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Vingiano's (1992) challenge concerning the relationship between right hemisphericity, low self-esteem, mystical experiences, and religiosity can be clarified by the concept of vectorial hemisphericity. Ontogenetic intrusions of right-hemispheric processes into the left hemispheric sense of self should be experienced most frequently as an apprehensive "presence" that results in lower self-esteem. Because transient above-normal left-hemispheric activity enhances positive affect and the sense of self, concurrent right-hemispheric intrusions are experienced as mystical experiences. Religiosity would be the consequence of persistent above-normal left-temporofrontal activation that encourages the delusion. Hence, extreme conditions, such as left lateralized temporal-lobe epileptic foci, encourage both mystical and religious experiences.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the host personality (Pe) and the primary alterpersonality (Pa) of a woman with multiple personality disorder are controlled by the left and right hemispheres, respectively. Results support the hypothesis. Behavioral and preference measures indicate that Pe is strongly right handed and Pa is left handed. Verbal and musical dichotic tests show significantly greater accuracy for stimuli presented to the left ear for Pa and to the right ear for Pe. It is concluded that shifts in hemisphericity involve redistribution of attentional resources and callosal suppression. “Conditional handedness” is proposed as a handedness subtype, characterizing persons who alternate personalities and consistently display alternate hand preferences linked to specific personality characteristics.  相似文献   

The sense of "a presence" or of a sentient being during partial sensory deprivation and exposure to very weak, complex magnetic fields across the cerebral hemispheres may be a normal neurocognitive experience that is associated with the brief intrusion of the right hemispheric homologue of the left hemispheric (and strongly linguistic) sense of self into awareness. Within an optimal experimental setting, women reported more frequent experiences of a sensed presence than did men, and men were more likely than women to consider these experiences as "intrusions" from extrapersonal or ego-alien sources. Both effects were predicted by the vectorial hemisphericity hypothesis and the known neurocognitive differences between right-handed men and right-handed women. Sociobiological implications for gender differences in the probability of intercalation between distinctive processes within the left and right temporoparietal lobes are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether right-handed subjects would prefer the right ear for normal speech and the left ear for musical stimuli. Right-handed college students (9 women and 2 men) were presented two stereophonic tape recordings, one of normal speech, the other of nonlyrical, orchestral music. Subjects used an attenuator to match the intensity of signals in the left and right earphones. The subjects consistently favored the right side in both conditions. These findings are inconsistent with those of other researchers, such as Segalowitz and Plantery. However, the findings support the 1980 research of Porac, Coren, and Duncan, offering perceptual evidence of a general right-ear bias in right-handed subjects.  相似文献   

Individuals differ in the number of corpus callosum (CC) nerve fibers interconnecting their cerebral hemispheres by about threefold. Early reports suggested that males had smaller CCs than females. This was often interpreted to support the concept that the male brain is more "lateralized" or "specialized," thus accounting for presumed male predominance in mathematics, as well as for aggressive behavior. Ultimately, meta-analyses of these many reports found no significant overall sex differences in inter-cerebral information carrying capacity. Here, using quantitative MRI, we found the midline CC area of 113 subjects was significantly correlated, not with handedness or sex, but with dichotic deafness, and even more so with redefined hemisphericity, the latter accounting for over 19% of CC variability. That is, both dichotic hearing and right brain-oriented individuals of either sex had significantly larger CCs than dichotically deaf or left brain-oriented persons. Thus, current traditions of brain laterality and gender may benefit from revisions that include redefined hemisphericity.  相似文献   

The current study explored how physical attractiveness affects food sharing by studying payment preferences for hypothetical romantic dinner dates (a hypothetical mating market). We analyzed payment preferences, self-rated attractiveness, and rated attractiveness for hypothetical dates in 416 participants. We hypothesized that (1) men would be more likely to prefer to pay than would women, (2) attractive individuals of both sexes would be less willing to pay, and (3) preferences to enter an exchange would be influenced by the attractiveness of prospective partners such that (3a) men would prefer to pay for attractive women, and (3b) women would prefer to be paid for by attractive men. All hypotheses were supported by our results. Individuals with higher self-rated attractiveness were more likely to prefer that their date would pay for the meal, and we found clear sex differences in how the attractiveness of potential dates affected payment preferences. Male participants preferred to pay for dates that had higher facial attractiveness, while female participants preferred that attractive men would pay. Individuals show condition dependent financial preferences consistent with the provisioning hypothesis in this mating market that are adaptive to evaluations of their own quality and that of prospective partners.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether people engaged in high risk-taking occupations (involving placing themselves or others in jeopardy) would seek or prefer highly stimulating activities of a nonvocational nature more than people engaged in low risk-taking occupations. One hundred air traffic controllers (high risk-takers) were compared with 78 civil service employees and college students (low risk-takers). The high risk-taking group scored significantly higher than the low risk-taking group on all five dimensions of the Zuckerman Sensation Seeking Scale, indicating a higher need for sensation stimulation. These findings lend support to the proposition that risk-taking as a response style is related to occupational group membership.  相似文献   

Beliefs in spiritualism, a history of a sensed presence, and mental diplopia may share a common source of psychometric variance. We hypothesized that this variance should be specifically associated with right temporal-lobe function. Inferences of temporal lobe signs, hemisphericity (Vingiano's quotient) and self-esteem as well as dichotic listening measures were obtained for 26 university women. As predicted, the numbers of left-ear suppressions (right temporal-lobe function) but not of right-ear suppressions were specifically and moderately (rho = 0.64) correlated with the intensity of Tobacyk's spiritualistic beliefs and a history of sensed presences and ego-alien intrusions. However, the negative association (rhos about -0.45) between indices of left-right hemisphericity and self-esteem was related to a separate factor.  相似文献   

Effects of smoking on spontaneous bilateral skin conductance were studied as a consequence of interactions with set and setting. Bilateral skin conductance was recorded in six men and six women who smoked and an equal number of nonsmokers on two different days. On the first day, spontaneous electrodermal activity was recorded before and after a 10-minute rest period during which half the smokers smoked a cigarette. On the second day, one week later, spontaneous activity was again recorded before and after a 10-minute rest period during which the remaining smokers smoked a cigarette. Nonsmokers did not smoke at any time. Following smoking there was a significant negative correlation between a preference for visual over nonvisual imagery and spontaneous skin conductance responsivity in the left as compared to the right hand. Correlations were significantly different in smokers and nonsmokers. Smokers showed significantly greater preferences for either visual or nonvisual imagery than nonsmokers. Nonresponding nonsmokers were higher on the psychoticism (P) scale of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) than responding nonsmokers. Smokers scored higher on P than nonsmokers. Interactions between personality, cognitive style, and the experimental situation, set, and setting were discussed in relation to the arousing effects of nicotine.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that schizophrenia spectrum disorders are associated with a variety of abnormal asymmetries of brain structure, function, and behavior. Schizotypy is a personality trait dimension extending into the normal range, which at its extreme, is associated with a vulnerability to schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Schizotypy in the normal range is also associated with a variety of neurobiological characteristics associated with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, including abnormal brain and behavioral asymmetries. Previous studies have suggested that normal schizotypy (as well as belief in the paranormal) is associated with an increased reliance on the right hemisphere in a variety of tasks. Hemisphericity is a trait-related characteristic preference for the cognitive mode of one or the other cerebral hemispheres, putatively related to hemispheric activation asymmetry. A sample of 256 undergraduates was administered five schizotypy scales, as well as three hemisphericity measures. Higher schizotypy scores were associated with an increase in right hemisphericity and a decrease in integrated hemisphericity. Although the construct of hemisphericity has been criticized, there is evidence to suggest that questionnaire and eye movement measures of hemisphericity may yet have construct validity, and further research on hemisphericity may be warranted.  相似文献   

Recently, hemisphericity has been assessed by six intercorrelated methods. Here, one of these, the "Best Hand Test," a two-hand line bisection-based biophysical method relatively independent of language, culture, or education, was applied to the measurement of hemisphericity distributions within large groups. Entering university students (n=402) enrolled in three lower division courses were chosen as a reference population. Each of these classes contained about 56% left brain-oriented individuals. In contrast, mean student left-brain distributions in four specialized, upper level courses (n=180), ranged from 35 to 68%, suggestive of hemisphericity sorting. Even more pronounced hemisphericity distribution differences were found within university representatives of 15 professions (n=421) and within professional subspecialists (n=45). For example, of biochemists (n=18), 83% were left brain-oriented, while among astronomers (n=21), only 29% were. These results are of intrinsic interest, and demonstrate the capability of the Best Hand Test to estimate hemisphericity in large groups.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypotheses that people had a bias for drawing agents on the left of a picture when given a verb stimulus targeting an active or passive event (e.g., "kicked" or "is kicked") and that orthographic directionality would influence the way events were illustrated. Monolingual English speakers, who read and write left-to-right, and Arabic speakers, who read and write right-to-left, drew agents and patients in response to verb stimuli. We found no significant orthographic directionality effects and no preference for positioning agents on the left of pictures in either group or sentence type. Instead, participants drew agents on the right regardless of language or sentence type, and this was exaggerated in English speakers illustrating passive verbs. These findings support the existence of a preference for placing agents in the right hemispace that may result from asymmetrical hemispheric (i.e., left>right) activation induced by language processing. Our results are consistent with findings that people prefer pictures in which focus is on the right, a preference strongest in pictures with no implicit directionality of movement. This suggests that the methodology of the current study encouraged a static rather than dynamic interpretation of the verb in most participants.  相似文献   

This study examined domain-specific relationships between creative personality traits, cognitive styles, and creative performance in design. Design students (n = 39) completed the Adjective Check List (ACL) and the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) to gauge personality and cognitive style, respectively. The ACL was scored using Domino's Creativity Scale (ACL-Cr) to identify creative personality traits. The sample also completed a design task that was evaluated for creativity using the Consensual Assessment Technique (CAT). Findings indicated that participants showing flexibility between cerebral, limbic, right, and left modes of thinking had significantly higher mean scores on creative personality than did those who exhibited a more entrenched cognitive style. Creative personality traits (ACL-Cr) significantly predicted creative performance on the design task. While cognitive style (HBDI) did not predict creative performance, flexibility between styles was significantly correlated to the creative personality. In sum, individuals exhibiting adaptable thinking appear to possess the flexibility necessary to design creatively and potentially transform the domain with original and imaginative solutions.  相似文献   

Nicholls et al. (1999, Proc. Royal Soc. B, 266, 1517-1522) demonstrated that models turn their left or right cheeks when expressing or concealing emotion, respectively. This study examined whether emotionally expressive individuals are more likely to turn their left cheek when posing for a photograph than less emotionally expressive individuals. One hundred twenty-four normal participants completed an Emotional Expressivity Scale (EES) and posed for a photograph. Females had a higher EES than males and there was a trend for left cheek posers to have a higher EES than right cheek posers. Females were more likely to turn their left cheek than were males. Results support our argument that emotionally expressive individuals turn their left cheek when posing. The higher incidence of leftward poses in females than males may reflect the higher EES for females. These results support the proposition that the leftward bias in painted portraits is related to a desire to capture the emotive qualities of the left side of the face.  相似文献   

Thin and muscular have been characterized as ideals for women and men, respectively. Little research has investigated whether men and women have accurate perceptions of opposite-sex preferences of thinness and muscularity. Further, no study has explored whether opposite-sex perceptions of thinness and muscularity preferences differ for short-term and long-term relationships. The present study set out to address these questions. We used interactive 3D human models to represent bodies varying in size (body mass index/BMI weight scaled by height) and body composition. University-aged (18–31) White European heterosexual men and women were asked to choose their own and ideal body shape, the ideal body shape for a short- and a long-term partner, and the body shape they thought the opposite-sex would most like for short- and long-term partners. Women overestimated the thinness that men prefer in a partner and men overestimated the heaviness and muscularity that women prefer in a partner. These misperceptions were more exaggerated for short-term relationships than for long-term relationships. The results illustrate the importance of investigating misperceptions of opposite-sex preferences and raise the possibility that correcting misperceptions might have utility in reducing body dissatisfaction or eating disorders.  相似文献   

Although averageness is preferred in auditory stimuli (eg music) and non-face objects (eg wristwatches), exaggerated feminine characteristics are preferred to averageness in female faces. To establish whether or not men prefer femininity in female voices to average characteristics, we conducted a correlational study (study 1) to assess the relationship between voice pitch and attractiveness ratings. We found a positive linear relationship between voice pitch and attractiveness ratings. In study 2 we manipulated pitch in women's voices with low (lower than average), average, and high (higher than average) starting pitches and gauged men's preferences. Men preferred women's voices with raised pitch for all levels of starting pitch. These findings suggest that men prefer high voice pitch to average voice pitch in women's voices.  相似文献   

To investigate whether concurrent nonverbal sound sequences would affect visual-hemifield lexical processing, lexical-decision performance of 24 strongly right-handed students (12 men, 12 women) was measured in three conditions: baseline, concurrent neutral sound sequence, and concurrent emotional sound sequence. With the neutral sequence, Naveteru, Roy, Ovelac, and Steinling (1992) had observed a right greater than left cerebral blood flow, and an opposite pattern with the emotional sequence. In the present study, the neutral sound sequence induced a significant accuracy reduction for lexical decisions to stimuli presented in the left visual field. It is hypothesized that RH activation in response to neutral sounds interferes with the limited lexical processing resources of that hemisphere.  相似文献   

We tested whether putting oneself in the shoes of others is easier for women, possibly as a function of individuals' empathy levels, and whether any sex difference might be modulated by the sex of presented figures. Participants (N=100, 50 women) imagined (a) being in the spatial position of front‐facing and back‐facing female and male figures (third person perspective (3PP) task) and (b) that the figures were their own mirror reflections (first person perspective (1PP) task). After mentally taking the figure's position, individuals decided whether the indicated hand of the figure would be their own left or right hand. Contrary to our hypothesis, results from the 3PP‐task showed higher rotational costs for women than men, suggesting that mental rotation rather than social strategies had been employed. However, faster responding by women with higher empathy scores would appear to indicate that some women engaged social perspective taking strategies irrespective of the figures' position. Figures' sex was relevant to task performance as higher rotational costs were observed for male figures in the 3PP‐task for both sexes and for female figures in the 1PP‐task for women. We argue that these latter findings indicate that performance was facilitated and/or inhibited towards figures associated with specific social and emotional implications.  相似文献   

Individuals with stronger sex-role identities may be expected to show greater conformity to sex-typed behaviors. Proceeding from this assumption, the sex-role status and sex of students using different styles of carrying books were compared. This study also examined whether over-all hand preference or age were related to carrying styles or sex-role status. Subjects completed a questionnaire comprised of the 24-item Personal Attributes Questionnaire of Spence and Helmreich, a 6-item scale of hand preference and a self-rating of sex-role identity. Afterwards, each subject's carrying style was covertly observed and recorded. Most subjects carried their materials in a sex-typical way or in book bags (for which no sex-typed carrying styles were discovered). As in previous studies, men in this study scored higher than women on masculinity and androgyny and lower on femininity. Hand preference was not related to sex-role status. Carrying style was not significantly correlated with any of the predictor variables for men, perhaps because almost no variance in carrying style was observed among them. Women who used masculine carrying styles tended to be older, have greater instrumentality, and a more masculine identity.  相似文献   

This investigation studied the influence of sex, college major, and attributed responsibility on college students' empathic responding towards persons infected with HIV. We hypothesized that (1) women would score higher on empathy than men; (2) nursing and psychology majors would score higher on empathy than business and computer science majors; and (3) participants would score higher on empathy towards a target who contracted HIV through blood transfusion (presented as a Nonresponsible target) rather than through unprotected sex (presented as a Responsible target). Two hundred and fifty-eight undergraduate students (110 male, 148 female) attending a large urban university in the northeast filled out an anonymous demographic questionnaire, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index of Davis (1983), and an Empathy Reaction Scale that was developed by the authors. Results indicated a higher mean Empathy Reaction score from nursing and psychology students as compared to business and computer science students. There was no difference in Empathy Reaction scores between men and women. A higher Empathy Reaction score was found among participants who had read a diary from the target portrayed as Nonresponsible, as opposed to those who read a diary from the target portrayed as Responsible.  相似文献   

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