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Tensions between modernism and postmodernism in psychoanalytic theory and practice are evident in the allegedly “postmodern” view of subjectivity as not unified but plural. Suggesting that a thoroughgoing postmodern clinical practice does not exist at present, I distinguish between U. S. and European models of the postmodern multiple subject and between modern and postmodern varieties of pluralism in the current psychoanalytic theorization of subjectivity in this country, proposing that all such pluralist theories are in fact mixed models. I argue that these theories do not reflect objective, essential traits of selfhood but are complexly shaped by the cultural presuppositions and intrapsychic needs of the analyst; hence attempts to theorize subjectivity with reference to science (including developmental schemas) are problematic. Because a thoroughgoing postmodern pluralism cannot accommodate such concepts as agency and authenticity or a coherent narrative of the treatment process, clinical psychoanalysis, at least at present, inevitably includes major elements of the modernist approach, in which subjectivity is seen as unified. At this time of paradigm shift between modernism and postmodernism, therefore, it is important that pluralists decenter from their theories and respect the continuing influence of modernism on psychoanalytic theory and practice.  相似文献   

This paper explores an open frontier between psychoanalysis and critical theory, the relations between subjective experience and collective history. Its drive is a concern with the question of freedom: How might contemporary psychoanalysis help us think about freedom? How could it, as a practice, help us to be free? On the theoretical level, the paper follows the critique of psychoanalysis offered by Foucault and Adorno, particularly the latter's close reading Ferenczi in Negative Dialectics and his notion of “the spell.” I employ their critique in order to articulate the dilemma psychoanalysis faces vis-à-vis the notion of freedom in social context. I argue that, unlike traditional psychoanalytic discourse, relational psychoanalysis can address this dilemma in a generative way. I find this prospect in the readiness of relational psychoanalysis to realize the potential inherent in the psychoanalytic setting: the creation of a mutually constituted intersubjective space. I tell the story of a young woman for whom love seems impossible, and of a psychoanalytic expedition that finds her ability to love being held hostage. I suggest that what appears in one register as gender and sexual trouble appears in another as a dilemma of attachments and loyalties: my patient's ability to love is spellbound, trapped in a subjective-collective no man's land between her desire to be for herself and the unconscious demands of collective heritage. I argue that for psychoanalysis to be a practice of freedom, it must address the ways in which subjective experience answers to social forces and collective history. I question in this context the relations between freedom, guilt, and responsibility. Re-engaging Adorno, I agree that selfhood may always involve a guilty betrayal of others but argue against him that we must allow this guilt to be reconciled with living. I suggest, in conclusion, that theory is the bearer of collective responsibility.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide potential consultants with a broad introduction to the learning, gestalt, systems, organizational, psychoanalytic, and chaos theories of consultation. The goal of this article is to demonstrate how the consultant can map each of these theories onto the consultation environment to produce a unique perspective that each theory alone cannot provide. Each theory is described as to how it views and frames the consultation problem and how interventions are then based on these frames. Additionally, each theory is examined as to its view of process difficulties and when termination is deemed appropriate.  相似文献   

The following is a discussion of the papers by Jill Salberg and Sue Grand on the topic of psychoanalytic termination. The discussion focuses on the idiosyncratic nature of the psychoanalytic relationship and the particular nature of its ending, some similarities between the end of analytic love and the loss of love in every day life, problems with analyst initiated terminations, and the transgressive nature of termination and analytic creativity. There is a discussion of the cases presented by each of the authors.  相似文献   

The history of the stormy love affair between psychoanalysts and literature is explored, with an emphasis on their basic affinity and on the animosity created by analysts’ reductionistic tendencies. Past studies of the dynamics of Robert Frost's emotional world and poetry are reviewed in this context. Ogden's sensitive reading of Frost's poems is portrayed as an example of the potentially mutual egalitarian encounter allowed by newer trends in psychoanalytic theory.  相似文献   

As a result of John Bowlby's breach with the British Psychoanalytic Society nearly forty years ago, his work, specifically the development of attachment theory, was until recently largely expunged from the psychoanalytic record. However, thanks to developments in both psychoanalytic and attachment theories, a rapprochement has been forged, and a number of scholars are now seeking to integrate these two complementary perspectives. In this paper, the fundamental premises of attachment theory are discussed in light of their relation to psychoanalytic theory. In addition, their application to the clinical situation in both adult and child treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

The concept of desire is potentially useful and underutilized for elucidating and understanding psychoanalytic material and informing psychoanalytic technique. It can be employed as a lens for viewing and clarifying diverse clinical phenomenon and other mental productions. One way of defining desire as a conceptual framework as applied to psychoanalytic theory is to refract it into three components: (1) love (emotional desire), (2) sex (physical desire), and (3) passion (other manifestations of desire). These different aspects of desire are manifest in and of themselves and as enhancements of one another. Focusing on each of them as manifest in the transference/countertransference relationship in analysis can facilitate a patient becoming more aware of psychological conflicts and working them through in analysis. This paper presents and discusses a case study in which these different aspects of desire are employed and analyzed.  相似文献   

The competing theories in the psychoanalytic marketplace today should be judged on their merits, not on the basis of the authority of whoever first proposed them. What is valid in each theory should be included in any formulation of a psychoanalytic theory of mental development and functioning. Since psychoanalysis, as part of psychology, is a branch of natural science, pluralism in theory is to be avoided in psychoanalysis as in every branch of science. The psychoanalytic method is a valid one of studying a particular aspect of brain functioning. The method and the theories based upon it are as "organic" as is the case with any of the other neurosciences. Any valid psychoanalytic theory of mental functioning and development should include the following conclusions: (1) Unconscious mental processes are omnipresent and of great importance in mental functioning; (2) Thoughts are as causally related to one another as are other events in the universe; (3) Mental functioning is a developmental phenomenon with describable, sequential features; and (4) A major role in mental functioning and development is played by conflicts over the sexual and aggressive wishes that characterize mental life during the period from three to six years of age, and by the compromise formations that result from those conflicts. The last of these conclusions, though disputed by many, is abundantly supported by evidence that is not dependent on the use of the psychoanalytic method, as well as by evidence furnished by the use of the psychoanalytic method. There is also much evidence to support the assertion that any psychoanalytic theory that attributes language-dependent thoughts to a child whose brain is not yet mature enough to be capable of language is to be considered invalid, as are any observations made by the psychoanalytic method (= clinical observations) that are influenced by such an invalid theory. In psychoanalysis, as in every other branch of science, an observer--no matter how astute and how experienced--who subscribes to an invalid theory will be led astray by that theory, sooner or later, in one way or another.  相似文献   

Is analysis still a cure of love? And is the analyst’s love and warm feelings for his patient a prerequisite for doing psychoanalysis? Trygve Braatøy addresses these complex matters in his book from 1954. The concept of love and its relation to sexuality is discussed, and how to understand love in the analytic setting. His points of view are compared with Freud’s and those of some second-generation analysts, his Norwegian colleagues and contemporary analysts, as well as modern writers. Braatøy defines himself as a true Freudian, but his clinical theory regarding love and countertransference has strong resemblances to Rank and Ferenczi and his followers, both in Europe and USA. Braatøy sums up that the therapist’s capacity to love and have a surplus of warmth ought to be the most prominent factor when selecting candidates for psychoanalytic training. Braatøy is a modern writer, with his ideas founded on clinical experience and intuition.  相似文献   

An overview of current explorations of the influence of gender on the psychoanalytic situation is presented. The topic does not lend itself to simple generalizations because the accumulated experience of several generations of psychoanalysts is now merging with newer views of psychoanalytic technique, while at the same time psychoanalytic theory is being influenced by changing ideological crosscurrents and by new knowledge regarding the similarities and differences in the development of both genders. Major issues still open are the relationship between gender and sexuality and between erotic desire and love; the challenges of the boundary of the psychoanalytic relationship as a facilitating and containing frame for the exploration of oedipal conflicts; and the related temptations, prohibitions, and derivatives of the erotic tension in the transference-countertransference.  相似文献   

An overview of the concept of leadership as it appears in social psychology, psychoanalytic theory and group psychotherapy is presented. In the absence of a generally accepted global view of leadership, social psychology has produced limited-domain theories with relevance to group practitioners. Following Freud's early contribution on the subject, psychoanalytic investigators have neglected the subject of group psychology, and with it of leadership, until very recently. Within group psychotherapy some promising research and theorizing have emerged, but there is a need to distinguish between the roles of group leader and group therapist in both theory and practice.This paper was presented at the 1979 Annual Conference of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society.  相似文献   

My discussion of Dr. Stern’s comparative paper (this issue) of Relational and Bionian perspectives focuses primarily on the difficulties in comparing two psychoanalytic clinical approaches. Each theory has its underlying assumptions, vocabulary, and sometimes idiosyncratic usages of the same term. Furthermore, when one individual trained in a particular perspective attempts to compare two theories, one of which he or she is steeped in, the comparison is always challenging. It is nearly impossible to ignore our own psychoanalytic training history which surely affects one’s views since we are often speaking different languages.  相似文献   

Psychoanalysts have long recognized the complex interaction between clinical data and formal psychoanalytic theories. While clinical data are often used to provide "evidence" for psychoanalytic paradigms, the theoretical model used by the analyst also structures what can and cannot be seen in the data. This delicate interaction between theory and clinical data can be seen in the history of interpretations of Freud's "Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-Year-Old Boy" ("Little Hans"). Freud's himself revised his reading of the case in 1926, after which a number of psychoanalysts--including Melanie Klein, Jacques Lacan, and John Bowlby--reinterpreted the case in the light of their particular models of the mind. These analysts each found "evidence" for their theoretical model within this classic case study, and in doing so they illuminated aspects of the case that had previously been obscured, while also revealing a great deal about the shifting preoccupations of psychoanalysis as a field.  相似文献   

This paper discusses two approaches to racism in the psychoanalytic literature—one based on Kleinian object-relations, and another based on Lacan’s theory of language as central to subjectivity. It is argued that the Kleinian method relies on drawing parallels between object-relations at the psychological level and social relations in the external world, and this limits its understanding to a narrow catalogue of psychoanalytic concepts. A Lacanian/post-Lacanian approach begins from the structure of cultural narratives and is more sensitive to social variations. Using examples from anthropology, it is argued that both theories are crucial for a robust analysis of racism.  相似文献   

Some of the most recent contributions to the theory of defense mechanisms are critically reviewed including theories of complex motivational properties of the ego (Schafer, 1968; Kris, 1984), a functional theory of defense (Brenner, 1982), an object-representational theory of defense (Kernberg, 1976), a "two-person" theory of defense (Modell, 1984) and a self-psychologically based theory of defense (Kohut, 1984). These recently proposed theories of defense mechanisms utilize differing levels of analytic observation and theoretical discourse. One of the major differences among theorists involves the variety of referents of defense mechanisms (i.e., what is being defended against) including impulse, drive derivative, object loss, or environmental failure. Another fundamental difference involves the variety of ways theorists regard the relation between internal homeostasis and the external world. Questions are raised about the recent tendency in psychoanalytic theory to develop or invoke different theories of defense to explain a broad range of clinical phenomena.  相似文献   

《Humanistic Psychologist》2013,41(3):243-261
Of all psychology concepts, perhaps none has a more lengthy history or engendered more controversy and ambiguity than that of the self. Indeed, the self has come to mean so many things that it hardly means anything at all. Consequently, there is currently no single theory integrating all the various meanings of the self concept. Therefore, the primary purpose of this paper is to develop an overarching metapsychology by which all aspects of the self can be understood. To accomplish this purpose, this article engages in a hermeneutic analysis of the self as it appears in cognitive behavior psychology, the psychoanalytic theories of ego and self psychology, and humanistic–existential theories of the self. In so doing, it is possible to identify two principle concepts by which the various aspects of the self can be compared and classified: the conflation frame, the collapsing of entity, intellect, and identity into a single rendering of the self; and the integral interface, the overriding theoretical framework within which each of these aspects of self can be appropriately differentiated and subsumed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of the analytic surface as a starting point for the interpretive process in relation to the theory of psychoanalytic technique. The history of the concept of the analytic surface within psychoanalysis is reviewed. Four different conceptualizations of analytic surfaces are described (M.M. Gill, P. Gray, A. Kris, E.A. Schwaber). The advantages of a "surface" approach are explored in relation to clinical work, the teaching of psychoanalytic technique, and opportunities for research. Some criticisms of the concept are explored.  相似文献   

This paper explores the therapeutic value of considering psychoanalytic diagnoses as co-constructions, and emphasizes two interrelated points: First, there are distinctions between medical, psychiatric, and psychoanalytic diagnoses, and similarly, a distinction may be drawn between diagnoses as nouns and the activity of diagnosing. Second, the author stresses that psychoanalytic diagnoses are theory bound. Various competing theories facilitate or interfere with the maintenance of an optimal analytic attitude. Some theories facilitate an analyst's urge to engage in the activity of diagnosing, which may reflect a destructive countertransference enactment. Analytic data in support of these premises is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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