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金钱具有强大的象征力量。Zhou等人在2008年提出了一个金钱的社会资源理论,用以解释金钱对个体行为的负面影响。这个理论认为金钱可以替代社会关系作为个体安全感和痛苦的核心来源。金钱能增强个体的力量和效能感,进而缓解个体的社会疼痛和生理疼痛。金钱替代社会关系之后,就会对个体产生一些负面影响。该理论以及其支撑的实证研究在10年间共被引用718次(Google Scholar)。本文回顾了这个理论以及依托在这个理论之上的新的实证证据,并对这个理论进行了延伸和展望。  相似文献   

我们党关于“一个国家,两种制度”构想的提出和体现这一构想的中英两国政府关于香港问题的联合声明的发表,引起了中外人士的普遍关注。国内理论界对这一构想的有关理论问题作了认真的研究和探讨。现将研究中提出的一些主要观点介绍如下:一、“一国两制”的涵义及其性质大家一致认为,所谓“一国两制”,就是在中华人民共和国内,实行社会主义和资本主义两种制度。但是,在中国,大陆十亿人口坚定不移地实行社会主义制度,所以社会主义是主要的、决定国体的制度;而资本主义制度是次要的,  相似文献   

关于精神、生产关系、上层建筑在一定条件下能否起决定作用,是学术界正在讨论的一个重大理论问题。我认为,探讨这一问题,首先必须搞清楚马克思主义哲学关于“决定作用”和“反作用”这两个概念的特定含义,搞清楚这两种作用之间的关系。如果仔细研究一下主张精神、生产关系、上层建筑可以在一定条件下起决定作用的观点,就不难发现,这种观点正是由于混淆了“决定作用”和“反作用”之间的界限。  相似文献   

"哪些因素决定提取效果"是记忆研究的主要问题之一。线索负荷假说认为与提取线索相关联的项目数量决定了提取效果,编码-提取匹配假说则强调编码与提取阶段的匹配程度决定提取成绩。这两者在记忆研究的不同时期均受到研究者的关注。在整合以往研究的基础上,有研究者提出了记忆是一个辨别过程的新观点,认为真正对回忆成绩起决定作用的是线索在多大程度上与某一目标项目匹配并能排除其他可能的备选项目。该观点对深入探索"哪些因素决定提取效果"这一问题提供了新的视角。在未来的研究中,研究者应正确看待辨别过程观点与编码-提取匹配观点的关系,同时可以借助新的技术手段从多个层面对这一新观点进行检验,并进一步丰富和完善该理论解释。  相似文献   

吴梦  白新文 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1889-1898
“团队作为信息加工者的观点”认为, 团队执行复杂任务需要经过一系列认知决策, 哪些信息被共享, 以及信息共享和整合的质量, 共同决定团队效能的高低。动机性信息加工理论则进一步提出, 认知动机和社会动机共同决定了哪些信息被共享, 以及信息共享和整合的质量。认知动机决定信息加工的深度, 社会动机决定信息加工的方向, 两种动机共同决定决策质量。这一理论可以很好地整合谈判和创造力领域的研究结果, 并在团队效能领域得到很好的应用。动机性信息加工理论是对双过程模型和“团队作为信息加工者观点”的发展和整合, 并为决策质量的影响因素提供新的分类框架和研究思路。  相似文献   

金钱启动研究是利用启动方法探索金钱心理的一种新取向。该领域现存在三种相关理论: 自足理论、社会资源理论及心理定势理论; 金钱启动研究的现有研究方法可以归纳为: 混词组句任务、呈现金钱(影像)或提示金钱问题、回忆/朗读与金钱有关的经验/故事。作者在评论部分指出了金钱启动研究的贡献及三种理论的各自不足; 在展望部分提出了对金钱启动研究内部机制的见解, 并指出未来研究应探索金钱启动的理论边界问题, 同时将个体自主与能动性一起考虑。  相似文献   

社会情境中的控制感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭昫澄  郭永玉 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1860-1868
控制感是心理学研究中的重要概念。近年来, 研究者发现传统的控制感理论过分强调个体行为对环境的影响而忽略了环境中的限制因素(社会背景、历史文化、现实因素)对控制感的作用。次要控制理论、可协商命运观和控制感补偿理论分别从不同角度对社会情境中的个体控制感进行研究。次要控制理论主要强调在低控制情境下个体通过自身调节接受客观环境以获得次要控制; 可协商命运观则认为亚洲文化下的个体在承认不可改变的环境作用的前提下依然坚持自己有限的能动性以此获得控制感; 而控制感补偿理论则认为当个体处于低控制环境之中以致个体控制感受到威胁时, 个体会通过一系列方式针对控制感缺失进行补偿。本文在对三种理论分析的基础之上提出了对中国控制感本土化研究方向的思考。  相似文献   

兰公瑞  刘成刚  盖笑松 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1120-1123
关于面孔识别能力的认知发展机制问题,目前存在两种不同的观点。一种是面孔特殊性发展理论,认为儿童的面孔识别之所以不如成人,是由于儿童和成人对面孔的加工方式不同,代表性理论有部分加工-结构加工理论,内部特征-外部特征加工理论,多维空间理论等。另一种是一般认知能力观点,认为儿童很早就具备了成人式的面孔加工方式,之后面孔识别任务中成绩的提高都可归因于一般认知能力的发展。在对两种观点进行评述的基础上,对未来的面孔识别研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

一、反思:对先秦美学史审美心胸理论研究中缺环问题及研究方法的思考探讨中国美学史上审美心胸理论的源头,是研究者多所涉足的课题。基本观点有二:一是认为以老、庄为代表的道家奠定了审美心胸论的基石;二是认为以老、庄为代表的道家和以荀子为代表的儒家共同开创了审美心胸论的源头。本文不拟对这两种观点本身做什么评论,而只愿思考这一研究中存在的问题。笔者认为,迄今为止,对先秦审美心胸理论的研究尚存在着两个不应忽视的问题:  相似文献   

比较针刺与暗示对痛阈的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时蓉华  杨治良 《心理学报》1980,13(3):94-100
将被试分成针刺、暗示、针刺结合暗示、空白对照等四组,进行等组实验对比。比较针刺与暗示对痛阈的影响,着重探讨针刺的作用问题,其作用与暗示、分心等心理因素有何关系。对比实验共重复三次。 实验结果表明:(1)针刺有一定的镇痛作用,三次实验结果相近;暗示受主客观条件所制约,三次实验结果不一,个别差异甚大。针刺与暗示相比,两者差别不大,难以肯定孰优孰劣。(2)针刺有镇痛作用,但在本实验条件下作用较弱。可以认为,由针刺本身所引起的暗示、分心等心理因素也对痛阈发生一定的影响。这些因素在针刺镇痛效应中占有什么地位,这对于深入研究针刺镇痛原理,是值得引起我们关注的问题。  相似文献   

Social exclusion and monetary loss are perceived as painful. The pain produced by these two kinds of events shares similar psychological and physiological systems with physical pain. Thus, physical pain, social pain, and monetary-loss pain were generally regarded as overlapping pain systems in previous theories. In this article, we propose that social exclusion is painful because it is a threat to a primary psychological buffer against pain—social support—whereas monetary loss is painful because money is a secondary pain buffer. Here both social support and money are conceptualized as pain buffers. We review a growing body of empirical data that support this contention. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the sociocultural and personal functions of social support and money, we formulate two basic hypotheses that have received empirical support. First, anticipation of pain heightens the desire for social support as well as the desire for money. Second, both social support and money reminders alleviate pain, whereas social exclusion and monetary loss result in an upsurge of pain awareness. In our view, social support is the primary defense against pain and the reliance on money may result from the failure of social support to accomplish its pain-buffering goal.  相似文献   

Three experiments demonstrated that preferences for sequences of money differed from preferences for sequences of health. Undergraduates gave preference ratings for graphs that illustrated how monetary income or health quality might change over time, with total amount of money or health held constant. In Experiment 1, subjects expected to experience health that decreased over a lifetime; they also preferred such a sequence. In contrast, they expected to experience increasing monetary income over their lifetimes and preferred such monetary sequences. Experiment 2 showed that these different preferences for sequences of health and money did not hold true for short, 1-year sequences, where subjects had similar expectations about health and money. Experiment 3 replicated Experiment 2 and showed that expectations mediate the effect on preference of decision domain (health or money) and sequence length. These results point to the importance of expectations in forming preferences for sequences.  相似文献   

During laboratory gambling tasks participants are not typically allowed to wager their personal wealth. Instead, wealth is simulated by telling participants they have been endowed with game tokens that will be later exchanged for money. Past research indicates that participants undervalue game tokens following this procedure, which leads to elevated risk taking compared to procedures that add saliency or realism to the monetary payoff. A between-subjects experiment tested whether showing a picture of money during the endowment instructions and repeating token-money exchange information during the session influenced participants' preference for risky and riskless options. The results showed no effect of the money picture. However, repeated token-money exchange information significantly decreased risk taking. Together with past studies, this finding suggests that endowment procedures might establish greater value in game tokens, and therefore better simulate personal wealth, when the eventual exchange between game tokens and money is made more salient to participants.  相似文献   

跨期选择以往的研究集中于金钱数量结果。基于维度加工的模型,本文探究了在跨期选择中,人们面对质量差异的结果(如,今天的低配版手机还是六个月后的高配版手机)vs.相对应的金钱结果(如,今天的5000元还是六个月后的6000元)的选择偏好差异。3个实验结果表明:人们面对质量结果(相比于金钱结果)的跨期选择表现得更耐心,而这种现象是由于人们面对选择时在结果维度差异感知不同所致。与金钱结果跨期选择相同,质量结果跨期选择的心理加工过程同样遵循维度间差异比较。本研究为基于维度的跨期选择模型提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

Accounting for time is defined as putting a price on time. Researchers have demonstrated that accounting for time reduces the time individuals spend on others; however, its association with monetary donations has not been examined. We hypothesized that accounting for time will activate a utility mindset that would affect one’s allocation of time and money. In Study 1, the mediating effect of utility mindsets on the relationship between accounting for time and prosocial behavior was examined. In Study 2, we examined the effect of accounting for time on time spent helping and donating money, and the moderating role of material values on the relationship between accounting for time and prosocial behavior. Results showed that accounting for time activated a mindset of utility maximization that, in turn, reduced participants’ prosocial behavior; moreover, materialism moderated the effect of accounting for time on prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

Research has traditionally assumed that people increase investment (or "escalate commitment") in response to previous investments (sunk costs). This paper presents several demonstrations which show that people will incorrectly de-escalate investment in response to sunk costs. I propose that people set mental budgets to control their resource expenditures: they set a budget for a class of expenses and track their investments against their budget. A lab study with real monetary incentives shows support for de-escalation and supports a specific rule for how people set budgets - based on the breakeven of total costs and total benefits. The budgeting process suggests that people are only likely to escalate commitment when they fail to set a budget or when expenses are difficult to track. The later part of the paper organizes the previous literature on escalation around these processes and provides additional experiments to illustrate each point. For example, I argue that previous demonstrations that have shown errors of escalation exclusively involve "incidental" investments that are difficult to track. A study in the current paper shows that people are more willing to invest time than money to salvage a monetary sunk cost and more willing to invest money than time to salvage a sunk cost of time, even when the time and money investments are of equal value. The paper concludes by discussing the rationality of escalation and de-escalation.  相似文献   

Odors are strong elicitors of affect, and they play an important role in guiding human behavior, such as avoiding fire or spoiled food. However, little is known about how risky decision making changes when stimuli are olfactory. We investigated this question in an experimental study of risky decision making with unpleasant odors and monetary losses in a fully incentivized task with real outcomes. Odor and monetary decisions were matched so that monetary losses corresponded to the amount of money participants were willing to pay to avoid smelling an odor. Hierarchical Bayesian analyses using prospect theory show that participants were less sensitive to probabilities when gambling with odors than when gambling with money. These results highlight the importance of taking the sensory modality into account when studying risky decision making.  相似文献   

We investigated the extent to which a contingency management (CM) procedure that deducted money from a grand total available at the end of the study compared to a procedure in which money accumulated with continued abstinence from cigarette smoking. Results suggested that the procedure in which money increased contingent on abstinence resulted in a significantly greater likelihood of obtaining a clinically relevant (i.e., 48-hr) period of abstinence. In terms of attendance, participants in the condition in which monetary reinforcement accrued with consecutive instances of abstinence were significantly less likely to miss consecutive appointments than those in which money was deducted for failure to abstain.  相似文献   

以大学生为被试,采用3(金钱刺激:无金钱刺激、金钱奖励、金钱惩罚)×2(决策者角色:决策者、旁观者)的被试间实验设计,利用过程分离范式分别计算被试道德决策中的功利主义倾向和道义论倾向,从而探讨金钱刺激和决策者角色对个体道德决策的影响。结果发现:(1)无论是决策者还是旁观者,金钱刺激都不会影响其道义论倾向;(2)决策者的道义论倾向大于旁观者;(3)只在有金钱奖励时决策者的功利主义倾向才大于旁观者。  相似文献   

Two experiments tested participants' attributions for others' immoral behaviors when conducted for more versus less money. We hypothesized and found that observers would blame wrongdoers more when seeing a transgression enacted for little rather than a lot of money, and that this would be evident in observers' hand-washing behavior. Experiment 1 used a cognitive dissonance paradigm. Participants (N = 160) observed a confederate lie in exchange for either a relatively large or a small monetary payment. Participants blamed the liar more in the small (versus large) money condition. Participants (N = 184) in Experiment 2 saw images of someone knocking over another to obtain a small, medium, or large monetary sum. In the small (versus large) money condition, participants blamed the perpetrator (money) more. Hence, participants assigned less blame to moral wrong-doers, if the latter enacted their deed to obtain relatively large sums of money. Small amounts of money accentuate the immorality of others' transgressions.  相似文献   

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