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Developing more of a local public health focus, and involving local communities in Great Britain in health care decision‐making, are key aspects of the radically changing face of primary care. Community‐oriented primary care (COPC) is an international model for innovative primary health care delivery historically applied in developing or deprived communities, but increasingly seen as having broader relevance for a wider range of primary care settings. COPC has a long history of development in deprived communities, it is still however seen as innovative. It fits the current requirements of clinical governance and the ‘Modern and Dependable NHS’, but does its long history also provide information about it's pitfalls? COPC is promoted as an approach that is applicable to community mental health problems, community psychologists can provide the expertise to facilitate addressing community mental health in COPC programmes. This paper describes the COPC model and highlights the relevance of the COPC philosophy and the problems of its implementation for community psychologists in primary care. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite (a) anecdotal evidence which suggests that it is possible to be a counselling psychologist in non-traditional settings, and (b) the potential integration of counselling psychology foci with the medical model, there has been some discussion about whether counselling psychologists who practice in health care settings might experience a change in their professional identity. Professional identity is defined here as a sense of connection to the values and emphases of counselling psychology. The retention of professional identity seems important for counselling psychologists in health care settings. This is considering that the application of counselling psychology principles has the potential to make their contributions unique among mental health professionals in the health care arena. Here, the authors describe the evolution of ‘counselling health psychology’ and address issues of professional identity. Limitations of existing literature are examined. Recommendations for future research are also made.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of counselling in primary care has happened unofficially and almost by stealth over recent years until it has established a niche within many primary health care teams. If it is to survive following the latest reform of the NHS, it has some serious challenges to face. These challenges are to the very nature of counselling and involve the need to establish the professional identity of the counsellor in primary care. The current bias towards the regulation of health professionals also impinges upon counsellors in this domain, along with the need for their effective management and harmonisation of services within the health service. Evidence for the effectiveness of counselling is a pressing concern in a realm where the random control trial has reigned supreme. Whether or not counselling in primary care is subsumed into other health care professionals' roles is a matter for much speculation. Perhaps counselling will become 'medicalised' or perhaps it will develop further and continue to offer a different perspective on health and healing and remain in place to further enrich the services offered in primary care.  相似文献   

Whilst concern has been expressed at the increasing severity of the mental health of students, there has been very little research on this growing population outside of small, single institution studies. The aims of this paper are to provide CORE Outcome Measure (CORE-OM) norms for the psychological health of students across multiple sites receiving university counselling, and benchmark these against an age-matched sample of people receiving treatment in NHS primary care settings. Results indicate that students using university counselling services show severity levels only marginally lower than young people presenting in primary care, with the differences being at a functional/relationship rather than a symptomatic level and with levels of risk to self being similar. This suggests that university counselling services deliver a service to people who closely resemble NHS primary care clients in terms of severity and risk to self.  相似文献   

Counselling in primary care in the UK is expanding rapidly, and its evidence base needs to be established. We present the rationale for conducting controlled trials of counselling in primary care, and suggest that a systematic review of controlled trials of counselling in primary care is timely. We describe the process of conducting the review in accordance with Cochrane Collaboration guidelines. The review aimed to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of counselling in primary care, by systematically reviewing cost and outcome data from randomised controlled trials and controlled patient preference trials of counselling interventions, for patients with psychological and psychosocial problems considered suitable for counselling. The search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, data collection and data analysis are described. The results of the review are presented. The review included only controlled trials of counselling in which counsellors accredited by the British Association for Counselling (or equivalent) provided non-directive counselling in primary care. Four trials met the inclusion criteria. Results indicated that patients who receive counselling show a modest but significant improvement in symptom levels compared with those who receive GP care. Levels of satisfaction with counselling are high. There is very tentative evidence to suggest that counselled patients are more likely to be considered recovered than usual GP care patients. There is limited information about the cost-effectiveness of counselling. We conclude by reflecting upon the results of the review and their implications for counselling research.  相似文献   

Primary care counselling services have expanded rapidly over the last twenty years. Their principal focus has been to manage the demands placed on general practitioners by high service users, such as frequent attenders and patients with mental health problems. To date, very little research has been conducted to ascertain the impact of counselling for other patient groups in terms either of psychological outcomes or of cost-benefits. This study looked at the effect of short-term counselling on both the uptake of health services and the psychological states of four patient groups – frequent attenders and patients with diabetes, hypertension and asthma. All patients on the chronic disease register for these conditions and all patients who had made at least eight GP appointments over the previous twelve months were invited to take part in the study. The participants received eight 90-minute small-group counselling sessions, conducted by trained counsellors. The counselling followed a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) approach, with an emphasis on developing personal responsibility. Psychological outcomes were assessed using three proprietary measures (SF 36, HADS and CORE) immediately following counselling and at six months post-intervention. Health service uptake was assessed for each group over the twelve months post-intervention, using number of GP consultations, home visits, hospital referrals and test/investigations requested as outcome indicators. These data were compared with those for comparable control groups for each condition. The results suggested that, overall, all patient groups showed a significant improvement in psychological well-being, and that these gains were maintained for the six-month study period. The intervention groups also significantly reduced their uptake of primary and secondary care services, by comparison with their comparable control groups. The results suggest that the psychological and fiscal benefits of counselling provision within a primary care setting can extend to other patient categories.  相似文献   

Counselling in prima y care settings has received much interest throughout Britain. Many surgeries employ counsellors or psychologists as part of the primay health care team. This paper describes a model of primary care counselling using an example of a case encountered in general practice. It emphasizes the advantages of offering on-site counselling services, such as better possibilities of liaison with the referring doctor and coordination of patient care. Progress was made in seven sessions of short-term cognitive-behavioural treatment and a more stigmatizing referral (for example, to psychiatric services) was avoided. The case can be seen as an appropriate referral in the context of primay care counselling and illustrates the benefit of this approach to the treatment of psychological and social problems in general practice. Names and details have been changed to preserve confidentiality.  相似文献   

This study explored mental health practitioner training needs in gender-sensitive substance use disorder (SUD) counselling genderqueer populations. Informants were health professionals in SUD practices and from the Eastern Cape, South Africa (females = 75%; black = 90%, 10% = white, clinical and counselling psychologists = 10%, social workers = 65%, auxiliary health workers = 25%). They completed focus group interviews regarding their needs for gender-sensitive (GS) training in SUD treatment. Thematic analysis of the data indicated training needs in how to deal with their own bias and prejudice beliefs about the genderqueer population. Furthermore, results indicated that they needed training on how to manage the treatment setting once genderqueer clients were integrated in treatment with cisgender clients. Training for SUD treatment and care with genderqueer clients should prioritise gender sensitisation. Health professionals’ need gender equality awareness training for health care equity with the genderqueer community.  相似文献   

This paper describes the level of mental health problems that are encountered in primary health care. The limitations of using randomised control trials (RCTs) in evaluating effectiveness of psychological therapies in primary health care are described. Although the RCT may be useful in evaluating interventions in highly controlled situations, its use in evaluating clinically representative service delivery research is limited. A three-stage model of psychological therapies research is described to show that distinct stages require different methodologies in order to evaluate them, and this model is used to structure the review. The literature on research carried out in more naturalistic circumstances is then reviewed. Evaluating psychological interventions in this way shows there is considerable evidence that psychological therapies are effective in a number of ways in a primary care setting. The naturalistic studies that are more typical of clinical practice support the use of psychological interventions. The theme of the grey literature is almost entirely positive from the point-of-view of patients and GPs alike. However, there is considerable diversity in the sophistication of the methodology of the latter studies. Some were comprehensive evaluations, while others were more akin to audit. A major shortcoming is that few described their qualitative methodology. This said, the themes arising from the reports are very consistent and, had they been supported by a more robust qualitative methodology, would have added even more support, financially and clinically, for the arguments for counselling provision in primary health care. The level of referred clients' distress, measured by a variety of measures, was shown to be moderate to severe and similar to the level of patients referred to Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs). When they were measured, there was a considerable reduction in subsequent psychiatric symptoms.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the development of counselling psychology within the field of primary health care. Issues discussed include liaison between counselling psychologists and other professionals, evaluation of treatment in primary care, family therapy in general practice and general practitioners’ skills in counselling. The need for training and evaluation of counselling are discussed and suggestions are made for further research.  相似文献   

The aim of this randomised controlled trial was to provide screening and brief intervention for alcohol problems in a primary care setting in South Africa. Outpatients were screened for hazardous or harmful alcohol use and were randomised into an experimental (one brief counselling session) or control group (received an alcohol health education leaflet). The study population of hazardous or harmful drinkers (N=140) consisted of 105 male and 35 female women, with a mean age of 30.4 years (SD=6.6). Among the 128 (91.4%) primary care outpatients who also attended the 6-month follow-up session, the time effects on the AUDIT scores were significant but the intervention effect on the AUDIT score was statistically not significant. It would seem that alcohol screening and the provision of an alcohol health education leaflet may in itself cause reduction in drinking.  相似文献   

Conflicts can arise within counseling in primary care settings over issues of client confidentiality as perceived from a therapeutic as opposed to medical perspective. ‘Ideal types’ of counseling confidentiality and medical confidentiality are compared, according to a proposed structural model of confidentiality. In contrast with a therapeutic concept of confidentiality as an interpersonal contract between client and counsellor, a structural model of confidentiality appropriate to medical and primary care settings would include reference to crucial aspects such as risk assessment, and the sharing of client information within a multi-disciplinary team. The client-centred counselling model of confidentiality is then explored with reference to the Derbyshire Inquiry Report on the mental health care provided for a client with psychiatric problems. The limitations of adopting an exclusive client-centred counselling approach towards confidentiality in primary care settings are noted, given the requirements of the Care Programme Approach for effective risk assessment and inter-professional liaison in the care of client and patients with psychiatric problems. The potential resultant issues of counsellor and general practitioner liability are identified in relation to complaints systems and the key legal concept of vicarious liability.  相似文献   

Counselling is the recommended treatment for individuals with mild to moderate mental health problems of recent onset. In this evaluation of a primary care counselling service offering person‐centred counselling, the Core Outcome Measure (CORE‐OM) was administered at referral and at the beginning and end of therapy. A pre‐post therapy effect size for 697 individuals over a 5 year period was 1.2. This compares with a waitlist (between referral and pre therapy) effect size of 0.24 for 382 individuals over a three year period. The results indicate that person‐centred counselling is effective for clients with common mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression. Effectiveness is not limited to individuals with mild to moderate symptoms of recent onset, but extends to people with moderate to severe symptoms of longer duration.  相似文献   

A detailed overview of the changes in the structures of the new NHS in England, Scotland and Wales is presented, looking at the effect these changes will have on counsellors working in primary care. New structures for the provision of counselling in primary care and their implementation are explored. Supervision of counsellors in primary care is addressed and how supervision might fit into a managed counselling service. The requirements of clinical governance are discussed, as is the necessity of appropriate audit and evaluation data to inform service and individual development.  相似文献   

The provision of counselling services for refugee and asylum-seeking patients is relatively new in the UK and their complex needs may present considerable challenges within primary care, where access to specialist support resources is often limited. As far as we know, no previous research has attempted to look at the experiences of the counsellors who do this work. We undertook in-depth interviews with 13 counsellors who provide counselling to refugees in primary care in north London. The findings of this study suggest that counsellors who work in a primary care setting find themselves conflicted, troubled and out of their depth by the experiences, narratives and distress presented by refugee and asylum-seeking patients. They also report an erosion of usual counselling boundaries. Thus, the problems presented by refugees seem to demand approaches which go beyond standard counselling practice and which create ambivalence and uncertainty. These counsellors express feelings of isolation and impotence. The paper concludes with implications for counselling practice and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   


A Community Oriented Primary Care (COPC) methodology can assist Family Practice faculty in implementing clinical and teaching activities designed to address interpersonal violence against adult women. The traditional COPC steps are as follows: (1) define the practice population; (2) assess a specific health problem; (3) develop and implement a strategy to address the issue; and (4) evaluate the impact of the intervention. At Ramsey Family Medicine we've developed a conceptual tool we call “the wheel” of community medicine which depicts the five arenas where resident physicians can work to end domestic violence: in the exam room; within the clinic; as part of a network of providers; within the larger community; and, as a part of a state or national initiative. We've also developed an operational tool called “the matrix” of community medicine which outlines specific COPC activities in each of the aforementioned arenas. We've arranged the matrix to apply to clinical practice and resident education activities regarding abuse intervention and prevention at Ramsey. This approach stresses partnerships with community organizations with expertise and commitment to ending domestic violence.  相似文献   

Primary objective: To undertake a systematic review which aimed to locate, appraise and synthesise evidence to obtain a reliable overview of the clinical effectiveness, cost‐effectiveness and user perspectives regarding counselling in primary care. Main results: Evidence from 26 studies was presented as a narrative synthesis and demonstrated that counselling is effective in the short term, is as effective as CBT with typical heterogeneous primary care populations and more effective than routine primary care for the treatment of non‐specific generic psychological problems, anxiety and depression. Counselling may reduce levels of referrals to psychiatric services, but does not appear to reduce medication, the number of GP consultations or overall costs. Patients are highly satisfied with the counselling they have received in primary care and prefer counselling to medication for depression. Conclusions and implications for future research: This review demonstrates the value of counselling as a valid choice for primary care patients and as a broadly effective therapeutic intervention for a wide range of generic psychological conditions presenting in the primary care setting. More rigorous clinical and cost‐effectiveness trials are needed together with surveys of more typical users of primary care services.  相似文献   

The tendency of GPs to cap the number of counselling sessions offered to their patients in primary care has led to an ongoing debate about the effectiveness of time-limited counselling and brief therapy models. the advantages and disadvantages of brief as opposed to open-ended models of counselling in primary care need to be considered from the point of view of the client, the counsellor and the GP. Given that outcome research shows no difference between the two methods, a cost-benefit analysis would indicate that, for the majority of cases, time-limited counselling works very well. But there is still a minority of clients who do need open-ended therapy, and their needs are not being served by the present NHS system. Counsellors should therefore not be debating for either brief or open-ended style in primary care, but should be organizing themselves into expanding the service to give GPs the choice of both approaches.  相似文献   

Counselling in primary care can be considered a fast-evolving profession that is distinct from counselling in the private sector. There are specific differences in the way the counsellors work, vis-a-vis predominantly using time-limited approaches and counsellors tending to adapt their styles to working in more focused ways. The differences over confidentiality ethics and working hours encountered in primary care are discussed in the light of current guidelines. Additional roles within the primary care setting, referrals from the GP and attrition are also discussed and the distinctiveness of primary care counselling against working in more traditional settings is highlighted.  相似文献   

This article describes a method of moral counselling developed in the Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen (The Netherlands). The authors apply insights of Paul Ricoeur to the non-directive counselling method of Carl Rogers in their work of coaching patients with moral problems in health care. The developed method was shared with other health care professionals in a training course. Experiences in the course and further practice led to further improvement of the method.  相似文献   

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