that increase adherence, positive expectancy, and cultural consonance.  相似文献   

This article describes how Culturally Adapted Multiplex CBT, a treatment that emphasizes somatic processing and emotion regulation, was adapted for a traumatized South African indigenous group, the Sepedi. A model of psychopathology is presented, the Multiplex Model of Trauma-Related Disorder, which depicts the processes that generate multiple comorbidities and prominent somatization in minority, refugee, and other non-Western populations. The nine dimensions of Culturally Adapted Multiplex CBT are discussed, and so too the “cultural adaptation diamond.” Concepts such as “explanatory model bridging” are presented. A culturally sensitive assessment measure of local somatic complaints and cultural syndromes (the Sepedi Symptom and Syndrome Addendum, or Sepedi SSA) is detailed, as well as how CBT techniques were implemented with this group—for example, modification of culturally specific catastrophic cognitions, doing exposure (e.g., interoceptive exposure), teaching attentional control and mindfulness techniques, and teaching “loving kindness.” Case examples with clinical outcomes are provided to further illustrate how Multiplex CBT was adapted for the South African indigenous group.  相似文献   

This study assessed the nature of the person-team fit relationships for extraversion on members' attraction toward their teams. Unlike most studies of personality-based fit, which emphasize similarity, we predicted that complementary fit on extraversion (i.e., high individual-low team or low individual-high team levels) would result in greater attraction to the team. Data from two independent samples of intact project teams were analyzed, including 324 MBA students comprising 64 case analysis teams and 217 members of 26 manufacturing teams. Using polynomial regression analysis and three-dimensional surface plots, our results supported the predicted relationship. In addition, the data indicated that individuals who were more attracted to their teams were also better performers, as judged by their peers and supervisors.  相似文献   

Characteristics and Components of the TADS CBT Approach   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
In this paper, we describe the Acute phase of a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) developed for and utilized in the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS). The Acute phase of TADS CBT consists of eight skills that were considered essential to any CBT intervention for adolescent depression (e.g., mood monitoring, increasing pleasant activities, identifying cognitive distortions and developing realistic counter-thoughts). In addition, five optional individual CBT skills (e.g., relaxation, affect regulation) can be incorporated into treatment, depending on the needs of the adolescent. We describe each of these individual skills by reviewing the rationale for their inclusion in the treatment protocol and describing the format that is used to teach the skill area. Recommendations are provided for dealing with common challenges that can occur in the teaching of each skill module. It is our hope that clinicians will find this a useful introduction to this particular form of treatment and a practical guide to dealing with clinical problems common to the delivery of any cognitive behavioral intervention with depressed teens.  相似文献   

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