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Two experiments are reported in which subjects compared the shape of two successively presented random visual forms. The first stimulus in the pair was one of five “standard” shapes, and the second stimulus was either the same as the standard or different by virtue of a perturbation in shape or an overall reflection. Marked individual differences were found in reaction time for the same-different comparison. For one type of subject “same” responses were faster than “different” responses, speed of “different” responses was unaffected by similarity of the test shape to the standard, and error rates and reaction times were not systematically related. For the other type of subject, “different” responses were generally faster than “same” responses, “different” reaction time decreased as the standard shape and the test shape became increasingly dissimilar, and error rates and reaction times were positively correlated. Implications of these individual differences for models of the same-different comparison process are discussed.  相似文献   

Observers indicated whether a single probe letter presented to the left visual field/right hemisphere (LVF-RH) or to the right visual field/left hemisphere (RVF-LH) matched one of two, three, four, or five set letters in both name and case. For positive trials during the initial experimental session, the slope of the linear memory set size reaction time function was increased by perceptually degrading the probe letter on LVF-RH trials, but not on RVF-LH trials. In addition, perceptual degradation of the probe letter increased the intercept of the memory set size function more on RVF-LH trials than on LVF-RH trials. During subsequent experimental sessions, the same pattern of intercept results was obtained but perceptual degradation of the probe no longer changed the slope for either LVF-RH or RVF-LH trials. However, the slopes were uniformly lower on RVF-LH trials than on LVF-RH trials. The major results are consistent with hypothesized right-hemisphere efficiency for early processing stages and left-hemisphere efficiency for serial processing of alphanumeric information. The results further illustrate the importance of separating stages of processing in studies of cerebral laterality and indicate that the relative difficulty of the various stages can be a determinant of laterality results.  相似文献   

Object categorization emphasizes the similarities that bind exemplars into categories, whereas recognition memory emphasizes the specific identification of previously encountered exemplars. Mathematical modeling has highlighted similarities in the computational requirements of these tasks, but neuropsychological research has suggested that categorization and recognition may depend on separate brain systems. Following training with families of novel visual shapes (blobs), event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded during both categorization and recognition tasks. ERPs related to early visual processing (N1, 156–200 msec) were sensitive to category membership. Middle latency ERPs (FN400 effects, 300–500 msec) were sensitive to both category membership and old/new differences. Later ERPs (parietal effects, 400–800 msec) were primarily affected by old/new differences. Thus, there was a temporal transition so that earlier processes were more sensitive to categorical discrimination and later processes were more sensitive to recognition-related discrimination. Aspects of these results are consistent with both mathematical modeling and neuropsychological perspectives.  相似文献   

When some distractors (old items) appear before others (new items) in an inefficient visual search task, the old items are excluded from the search (visual marking). Previous studies have shown that changing the shape of old items eliminates this effect, suggesting that shape identity must be maintained for successful visual marking. However, the contribution of top-down target knowledge to the maintenance of visual marking under shape change conditions has not been systematically examined. The present study tested whether the vulnerability of visual marking to shape change is contingent on observers' attentional set, by manipulating compatibility of the set and the domains in which the change occurs. The results indicated that visual marking survived shape changes when the observer's attentional set was consistent with critical features between the old and new items. This protection was observed when the set was based on explicit instructions at the beginning of the experiment, and when the task set was implicitly carried over from the previous task. These results suggest that top-down processes play a role in maintaining memory templates by enhancing the grouping and suppression processes during visual search, despite disruptive bottom-up signals.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test whether visual mental images and visual perceptual representations possess equivalent structural properties and undergo functionally equivalent comparison processes. In Experiment 1, subjects were required to perform asame-different letter classification in which the two letters were shown in succession. The first letter in the pair either was actually presented (perceptual condition) or had to be actively generated (imaginal condition). Both conditions showed that (1) response latencies fordifferent decisions decreased as a function of the degree of difference (segment effect), and (2) same decisions were faster than the fastestdifferent ones (fast same effect). In Experiment 2, the imaginal condition only was employed, but no imagery instructions were given and very strict time constraints were assigned. In spite of these restrictions, subjects apparently generated and used visual images, as attested by the fact that the results were comparable to those of the previous experiment. In Experiment 3, three experimental manipulations were introduced to prevent the use of visual images. Such manipulations proved effective, as shown by the disappearance of the segment effect. It was concluded that in the visual modality images and percepts are equivalent in structure and are processed in a very similar way.  相似文献   

Two experiments examine whether set for a categorial difference or set for a target category is necessary in order to obtain the category effect in visual search. Eliminating a set for categorial difference does not diminish the size of the effect. When subjects are prevented from developing a useful set for the target category, however, the category effect is eliminated.  相似文献   

The relative lengths of two rows of objects systematically affected the time to make judgments of the relative number of objects. The time to decide which row contained more objects generally increased with the amount of incongruity between length and number (e.g., reaction time was long when the numerically larger row was the shorter of the two). In addition, the time to decide that the rows contained an equal number of objects increased with the disparity in length between the rows. These results suggest that length information was used in the numerical comparison process. A model that uses an internal transformation of row length is proposed to account for the results.  相似文献   

A major issue in elementary cognition and information processing has been whether rapid search of short-term memory or a visual display can terminate when a predesignated target is found or whether it must proceed until all items are examined. This study summarizes past and recent theoretical results on the ability of self-terminating and exhaustive models to predict differences in slopes between positive (target-present) and negative (target-absent) set-size functions, as well as position effects. The empirical literature is reviewed with regard to the presence of slope differences and position effects. Theoretical investigations demonstrate that self-terminating models can readily predict the results often associated with exhaustive processing, but a very broad class of exhaustive models is incapable of predicting position effects and slope differences typically associated with self-termination. Because position effects and slope differences are found throughout the rapid search literature, we conclude that the exhaustive processing hypothesis is not tenable under common experimental conditions.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of manipulating S’s preparation for what he will see on a given trial on his ability to mentally keep track of the number of occurrences of each of several different stimuli in a sequence. It was found that, when the same stimuli were used from trial to trial, performance was significantly better than when different stimuli were used. Foreknowledge of the specific stimuli to be used on a given trial did little to improve performance per se, but it did reduce labeling errors. The results were discussed in terms of the “spatial window” model of keeping-track performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to verify whether two congruent inputs (simultaneous administration of one odor and the corresponding name) increase recall or, on the contrary, whether recall becomes worse when there is no coincidence between the two simultaneous stimuli (verbal and olfactory). The data show no significant difference among the experimental conditions. It seems then possible to conclude that a 'visual dominance' effect takes place vis-á-vis the olfactory mode.  相似文献   

Parallel and serial processes in visual search   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A long-standing issue in the study of how people acquire visual information centers around the scheduling and deployment of attentional resources: Is the process serial, or is it parallel? A substantial empirical effort has been dedicated to resolving this issue (e.g., J. M. Wolfe, 1998a, 1998b). However, the results remain largely inconclusive because the methodologies that have historically been used cannot make the necessary distinctions (J. Palmer, 1995; J. T. Townsend, 1972, 1974, 1990). In this article, the authors develop a rigorous procedure for deciding the scheduling problem in visual search by making improvements in both search methodology and data interpretation. The search method, originally used by A. H. C. van der Heijden (1975), generalizes the traditional single-target methodology by permitting multiple targets. Reaction times and error rates from 29 representative search studies were analyzed using Monte Carlo simulation. Parallel and serial models of attention were defined by coupling the appropriate sequential sampling algorithms to realistic constraints on decision making. The authors found that although most searches are conducted by a parallel limited-capacity process, there is a distinguishable search class that is serial.  相似文献   

The present research compared the semantic information processing of linguistic stimuli with semantic elaboration of nonlinguistic facial stimuli. To explore brain potentials (ERPs, event-related potentials) related to decoding facial expressions and the effect of semantic valence of the stimulus, we analyzed data for 20 normal subjects (M age = 23.6 yr., SD = 0.2). Faces with three basic emotional expressions (fear, happiness, and sadness from the 1976 Ekman and Friesen database), with three semantically anomalous expressions (with respect to their emotional content), and the neutral stimuli (face without an emotional content) were presented in a random order. Differences in peak amplitude of ERP were observed later for anomalous expressions compared with congruous expressions. In fact, the results demonstrated that the emotional anomalous faces elicited a higher negative peak at about 360 msec., distributed mainly over the posterior sites. The observed electrophysiological activity may represent specific cognitive processing underlying the comprehension of facial expressions in detection of semantic anomaly. The evidence is in favour of comparability of this negative deflection with the N400 ERP effect elicited by linguistic anomalies.  相似文献   

P Niemi 《Acta psychologica》1979,43(4):299-312
Literature on the effect of stimulus intensity on reaction processes was reviewed. It was shown that there is no agreement as to whether intensity effects are limited to encoding or whether they are extended to later processing stages. The situation can be characterized as an asymmetry between modalities: vision is consistent with the first alternative and audition with the second.Chronometric analysis was used to bear on the question. It was shown that the effects of visual intensity and foreperiod (FP) are additive in a simple RT situation both for constant and mixed blocks FP. Auditory intensity and FP interact in both simple and two-choice situations. In a control experiment visual intensity and S-R compatibility were found to be additive. The asymmetry was accounted for by auditory alerting, previously discussed by several authors.The framework of stimulus intensity research utilizing RT measures was briefly evaluated.  相似文献   

Balcetis E  Dale R 《Perception》2007,36(4):581-595
Four studies are reported which demonstrate that indirectly, loosely related information, otherwise known as conceptual set, modulates object identification. Studies 1A and 1B demonstrate the impact of indirect, nonspecific, non-perceptual, conceptual primes on the interpretation of ambiguous visual figures. Study 2 demonstrates that indirect, conceptual information (category of farm animals) biases identification without requiring the activation of direct perceptual information (here the image of a horse). Study 3 uses a non-linguistic dependent measure to address the alternative explanation that language and not perception mediates the relationship between incidental conceptual prime and biased object identification. These results suggest that conceptual set constrains object identification.  相似文献   

It has been shown that there is a transition from a global to a local advantage in reaction time as visual angle increases (Kinchla & Wolfe, 1979), and it has been assumed that this transition reflects lower level (e.g., retinal) processes. In three experiments, we examined whether higher level (e.g., attentional) processes play a role in this transition. In each experiment, subjects received a different stimulus set in each of two blocks of trials. In Experiment 1, stimuli subtending 1.5 degrees, 3 degrees, 4.5 degrees, or 6 degrees of visual angle vertically (small-stimuli set) were randomly presented in one block, while the other block consisted of random presentations of 3 degrees, 6 degrees, 9 degrees, or 12 degrees stimuli (large-stimuli set). The subjects' task was to identify targets that appeared randomly at either the local or the global level. It was found that the transition from a global to a local reaction-time advantage took place at a larger visual angle for the large-stimuli set than for the small-stimuli set. The same effects of stimulus set were found in Experiment 2, in which the small-stimuli set included 1.5 degrees, 3 degrees, or 6 degrees stimuli while the large-stimuli set included 3 degrees, 6 degrees, or 9 degrees stimuli. In Experiment 3, eye position was monitored to rule out the possibility that subjects adopted different fixation strategies depending on which stimulus set was being presented. The findings suggest that attention plays a major role in determining the relative speed of processing of local-and global-level information.  相似文献   

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