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为了比较研究老年人的情绪对其认知效率和偏向的影响,随机选取25名正常老年人完成两项实验。一个为情绪STROOP实验,记录被试命名阈下呈现情绪图片(积极、消极和中性表情的人脸图片)后的颜色块的反应时;一个为情绪启动实验,同样呈现情绪图片后紧跟的是人的后脑勺图片,记录被试对后脑勺图片人物的表情猜测。结果发现,相对于中性情绪图片条件,老年人将跟在哭表情图片后的人物更多的猜测为哭;但是只有男性老年人的认知反应时因情绪图片条件而异:消极情绪图片延迟反应,积极情绪图片促进反应。  相似文献   

The relationship between positive and negative reinforcement and the symmetry of Thorndike's law of effect are unresolved issues in operant psychology. Here we show that, for a given pattern of responding on variable interval (VI) schedules with the same programmed rate of food rewards (positive reinforcement VI) or electric shocks (negative reinforcement VI), there is a fundamental mathematical equivalence between reward gain and shock reduction. We also provide the first normative account of how animals should respond on a negative VI schedule, showing that it is better to space responses evenly than to respond with a variable interresponse time (IRT). Published data from rats, however, indicate that these animals respond irregularly, often with a burst of activity immediately following a shock. While this is irrational in the experimental setting, it may represent an appropriate response to the heterogeneity of stimuli commonly encountered in natural environments. We discuss the broader implications of our analysis for understanding how animals evaluate appetitive and aversive stimuli.  相似文献   

回溯性监测判断与预见性监测判断发展的比较研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
刘希平 《心理学报》2001,34(2):137-141
实验采用3×3×2(年龄,材料,性别)三因素混合实验设计,按照学习成绩好、中、差分层随机选取小二、初二、大二被试各18名,其中男女各半,对被试回溯性监测判断与预见性监测判断的发展进行了比较研究,得到如下结论①三种监测判断发展的速度不同,回溯性监测判断发展最早,回忆准备就绪程度的判断发展较早,任务难度的预见判断发展最晚。②材料在三种监测判断中的作用不同。③三种监测判断发展中性别差异均不显著。④预见性监测水平与记忆成绩之间存在较高正相关,而回溯性监测水平与记忆成绩之间相关较低。  相似文献   

We describe a unique application of a synthetic validation technique to a selection system development project in a large organization. Job analysis data were collected from 4,725 job incumbents and 619 supervisors, and were used to identify 11 job families and 27 job components. We developed 12 tests to predict performance on these job components and conducted a concurrent validation study to collect test and job component data for 1,926 incumbents. We created a test composite for each job component and then chose a test battery for each job family based on its relevant job components. Synthetic validity coefficients were computed for each test battery and compared to traditional validity coefficients that were computed within job families with large sample sizes. The synthetic validity coefficient was very close to the within-family validity coefficient for most job families and was within the bounds of sampling error for all job families. Validities tended to be highest when predictors were weighted according to the number of job components to which they were relevant and job component criterion measures were unit weighted.  相似文献   

余嘉元 《心理学报》1990,23(2):95-100
本研究运用蒙特卡罗模拟方法。在80种不同的实验条件下产生被试的反应矩阵,再分别用信号检测理论(SDT)和项目反应理论(IRT)中的Rasch模型、三参数逻辑斯谛模型对被试的能力进行估计,其结果表明,用这三种不同方法所得到的能力估计值均与能力的真实值有较高的相关。  相似文献   

Elements form a key component of all repertory grid applications. Outside of the clinical context, the majority of applied research still relies on conventional role titles, objects, events, and situation elements for construct elicitation, limiting alternative applications of the technique. This article draws attention to a neglected topic in the grid literature by addressing the importance of element form and wording when eliciting personal constructs. In particular, no discussion to date has addressed the type of elements needed for more complex managerial and organizational phenomena, such as eliciting cognitive perceptions of a system of something (which, in the true sense of the word, may include people, objects, activities and events). The authors propose the use of more heterogeneous elements that would signify a more meaningful range of representativeness of the domain of interest. Once this is established, the elements would need to be reworded into "-ing" words to ensure triadic comparison are comparing like with like. The use of system elements opens up new applications of Kelly's (1955) grid technique.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which corporate recruiters, students and faculty share an understanding of important job applicant characteristics and desirable job factors. Multivariate analyses revealed significant differences between the three groups. The implications of these findings for recruitment, selection, and career counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

词干补笔与速示器辨认的起动效应保持过程的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报告了两项关于起动效应(priming effects)保持过程的实验研究结果:1.汉字的词干补笔的起动效应7天后有显著下降。2.汉字的速亦器辨认的起动效应7天前后无显著差别。这些结果倾向于支持这样的观点:补笔可能性大小是影响起动效应保持过程的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

因果力比较范式下对效力PC理论的检验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王墨耘  傅小兰 《心理学报》2004,36(2):160-167
在用图形方式集中呈现信息的条件下,用因果力大小比较的实验范式检验效力PC理论。233名大学生被试对不同化学药物影响动物基因变异的能力做大小比较判断。结果发现,对单一因果关系因果力大小的比较判断具有以下3个特点:(1)不对称性:在预防原因条件下的因果力判断一般符合效力PC理论,而在产生原因条件下的因果力判断一般不符合效力PC理论;(2)在同时变化协变值DP和结果基率P(E|~C)的产生原因条件下,多数被试使用DP规则。这与概率对比模型的预测相一致,而不支持效力PC理论;(3)在固定协变值DP而只变化结果基率P(E|~C)的产生原因条件下,多数被试使用变异比RP规则。这是目前所有的因果推理理论都不能解释的现象。  相似文献   

Summary . This study replicated a study published over 40 years ago which was itself replicated just over 30 years ago concerning students' beliefs about human nature. Despite the fact that subjects were younger and of a lower educational attainment in this study than subjects in previous studies they tended on the whole to get more “correct” answers. Other studies looking at changing beliefs and superstitions over time are considered.  相似文献   

Two treatment tactics, food and praise contingent on appropriate play and varying doses of methylphenidate (Ritalin), were evaluated for their effects on a preschool child's activity changes. In addition, other social, verbal, and academic behaviors were monitored to examine possible side effects of the two treatment tactics. Fewer free-play activity changes occurred during contingent reinforcement phases while medication had variable effects: increasing attention to tasks but, at higher doses, decreasing intelligibility of speech and responsiveness to mands. The study outlines a replicable model for comparing medication with alternative behavioral strategies to control hyperactivity and enhance skill development.  相似文献   

高校毕业生择业焦虑问卷的跨地区验证和比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高校毕业生择业焦虑问卷的结构进行必要的修订和跨地区验证。使用修订后的问卷对内蒙古、陕西、山东、广东等四省区7所大学的1458名2007届毕业生进行调查,考察不同地区毕业生择业焦虑状况。结果表明:修订后的问卷具有较好的心理测量学指标和跨地区普遍适用性;不同地区高校毕业生的择业焦虑在4个维度和问卷总分上均存在显著差异。说明问卷的修订是有效的,可用于不同地区毕业生择业焦虑的测量和心理教育效果的评定;地区间的经济、文化、教育水平的差距可能是导致毕业生择业焦虑差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

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